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Virginity Auction

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A young man auctions off his most precious asset.
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Virginity Auction

"How much?" I asked incredulously as James sat across from me, chowing through his salad.

"Ten grand." He answered between bites. "At least that's what Brian in shipping said."

"Ten grand to get fucked in the ass. Seriously? And he actually went through with it?" I sat, barely touching my food as James recounted the story to me. James and I had been friends since middle school and both started at the same, small manufacturing company right after high school. He was the kind of guy that had no problems making friends and he always seemed to know everyone and all their crazy stories.

"Dunno. He only told me about the place. Some weird warehouse down in the garment district. Word is they'll pay you big bucks to get fucked if you're a virgin. Crazy, huh? Dunno about you, I wouldn't do it for even a million. I'm no faggot." James said with a laugh as he wiped his mouth and leaned back in his chair.

"Oh. Yeah. A million. At least." I agreed, standing as we finished lunch and headed back to work.

I absolutely couldn't concentrate as the day rolled on, my mind continuously drifting back to the conversation with James. Ten thousand dollars? Damn, that was a lot of money. And god knows I could use it. Rent was coming due, car payment, was way more expensive ever since I moved out of my parent's house.

I stared blankly at my computer monitor for a long moment before I finally tapped into the company directory and looked for Brian in shipping. My fingers tapped nervously on the keys before I finally banged out a message:

"Hey Brian,

This is Dylan over in accounts receivable. Hey man, James was telling me this crazy story at lunch and I just had to follow up with you. Something about a warehouse and an auction? Sounds interesting, let me know."

I sent the email over and drummed my fingers on the desk, quickly jumping up to get a cup of water. When I returned, there was a message from Brian waiting for me.

"256 Humbolt Rd. Don't do it. You've been warned." It said.

I furrowed my brow and shook my head at the screen. Don't do it? What did that mean. I mulled over the email for the rest of the day until finally clocking out. I sat in my car for a long while, rubbing my chin for a moment before glancing at myself in the rear view mirror of my aging car. Hmm. Why not? What would it hurt just to drive by? I started my car and headed away from the office.

A few minutes later I had arrived in the bowels of the commercial district, my eyes scanning the addresses against the building's facade. Here we are. 256 Humbolt Rd. Didn't look that special to me, just your average, run of the mill office complex. I parked in front of the building and noted a few cars still in the lot. I shrugged, unbuckled my belt and cautiously wandered towards the door.


The lobby of 256 Humbolt Rd. was remarkably well furnished. Too well furnished for your typical office building. Big, tufted couches lined the walls, red curtains hung in front of the windows, large television monitors set up throughout. It was quite a sight.

I approached the vacant front desk and leaned on the counter for a moment before noticing the small bell that sat at the far end. Slightly apprehensive, I rang the bell, waiting for...I don't know what. I didn't wait long. Only a few seconds had passed before a slender man in a suit pressed through a set of curtains and approached me.

"Good evening." He said, softly. "Are you here to bid?" He asked, quirking a slender brow above a light blue eye.

"Bid?" I asked, clearing my throat. "Oh, uh, no, I guess. I dunno. A friend told me about this place. Said something about an auction...and...lots of money?" I glanced around the room, nervously, suddenly I felt a bit on edge about the entire scenario.

"Oh?" The man said, a slight grin crossing his lips. "Then you're 'selling' is that it?" He asked, his eyes trailing up the length of my slender frame.

"Uh. Yeah. I guess so. I was just hoping to get a bit of information, I guess."

"Well," the man began. "we run a very unique establishment. Simply put, young and, ah...pure individuals," he continued, emphasis on the word 'pure', "come to our establishment and our exclusive clientele bid for that individual's companionship. You're compensated and we take a small percentage of the fee to fund our ongoing operations."

In a single, smooth motion, the man set a clipboard on the counter. A fat stack of papers sat on top.

"If you're interested in applying, I'm sure I could fast track your application to the top of the pile." The man chuckled, wetting his lips as I glanced over the paperwork.

"Uh. You know. Maybe. Maybe I am. My friend said he made quite a bit here. How, uh, much do you think I could make if I was interested?"

The man quickly removed himself from behind the desk and approached me, circling me for a moment and a finger pressed to his lips.

"You're 5'9"? Roughly 155 pounds, yes? Naturally smooth below your neck? How old?" He asked. My cheeks flushed as the man assessed me.

"Yeah, I'm 20." I answered, my spine stiffening.

"Hmm, you look younger." The man nodded thoughtfully. "And you're certain you're a virgin? Hmm? Part of our vetting process requires you to take a polygraph test. A lie detector, that is. You'd pass that test?"

I cleared my throat, my face burning red as I nodded. "Y-yeah. I'm a virgin." I admitted.

The man backed away and leaned against the counter, crossing his arms. "$50,000 is what I would approximate your worth."

My eyes bulged as I swayed in the lobby. "Fifty...fifty THOUSAND dollars?!" I asked, my hand nervously running through my sandy, blonde hair.

"Yes, $50,000, give or take. You've the look of a younger man, you're quite lean though you've a suitably thick ass, naturally smooth. You're precisely the type of individual our clients rave about. I would expect quite the bidding war over you."

Shocked, I shook my head, the possibilities unfolding in my mind. Fifty thousand dollars! That's more than I made in a year! I'd have to be stupid to pass this up! All I had to do was endure a few minutes of awkwardness and I'd be made! I glanced back to the man.

"Okay. Sign me up."


Three days later my 'auction date' had arrived. Prior to the big night, I had endured a number of application interviews. A lie detector test like the man at the desk had mentioned and a physical including some blood work. I shifted uncomfortably in my car seat as I pulled back up to 256 Humbolt Dr., my stomach in knots as I exited my car and walked into the building.

The familiar man greeted me at the desk and smiled.

"Ah, you're early. Can't wait to lose your virginity, hmm?" He asked with a teasing grin.

"Uh, no, I'm just here for the money..." I muttered, crossing my arms and breaking eye contact.

"Of course you are." The man agreed as he motioned me behind the curtain and into a small waiting room. "There's only one other task required before we can begin bidding'll need to undergo a colonic. Wait here, a technician will be with your shortly."

A colonic? Damn, I guess this is the real deal, huh? No sooner had I sat down on the table than a young, attractive woman entered the room. Dressed in a set of dark scrubs, she quickly glanced up from her clipboard and motioned for me to stand.

"Hi, I'm Brenda, I'll be issuing you your colonic this evening. Please go ahead and take your clothes off for me."

I hopped off the table and swayed nervously for a moment, rubbing my chin as the woman began to prepare. She glanced over her shoulder and raised an eyebrow.

"Please, take your clothes off," she repeated. "Bidding begins in two hours and we'll need all the time we have to get your prepared."

I nodded and exhaled, shrugging off my shirt and then my pants, my hands shaking slightly.

"Sorry," I said. "I'm just a bit nervous, I guess."

The woman nodded and moved towards me, quickly and unceremoniously yanking my briefs off my thighs and completely exposing me.

"I understand." She said, flatly. Her motions and attitude extremely clinical and precise. "I'd offer you a drink but according to your chart you're not old enough yet. Lay down on the table, please."

Brenda was all business and her cold demeanor made me even more nervous. This wasn't my first time naked in front of a woman, of course, but for some reason this felt different. It was almost as if she didn't even see me as a man. I sighed again and climbed on the table, laying on my side as Brenda slapped on a rubber glove.

The next hour was a somewhat uncomfortable experience and I spent the majority of the time gripping the side of the table as Brenda gave me the colonic. Once it was over, she flipped me over onto my back and slathered my legs with thick, scented shaving cream. With a practiced hand, she shaved my legs of what little hair I had, her fingers shifting focus to my balls once she had finished.

I blushed as she shaved my scrotum and the base of my penis, my cock stiffening slightly under her touch. Brenda didn't seem to notice, or care. She inspected me for a moment before finally pulling a few items from a box at the far end of the table.

"What's all that?" I asked, eyes darting to her hands.

"These are leg garters." She explained as she slid a pair of white, frilly garters up my now smooth legs to the tops of my thighs. "White garters indicate you've been inspected, interviewed and are, in fact, a virgin."

I glanced down and frowned. The two garters looked just like something you'd see a groom remove from his bride at a wedding. Before I could ask another question, Brenda quickly fastened a satin choker around my neck, a small ring dangling from the front.

"Once you've been auctioned off, your new owner will place a tag on your collar here."

"Whoa, wait, new owner? What? Tag? Hang on, this isn't really what I..."

She cut me a hard glance, frowning. "You DID read the contract you signed, didn't you?" She spat.

I swallowed hard. "Uhm. Y-yeah. Of course." I lied. Okay, so maybe I hadn't read every word of the contract, who does?

She rolled her eyes and continued, pulling a bright pink ribbon from the box. She bent down and looped the smooth ribbon under my balls and tied it in a neat bow just above my cock.

"Turn around." She said, pushing my shoulder as I move. Her firm hand gripped my wrists as she pulled my arms behind my back, quickly lashing them together with a set of black zip ties.

"There." She stated, giving me one more glance before calling out the door. "Alright, Mr. Perkins. He's ready."

The familiar man re-entered the room and smiled, my face beat red as he looked me up and down.

"My, what an excellent candidate we have tonight, don't we Brenda? I have no doubt he'll fetch a tidy sum." The man said, apprasingly.

Brenda nodded, a bored look on her face as she removed the gloves from her hands. "Oh yeah. He's got a really tight little asshole on him too. I'm sure he'll bring in a decent amount."

Clearing my throat I swayed nervously. Here I was, completely naked save for some garters, a choker, a ribbon and some zip ties, my heart pounding in my chest as Perkins approached me.

"Hey, so uh, I'm having some second thoughts about this. Seriously, I didn't realize it was going to be anything this, uh, elaborate."

"Oh, nonsense." Perkins chuckled. "You're just getting the jitters. Think of all the money you stand to make! You'll be flush before you know it! Won't he, Brenda?"

Brenda shrugged as she walked towards the door. "Yeah, I guess so. Good luck, faggot." She hissed at me as she exited.

Faggot?! I thought. What the hell? That was uncalled for. I'm not a faggot...this is for the money!

I was suddenly jolted back to reality when I felt a cold pinch on the head of my cock. I looked down to see Perkins gripping my dickhead between his slender thumb and forefinger.

"Oh, don't mind her, she's just bitter no one wants to bid on HER." He laughed, tugging on my dick like a tiny leash as he led me out of the exam room and down the hall.

I struggled to keep up, having to walk on my tip toes as the taller Perkins practically dragged me through the facility by the tip of my penis. He led me down several dark corridors before finally arriving at a large, closed door.

"Here we are. Isn't it exciting?" Perkins asked, massaging the head of my prick as he whispered in my ear. "I'm certain you'll break records tonight, won't you? Good luck!"


Before I could muster a retort, Perkins shoved me through the door into a dimly lit room, my eyes narrowing as I struggled to peer through the darkness. Although almost completely dark, I could make out the general layout of the circular room. In front of me stood a small stage with some kind of padded bench situated in the center. Surrounding the stage, various levels extended up the sides of the walls like some kind of circular movie theater. I could see movement in the seats, muttered voices conversing in the darkness as my heart pounded in my chest like a jackhammer. This was so much more than I could have ever imagined...

A bright light suddenly cut the darkness and a spotlight aimed at my hairless, naked body. The surrounding voices slowly went quiet as a familiar voice crackled over a loud speaker.

"Please step onto the stage." Perkins' voice demanded. Trembling, I made my way towards the center of the room, stepping onto the small platform. Hands tied behind my back, I shifted my weight as the bow tied around my crotch tugged my balls.

"Gentlemen," Perkins began. "Tonight we have a premium offering for you to bid on. Please say hello to Dylan, 20 years old, sandy blond hair, green eyes, fair complexion, 5'9", 155 pounds and completely hairless from the neck down. He has been thoroughly vetted, inspected and interviewed and we 100% guarantee his complete anal virginity. According to his polygraph results, this will be Dylan's first sexual contact with another man."

There was a brief pause as I slowly glanced around the room, my legs crossing subconsciously as I struggled to conceal my bare, hairless dick.

"Shall we open the bids at $25,000?" Perkins asked over the loud speaker. Suddenly, a small green light lit up to my right.

"Excellent, we have an opening bid. Do I hear $30,000?" Another green light flashed across the room.

I swallowed hard again as I looked around. Was this really happening? There had to be a way out of this, right? I mean, was I really going to go through with this? I noticed another green light and heard the voice over the speaker.

"$40,000 is the current bid, do I hear $45,000?"

Another green light.

"$45,000. Do I hear $50,000? $55,000?" Green lights continued to flash as my head swam, the amount climbing higher and higher as the speaker rattled in my ear. Another green light flashed.

"That's $75,000, a new establishment record! Do we have any additional bids?"

My mouth hung open wide as the number finally made sense in my head. Seventy-five THOUSAND dollars? My nerves waned slightly as Perkins continued to count down.

"$75,000. Going once. Going twice. Sold to bidder 25, congratulations!" A wave of hushed applause echoed around the room as another spotlight clicked on, illuminating the large padded bench in the middle of the room.

"Dylan, if you'd please, bend over the end of the bench." My gaze snapped to the chair as I took a step back.

"Huh? What? You mean right here and now?" I asked, panicked. Naturally, I had assumed this 'deflowering'...would take place in private.

"Yes, Dylan. Please bend over."

Nervously, I approached the bench. It looked a bit like a saw horse with a black, padded top with heavy straps attached to each leg towards the bottom and tops.

A wave of delirium washed over me and I felt dizzy and hot, my chest pounding as I took a step away from the strange bench.

"H-hey, I don't know if I can do this." I squeaked. Suddenly a large, hot hand dropped to my shoulder. My spine went stiff as I slowly rotated to see a monster of a man behind me. He was easily a six inches taller than me and much, much older. Sixty, at least. He was bald with a large double chin and a fat beer belly that slung down over his thick legs. Most shocking of all, he was completely naked.

"It's too late for that." The man grinned, turning me around to face him as he dangled a small, silver tag in front of my eyes that read: Property of Daddy Charles. With a quick hand, he attached the tag to my choker and took a step towards me, running his thick fingers through my hair as I tried to back pedal away.

"L-look man, hey, I'm really having some second thoughts about this, can't we talk about it some mor-hurggh!" I grunted as the man backed me into the bench, pressing his large belly into my chest and pinning me. I could feel the pulsing head of his hardening cock brushing against my bare stomach as he trailed a fat finger over my lips.

"Like I said, it's too late for that, baby. Money is being moved as we speak...and Daddy paid a lot for your sweet asshole. Understand?"

I squirmed beneath his big belly but before I could argue the much larger man gripped me hard by the upper arm and turned me, bending me over the saw-horse like bench. The bench was taller than I was and as the large man named Charles bent me over I had to stretch onto my tip toes to keep my feet on the floor.

With a quick hand, Charles wrapped the nylon strips around my ankles, strapping me firmly to the bench, his thick fingers trailing up the back of my hamstrings until he reached the white garters on my upper thighs. He gave each garter a little tug, letting the snap against my hamstrings as I heard him chuckle.

"Little white garters. For a little white virgin. How cute."

I squirmed as I felt his hot hands trail up the back of my legs and to my bare ass cheeks, his fingers spreading me apart as I struggled in vain to move away.

"Seriously! I-I don't think I want to do this anymore, can we stop, please?" I begged, my face pressed into the black padding of the bench as I tried to free my arms from behind my back. Perkins' voice crackled through the PA system.

"Now, now, Dylan. I'm sure you read the fine print of your agreement with our establishment, yes? Once a bid for your virginity has been placed the only way out is through the opt-out clause where-in you will be required to pay a fee of $20,000. Do you have $20,000, Dylan?"

Holy shit, $20,000?! My head was swimming as Daddy Charles large hands continued to kneed my buttocks, his thumbs diving deeper and deeper between my ass crack with each squeeze until I could finally feel his warm digit teasing my asshole.

I shuddered and shook my head. "Twenty thousand?! No-no, I don't have that! I-I-I..." Stammering, Charles slid his hands up my back and through my hair, his fat belly resting on my ass and his hardening cock pressed against my balls. I tried to raise away from his fat dick, my toes barely touching the ground now.

"Shh. Accept it, boy. Daddy's going to take your asshole here and now. You can either relax and enjoy it like I know you will, or you can struggle and squirm while I pound your boy pussy. Your choice." He slid the tip of his dick head up and over my balls, teasing my taint with his dick before finally sliding his cock between my ass cheeks where it rested for a moment.

A flash of light caught my eye and that's when I saw the television monitors set up around the room, each screen a different angle of my slim body bent over the saw horse with the large, naked brute standing behind me. Stunned, I looked away, down at the floor, my mouth gaping as I noticed a monitor also embedded directly beneath the bench for 'my benefit.'

The monitor was focused directly on my puckered asshole, Charles' big, hairy dick laid right on top of it. My eyes went wide as I came to a realization: that fat cock was going to fuck my asshole and there was nothing I could do about it.


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