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Visiting My Soon-to-be Step-Brother Ch. 03

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Zach and I plan to hang out again.
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 07/02/2023
Created 03/16/2022
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The following week I felt lighter on my feet. Not only was I glad to have made friends with Zach, but I also felt much less shame about my body.

I found myself not worrying about stupid things like covering up in the bathroom on my floor. After my morning shower on Monday I stood at the sink completely naked, brushing my teeth with the towel around my shoulders.

A guy a few rooms down from me came in and seemed surprised. Come to think of it, I can't remember seeing a single schlong on display in the bathroom, despite there certainly being plenty of traffic. Everyone did the towel-dance.

I felt this weird sense of confidence, however. Why should I be ashamed of or hide my body? I just spent half of the last weekend with every inch of it exposed, and by the end I felt pretty good about it.

Thinking about Zach's slight pecs and muscles kept me occupied during my biochem lecture. I felt myself painting their proportions with my mind's eye. And of course walking between buildings I couldn't help but imagine his and Isaiah's cocks.

I kept going back and forth on whose I liked better. Isaiah was truly gargantuan, but I couldn't deny Zach's was gorgeous. The shape of it was just perfect for the size. Plus, it just felt more real to me. Isaiah seemed almost cartoonishly endowed, like he exceeds what's considered reasonable from a penis. Zach's was large, but not so much so that I couldn't imagine it in my mouth.

I also tried to stop shaming myself for thinking like this. While I was genuinely glad to be more brotherly with Zach, there was a large part of me that wanted to suck his dick. I just hoped these two thoughts didn't get in the way of each other.

I texted him on Tuesday; "Hey man, thanks again for having me over on Fri! I had a lot of fun"

"Sure thing bro, I'm really glad we got to hang! Can't wait to do it again. I'm free again this Fri actually."

"Awesome, I don't have anything going on. I'll be there, same time?"


So it was scheduled. Even the ease of planning an evening with Zach surprised me. I guess being naked with someone makes the more mundane aspects of friendship easier.

Having Friday planned didn't help me to stop fantasizing throughout the week. In fact, I started thinking of what could happen between the two of us beyond simply remembering his body. For some reason I imagined me kneeling down to pick something up from the floor in front of him, and him grabbing my head and shoving his dick down my throat...

Though, he didn't seem like that at all. And wouldn't that be rape, anyway? I guess if I didn't want it, and especially if he knew I didn't want it.

But what if he knew I wanted it? What if he knew a huge part of me wanted to feel his thick cock on my tongue, down my throat... everything.

I hope it tastes and feels as good as I imagine it. I've never sucked someone's dick before.

But then again... Fuck, I could feel myself getting carried away. He's my brother, for all intents and purposes. He's definitely a friend, albeit a new one. And he's just a nudist, that doesn't mean he wants me to suck his dick. I need to stop imagining it.

Though--he did say he was a bit of a slut.

I don't know. All I know for sure is that I really enjoyed hanging out with him, and I couldn't wait for Friday.

I decided I should do something about my pubes before they were on display again. I never really gave any thought to them before, but they suddenly seemed very bushy when I was naked around Zach and Isaiah. I bought a cheap trimmer from Walmart and went to town. I only nicked myself twice, which I decided to consider a success.

When Friday finally arrived I somehow felt even more nervous than I did last week. I decided to jerk off before heading over, hoping my dick wouldn't be so eager to get hard at the casual nudity. I took a quick shower then drove over.

I knocked on the door with familiar butterflies in my stomach. Zach answered the door quickly.

"Hey! Good to see you, man. Welcome back!" He was very much naked already.

"Hey, um, ha, uhm, good to see you too!"

"Shit, you're uncomfortable, I should have worn clothes--sorry."

"No! Haha, no," I said. "Sorry, no. I just wasn't expecting you to answer the door in the buff, is all. Aren't you worried about neighbors seeing you?"

"No," he said simply.

"Alrighty then," I laughed as he invited me in. "I guess I should--Um?"

"Sure, if you want to. We were pretty comfortable naked last time, so long as you're still cool with it."

"Yeah!" I said and started to disrobe. I didn't know what I was expecting, but seeing him naked already got me a little chubbed. I just ignored it as he put my clothes on a nearby table.

Once I was thoroughly naked he went in for a hug. "It's really good to see you man."

"Yeah! I really enjoyed last weekend, I'm glad we get to do it again!" He still didn't shy away from hugs--he embraced me tightly, causing our dicks to press up against each other.

"Something smells good," I said.

"I'm making chili! And cornbread too."

"From scratch, I assume?"

"You got it!" he said.

"You're really enthusiastic about cooking, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess so. I just enjoy being able to make things. I like tweaking the ingredients, making it my own. Plus I really enjoy getting to feed folks!" he said with a smile. "It's satisfying to me to have friends enjoy the things I make for them."

"Well I certainly appreciate it! Chili sounds amazing, thank you!"

"No problem, man." At that he looked me up and down, noticing my diminished pubes. "You trimmed!"

"Hm? Oh, yeah, I did," I replied. "I had a bit of a surge of confidence this week and thought I'd clean them up a bit," I refrained from saying 'for your benefit.'

"Nice! Not bad for your first time,"

"Tha--Wait. How do you know it was my first time?"

"Oh. Ha, sorry. It's just, you usually want to shave the balls too when you trim your pubes," he said. "Not leave them, um. Wild, haha."

"Oh." I said, embarrassed. "Guess I didn't think about that,"

"No worries!" he said. "Here, let me help!"


"Let me help you," He said more deliberately. "They're tricky to do, especially if you've never done them before."

Was he seriously offering to shave my fucking balls for me?

"Um, I can do it myself." My dick started to twitch.

"Hmm, looks like you've already nicked yourself with the trimmer there, bro. And your balls are even more sensitive. I don't want you to hurt yourself."

"So... you want to do it for me?"

"Sure, why not?"

My dick was starting to swell in earnest now.

"Erm, I guess," I replied. "Though I'll probably get, um..."

"Don't sweat it," he said, cutting off my concern. "C'mon." He went into the bathroom and I reluctantly followed.

He grabbed some shaving cream and a disposable razor from under the sink. He then sat on the toilet seat lid and looked at me expectantly.

"C'mon, I won't hurt you," he said and gestured to the space in front of him.

Jerking off before arriving clearly didn't work as well as I intended. I was almost fully erect already. He ignored it.

"Alright, so you want a decent amount of shaving cream or gel," he said as he dispensed some into his hand. He then rubbed his hands together and reached towards my junk.

His touch was electric. I wasn't expecting it all to happen so fast, it was only like twenty seconds ago he offered to help, and suddenly his hands were rubbing my balls. Fuck, it felt amazing. His hands were soft--really soft. He gently caressed my balls to get all the gel coated evenly over them. He reached behind my balls and grabbed them softly to get the gel to coat close to my taint. My heart started beating harder. Not faster, per se, but harder. I could feel my pulse in my jugular as I felt my dick immediately stiffen completely.

"Jeez man, I haven't even picked up the razor yet. You can breathe, you know."

I exhaled and tried to relax my body.

"That's better. Your balls are easier to handle if you're not holding your breath, you know." He looked up at me. "You alright?" he said with concern.

I gave a weak "Mm-hmm" as I tried to focus on not letting my dick throb any more than it was.

"Alright. Again, I promise I'm not going to hurt you. I can see why you didn't do them before if you get so scared."

I certainly wasn't going to tell him it wasn't fear of the razor that had me in this state. I knew he was care-free, but I was amazed that he was totally fine with touching my balls like this so casually, as if he was just spraying me with sun-block.

"Alright, so ideally you'd use a better razor than this, but it just means we have to be extra gentle. Always do really soft strokes," he said as he touched the razorhead to the side of my balls near the base of my shaft. He gently brought the razor down as he said "And always try to go down, or with the grain. You don't want anything to snag."

I had my eyes closed, but I could feel my dick throbbing. Fuck, I could just imagine his face inches from my throbbing cock and I couldn't do anything about it. I felt too much shame to open my eyes and see it for myself.

"Your balls fill your sack pretty well," he said.

"What?!" I cried in bewilderment. I opened my eyes and looked down. His face was indeed mere inches from the tip of my cock, pointing straight out towards him. He didn't seem to be paying it much attention, though, instead focusing on gently shaving my sack.

"Well, sometimes I have to pull my sack skin to get it to be taunt. Your balls are pretty big though, and I'm not really having to do that."

"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" I started the question with a normal tone of voice, but by the end of it I sounded very weak and distracted. I had looked down and noticed he was hard himself.

Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. This was already bizarre and sexy and weird and I don't even know what else. But he was also hard? What the fuck. I didn't know how to handle this, but my dick throbbed some more.

"If you want it to be a compliment, haha!"

I tried to take a moment to breathe, but it all felt too weird.

"I'm sorry!" I blurted out. I couldn't stop myself, the weirdness of the whole thing got to be too much.

"For what?" He looked up at me, razor in hand, my dick covering part of his cheek from my perspective.

I glanced down at my cock.

"Dude. We've got dicks. Pensises. Cocks. They're dumb, they have a mind of their own. Don't sweat it. They can't tell the difference between work and play." His own dick was pointing up at a forty-five degree angle. He might have even winked at me at the last comment. I don't know, I was far too flustered.

"Ok," I said and closed my eyes again, trying to center myself.

He reapplied the shaving gel, caressing my balls ever more gently. The razor didn't feel bad at all, but my body reacted most to his touch. He cupped my balls with his left hand and shaved underneath them with his right. Every touch he gave felt like a gift. Sexual or not, he was giving my balls so much attention. He was treating them nicely, gently. More gently than I would, even. It felt nicer than I could have imagined, if I would have even dreamed of such a thing...

He switched to focusing on the other side of them, and the whole process began again. Each little swipe of the razorhead was deliberate and gentle. He wiped excess gel off with the towel, careful not to be too rough.

I guess my balls did feel somewhat full in his hands. His hands weren't small, but they seemed to be just barely big enough to hold my sack comfortably. Each time he gently tugged I felt my dick throb an extra time.

He suddenly grabbed the base of my shaft with his fingers. I inhaled sharply and looked down to see him as focused as ever, this time on my dick.

"What are you doing?" I almost whispered it.

"I have to get all the hair at the base of the shaft," he said in a normal tone.

Part of me was screaming to finally take the razor from him. Another part wanted him to use a lot more than his hands in the operation.

I settled for neither. When I didn't say anything else he continued, rubbing gel around the base of my cock. I yearned to finally do something about how stiff it was, but I knew I couldn't.

He gently started shaving the base, using even smaller and softer strokes than before. He went from just above the base to where it meets the sack, then again, working his way around the shaft.

Each time he lightly rubbed the shaving gel around the base of my dick to ensure a good coverage. It felt like he was trying to jerk me off but didn't know how to.

That is, until...

"Dude!" I breathed through my teeth. He had grabbed my whole shaft with his hand and gently stroked it. I felt the tension building. Fuck, I wanted him to do it again. Again and again, harder, softer, quicker, everything. But I couldn't help reacting.

"Yes?" he said, not taking his eyes from my shaft, seemingly trying to look under it. I could hardly see his face at all anymore.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

"Shaving you. I need to get the hairs under your shaft. Do you want to help me? Here, lift your dick up so I can get underneath. Yeah, like that, against your belly."

And so I was now holding the head of my cock against my belly button. I noticed I started to precum and it was dripping down the top of my shaft. I felt like I was actually going to cry from all the excitement and embarrassment.

"Good, hold steady now," he breathed as he concentrated.

He made more little strokes of the razor under my cock, almost up to the head. I held my breath--this time I was actually somewhat scared of the blade, but excitement and shame were still dominating.

He stroked his finger lightly under my cock, from just past the head all the way down.

"Ennngh!" It sounded high-pitched and horrible. Somewhere between a moan and a sigh. I sounded like such a bitch.

"You're doing great," he gave me a wink as he said it. "Almost done now, then the torture will be over. You can let go now."

My cock sprung back to its normal erectness, throbbing as it did so. Zach jerked back a bit to avoid it. "Ha, got too close to striking distance," he said. I imagined what it would feel like if he didn't move and it slapped him in the face.

He held my head with two fingers and pulled it down. I quite literally had to keep myself from cumming. Him holding onto my dick like this was... Fuck. I didn't want him to ever let it go. I wanted nothing more than to release all of this tension and shame all over him, but I couldn't. Instead I just twisted up my face and tried to think about my calculus lecture from earlier today.

He gently stroked the razor from the top of my dick down to the base again, but this time on the top. He gave it one last examining glance, then said "All done!"

He let me go and stood up to wash his hands.

"I think you're going to like it like this even better," he said. "Go ahead and wash off in the shower real quick."

"Uhm, ok," I managed, dick throbbing and thoroughly confused.

"I'll go put the cornbread in. And make you a drink? What would you like, a mojito?"

"...Uh, sure," I managed weakly as I got in the shower.

"You got it. Be sure to wash off all the hairs and stuff so they don't irritate you later." And he left.

I couldn't help myself, I was too far gone. As soon as he was out the door I gave myself a stroke.

Fuck, him touching my cock was just... It was amazing. His hands and fingers were so soft, so gentle.

I gave myself another stroke.

And the way he caressed my balls. I didn't want him to ever stop. I wanted him to lean in, smell them, kiss them, look up at me as he reached his tongue out towards the head of my cock.

One last stroke.

"Fuck!" I gasped softly. I erupted all over his shower tile. Fucking ribbons, that's what it was. I didn't usually shoot this much, but he got me all fucking hot and I had no opportunity for release until now. It's like every second he touched my dick and balls I built up even more cum for this moment. I had to hold myself up against the wall to stop myself from falling.

"Fuck," I breathed again. "Fucking Christ."

It felt better than any orgasm I could remember.

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Andy_gay_boyAndy_gay_boy2 months ago

Omg jeez this was a fantastic part

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Soooo much great tension. I'm a pretty much 99% straight guy and these stories are killing me. I actually wanted to help Isaiah pee, for God's sake! Great job with scenarios and build-up 🔥

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I definitely need the next chapter! So well-done!

Skull9520Skull952012 months ago

Man I was the last to comment? Where’s the next installment haha been waiting for awhile now.

Skull9520Skull9520over 1 year ago

Ahhhh don’t tell me we have to wait 4 more months for the next chapter haha great so far!!!

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