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Voodoo Pt. 02: Children

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Subrina and Will have children.
5.2k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 07/03/2022
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I am a mature Black bi woman. I hope you will enjoy my stories and comment on what you liked and perhaps didn't like to help me improve my writing. Be warned, I sometimes, to better frame the scene, include passages from stories I have previously published here on Literotica.

In this story my principal character, Subrina, (Brie) is a direct descendent of Marie LaVeau who was widely known in the 1800s as the Voodoo High Priestess of New Orleans. Said by some to be the granddaughter of a powerful priestess in Sainte-Domingue, LaVeau reportedly had a background in African spirituality. As queen (High Priestess) for several decades, people sought her advice for marital affairs, domestic disputes, judicial issues, childbearing, finances, health, and good luck.

From Voodoo - Pt 1 -- Photos from the Heart

In the weeks and then months that followed the magic on the dock it was as though their life conversation had not been interrupted and that they had not lost those college years. Although he promised many years back that he would never call her Bina, Will easily took to calling her Brie and the name came out naturally, almost as though he had always called her by that name. However, no sooner had the nickname left his lips for the first time that a silent but meaningful alarm sounded in his mind that he had perhaps crossed a very important line. She did not object when he called her Brie and not Subrina. Much later she would remember that it was almost as though Will and only Will had always called her Brie. Their relationship very quickly grew more serious and everyone they knew came to expect them to marry.

Late one afternoon, just after Thanksgiving, while they were sitting on Will's Family's boat watching the sunset and talking about someday sailing together under the stars, she presented him with the single White Rose, her favorite flower, she had been holding, and asked him to marry her. Of course, before she had even finished asking he was saying, "Yes"!

In later years she would claim that she never asked him to marry her. She had only reminded him of high school and because after all they had been and would be in love forever he asked her to marry him.

Eight days after Christmas, in the little white gazebo near the waterfront overlooking the harbor, they became Mr. and Mrs. Willis Porter Johnson.


Voodoo - Pt 2 - Children

Will and Subrina were, it seemed, destined to be married. There were, however, secrets from the past that would resurface and complicate their lives. Unknown to Will there was a time in Subrina's college life when she had become an alcoholic and more importantly, if it's possible for anything to be more harmful, she had become addicted to the wanton sex that followed drinking. Subrina had up until that time only had heterosexual sex with men but she woke up from a night of partying naked in bed with her room mate Denise.

At some point in her junior year the two addictions pushed her to seek help. After weeks of counseling and therapy sessions and then at her therapist's recommendation, she had taken a break from dating, from men.

Somehow, however, Subrina managed to make an exception for a cute little White girl, Keri, with green eyes like hers and great oral skills. Keri was a peer counselor recommended to help Brie quit drinking and in the process Keri introduced Brie to the soft side of sex. Their brief relationship left Brie with a better understanding of her basic sexuality and convinced that she was, like Keri, a bisexual. Keri had undoubtedly really helped with drinking but she only added flames to Brie's sex obsession. But Keri had a boyfriend and eventually left Brie's life as quickly as she had entered.

Subrina eventually, seeing her school work collapse and her health falter quit drinking again and stopped dating entirely.

More than two years later Will reentered her life and things changed. Their marriage seemed to turn on a switch in Subrina. Will was the center of her attention, her need, so she was reassured, it was normal, it was infatuation, it was love. Now they were married so it was more that just ok. Sex was not an addiction, it was part of married life. Still she recalled that when she first saw him on his back on the bed with his magnificent hard, thick penis pointing straight in the air she wanted it, no no she wanted him.

Will and Brie chose, inexplicably, to honeymoon in Savannah Georgia in a tiny bed and breakfast on River Street with all the noise and bustle of the tourist crowds and bars just outside their window. They could just as easily have stayed in New Orleans because they never left their room except to venture out for dinner and a walk along the river one evening. Neither of them would have even considered four straight days of sex but they didn't shy away from the opportunity. Will was delighted by Subrina's openness and desire for sex in every imaginable form but it was on their honeymoon that he first became concerned that he might not be up to the task of satisfying her.

Subrina had seen her gynecologist immediately following their first time together, long before the wedding, to talk again about birth control. For the past year or more her cycle had been very irregular and she continued to be concerned. During that last year of college, when she stopped birth control, she had been celibate except for self pleasure so the missed periods were well........not missed...... but now that she and Will were back together sex was frequent and they certainly didn't want a baby this soon. Her doctor assured her that the additional hormones, an estrogen and a progestin, in 'the pill' would help regulate her cycle. She was back on birth control within days of their first getting back together, long before the wedding.


On their honeymoon they laid in bed in each other's arms having made love to the point of exhaustion. She had multiple spectacular orgasms and her body responded as her body always did, wanting more. Will had twice that day filled her with and unknowable quantity of sperm and was exhausted but she wasn't satisfied. A short break and Subrina straddled him and rubbed her vagina and clit against his flaccid penis and lower abdomen. She took his hands and put them on her breasts and told him to pinch her nipples. Will was coming to learn about Brie's needs.

During the night she awoke suddenly as though from a dream but she could not recall the dream.

Their honeymoon also introduced a new aspect to sex with Brie that he had not expected. Subrina when she was a Sophomore in college was introduced to anal sex. At first it in no way appealed to her because it was too complicated, required to much preparation and she found it uncomfortable and humiliating. Then she met Steve, an older man, off campus. Steve was much more patient and capable than the college boys. He taught her to use her fingers in him and taught her to relax so he could do the same for her. Once she learned to relax she found she enjoyed being fingered. She could not explain why but there was something about the naughtiness the humiliation the submissiveness that appealed to her.

It was Brie's introduction to submissive sex, something that became important to her more and more over time. Steve eventually convinced her to try anal penetration with a lubed condom. The first time didn't go well but he was patient and she was willing, she very quickly found that she enjoyed having him fuck her that way and it solved the birth control problem.

Will had been introduced to anal fingering by Brie and enjoyed the sensations that came with it. He of course reciprocated when she asked him to. Now on their honeymoon Brie explained as best she could as she handed Will the small package that contained the condom.

Will and Brie's needs were small. They lived in the tiny apartment above the bakery. Will worked on his dad's fishing boat on week-ends and every other chance he could to help pay the bills. Subrina continued to work for her mom in the bakery for the same reason. Their work combined with income from Subrina's growing photography business fed them and paid the bills while Will completed undergraduate studies and entered law school. Subrina herself started graduate school and continued to build her business.

Will and Brie were happily in love, settling into married life when, "Surprise, surprise!" her monthly visitor did not arrive......again. No worries, that had happened often before but when another month went by and it failed to arrive she saw her doctor.

The test confirmed what the doctor already knew, she was indeed pregnant. That very evening after dinner Brie asked Will if he was ok with her being pushy and always wanting more sex than maybe he did. Will looked at her and said "Brie, what kind of a silly question is that? Nothing pleases me more than making love to you."

It was time to tell him. She took the time to get his complete attention and asked "If it comes to that, with all this sex, do you have a preference, girl or boy?" Will knew what she was implying. He was so excited she thought he would fall out of his chair. Suddenly it became overwhelmingly important for him to listen to her belly. That night, they fell in love, all over again.

Her pregnancy was complicated. It made her both insatiably horny and sick, two incompatible feelings but she stood strong against all her body threw against her and the baby. Their baby a healthy ten fingers, ten toes boy was born just a month after their first anniversary. He had his dads eyes and complexion, the Johnson family genes. They named him James and always just said, to anyone who asked, that the baby was named after a very important person in their lives and let everyone assume what they would about who that person was. It happened that Will's dad, Subrina's dad, and even Will's best friend, were all named James. Will sailed with James (Jim) Driscoll in college and they had been best friends since college.

Baby James's birth was very difficult and Subrina's doctors warned them that another baby was out of the question and must be avoided at all costs. Will and Subrina were happy with the much loved baby boy and Subrina credited her quick recovery, which even surprised her doctors, to her voodoo ancestors.

Will, not willing to risk his love, Brie, secretly had a vasectomy.

When, eighteen months later, Brie found herself again pregnant, Will's reaction was not at all what she expected. He was quiet and almost sad. She tried to reassure him that they were blessed to have this second child and that everything would be fine. She had been to the doctor and he told her that if they insisted on going through with this pregnancy he would help in every way he could.

Will was just silent. She said "Will, tell me, what's wrong? What are you thinking."

He looked at her and said "Brie, I had a vasectomy a year ago."

She looked at him with terror in her eyes "Will, I never! ....Something is wrong...... I would NEVER!"

He looked at her, held her close and said " I know, don't worry, I never thought you.........I'll go to the doctors tomorrow."

Except for that very brief moment the absolute trust they had in each other did not falter. His initial reaction, he would tell her after seeing the doctor, was an overwhelming feeling of complete and total failure to keep her safe, not a thought that she had wandered. Will lied, his first thought was about her compulsive, overwhelming, constant need for sex. That same week they learned that the vasectomy was only partially successful. The semen test showed sperm in his semen. The operation had failed. Still, in Will's mind, there was doubt.

Her doctor, knowing the situation and his doctor as well, emphasized the extreme danger to Subrina and the baby and suggested they consider an abortion. At that time, perhaps for the first time, they were confronted with the true seriousness of the situation and sat to discuss their options. Just then baby James stood and walked unsteadily over to Brie and hugged her leg. The discussion was over, there would be no abortion. Brie was determined that James had given her a sign. Will was terrified.

When Brie held him in the night she told him it would be fine, everything would work out but she had lingering doubts. Deep inside she knew he doubted her fidelity but knew without doubt that Will was this baby's dad. Subrina in fact was terrified as well. She had been from the moment she first realized that the month had ended and her new found regularity was gone.


Subrina told her family the "good" news and all the happiness and celebration was clouded by their shared knowledge. As she was about to leave, her grandmother approached her and said, "Marie, you come to my house tomorrow at three." Her grandmother had always called her by her middle name, always. There was no question, no request. She was expected at three and she would of course be there.

As she entered the room she saw there were two women she did not know in the living room with her grandmother and her mother. There were no introductions no small talk. Her grandmother told her, these two women are friends. They are Manbo. You do as they say this afternoon and we will, together, the five of us 'see to' you and that baby in your belly. Brie would come to know that the words 'see to' in her family meant do what is necessary, do what is right. Subrina also knew what a Manbo was, a voodoo priestess.

Without a word the women approached her and began to take her clothing off. Subrina looked at her mom questioningly. She just looked back at Subrina and nodded yes. As Brie watched, all of the women in the room stripped naked. Brie was still nursing baby James and had pads in her bra to absorb any slight leaks. With the stimulation of having her bra removed a droplet of milk appeared at each nipple. When Subrina was completely naked the other woman handed her a jar. She said "You sit in this chair and put some milk from each breast in it and then fill this jar as much as you can with your urine. We must witness it and it must be warm for it to tell us what we need to know." Subrina took the jar and did what she was told handing the half full jar of warm liquid back to the woman. The woman took the jar and put it in the center of a small table set up with other things Brie did not recognize.

Both women approached her and each took one of her hands. Then all five of the women joined hands and led her around the little room table once in each direction. The dining room table was empty but for a white sheet that covered it and a small stool beside it. One woman told her to use the stool to get up on the table on her back. Subrina watched as they pulled the sheet edges up over her and then put another white sheet on top of her. Only her face was left uncovered. The two women walked slowly completely around the table twice in opposite directions from each other with their hands extended over her body and stopped one on each side.

Subrina noticed that there was music she had never heard before playing in the background. Her mom and grandmother approached the table and one stood near each of the Mambo. One woman said to her in a soft voice, "Don't be afraid, we have to touch you." The four women crossed their hands together and lowered them together to her abdomen and then down to and onto her vagina and back several times. She remembered feeing warmth, heat even through the sheets onto her, no into her, into her lower abdomen, her vagina and inside her uterus. Not possible this early but she thought she felt the baby move. As they lifted their hands away the warmth lessened but remained.

One woman took what appeared to be a silver coin and dipped it into the jar Subrina had filled. All the while, all four women were speaking softly, words she did not understand. They put the coin in a small pouch with a cord attached. All four of them cut a small piece of hair from their own heads and Subrina's head and put it in the pouch. A tiny cross was dipped in the jar and put in the pouch. The pouch was white silk with an ink inscription she could not read.

They had her stand and one woman closed the pouch and put the cord of the pouch around Subrina's neck. The other woman cautioned Subrina to be still. She then put the pouch between her breasts and pushed her breasts together around the pouch just for a moment. The other Mambo looked at her, held both her hands, and said "You must never remove it from between your breasts until your baby wants the milk you will give her. Not to bath not to swim never remove it. If Will asks about it you will tell him you grandmother gave it to you for good luck. If he asks her she will say it is true. It will keep you and your baby safe and call the baby at the right time to be fed." In a final warning one woman told her that she must never speak of today to anyone.

Her grandmother then approached her and took her hands and repeated the warning, "Marie, you must never tell anyone what happened here today or the spell will be broken. Trust in the power of the five of us to get you and the baby through this safely. She paused then continued. Your mother and I have decided it is time you knew, I am, your mother is and you are Manbo. The baby girl in your belly right now will be as well.

This was the first time in her life that Subrina was directly impacted by her voodoo ancestry. It left her shaken and surprised that she did not know her mom and grandmother still practiced the faith.


The pregnancy was not easy. Although she was in excellent physical condition her body, it seemed, did not want to be pregnant. She was very ill with morning sickness for almost the first three months then she was diagnosed with Preeclampsia.

It was, she would say later, the worst time of her life. Her body revolted at having to bear this child but she was emotionally determined to give the baby every chance at life. Doctors are not sure what causes preeclampsia, and it can range from mild to severe. In Brie's case she was to experience at various times all the worst symptoms, dreadful headaches, blurred vision, abdominal pain that caused her to fear she would miscarry, nausea, vomiting and weight gain, oh the weight gain. Through it all she talked to the baby "I love you, Marie. Stay where you are just a little longer and I promise you everything will be fine."

Even though her doctors took every pre-birth precaution Brie was in the hospital critical care unit for over a week after the planned caesarian delivery. The baby, however, was a healthy, beautiful girl with curly reddish auburn hair. She had her mothers dark milk chocolate colored skin They were both sure she would have emerald green eyes just like her mom. She had the LaVeau genes. Will didn't hesitate to sign the birth certificate for both of them with the name they had agreed to, Marie Catherine LaVeau-Johnson.

Subrina recovered in a time that even her most optimistic doctors thought was amazing but with this birth she was left never again able to have children. For the second time she didn't hesitate to credit her quick recovery and the baby's health to the magic and the voodoo spell her grandmother had arranged.

In only a little over one month she was back in grad school, caring for both babies, and working part time for her Mom and of course taking pictures. Will continued to work part time fishing with his dad and also continued law school.

The babies attended both graduate school graduation ceremonies dressed in baby size caps and gowns that Subrina's mom made just for the occasion. Baby James and little Marie were Subrina and Will's graduation gifts to each other. Brie added to her box of life treasures a self-portrait she took of the four of them in caps and gowns and added to the box the voodoo amulet she had worn throughout her pregnancy.


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