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Voluntary Surrender of Rights Ch. 01

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Veronica establishes ground rules.
4.6k words

Part 2 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 03/31/2023
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Veronica was still pissed off with the cops on Saturday morning. The police helicopter had buzzed and lit them up just as Greg was getting past kissing her and rubbing her up the right way. She had stood in the boat in sheer sexual fury with the spotlight glaring down at her. Greg telling the helicopter to piss off because he was on the point of getting laid with hand signs brought an audible laugh from the helicopter and a cop's most evil sense of humor to the fore. They had needed to wait for a patrol boat to verify that she was not a hooker escaped from the brothel bust.

The boat crew had checked Greg's passport, license to pilot the boat, the boat's clearances, and that the radio worked. They had remarked on the fact that he had a new passport declaring him to be a lord. The cops decided to be stupid and take them in for sobriety tests. The lieutenant on duty took a look at Greg then recognized Veronica because he knew her father, a short introduction about who Greg was with a mention that he was an interrogation expert meant that they were immediately let go with the lieutenant giving the crew hell. This meant that a wonderful night was entirely fucked as she was taken home while Greg took his boat to its mooring.

She sat at her kitchen table listening to her ex boyfriend who seemed incapable of moving out complain about rental prices and how commodity prices were falling when he needed to move stock. She thought about Greg and wished he would beat the crap of the asshole eating her breakfast. She wondered if he would simply because she told him to, probably not it was too soon. She decided to call her dad instead.

"Hi Ronnie! How was the date?"

Veronica had her phone on speaker for the dickhead in her kitchen to hear.

"He delivered! I asked for a surprise that was educational. So he took me to a strip club near the river."

The ex stared in shock while her father cackled in laughter. She told the story about the date she included getting away from the bust and the time on the river. Her father listened to the pointers about how to avoid being caught with delight. Being a retired cop he had a few contacts who could benefit from hearing what they did wrong. She didn't tell her dad much about the conversation on the boat, she steered far from Greg's proposal to be her slave or her acceptance. She did say that he was actually a very romantic man who kept his cool.

She spoke about the river patrol and Greg keeping it together and not wiping them out. She spoke about the rookie cop who was probably in for a visit for asking Greg why he wasn't in a skirt, being from Scotland and all. Her dad asked Veronica to call Greg and ask him nicely to not visit the rookie, an older cop would gently tell him that was a bad idea.

"Daddy? Can I come over and learn to play golf today?"

"Yeah sure! Come to the golf course, we have a driving range and the pro is there too."

"Thanks daddy!" I'll call Greg and ask him to be nice."

Veronica left twenty minutes later having completely ignored her old boyfriend who really had no clue about how she was changing. She did call Greg and asked him to not pay a visit to the rookie cop, he agreed to leave the man alone. When she asked him what he was doing, in his typically polite and evasive and cryptic way, he said that he needed to see a dog about a bitch. The ex boyfriend heard that too, she didn't care.

Veronica had a wonderful time being kitted out with a nice set of clubs, some balls, tees, and a golf bag. Appropriate shoes, and socks, and a good hat were put onto the bill soon after. In the chat her dad mentioned that Veronica was dating Greg. They were considering how to pay for it all when the pro suggested putting it on Greg's account, he had a credit balance that exceeded the entire cart and they could square it with him. A phone call and Greg agreed without hesitation.

"Now the detective in me has a hunch Greg put the money there for you." Her dad said.

"My woman's intuition knows he did." She answered quietly as they went to the driving range.

It turned out to be a lot more difficult than it looked. Keeping the ball in view, the backswing, and the swing all took a lot of learning. But she started getting it right after awhile. Her dad had a fourball after lunch with the patrol captain, and a two other cops. She was on her way to her car when Greg stopped in the parking lot with a strange woman.

Veronica was staring at the woman in fury as Greg got out and went to the passenger side to open the door. So much unfolded as she went to him wanting to know who this was her father following and trying to calm her down. Greg was dressed in a kilt, actually it was a beautiful piece of clothing in very light blue and red. He had matching socks, with a little throwing knife in the top of his right side sock. A dirk hung from the belt of his leather sporrin. His shirt was a light blue golf shirt, as was his wide brimmed hat. There was nothing effeminate about the outfit. Veronica stared at him and the car with competing surprise factors vying for attention. The woman in his car saw Veronica and her dad coming and tried to hide.

The river patrol lieutenant arrived as she came up to Greg. Veronica had to admit that he looked damn good! His legs were incredibly sexy to see like this. It took her awhile to realize that she was getting turned on by how a guy's legs looked, at how the kilt swung as he walked, at how confident he was in the outfit. She was actually breathing fast and aware of her nipples in her bra as Greg kissed her hello.

"Hello Phil! I didn't know that you and Veronica are family. I apologize if my attention was bad mannered." Greg said greeting her father with a handshake.

"Oh no trouble Greg, you been doing right by me. Hey there Dave! Who's this with you?" Veronica's father asked as the river patrol lieutenant came to say hello.

The lieutenant introduced the rookie. Greg explained that he had invited them for lunch just to say that there were no hard feelings. They chatted for a bit and the patrol captain arrived. The rookie was looking shell shocked at this, realizing that he had screwed with someone way above his pay grade the previous night. Veronica caught sight of the woman still in the car.

"Who is your date Greg?" she asked.

"You did complain last night about an unwelcome ex boyfriend last night. I'm calling her Elize now." Greg said and opened the door.

He pulled the woman out and Veronica could not contain her laughter. Greg's cryptic line that morning suddenly made sense. Equally shitting himself for Greg and the cops around him and the humiliation still coming was her ex boyfriend. He was dressed completely as a woman. Not just any woman, as a hooker. This included a vinyl mini skirt, tank top just under the breast line that showed the underwire of a bra filled nicely by fake breasts, pierced ears with dangly earrings, makeup, and a bad wig. The other four men started in surprise and then burst into laughter as her ex tried to get back in the car. Greg was having none of that. He closed the door and locked the car and guided the guy to the clubhouse and lunch.

"Bend your knees Elize! Lower! There that's about right. Keep it there" Greg ordered as they walked.

Veronica put her arm around Greg's waist as they went. The swish of his kilt on the outside of her knees was an erotic caress she had not imagined. Her Ex walking in a curious bent legged way to keep his shoulders below Greg's just helped to make her feel even better, he wanted to be her slave but clearly was no pushover. He was dominating a man five inches taller and sixty pounds heavier easily. For the first time the sheer pleasure dominating Greg would bring hit her. He was a nightmare unless he was on a leash, and he wanted her to hold it.

She heard the lieutenant quietly tell the rookie that he was watching the reason you never tried mocking a Scotsman about his kilt. He would make you his bitch. Greg was being nice to the rookie because Veronica's father had asked him to be. The captain agreed with that. The captain had seen Greg's record from England, more than he could show, and it showed a person nobody in their right mind should tangle with.

"Greg! Why are you making her walk so uncomfortably?" a lady at a table of four ladies asked when they came into the clubhouse.

"Hello Janice! That's because it's a windy day and you should keep your balls low in the wind." Greg replied.

The table of ladies and the other twenty or so people in the clubhouse took a heartbeat to understand the golfing tip in the statement as well as the insult to the term her for Veronica's ex. Then the whole place erupted into laughter with her ex trying to hide his face in his hands. This was so much better than getting Greg to beat him up, Veronica realized. She couldn't take her eyes off her man as he gently ruled the lunch.

He sat and explained to the captain what his raid had done right and wrong, from the moment the two plain clothes walked in until the two patrolmen searching the alley. The captain listened to how the car had been too late, surveillance on the back alley had been lacking, the car's backup too slow and how there was no order in the roundup. The two mopping up had been sloppy and two were not enough because it was easy to hide under garbage if you needed to, it was better to have a five man team doing that, two to move garbage, two to cover them and one to command and call backup if needed. The rookie got a lesson in smuggling and where smugglers hid things like drugs and anti tank rockets to knock a patrol boat out. He advised that the patrol boat not tie up to another boat, rather put a boarding party on board and drift away to get good firing position if needed.

The lieutenant and rookie left after lunch, the rookie having just received an entire survival and operations course over lunch. The lieutenant himself learned a few things and gladly went to start putting them into effect. Veronica glanced at her Ex as they left, there was absolute horror on his face to realize that the cops were not going to help him. Whatever Greg had done was nothing in comparison to what he could do and get away with because the cops loved him and he knew more about how they worked than they did.

"Veronica? Can we have Elize as our bitch? Maybe as housekeeper? Please?" Greg asked suddenly.

Veronica was dragged from her admiration of him at the question. She suddenly realized that Greg was asking, not for the answer but to give her the authority. He was doing it very publicly, letting everybody know that she held him in control. Cecilia had spoken about the thrill when a horse let you know he wanted your company while you were breaking him in. It was the first step in a long and patient process. Greg had just asked her to take that step with him. Feeling fantastic about this she used her authority.

"No. Elize is not for us. I broke up with this person. I do not want it cluttering my life." She said.

"Do, you want to be our bitch Elize?" Greg asked.

Veronica watched her ex shake his head vidorously. Veronica knew what she needed now. She needed to show her authority extended beyond Greg.

"Fuck off. Not just out of my apartment. Out of my life, my town. Right now, go and be gone when we get home." She said to her ex.

"I'd listen son." The captain said. "These people, and the cops in town will not let you live this down. Get out before the story spreads, it will spread, by next week you will not be able to go to the store without being laughed at."

"I need a ride." He asked Veronica.

"Why are you asking me? You don't want to be my bitch. Get a cab!"

"I don't have money here!"

"Does anybody want to take Elize home?" Greg called out in the dining room.

"I will! We might have some fun!" A member shouted, the man was openly gay and was leering at Elize.

"Unmolested please Danny. Don't go bruising anything on a first date. Elize, do not make me come looking for you because Danny is beaten up in hospital." Greg said.

Veronica stayed after lunch to watch Greg take the fourth ball as one of the retired detectives cancelled. She and Janice from the table drove with the men. It was quickly clear that the her father was the target of Janice's interest, among other things. They sat comfortably chatting, Janice explaining as the men struggled around the course. When Janice wasn't explaining golf she was asking about her dad, what had happened to her mom, and the possibility of having Greg as club captain, possibly more on the governing committee. Janice was treasurer, the club secretary was resigning, the chairman was in trouble, the club captain was unpopular.

The posts weren't full time jobs and basically didn't pay much. Veronica told Janice about Greg being an author and painter, Janice listened to the names he used and her jaw hung open. A Gregory piece, Janice explained routinely fetched eighty thousand pounds on auction. She had read Greg's novels and loved them. Then Veronica explained that Greg was a lord in England, a doctor in psychology with his degree from Cambridge, and an army combat veteran. Veronica analyzed why she revealed all that as Janice readjusted her ideas about Greg. She did it because she wanted him to be known and recognized, her slave was not going to be just a nobody without options. She was toying with Greg's question from the night before, what if he could give her his rights? She knew that he couldn't just be Greg, her lover or husband in her shadow. He would have to be highly regarded for a challenge to the emancipation act to succeed.

She had no idea how busy he was, but she was going to start structuring his life. She did say that Greg would be available for whatever position he was voted into. Janice was delighted with that, she told Veronica about other stunts Greg had pulled ion the clubhouse. Bringing a bitch boy was just one of a series of bizarre things he had done that left members scandalized and laughing.

They were all having a drink at the ninth hole when Greg explained that his kilt was actually his family and clan's ancestral tartan. It was an interesting chat, with an explanation about the badge on his sporrin, and the significance of wearing tartan that day. It was the anniversary of when his family helped to establish the St. Andrews Golf Club.

"So you learned to play at the home of golf!" Janice said.

"Augusta actually. I'm a member there too. I got membership when I painted the fifteenth hole and it became their main Christmas card picture. They still pay me in membership then pay the rest into my bank account. I learned to play because there was no point having the membership and unable to use it."

"Why do you play here?" Veronica's father asked in shock.

Greg looked at Veronica and smiled his quick smile that never touched his eyes.

"There is more freedom here." He answered.

"Greg, you are going to take a position on the governing committee if you're voted onto it." Veronica said.

Greg looked at Veronica with a smile that stayed for longer and nearly got to his eyes. He nodded, and stepped up to tee off. She watched him take a deep breath, realizing she was taking the position he wanted her to have, the shot was a complete catastrophe as the ball sliced backward off his club. He chuckled and let the others play before taking a drop. He played well again after that but Veronica knew he was excited.

"First thing, in private I am Mistress; Mistress Ronnie if another dominant woman in the know is present. Second, you will never argue with me in public. Third, you will always wear something that belongs to me." Veronica whispered to Greg as they walked off the eighteenth hole.

"Yes, in public?"

"Ronnie. In private you will be Slave."

"Very well, would you like to eat here?"

"Yes. My dad needs something explained to him, Janice is horny and looking at him."

Greg had that word while buying drinks for the ladies and the two other men. When they put the drinks down her father invited Janice to discuss an idea for the club at another table. The other two men each had drinks chatting with Greg about some aspects in an interrogation he wrote in one of his novels. The way it had played was exactly as they had seen in so many cases. The additional information about what exactly the suspect being interrogated was thinking was fascinating to them.

They left after two drinks, mostly because word was going around that Greg was available for a committee post and members kept coming to him with questions about the club's management. Cops never like being interrupted, and they left to ask questions another day. Veronica waited until the people coming to ask questions stopped before saying anything beyond what she wanted for supper.

"Have you ever been a submissive lover before?"

"Surprising question, I thought you would want to know what I did to your ex. No, some past experiences taught me it's no fun being... uhm shall we say restrained"

"I have never been a dominant woman. I can imagine; you do realize that I might restrain you?"

"Counting on that. One thing changed with my step sister having me for a barbecue. Well not at the barbecue, when I came here to write my next book. I realized it was the motive I was averse to, not the act. Incidentally, a submissive lover is not the same as a submissive man. That I have plenty of experience in. Kipling said that old soldiers make the best wives..."

"There are a few important considerations."

"Hmm, budget?"

Veronica considered that, he was pragmatic. He might not have liked managing money but he knew it cut into everything.

"That too. I what to see where you live tomorrow morning."

Greg gave her the address. She looked at it, that was upmarket, old brownstone houses. She knew his family was rich but the impression she had got from his ex wife, his step sister, and his mother had been that he didn't have money, he turned away from it. Yet Janice had mentioned the sums his paintings fetched. That would still not be enough to buy a place like that unless it belonged to his family. If it did she wanted him out of there.

"Who owns this?" she asked.

"Uhm in a way you do if you like it."

"Explain please."

Veronica was bewildered by this, how could she own a property and not know? While she might also not own it. Greg explained how properties disappeared from tax records and asset registries. As such she just needed to buy a dormant company from the department of trade, presented the paperwork to the right attorney in town and she would have a brownstone house. Greg had set it up. The attorney did not need to tell the Department of Trade that this business owned the house but was obliged to maintain it and could rent it out to cover maintenance costs but no more. As such Greg rented a four bedroom brownstone mansion in the best part of town for less than eight hundred dollars per month. Veronica's rent was more than that for a middle class two bedroom apartment. For two thousand dollars she could own the mansion. She did not need to take possession of it from the attorney but because she owned the business he could not sell it either. It was quite a shock to find out that most rich people did this to avoid taxes.

"I want to see this tomorrow." Veronica said not turning from that idea.

"I'll be gardening out front."

"Next, I want you to fill a questionnaire in."

Veronica explained that she wanted him to fill a BDSM and Ds lifestyle questionnaire in; she would do the same and they could compare results and work from there. Greg was fine by that, Veronica wanted him at her office on Monday for them to compare.

"I like you wearing your kilt. I want to see you in it more often. How hard are they to take care of?"

"Quite easy, however they are expensive to buy because only one weaver makes this tartan. There are very few companies that can work tartan and it is always a bespoke order. There is a company in Africa that makes other kilts of similarly durable fabric but not the clan specific colors, cheaper but maybe not as eye catching."


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