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Vinnie & the Yunkathu

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A human is kidnapped and abused by a gang of savage orcs.
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"Yun! Ka! Thu!"

The first bellowing cries echoed through the trees of the forest outside of Vinnie's village. He was with a group of other young lads out scavenging wood and berries during a brief respite from harvest chores. Along with the other young men, his head snapped up and the sticks in his arms clattered to the leaf-covered forest floor.

"Yun! Ka! Thu!"

"Run!" someone shouted.

The small group of humans tore off back towards the village. Vinnie ran at the back of the pack, having strayed farther and deeper into the forest than any of them by a good 100 yards.

"Yun! Ka! Thu! Yun! Ka! Thu!"

Everyone knew what an orc raiding party sounded like. Nobody wanted to see it in person.


Vinnie changed a glance back over his shoulder and his heart sank to his feet. At least a dozen brutish, massive green-skinned orcs stomped through the trees, leather hides and animal skins adorning their scarred and muscular figures. Vinnie ran faster, gasping and heaving for breath as the sounds of the orcs crashing through the underbrush towards him came nearer and nearer. He tripped and fell as he approached the dirt road leading to the village, skidding across the dust and gravel on his chest, tearing his cotton tunic.

His fingers clawed at the dirt as he pushed himself up and tried to run, but veered towards the forest when several orc warriors appeared in front of him, between himself and the now closed gates of the town. He could see the silhouettes of the soldiers on the walls, but nobody else at the gate - they must have all made it in. Everything but him.

A huge green hand swept around from the side, covering his face and mouth. He screamed as the large fingers clamped around his eyes and nose. The filthy orc stink streaked across his lips as he struggled and squirmed, trying to twist out of the grip. He managed to slip away and coughed, hacking at the sweaty stench of the orc's rough-skinned hand. The young human tore into the forest with three of the massive brutes chasing after him. The rest stormed the town, but the villages guards put an end to the raid within minutes, sending the orcs scrambling back up the road followed by a hail of arrows and javelins.

Vinnie spotted a large tree that, years ago, was hit by lightning, splitting it open in the center. The human jumped inside and crouched, squeezing himself into the bottom with the accumulated dirt and leaves as he heard the heavy breathing and pounding footsteps of his pursuers come closer.

"Spread out," a deep voice rasped. "The human is here... I can smell him!"

Vinnie shrinked as close as he could down the trunk of the tree as footsteps approached. He could hear the sound of heavy breathing, coming every closer, almost on top of him, before it faded. Vinnie tried not to whimper with fear as he shook against the insides of the dead trunk.


A blast of hot air blew across Vinnie, reeking of unwashed teeth. The human gagged as a huge green hand dropped and grabbed his jerkin, dragging him out of the stump. His legs dangled in air as the nearly seven-foot-tall orc leered at him. The male was profoundly ugly, by human standards. A fat pair of lips stretched around four separate tusks jutting from his lower jaw, each thicker around at the base than Vinnie's thumb.

Dark green eyes stared at the squirming human as a vicious grin spread across the orc's yellowed teeth. A metal ring pierced one of the tusks and Vinnie winced as he got another blast of the orc's foul breath across his bare face.

"Ha! Humans cannot hide from the Yunkathu!"

The other orcs approached. "Soldiers are coming. Hurry!"

Vinnie was slim and slender, weighing hardly anything despite being just over six feet tall. He gasped as huge green fingers dug into his back and sides, squeezing him into the layers of leather and animal skins forming the orc's armor. He tried to turn his face away from the sweat-soaked and dirt-encrusted materials, but a huge hand wrapped around his head, the other around his thighs, holding him tightly against the curve of the huge orc's belly and pecs as he stomped through the forest away from the settlement.

For a moment, Vinnie could hear the sounds of other humans yelling and a clattering of swords, but the orc carrying him didn't stop running. Vinnie gagged as the beastial orc's unwashed stink wormed its way into his nostrils and brain until he was shoving with both hands ineffectively against the green stomach.

"Stop squirming, human!"

A large finger flicked at the side of Vinnie's head, the last thing he saw before losing consciousness.

Vinnie woke up on his side. He groaned and tried to stretch his arms, but they wouldn't move. Neither would his legs. Struggling to wake up, he realized he was tied up tight and laying on the dirt and grass floor inside a large tent-like structure made of wooden beams crudely speared into the ground. Dried animal skins layered across the beams, though there was a large hole in the center of the tent, directly above a fire pit almost eight feet across.

A few animal skins, rugs, and woven mats sat on the dirt around the fire. The tent was large inside, obviously some sort of communal area. Vinnie stared around, trying to see through the dark, smoky interior. Red and white charcoals kept the inside hot and humid, and the smoke from the burning green branches stung at his eyes as the smoke struggled to escape through the top of the tent. He could see red and black paint on the walls along with piles of gold, jewels, and other items raided from human settlements.

The only things missing from the tent were any orcs.

Vinnie struggled with the ropes, trying to get them undone, but no matter how hard he pulled, the tough, thick strands only dug into his wrists and ankles harder. He looked around for something sharp, anything at all, when his eyes fell on an old rusty dagger stuck into the dirt near the fire. Scooching like a caterpillar through the dirt and filthy rugs, he managed to get close enough to the large fire pit to turn his back to the dagger and press his wrists around either side of the pommel. He was able not to cut his own skin as he slid the rope against the steel, but it was dull and old. He clenched his teeth, eyes widening as he heard the sounds of shouting in the distance.

"Yun... Ka... Thu!"

It took a few more minutes, but the desperate human was able to cut through one strand of the rope, then another, until the old wrapping gave out and the rest cut through easily. With his ankles still tied up, he rolled over and dragged the knife out of the dirt, ignoring the spray of dust that hit his face when it finally came out. Turning over, he leaned forward and stretched his hands out, desperately slicing at the ropes keeping his ankles together.

"Yun... Ka... Thu!"

They were closer. And closer. Vinnie could hear their footfalls on the ground and whimpered as he sliced at the ropes, finally getting through the aged outer shell. Kicking his aching legs free and clutching the dagger in both hands, Vinnie hobbled towards the tent flap. There was no light shining through, which meant it was dark. Maybe he could lose them if he got out of the camp before they returned.

"Yun... Ka... Thu!"

Vinnie was at the tent flap when the last syllable bellowed directly into his face, covering his cheeks in spittle. He fell backwards as a huge orc leaned back and laughed, clutching at his fat stomach as the human stared up at him.

"He tried to escape!" the orc yelled over his shoulder. "A feisty human!"

The green-skinned monster turned back to Vinnie and smiled. Four large yellow tusks stretched from the orc's lower jaw, the two outside slightly smaller than the inside ones. The biggest was pierced with a large gold ring through a hole drilled into the enamel. More gold piercings hung from his lower lip, right brow, and both pointed ears, in addition to the huge bull-nose ring hanging from his enormous nostrils. Despite the size of the ring, Vinnie could see straight into the huge black caverns as the orc leaned down over him.

"No escaping for you, human! You belong to the Yunkathu now!"

"Yunkathu!" came the corresponding cry from outside the tent.

A huge green hand reached out and wrapped around Vinnie's face, obscuring his view as large fingers dug into his skull. Vinnie gripped at the large wrist, which was as thick as his own thigh, as the incredibly powerful arm dragged him along as though he weighed nothing at all.

Vinnie felt the heat of the fire and for a moment wondered if that was what the orc meant, but as the hand dragged him further along, he sagged with relief. Anything was better than burning alive.


Vinnie gasped when the hand flung him down across the dirt, onto a soiled rug crumbled in front of a large chair, the only real furniture in the whole tent. It was a throne, old and scratched, but at one point, in its original location, it would have looked incredible and regal. Now, with various animal skins and bones draping around it, the throne represented the savagery of the barbarous orcs.

The large orc that found Vinnie at the doorway wrapped something scratchy around the human's throat. Vinnie pulled it at as a large noose pulled tight around his skin, making him choke. The orc leaned back into his chair, belly wobbling as he made himself comfortable and spread his muscular arms and legs. One paw lazily pulled on the noose again, making Vinnie gasp and claw at the rope as he stumbled forward the four or five feet between himself and the orc.

The rope didn't slack until Vinnie's chest pressed between the much larger monster's thighs. The smell of musk, sweat, and animal skin made the human gag and he tried to pull away, only for the rope to squeeze around his throat once more. He had to lean forward, chest pressing against the lower part of the orc's round stomach. He could feel the bulge of something else under the animal skins braided into a rough loincloth draping over the orc's thighs.

Vinnie turned his head, looking back towards the front of the tent as a dozen or so muscular orcs of various heights and body types filed in. Some had hard, ripped bellies, others were fat like the one sitting on the throne. Some were short and wide, others taller and thinner, but each was easily a foot and a half taller than the shivering, frightened human. The orcs milled around and took seats around the fire pit. As the oldest and more scarred warriors sat near the throne, Vinnie guessed the arrangement was based on seniority.

The rope pulled again as the orcs laughed and talked, regaling each other with stories of battles and how many humans they'd killed. Vinnie grunted as the rope pulled him face down into the large orc's musky crotch. The human gagged again as the smell, though not entirely unpleasant, was too overwhelming for his body to handle. His eyes squeezed closed, tears rinsing the fumes from his eyes, as some shifted against his face through the animal skins.

He found out exactly what it was a moment later, when the fat orc leaned over to the side, laughing at a joke the orc sitting to the right said. His green-skinned hand reached down and ripped open the loincloth right from under Vinnie's face as the other hand pulled the rope down harder yet.

The huge length of musky orc shaft squeezed against his face and one eye, as well as his entire mouth. Vinnie struggled, tried to pull away, but the orc's grip tightened and pulled the rope sharply. Vinnie had to hold still as his fingers scrabbled at his neck, trying to pull it open as his face turned red.

The green length throbbed against Vinnie's torn scraps of what used to be a shirt. Fingers grabbed at his backside, pulling the scraps away until he was left bare from the waist up. The fat green monster stretched further as the rope pulled his face down into the dark green crotch. The human groaned as the musk and sweat ground into his nostrils and mouth with every gasping, snorting breath. The orc's fat, warm shaft stretched down his neck and batted against his torso, against his smooth chest.

"The human likes you, Gark!"

Loud laughter and jeers at the human's expense echoed through the tent. Vinnie blushed, turning bright red, even as the orc chief's hand grabbed his head again and pulled his face away from the nasty smelling thighs.

"Humans are only good for one thing," Gark said, his voice booming through the tent as his warriors watched with greed and lust in their eyes. "Sucking orc cock!"

The powerful hand shoved Vinnie down against the stalk. The orc's other hand grabbed his shaft at the base, guiding the fat length to the human's lips.

"Open up, human! Har har!"

More laughter as Vinnie gagged on the fat shaft. It was big, even flaccid, and was only getting bigger. Gark grunted as his fingers shoved down, forcing Vinnie's mouth to stretch around the hot crown of the foul tasting length. Sweat, musk, and dried cum flaked onto the human's tongue as the thickness stretched his cheeks and pushed to the back of his throat.

"Fargar! Tell us a story!" Gark said, grinning as he shoved the squirming, groaning, gagging human down harder.

An older orc seated second to the right of the chief stood up and stretched his arms wide.

"Yunkathu! Hear me!" he said. "Tonight, I tell you the story of Gark!"

Cheers rang out as the orc chief grinned all the wider, lips stretching around his wide tusks. His hand rested on top of Vinnie's head, forcing the human down over his cock as it stretched and hardened and flexed into the back of the smaller male's mouth.

"Gark was once a lone orc, without a tribe or family," Fargar said, reciting the words slowly and with great importance. "And yet now he is the chief of the Yunkathu, the most powerful orc tribe for a thousand leagues!"

Vinnie couldn't hear much. The squishing and squelching of the fat green cock pumping into his mouth made his blood rush into his ears. He tried to swallow, but the wide shaft pumped hard, forcing his throat open and gagging him all the more until spittle and pre-cum ran out of his nostrils. His red face pressed down into the orc chief's dirty crotch, soaking up the sweat and seed accumulating between his thighs, leaving his whole face covered in a bright sheen.

Some of the orcs tossed more wood on the fire. Vinnie groaned around the fat stalk plunging into his throat, loud enough for Gark to squeeze his head painfully.

"Shut up, human!" the chief hissed. "You make too much noise!"

To solve the problem, the orc chief's hand shoved harder. Vinnie's throat bulged as the fat length speared into him, filling and distending his neck painfully. It was impossible to make a noise and hard to get more than a sniff of a breath as the fat maleness thrust in hard, over and over, as the thumping in his ears drowned out Fargar's tale.

The chief grinned as he leaned back and lifted a leg. Vinnie felt the huge, fat length drape around the back of his head as the huge male crossed his legs. It forced his head down to the base of the massive cock, which flexed far enough down his throat by now to pump thick pre-cum straight into his belly. Vinnie battered his hands against the orc chief's thighs, but the huge male simply leaned back and ignored him. The human glanced up, eyes watering from the stink and pain.

Gark didn't seem to notice him at all. The orc chief grinned and laughed, fat pecs wiggling and jiggling beneath his jewelry and necklaces. The huge cock in his mouth throbbed as the orc chief's nostrils flared. Gark grunted and stuck a finger into the right nostril, digging around as he continued to listen to Fargar's story. Vinnie closed his eyes, shivering violently as the orc chief's finger descended towards him. Vinnie could see the huge glob of green on the end and tried to pull away, but Gark's legs pinned him in place. The huge finger stroked through his hair, leaving a trail of slime and snot. Gark grinned as he laughed at another good part of Fargar's story - the part where he tricked another orc chief and sliced him in half in front of his warriors - before digging around in his other nostril.

Vinnie gagged, choking as ropes of pre-cum pumped into his mouth. The finger came down again, this time casually sliding across his face. Vinnie squeezed his eyes shut as he felt the warm blob hang off his cheek. Gark leaned back and kept digging, emerging once in a while with a choice emerald that he wiped off on the human's body between his thighs.

The orc chief's legs spread. Vinnie got one breath of stale, orc-scented air before both of the chief's hands dug in around his head and neck, shoving him down violently, forcing his throat to open around the massive cock again and again, until the huge fingers dug in tight and shoved him down, holding his face into the musky crotch. The urethra bulged against his tongue and lips as his whole jaw stretched, achingly wide around the massive length.

Gark grunted. A moment later, thick streams of foul orc cum splattered the human's throat. His eyes glazed over as white seed splurted from his lips and back around the orc's shaft, drizzling over the huge nuts and into the floor below. Vinnie sagged, unable to move, as the huge shaft bucked into his throat, pumping his belly full of the orc's potent, musky load. Gark, through it all, just clenched his fingers, eyes locked on the storyteller, completely oblivious to his own orgasm or the human's frantic squirming and moaning.

When the fingers finally did release, it was only to clap for the story as Fargar finished telling the tale of Gark's ascension to power. Vinnie pulled off, throat burning, as more gouts of thick jizz splattered over his face and ran down his chest, making a mess of his smooth, pale skin.

Gark spared him a haughty glance and grunted.

"Humans. Pathetic."

A massive, stinky foot lifted and shoved at his cum-covered chest, sending Vinnie rolling head over heels towards the fire. He yelped as the hot stones sizzled against his backside and squirmed away, only for the orc sitting directly to the chief's left to grab him.

Once again, huge hands wrapped around the human's face and dragged him forward and down. Vinnie's fingers dug into a fresh pair of thighs as a massive orc cock drilled between his lips, stretching his jaw and throat in equal measure. He squealed, gasping and wriggling, but the orc was simply too powerful, and soon his nose ground into the male's hard belly as over a foot of fat orc stalk plunged his throat.

Another story told, another cumshot pumped down the groaning human's throat. His mind blanked as the huge hands shoved him up and down, roughly using and abusing his wet, warm mouth and throat, until fat globs of orc cum once more pulsed across his tongue and filled his belly - what didn't squirt out of his nose and run down his messy, cum-covered face.

The orc, once finished, thrust him away, passing him down the line to the left, where two eager warriors pulled him between them. Vinnie's squeals were muffled by the orc's cock stuffed in his throat, but he wriggled desperately as he felt the other shaft prod against his large, round ass. Huge fingers groped at him, ripping away his pants, leaving him naked, before the fat green tip thrust hard against his hole. The two orcs double-teamed him with ease, hardly paying him any attention as Fargar's next story captured their attention. The one behind him grunted as he pumped forward, forcing his cock to stretch and fill Vinnie's large, round ass as his fingers dug into the human's flesh. Within minutes, the massive orc was leaning over, busily fucking away, driving his length to the hilt in the squealing human, whose throat was similarly filled by the orc in front.

Suspended in air by the twin monsters, Vinnie could only clutch at the orc's thighs and kick his legs as the one behind thrust in harder, viciuosly pounding at his sensitive rump until the human's cock was hard and throbbing and leaking. The orcs didn't pay him any attention as they thrust against him, focused entirely on Fargar - until they came.


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