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Visiting Emma Watson Pt. 02

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In Emma's country cottage, we're joined by Emilia Clarke.
18.1k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 12/13/2022
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After the call I had with Emma, and the agreement that we needed to see each other and that that could be achieved by me flying to England, things moved quickly. Very quickly. As in, I was booking a flight later that day to leave the next evening.

We also stayed on the phone much longer than usual, hammering out the details. Which in this case meant that we were sitting there, unpacking everything that Emma had said while she watched the video, and translating that into exactly what she wanted to do.

This was when I first got the sense that Emma was a little...backed up. It had indeed been a long time since she had been to the Lodge, and missing the giant return party was weighing heavily on her mind, but even so, I had never before seen her this...particular.

"So when you said you wanted me to tie you up..." I asked Emma, referring to when she had watched me pinning Ana De Armas's hands behind her back while proneboning her.

"Yeah?" Emma asked back.

I neglected to recap the part where she said she also wanted me to "fuck her until she screamed" because I assumed that was said in a moment of passion.

"What were you hoping for?"

Emma laid it out. She didn't want to be just tied up, she wanted something more intricate. I told her I'd be happy to oblige. I'd tied up plenty of the Lodge's guests in the past. Some just wanted their hands bound, or to be attached to the bed, but others liked the long, drawn out tease that came from wrapping a rope around their body inch by inch, coil by coil, until they could barely move and were left at the mercy of whoever was there. Emma wanted *that*. Done.

Next up was how she was practically drooling at the sight of me fucking Ana on the video. I'd never heard her be so vocal about watching me before. Usually Anya was the encouraging one who got off to the sight, but watching the video opened my eyes to what Emma wanted. And yep, what she wanted was to watch, up close, as I completely railed another girl. *Then* she would join in.

While I thought fast and started talking through who I could call on short notice to travel with me to England, Emma simply shrugged and then asked,

"Why don't you just call someone else who lives here? As in, this continent?"

That "duh" hit me like a ton of bricks. There were numerous guests to the Lodge that lived full-time in England. Those that came to visit or stay when they had your traditional Hollywood obligations call them to Los Angeles. Movie premieres, award shows, press junkets, all that crap. Once they were finished with that, they would zip their way north and find themselves here. But once they were back home, they were all but out of reach. But if I was going to them...

I thought quickly about who would be perfect. My mind had a few brief flashes of possibilities. Natalie Dormer had previously played the role of 'girl I fuck in front of another girl'. Maisie Williams had been an enthusiastic third in the past, but frankly I didn't know what her deal was these days (seeing Sophie Turner appear at the Lodge without her was enough to make me think there was a rift, but I never followed up because Maisie was doing her own thing and not responding to Lodge-related texts, and I'm never about to chase any of the guests if they don't want it).

Nope. There was only one choice. One obvious choice. Which Emma wholeheartedly agreed with.

Emilia Clarke. *The* Queen. As much as I missed Emma and everything about her, Emilia was something special. Sometimes I see that smile when I close my eyes. And of course, she was perfect for what Emma wanted. Emilia had bossed girls around during group sex in the past, as well as been the one who hogged all my attention while another girl simply sat and stared. I also knew about her enthusiasm for...presentation, which I was beginning to feel Emma was really wanting in this. Naturally, when I called Emilia and explained what was happening, she was beaming. I could *hear* that smile over the phone.

And shortly after that very important aspect was finalized, I was off. The timing was unfortunate on my part, as the flight left California at what was 6pm my time, and with the length of the flight and the time difference, that meant I arrived at about 12pm GMT. I slept on the plane what amount I could, but even if you can manage that you're still thrown off when you arrive. International travel is taxing.

But of course I had my objective in my mind the entire time, so that kept me motivated. Once I landed, I rented a car, adapted to driving on the wrong side of the road, and then plugged in the address Emma gave me. I was taken north, driving away from the cities and into the lush English countryside. The drive to [undisclosed location] took some time, but at least there was some pleasant scenery on the way. I was tired from the flight, and my body clock was completely off, but again, I knew what was waiting for me.

The final stretch of tiny, country road led me through a vibrant green countryside, where I didn't see another car the entire time. As I kept going, things got more picturesque. Rolling hills and lush stretches of forest appeared, and the world seemed to take on something like you would see in a children's book. After turning off that road and driving down a tiny path, I saw a tiny cottage that was almost exactly that.

I recognized it from the picture Emma had sent. Behind a row of hedges and past a gate that was left open, there sat a small, brick cottage with a stone roof. The front walls were overgrown with ivy, the door was made of seemingly ancient wood, and the windows all had cutesy white curtains that were slid open to let the sunlight in. One might expect something grand or enormous for Emma to have as a vacation home, and perhaps she did, but it seemed sometimes she just wanted to be somewhere quiet. And this was seemingly that.

As I parked and got out of the car, I couldn't hear anything for miles. In a way, it reminded me of the Lodge. Middle of nowhere, private, away from the big city. I had to laugh to myself at how I was basically doing the same thing that all the Lodge guests did. The tables had turned in a wonderful way.

I wandered forward, looking up at the house and over the roof to the enormous thicket of woods behind it. Then the front door opened, snapping my attention and immediately forcing me to focus. There stood Emma, holding a teacup in both hands and looking as nonchalant as any wife or girlfriend who might have been waiting for me to come home from work. She was wearing a blue sundress that went down to her knees, and that was seemingly it. Her feet were bare, she had on no jewelry or accessories, and her hair was hanging down freely.

I stood on the stone path leading to the front door, and smiled as I saw her. Emma smirked, and then beckoned me inside with one finger. She didn't wait for me, and the way she turned around whipped the skirt of her dress up just the tiniest amount. For one brief instance, I got a glimpse of the backs of Emma's thighs, and honestly that was enough to almost drive me into a frenzy right then and there.

Following quickly, I stepped through the threshold into the cottage, and closed the wooden door behind me. Emma was waiting, strolling through an area that was halfway between the one room that made up both the kitchen and the living area. She set down the teacup on a small, round table in the kitchen, and then turned to me. Her fingers tapped along a wooden kitchen chair as she continued to look as nonchalant as possible.

"How does it feel to be a guest in someone else's house for a change?" Emma asked, an amused little smirk on her face.

"It's obviously nerve wracking. It's like, what do I do? Where do I go? What am I not allowed to touch?"I answered.

"You can touch whatever you want," Emma said, her expression shifting slightly.

"Oh, good," I said as I took a step closer.

Emma caught herself, and laughed quietly.

"Oh...I...well, yeah," Emma said with a smile.

"Glad that rule has been established," I said as I closed in, putting one hand on Emma's hip.

"I've never really had guests here before, so I suppose I should be generous," Emma said, looking off into the distance like she was narrating.

"Yeah, you should be," I said as my other hand went around her waist, and I started to grab the material of her dress, balling it up in both hands.

"Mhm..." Emma said, trying to stifle the grin on her face.

"And in return, I'll try to be the best guest I can be," I said, reaching further down with one hand and getting it underneath Emma's dress.

My hand felt the warm, welcoming skin of Emma's ass, prompting me to immediately move it down further until I had as much of it in my grasp as possible. But the hell of it was, I didn't think I could get the entire thing in my hand. Not like I used to. I ran my hand in a gentle circle, feeling up and down and getting the scale of it. Not a doubt in my mind, Emma's ass had gotten the tiniest bit bigger since I had seen her last, and frankly that was awesome.

"A good guest wouldn't tease like this," Emma said, amused at my complete distraction at her ass.

"I'm just trying to ease into it, so I don't go insane on you..." I said, my other hand joining the first on Emma's ass.

Emma leaned back from how we were pressed together, and shot me a stern, serious look.

"That's literally why I brought you up here though," Emma said, slightly aghast.

I let out a quick breath of relief as I rolled my eyes, and then looked at Emma directly.

"Thank god."

With that, one of my hands lifted back up from Emma's ass, and slid along her cheek until it was behind her head. Then, I tipped it towards me as I leaned in, and our lips came together in a suddenly urgent way. I locked mine directly on Emma's, but as soon as one kiss was over she was starting another, this time with an abundance of her tongue going into my mouth. I returned the gesture, and the two of us all but began fighting for who would get the pleasure of actually putting their tongue in the other's mouth.

Meanwhile, my hands started moving again, and this time they were moving fast. I continued to grope Emma's ass with one hand, but also went down even lower to touch the back of her thighs. Emma was so perfectly smooth, but also perfectly sturdy. Her legs were truly 10/10, the loveliest combination of fit and dainty that was hard to believe actually existed. As I lifted one of her legs and half wrapped it around my waist, Emma started breathing harder into my mouth.

My other hand dropped from her face, groping down her chest and touching her tits through her dress. The shoulders of the dress itself were thin enough that I was able to simply slide one of them to the side, and that took it down far enough to both let me see Emma's amazing decolletage, but to also tease her tits with some cleavage. My lips moved from Emma's mouth to her neck, and then down onto her collarbone, but that was as far as I got.

Emma grabbed the top of my shirt with both hands and wrenched us to the side. We went from next to the kitchen table, to right up against it, violently knocking into it and causing it to scrape several inches across the floor. Emma's hands moved quickly, grabbing the opening of my shirt collar and then pulling it open with a surprisingly forceful pull. I lost at least one button, but two more took the hint and popped open themselves. With that much of my chest exposed, Emma leaned in and began to kiss it with a lush, breathy want.

Who knew what she would've done if she had been allowed to continue, but my mind took over and reminded me that I had *just* started tasting Emma's skin, and why the fuck would I stop now?

I raised Emma back up, kissed her on the mouth one more time, and then forcefully turned her around. My arms wrapped around her, forcing her to press against me, and then I began to grope her more directly. One arm held her in place while the other grabbed at her tits through her dress. Then, as I spotted the one button holding the back of her dress in place, I popped it, loosening the top and allowing me to pull even more of her dress down in the front. Emma gasped and looked down at herself as the shoulders of her dress fell to reveal her tits, and both of them immediately went into my hands.

As my fingers went for her nipples and began to feel them getting harder, Emma attempted to reach behind herself. Her fingers touched my thighs, and then blindly moved backwards to the waistband of my pants where they fumbled to try to get my belt open. She failed, because I was first to act instead. After kissing her neck and aggressively grabbing her tits one more time, I shifted my hands to her hips and spun us both around. Emma was pressed up against the kitchen table, letting out a sharp gasp as she hit it and clapped both her hands on it. Then, she let out a louder gasp as I took her by the shoulders and bent her over the top of it.

I could see Emma's fit back rising and falling as she panted, attempting to look back at me. As I slid down to my knees, I let my hands run down her sides, and then brought them back to her thighs. One swift motion pushed Emma's dress up over her hips, and this time it stayed there. I had to take a moment to admire it, because as I suspected before, Emma's ass was definitely bigger than the last time I saw it. My mouth started to water as I was completely ready to throw my face into it, but then I recalled I'd never done that with Emma before.

"Give it time," I thought to myself.

Instead, I eased her forward and parted her thighs a bit more, and then pushed my face forward and up to get at her pussy. There was a beat where my tongue first touched it, and I felt Emma sink even flatter into the table than before, as if she were melting into it.

"Ohgod-yes!" Emma cried out with a needy, wanting tone.

I let my tongue go wild, sliding up and down her pussy and forcefully pressing forward to slip into it. Emma's perfect lips were soaked, and as soon as I got my tongue moving I could taste how wet she already was. I slipped my tongue forward, aiming for her clit while my face pressed against her harder. My hands stayed locked on her ass, enjoying the feeling of it and putting thoughts in my head of what it would look like to fuck her from behind. I almost pulled my cock out right then and there just to jerk it at the thought.

"Yesss...right theeere..." Emma moaned again.

I kept licking with a rapid, forceful push. Emma's legs were tense in front of me, and I could feel her ass and thighs flexing as she went up onto her toes, trying to give me a better angle to eat her pussy. As she continued to moan, I let my tongue wag against her clit, and sucked my lips against her pussy. But all the while I just wanted to shift upward and get my tongue on her asshole while that newly thick ass clasped around it.

Emma moaned sharply as she pushed herself upward on the table. Before I could object, Emma had swung one leg over my head, and was now facing me. I moved forward again to keep eating her pussy, but Emma caught my face and pulled me upward. I stood, and this time Emma's hands went to my belt with expert precision. She had it open in no time, and then continued on to undo my pants, reach in, and pull out my cock. In the time it took her to sit back on the table, raise her legs, and lift her dress up and out of the way again, Emma had stroked my cock until it was fully hard.

There was no slowing down at that point. Emma pulled my cock toward her with one hand, and roughly grabbed my shoulder with the other. I moved forward a step, pressing up against Emma as she sat back on the table and raised her legs. It was a perfect moment of me not realizing what was happening until it did, as Emma pulled my cock into her pussy, and then wrapped her legs up and around my waist. The tip split her open perfectly, practically pulled in from how wet and welcoming Emma's pussy had made itself. I sank in inch after inch until I was fully inside, and yet Emma's legs kept squeezing me to try to get more.

"Ohmygod..." Emma frantically moaned as her hands moved.

She grabbed me by the shirt again and pulled me back into her. As I started to thrust, Emma brought my lips to her own and began a needy, desperate kiss. She held it even as she began to let out whimpering, high-pitched moans with each motion my cock made to fill her up, like it was simultaneously too much and not enough. Her hands pulled at my shirt again, getting it fully open this time as Emma pulled back. She raked her hand down my chest, staring at it until her head leaned back, and she moaned much louder than before.

"Oh my god right there..."

Emma released her legs from around me, and instead spread them open wide. All I could do was stare down, taking in the sight of her thighs as they led my gaze to where my cock was disappearing into her pussy again and again. Emma's pussy was so perfect, tightly wrapping around my cock even as it dripped out her wet with every thrust. And her legs, so perfectly shaped as they hung in the air, her skin so smooth and inviting. I needed them closer, so I grabbed her by the thighs and tucked her legs closer to me. Emma's ankles ended up on my shoulders as I gripped her thighs and began ramming my cock into her again, using her entire lower half as leverage.

"YES! YES!" Emma cried out.

Her hands slapped down onto the wood of the table, and then reached out until each one found the edge. Emma gripped it tightly, keeping herself in place even as my thrusts began to shake the table back and forth. While my fingers dug into her thighs, my mouth turned to her calves that were almost clenching my face. I moaned myself as I started to kiss the smooth, warm skin of her leg, and Emma suddenly clenched her legs together.

"HARDER!" Emma whined.

She had not only forced her thighs together, but was flexing her pussy as tightly as possible. An entirely new sensation took over as I continued to pound her, as this time I was now fighting both groups of muscles to get inside her as deeply as possible. It wasn't enough to slow me down, but it made every thrust feel even more intense. The beginning of each one squeezing the tip of my cock like I'd be unable to get in, only for me to split her open and feel the pressure grab my shaft instead. Every thrust was like that, and I went as fast as I was before.

Emma moaned with every thrust, holding onto the table as tightly as she could with her hands, and hooking her feet behind my head. I could feel her shift slightly along with the table as my hips rammed into her, shoving my cock all the way in as the impact shook her body.

"OHHH-OHHH-OHHMYGOD-AHHH!" Emma cried out.

Her head went backward for a moment as I felt Emma tense up even further. Then, she lifted her head off the table, flexing her stomach to raise herself up. We locked eyes as Emma's mouth dropped open, and she was silent for a second. I knew the expression in her face, and what it signaled. I was proven right as Emma flopped back down onto the table, and an orgasm began to race through her body. She began to cry out even louder than before as her legs tensed again. I wrapped my arms around her thighs fully in order to keep her in place. That lock was needed, because Emma's hands released the table and went to her head, clutching it as she cried out.

When the orgasm was finished, Emma released my head from between her ankles, and then spread her legs again. I slowed down, no longer pounding her but instead slowly sliding my cock back and forth. Emma gave a few quiet 'coming down' moans as she brought her hand to her clit and began to slowly rub it. When we looked at each other again, Emma's eyes had an exasperated, but pleased look to them. She opened her mouth to breathe a little faster, and put her tongue to her top lip as she sighed heavily.

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