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Voodoo CBD Pt. 01

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John tries CBD and it opens up his mind to incest.
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Author's Note: The following story contains scenes of incest and lesbian sex. All persons are over the age of 18.


My story began in 2018.

My name is John Wheeler and I am 40 years old. I am a straight white male, 6'0" tall and about 192 lbs. I have dark brown hair and brown eyes and a regular build. I rarely workout and I am always horny.

I was living with my sister in San Francisco, California. Her name is Betsy and she is 4 years older than me. She stands 5'4" tall and weighs about 125. Medium length blonde hair and blue eyes. She has a pretty big rack and I would guess it is a 38dd. Although her hips are slender. She does Pilates and Yoga for exercise every day.

Moving in with my sister wasn't my choice really. She literally dragged my ass out there. Boy am I glad that she did because my life took on a whole different meaning. But before I get into all of that, let me start a little farther back.

I was fine with things in Maryland, but my sister being who she is, didn't see things that way. And 2 years prior, she flew out to visit me.

"You're depressed John." She told me frankly.

"What? No I'm not!" I replied.

"I'm a psychologist bro. I know these things." She told me

"Common sis, do I look suicidal to you?" I asked her.

"Do I really need to answer that John? You mope around this place and don't eat well. Look at this place! You used to be a clean freak. Everything had it's place and now you've what...suddenly become a hoarder?" She threw up her hands in exasperation.

She had a point. I did kind of let things get a little messy. There were stacks of newspapers all over the little apartment. A few of my favorite shirts and pants were strewn over some of the furniture, but most of my clothes were on the floor, wrinkled and dirty. You couldn't walk more than a few feet without stepping on an empty pizza box. But depressed? I mean yeah, I get a little down on myself from time to time. Who doesn't?

I didn't think it smelled that bad, but that was me.

"It stinks in here John! You stink! You really need to shower more!!" She shouted at me before breaking down in tears.

I sniffed my armpits and agreed with her. She had a point.

"I made up my mind. You're coming out to live with me and my daughters in San Francisco. There is just no other choice for you." She told me firmly.

"What? San Francisco? But I don't know anyone out there!" I said sourly.

"I don't care John! You know us and we are the only family you have left. What happened to mom and dad and Rhonda was tragic and no one blames you for becoming despondent. Hell, it threw me and the girls for a tailspin as well. But I can't lose you too! It would kill me!" She said sadly.

My heart went out to her and I hugged her to me.

"Okay Bets, I'll come." I told her.

"You will?" She looked up at me with tear streaked eyes.

I nodded yes.

Her daughter Becca showed up a few days later. She was the oldest of my sister's 3 daughters at 22 years of age. Becca was a spitting image of her mom at 5'4" tall and 120 lbs., with medium length blonde hair and blue eyes and slender hips. The only difference was that she had smaller breasts. She was a lesbian but was super kind and worked as a nurse. Together they helped me to pack up my things. We pitched a lot of stuff, clothes included and in record time we were on the road in a moving truck across the country. The trip took about 6 days total.


My sister Betsy had a thriving business working as a psychologist. She was divorced form her ex, Alex for the last 8 years and hadn't remarried for whatever reason. And then our parents and my wife Rhonda were killed in a car accident by a drunk driver, 6 years after that.

We got a $10 million dollar settlement because the kid who was driving was a senator's son. I quit my job as a stock broker and have just been hanging on by a thread for the last couple of years.

Maybe I was depressed. I blamed myself for what happened. It should have been me driving that night, but I had to work late and so my wife had to take my parents to the airport. It was raining and it was dark. The only saving grace was that they were all killed instantly and didn't have to suffer.

"Wow Bets! Look at that view!" I told her.

"I knew you would like it John. Maybe once you get settled you can pick up drawing again. You really had a talent for that." She said cheerfully.

Betsy had a beautiful home that overlooked the bay bridge. It was high up on the cliff. 7 bedrooms and 4 and 1/2 baths. Everything was stark white and open concept.

My sister's other 2 daughters, Jade who was 20 and Violet who was 18 stayed home. Jade had dark brown hair and brown eyes. She was 5'6" tall and had medium breasts and was really skinny and only 112 lbs. While her sister Violet, or Vi for short, was 5'5" tall. Vi had short jet black hair and green eyes. She had a killer body and the most perfect breasts and slender hips. When I arrived they said hello but didn't hug me. I could tell that they did not like me being there. None of them did. I was surrounded by family but still felt really alone.

The 5 of us went into town and walked around. We had lunch and then did some shopping. I needed some new clothes but didn't buy anything because my nieces rushed me from store to store. I guess this was all too boring for them. And then all at once I got really depressed.

"What's wrong?" My sister asked me.

"It should have been me Bets. I should have died that night. Not Rhonda!" I frowned.

"Yeah, well you didn't bro, so get over it and thanks for ruining a perfectly beautiful day." She said tiredly.

I couldn't figure it out and told my sister that we needed to get home, which we did.

I thought about Rhonda and our mom and dad. I had this nagging thought in my head that kept saying, "Bets blames you for their deaths."

So I confronted her the next day about it when her daughter's were out of the house.

"You blame me for mom and dad dying don't you!" I said sourly.

"What? That's preposterous John!" She told me.

"Yeah, I see the look you give me when you don't think I'm watching you." I replied.

"What look is that?" She said.

"You wish I had died and not them." I spat.

"I will admit that it has crossed my mind, but I can't change what happened. Now you need to stop this!" She said sternly.

"I remember when we were younger and I heard you talking with our parents that you wished you were an only child." I told her.

"Yeah, but I was just a teenager then. Things have changed in 20 years!" She said angrily.

"You resent me coming to live with you in your perfect house." I told her.

"What? I..." She was at a loss for words.

"Yeah, it's what I figured Bets. I see it in my nieces eyes too. You all think that I am a loser." I said sadly.

"You're not a loser John. You've just given up. I saved you from that to start a new life." She tried to cheer me up.

"That's not what Vi and Jade think. And you and Becca probably do too. I've been here just 2 days and already you want me to leave and go away." I blurted.

"Maybe you should go away..." She said under her breath.

"My room being at the other end of the house isn't far enough away from the rest of you? Why did I even bother coming out here? It's always the same with you Bets. You mean well but there is no love there, there never has been. The only one who ever loved me was Rhonda but she is gone now. I'd be better off dead." I told her bitterly.

"Maybe you would be John! Maybe we all would be better off if you were dead!!!" She told me angrily and stalked into her bedroom and slammed the door.



Everything was fuzzy and I thought I was in a tunnel or something...

I heard voices...

"Is Uncle John going to be okay Mom?" I heard Vi saying.

"I don't know Vi." Bets told her.

"He lost a lot of blood. If Becca hadn't found him when she did, another few hours and he wouldn't be here anymore." The Doctor told them.

And then the blackness returned...

I was swimming to the surface...

I heard voices again but they seemed far off.

"We had words and I told him that he should go away." My sister replied.

"Why did you tell him that?" Jade asked.

"He was ranting that none of us wanted him there. I grew angry and didn't think about what I was saying." She said sadly.

"I never said that mom." Vi told her.

"Neither did I." Jade added.

"Yeah, well it's not like you welcomed your Uncle with open arms girls. We are all to blame for this." She said flatly.

"I will admit that I was a little peeved that he would be staying with us, but I never wanted him dead mom." Becca told her.

"I know that sweetheart. None of us wanted that. If you hadn't found him when you did, I would have totally lost it." Bets began to cry.

"Why's he shaking like that?" Becca asked suddenly.

"He's going into cardiac arrest! Out of the way please!" One of the nurses said.


I was swimming to the surface again.

The voices around me seemed less tinny.

"I think he's coming to Doctor." Someone said.

I opened my eyes but they seemed like slits.

"How do you feel John?" The doctor asked me.

"I feel weak." I whispered.

"That's to be expected. You lost a lot of blood. Do you remember anything?" He asked.

"I remember my sister telling me that she wished I was dead. And then I blacked out." I rasped.

"Huh. You've been through a lot and you need to rest. I'll talk with you again in the morning." The Doctor said and then left.


I awoke the following morning feeling better. I felt a lot better actually.

I looked at my hands and saw that both of my wrists were heavily bandaged. I looked up and saw my sister and nieces standing around my bed.

"Hi." I whispered and they all broke down crying.

I cried too.

They all hugged me.

"John, do you remember what happened?" Bets asked me.

"I remember what you said to me and then I blacked out." I told her.

"You had a psychotic break John." She told me.

"I did? Why can't I remember?" I asked her.

"Your brain is protecting you from the trauma it caused I guess. More memories will surface when you begin to heal." She told me.

"Do you still wish that I was dead sis?" I asked her.

"No John. I don't. I shouldn't have said that and I am sorry." She replied and fresh tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I see the way you all are looking at me. Do you want me to move out?" I asked.

"No John, we don't. It has just been a roller coaster of a month." She told me.

"I've been here a month?" I asked.

"Yeah, you have. It has been touch and go John." She told me.

Becca grabbed my hand and said, "Please swear that you won't ever do that again Uncle John."

Vi and Jade grabbed my other hand and they all began to cry.

I was at a loss and too choked up to speak and just shook my head in the affirmative.

"Becca saved you John. She was the one who found you and being the nurse in the family, she immediately went into action and wrapped your wrists in towels to stop the bleeding. She called for help and had us call for an ambulance.

It was really scary. You were unresponsive and we feared the worst.

Once they got you to the hospital they performed surgery and gave you 4 pints of blood. You are lucky to be here." Bets told me sadly.

I felt like shit for doing what I did.

The Doctor released me the next day with the agreement by my sister and my nieces that they provide round the clock help to insure that I didn't attempt suicide again.

They all agreed to do their part.


I got mentally and physically stronger every day thanks to my sister and my nieces.

It was a little disconcerting having my sister and nieces see me naked as they helped me into the bathtub every morning. And even more so as they each took a turn bathing me that first month.

It might have been my imagination, but I did think they enjoyed holding my dick a little too much as they ran the sponge over my crotch and balls. Especially Becca, since she was a professed lesbian. That really surprised me.

The good thing was that there was nothing sexual about it. Incest just wasn't something I was interested in with my sister or nieces.

6 weeks after my release from the hospital, we went back into San Francisco and had lunch. We then went and did some clothes shopping and my nieces had fun picking out things that made me look "cool," as they put it. They were by my side through all of it and it really lifted my spirits. One or the other held onto my arms as we walked around town. I felt like a king being led about with my sexy escort.

San Francisco was really woke. There seemed to be apothecaries everywhere. We passed by a bunch before one caught my eye and we went inside. The name of the place was Voodoo CBD.

I had never dabbled in marijuana before. It just wasn't my thing. We talked with a heavy set black woman who had all kinds of jewelry on and actually resembled someone I had met years prior in Louisiana.

Smoking is really not my thing. I said in my head.

"Edibles is what you want mon." She said and shook her head in the affirmative and then winked at me.

Did she just read my mind?

"Dis one will make you zee shit." She said in her thick accent and her eyes grew really big.

Hmm. I mused.

"Dis one will open up yur terd eye." She smiled wickedly.

"My 3rd eye?" I asked.

"Dis one will 'av you sleeping like a baby 'very nigh."

Hmm, I liked that.

I wondered if there was something that would help me get laid.

"Dis one will create da spark of desire." She smiled wickedly.

Did she just read my mind again?

"Be careful when combining dem or you may become like me." She smiled.

Not sure what she meant by that.

So I got several of all 4 and paid $500 and left the store.

We then went home.


"What do you think that lady was talking about?" I asked everyone in the car.

"I don't really know Uncle John. Because of the random drug tests, I can't do drugs." Becca said.

"I've tried some and it is really relaxing." Vi said beside me.

"I think the third eye is a myth bro. I have used CBD in the past. Like Vi said, it is very relaxing if you take just one at a time. Just don't take more than that or you could have a bad experience. Trust me, I know first hand." Bets told me and laughed uneasily.

I was definitely curious and after we got back to Betsy's house, I opened the pack that said, "Mind and body." I took one of the red discs and it tasted sweet as it melted in my mouth.

I put my clothes away and then sat out on the deck and sipped some water.

I wasn't even thinking about anything. I just grew more and more relaxed and almost felt like I was melting into the rocker I was sitting in.

I heard Vi, Becca and Jade say, "Okay mom, we're going out for a bit."

"Okay girls. Dinner is at 5. See you when you get back." Betsy told her.

And then I heard something puzzling from Becca, "I hope that I can find that new vibrator that Julie was telling me about."

Why would she say that out loud? Did I just hear that or was that something my mind made up?

The sliding glass door opened a crack and Bets peeked her head out, "You okay out here bro?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Just taking in the spectacular view." I told my sister.

"Okay cool. I'm gonna take a nap. If you need anything, help yourself." She replied and then slid the door shut.

And then I heard something I shouldn't have from my sister, "I'm gonna help myself to my pussy. I'm really horny today. I can feel my juices soaking through my panties."

Maybe I was horny since I hadn't whacked off in a few weeks.


I liked the "Mind and body" CBD. It made me really calm and relaxed and each one lasted for a few hours.

I was feeling horny and opened up the pack that said, "Up your Desire," later that evening. I was curious what it would do combined with the "Mind and Body" one that was already in my system.

My pretty nieces didn't help my horniness any. Seeing them walk around the house in next to nothing, or a bikini or just short shorts and a halter top always managed to give me wood. I'm kind of embarrassed to admit it.

My sister too wore clothes that really accentuated her body and I caught myself on more than a few occasions leering at her erect nipples. I was a man and had desires and their sexy outfits didn't help.

Adding insult to injury though, for some reason I was unable to achieve an orgasm through masturbation. I tried quite a bit. I was able to get a hard-on, but was unable to cum from whacking off. That's why I took one of the "Desire" CBD's.

My nieces were out at a party and Bets and I were hanging out on the patio having a glass of wine. I got up to go inside and use the bathroom when I stumbled and fell into my sister.

"Oh shit!" I called out and put my hand out to catch myself and inadvertently grabbed her left tit.

"Hey mister, that's my breast you just grabbed!" She admonished me.

I withdrew my hand and continued to fall and ended up landing with my face in her crotch.

I was stuck and said, "A little help?"

"I'm deciding." She laughed and then helped me get to my feet.

I looked at her and frowned.

"When you go all in, you really put your face into it too." She laughed.

"Ha ha ha." I laughed too.

It was a good thing that she didn't smell fishy. In fact, she smelled pretty good down there.

I then heard her thoughts, "I shouldn't tease him. He might think I'm serious one of these days and take it too far. Not that I will mind if he does. I should try to set him up with Andrea and see what she thinks of my brother before I make any moves on him myself."

Did I just hear her correctly? My sister was having thoughts about me?

I came back from the bathroom and noticed that Bets had unbuttoned her blouse a couple of buttons. Not only that, but she had removed her bra as well. Was she hoping that something would happen with us? Maybe I should test her and see.

I glanced at my sister occasionally and saw that she was playing with her necklace. And each time I did, I gazed at her breasts. I hadn't ever looked at my sister in a sexual way before, but now I thought about the possibilities.

I got up to use the bathroom again and instead went into my room. I took the CBD that said, "Tripping Out." I also removed my shorts and put on a pair of sweat shorts without any underwear. I'm not sure why I did it.

I walked back outside and stood next to her chair and looked out, hoping she would glance at my dick as it hung down in my sweats. It was pretty obvious that my dick could be seen.

"Why is John just standing there? Oh hell, I can see his dick. It looks really massive. I'm getting wet. I better not acknowledge that I can see it through his shorts. At least my nipples aren't hard. Sit down bro, please!" Bets intoned in her head.

I kept willing her with my mind to look at me and then suddenly she did. I saw her in my peripheral vision as she turned her head and gazed longingly at my dick.

Bets looked up at me to see if I was watching her. I pretended not to notice.

"It looks good doesn't it. I know you really want to touch my dick, but you also really want me to touch your breasts. Perhaps you should unbutton your blouse a couple more buttons to allow me easier access." I said in my head.

I was about to sit down when Bets unbuttoned her blouse a couple more buttons. I turned and that's when I reached my hand over and touched her tit through her blouse. She looked at my hand as I tweaked her nipple until it hardened. And then she looked up at me.

"Enjoying yourself John?" She asked.

"Sorry Bets. It called to me." I smiled sheepishly.

"Well, just because my nipples get hard occasionally doesn't mean that you should reach out and grab them. Okay?" She admonished me and I released her nipple.

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