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Virtual Lovers

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Two women meet online in a virtual game and fall in love.
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You're going to read this and think I'm an idiot, or something like it; a silly girl, a total wacko. I know you will. I think so too.

It was the pandemic thing; it really affected me. And yes, I know it affected you, too.

I've been divorced several years and I'm raising two girls; one finishing high school, and starting college next year - fortunately, at a local school so she'll be living at home and commuting. The other daughter is two years behind her sister. And I also had too much time on my hands during the covid crisis. Couldn't go out; restaurants, taverns and clubs weren't safe. No dating - not that I did that much before covid-19. But still, I couldn't visit with friends or even family for fear of maybe infecting them. It really sucked!

So, I spent a lot of my spare time (when not working from home) watching Netflix, and, on my computer; my tablet mostly. I found some game apps I liked, and one in particular; you played against real people. You didn't really see them, just an avatar, but there was a real live person some place out there that you were interacting with. You could even "chat" with them; you know, send a short text message as you took turns playing the game. They usually didn't have real names, but at least you could tell guys from girls since their avatars were gender specific.

After months of isolation, that modicum of "socializing" was like a breath of fresh air. It really lifted my spirits.

I'd been playing the game for several weeks, getting matched with random opponents. I was honing my game skills and moving up to higher achievement levels. One day I was matched with a woman; well, she had a female avatar. I said "hello"; she said "hi" back and told me her name was Jess (I assumed short for Jessica). We chatted about the game and then she wrote something like, "you have a cute butt". It struck me at the time as a bit odd - all the female avatars have the same body shapes - and granted, their asses are cute. But, it also intrigued me. So I thanked her and wrote back to her that she had a cute ass too, with an "LOL" tacked on at the end, hoping she'd get the joke (because all the female avatars look alike).

Well, the game soon ended - random matched games are all short. So, I sent a "friend request" so we could invite each other to play again, and play longer games. Jess eventually accepted my friend request and we hooked up for a longer game shortly, thereafter.

When the game started, I wrote "Hi Jess". She was flattered I remembered her name. We exchanged pleasantries, and played for a while, when I wrote "you have a cute ass"; just being silly, since she'd said it to me the first time we played. I half expected her to "bale" on me (i.e., forfeit and leave the game). Instead, she wrote, "ouuh, you remember".

I don't have the exact dialogue exchange between us because all the chat dialogue is lost when each game ends, but, it went something like this:

Me: you told me the same ... first time we played

Jess: well you do and I really love your boobs too. (recall, all the avatars look the same)

Me: thx yours are nice too

Jess: I bet they're really soft

Me: ah well yes

Jess: I'd love to hold them ... give them a squeeze ... do you have really sensitive nipples?

Me: geez ... ah, well, yes they usually are

Jess: and I really wish I could hug you and give those luscious ass cheeks of yours a really big squeeze

By then, it had dawned on me that she was coming on to me. Now, you should understand, it's not like I've never been with another girl; I had a bit of a fling with a girl in college. Oh, and there's Karen, my masseuse ... but that's another story. So, I essentially think of myself as hetero (remember: once married, two kids). Too many times I'd been hit on by guys in the game and usually texted "F off"' or something similar to them. But, if I thought about it, there's no reason why a woman wouldn't express her interest in another woman, if that's where she's at.

And, there was certainly something about Jess that was getting to me.

Truth? She was turning me on. But, the weirdest part; I knew in one sense she wasn't real, just an avatar, a fantasy in a fantasy world. Except there was the knowledge that there was a real live person somewhere out there who was getting to me. More truth? I had my hand down my panties while we played that game and chatted our sexy chat.

I won't bore you with all the actual chat dialogue (which can't be retrieved anyway), but it went on in that fashion; and, it kept getting steamier.

We talked about holding each other, kissing, even tongue kisses. Then the chat escalated to her kissing my nipples, making them hard. Oddly, I found myself reciprocating by describing how I'd run my tongue down her belly and over her mound. She'd respond by telling me how it gave her goosebumps when I did that to her (but of course, I wasn't really doing anything to her). She would describe going down on me; licking my clit, inserting her fingers inside me and finger fucking me while her tongue flicked over my engorged clit. And, that, combined with my fingers actually furiously rubbing myself, gave me a glorious orgasm. The first of many with Jess.

And do you want to hear the weirdest part? When I rubbed myself off to a delightful orgasm during that exchange, I told her I had done it. Jess admitted that she too had her fingers inserted inside her pussy and had been rubbing her clit furiously as we chatted. She also had climaxed.

From that day on, we were hooked on each other. We became obsessed with each other. We had to play at least daily; often, two or more times. Our descriptions of how we would pleasure each other became hotter and more explicit with each game we played.

I'm not sure when the first time the word 'love' was used; other than something like "oh I love your fingers in my cunt". Maybe it was during an orgasm; "oh Jess, god it's so good, keep fucking me baby, oh Jess I love you so much". Or maybe she said it first in a similar context. But it was said; and it was felt, at least by me - I can't be in her head and know for certain, but I think she felt it too.

We continued having "virtual sex" I guess is what you'd call it. And frequently after we'd each had our orgasms in our respective venues, we'd virtually cuddle (I know, it sounds weird). We would be coming down from our orgasmic highs by telling each other how we were holding each other, giving soft sweet kisses, gently stroking the other; every bit the way we'd have done it had we actually been together.

It was after our virtual sex and climaxes when words often became inadequate. When I struggled to tell her how I was feeling for her. How my heart was bursting. It was hard because we knew it couldn't be real. We lived thousands of miles away from each other. She couldn't even get into the country because of covid travel bans; nor I, into her country.

And then there's my girls. Before the pandemic, they were often conspiring to set up dates for me. Or, installing dating apps on my tablet and setting up the profiles for me; then bugging me to use them. So, I tried to explain to Jess via the game app how they had no clue that their mother was into women. I wasn't sure how they would take it if they found out. Nor, did I have a clue how I could break it to them. At best, I thought they'd be shocked and hurt. At worst, well, I just didn't know. It scared me.

So our "affair" had to remain virtual.

And, it's gone on that way for a very long while. Over two years. With vaccines readily available now and enough people having taken them, there are only a few hot spots left in the country. People can travel again without fear.

So, we met for the first time face to face a few weeks ago. She flew down for the weekend; and, I booked a hotel room at a nice downtown hotel. The girls were still in the dark about Jess, so their aunt stayed with them while I was supposedly on a business 'retreat' for the weekend. My sister doesn't know about Jess either. So complicated!

I packed a bag for the weekend, hugged the kids and my sister and threw my stuff in the back of my SUV.

"Now, sis, this is a business thing so don't let the girls call my cell unless it's an emergency. I'll try to call when there are breaks, probably in the evenings. It's only two days." I explained.

Then I climbed into my car and I drove off to my romantic tryst.

I arrived at the hotel several hours before Jess was to arrive. I was so nervous. My butterflies had butterflies. I couldn't even think of eating; I'd brought wine for us and opened a bottle to try and settle my frazzled nerves. Then, I sent a text with my room number so she wouldn't have to inquire at the desk when she arrived.

I took a shower and dressed. I took extra time with my make-up, I wanted to look really nice for Jess. I couldn't decide what do with my shoulder length black hair; put up, or leave it down. In the end, I put it in a pony tail like my avatar in the game.

I brought my black wrap dress, it had a plunging neckline and was easy to take off; just pull two strings. Underneath, I wore a sexy black lace teddy with garter straps to hold up my sheer black stockings. The teddy had a built in bra that gave me a lot of cleavage. I'm a D cup anyway, so I usually have quite a bit showing. Last, a spritz of perfume between my breasts; a jasmine scent, my favorite. Last, I put on my black four inch "fuck me" heels, don't know why, I wasn't planning on leaving the room.

Then, I nervously waited. I sipped some wine; not too much, I didn't want to be smashed when Jess arrived.

Eventually, I heard a tapping at my door. I got up, did a quick check in the mirror. I didn't look bad for a girl in her mid forties. At medium height my working out in my home gym, meant that my weight and figure were excellent for a girl my age. And I knew Jess would love my green eyes; she'd said green eyes were her favorite when we'd described ourselves online. After my brief self inspection; I opened the door.

"Hi, babe ... ah ... come in," I stammered nervously.

I knew instantly it was her. She'd said she had red hair and, wow, did she ever. It was marvelously red. She was a little taller than me; a couple inches at most, and she had a nice figure too. I knew she also worked from our many virtual conversations.

My eyes took her in as she entered the hotel room; she looked amazing. It was sort of like when you hear a person on the radio, maybe you've heard them for years doing a news broadcast, but you've never seen their face. And then, one day when you do see them - maybe they're being interviewed on TV or something - they're never as you've pictured them in your mind from only hearing their voice. It was like that with Jess. She looked beautiful, but different than I'd imagined her for so long. It was kind of an odd feeling, but I was still overjoyed to finally meet her and actually see her.

We hugged right away; I didn't even give her a chance to get her heavy coat off.

"Oh god, it's so good to actually see you after all this time!" I said. And then I kissed her before she even had a chance to speak.

"I've been dying to do that for two years babe," I told her.

"Oh Joan, me too," she said, then she kissed me; this time there was a lot more passion on both our parts.

It was like the first kiss was "hello" and the second kiss was "let's fuck!"

As our mouths hungrily feasted on each other's lips, I pushed her coat back off her shoulders and it fell to the floor. My fingers fumbled with the buttons of her blouse. Gradually, one by one, the damn things came undone; and still, we kissed, our tongues twisting and exploring the other's mouth. Unbuttoned finally, l pushed Jess's blouse back over her shoulders. A beautiful lacy red bra was underneath covering very luscious and ample breasts.

Meanwhile, Jess was trying to figure out how to undo my dress. I broke off the long kiss.

"Oh, here, just pull these strings," I said, and gave them a pull. Jess helped me out of the dress, which ended up on the floor with her coat and blouse.

"Oh Joan, you're so sexy" she said as she took in my lace teddy. "Let me look at you."

"I wore this sexy teddy just for you, I remembered you told me how garters and stockings turn you on," I said. She smiled, then unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor.

"And I wore this for the same reason," she told me, as my gaze settled on her red lace garter belt and matching lace thong panties and sheer red stockings.

We stood and smiled at each other.

"Jess, for two years we've had what I've been calling virtual sex. Tonight, I want to love you; to make gentle sweet love to you ... with the real you."

I stepped up to her and took her in my arms. I kissed her; a slow sensuous loving kiss. It was also hot and sexy with tongues dancing in each other's mouths; with sharing each other's breath. Our hands stroked and roved over the other's body; only for real. We revelled in the other's actuality; marveled in the tactile, the real warmth radiating from our bodies, touching actual flesh, marvelous flesh. We soaked each other up after two years of dreaming of the other.

I kissed her eyelids and felt her eyelashes tickle my lips as I had imagined so many times before. She nibbled my earlobe and I actually felt it. She sent real electric shocks through my body; not pretend. Two years spent dreaming, pretending, describing with letters and words our feelings; so inadequate. So lacking when finally presented with the real woman I'd fallen in love with; without seeing, without touching, without hearing or smelling or tasting. In a way it felt unreal; because we'd put up with the unreal for so long.

So we did all the things we'd been dreaming of doing for so long. We fondled breasts, tweaked nipples, and sucked them. We slowly and sensually undressed each other; lay side by side on the bed and just smiled at each other. We ran fingertips over arms, down thighs, around nipples, over mounds, in belly buttons; all the things we'd dreamt about doing.

And yes, we licked pussies, inserted fingers, employed vibrators and dildos and we each had more mind blowing orgasms than we could keep track of.

Eventually spent, we lay together, arms and legs entwined.

"I love you Jess".

"I love you Joan".

"I know." I said.

"Me too."

"You're crying." I told her.

"I know. We only have two days."

"Look at it another way, we have two days. Two days more than we've had in two years."

Which brought a little smile to Jess's face. I kissed the tears from her face.

"I want to take you to Galveston and ride a rollercoaster out over the ocean; and laugh and giggle and scream with you as it dips and twists and turns. I want to go to Kemah and rent a boat for a few hours and take you sailing; smell the salt air with you, see you lying on deck in a bikini. We have two days Jess; compared to the last two years of loving you in a fantasy, two days of reality is an eternity. I just want to love you for real; for two days or whatever time we have. Then, we'll go from there."

Thinking my little speech would make Jess happier, it made her cry even more.

"Oh Joan, I love you so much and I'm so happy I'm actually here with you. I'm sorry I'm crying; they're happy tears." She said with sniffles.

I wrapped my arms around her and we lay there and embraced one another.

I finally said,"Okay, time to get our butt's in gear. Lots to see and do. But first we need a shower; you stink of sex, bitch!"

"You do too, bitch!"

I pulled Jess up from the bed and dragged her to the bathroom. I turned on the water and was pleasantly surprised to find it was instantly hot.

"Come on stinky, let's wash you." I told Jess and pulled her into the shower with me.

As I was unwrapping the miniature bar of soap - found only in hotels around the world - I felt her nibbling the back of my neck. It sent electric shocks down my spine and giving me familiar tingly sensations between my legs. Then, from behind me, she reached around and took the soap from my hands. She lathered up her hands then cupped my breasts and got them all soapy; and got me all excited again. Her hands gently rubbed and squeezed them; her fingers pinched nipples that had become hard and erect, while I moaned with delight.

I put my hands over hers and squeezed them tight against my body; guiding them, urging them on. I pulled her hands down to my tummy; her finger tip played in my bellybutton. Her left hand returned to my breast, but her soapy right hand slide down over my mound and cupped it momentarily before moving lower. I felt her finger tip inch lower until a flash of heat and electricity spread instantly throughout my body as her finger came into contact with my engorged clit.

I screamed, "Oh fuck Jess!"

My knees nearly gave way, but Jess had one arm around me still grasping my tits; so she held me up as my body trembled.

My hands reached up and grabbed Jess's head, my fingers tangling in her red hair. I held on to her for dear life as her finger tormented my ultra sensitive clit.

My body started writhing, tensing, and twisting, but Jess held on; I went rigid, and soon I was experiencing another mind warping orgasm. I cried out her name, shouting my love for her and hoped my cries were, at least partially, drowned out by the noise of the shower; lest we be expelled from the hotel for disturbing the peace.

When I came back down from my orgasmic high, Jess pulled my head around and kissed me so lovingly; so tenderly.

"I still need to wash your pussy babe." She whispered, then nibbled on my neck.

"If you do, it'll probably kill me." I responded. Jess started laughing hysterically.

"I can just imagine the headlines 'Naked woman's body discovered in a hotel shower ... Redheaded lover held on charges of murder by ecstasy'." Jess eventually managed to say while still laughing. Then, we both laughed hysterically, with tears of laughter eventually rolling down both our faces.

"Oh god, that's so funny." I giggled. Then, I fell to my knees and buried my face in Jess's pussy.

"Die bitch!" I shouted, as I playfully began to lick her cunt.

But, playful turned serious quickly as I returned the favor and brought Jess to an equally mind blowing climax. As she came, she slid down the side of the shower. We sat there, warm water splashing over us, hugging, kissing and loving, until we were both prunes.

"We really should get going," I eventually said. We kissed, helped each other up on wobbly legs, and got out of the shower.

We dried each other; used the hotel's hair dryer and then dressed.

"Did you bring a bikini to wear under your clothes?"

"I know you said bring a bathing suit, all I have is a one piece." Jess said, and held up a plain dull, what I call 'old lady', one piece suit.

"Babe that will never do. Here try this on." I told her as I tossed a bright yellow rather skimpy bikini across the bed to her.

"It's a little too small for me. No offence, babe, but your boobs aren't as big as mine, so l think it will be perfect on you." And it was.

I packed a tote bag with water bottles, snacks and heavy duty sun screen; mandatory in the southern Texas sun. Even in winter you can burn on a sunny day.

We started in Kemah with a sailboat rental and spent a couple hours on Galveston Bay taking in the salt air. Jess looked stunning in the little yellow bikini. There wasn't much wind so it was a fairly calm sail. When the boat did heel a bit as some gusts came up, Jess was rather nervous. Said she didn't like the boat 'tipping'. Which is a common complaint from novice sailors.

Next, we drove down to Galveston's Pleasure Pier - a small amusement park built on pilings out over the Gulf of Mexico. Riding a roller coaster is thrilling; riding a coaster two hundred yards out in the Gulf is, well ... you have to experience it. Of course, riding a coaster while hugging and kissing and slipping your hands underneath the skirt of your lover is just that much more thrilling! We had fun.


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