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Voyager Uncensored Ch. 05

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Young Sabine is assigned to be Seven's toilet slave!
12.9k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/01/2004
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"24/Seven", Part I


Author's Note: This is the big one. I've been kicking this one around in my head for nearly 10 years – since I wrote part 2 and the first scene with Seven of Nine using Kes as a toilet. I would write an idea for a scene here or there as they came to me. It's more like a bunch of short stories instead of just one. It became such a daunting story that I didn't think I'd be able to ever actually write it. But I'd gotten some compliments recently for previous installments and people asking when the next one was coming. I was between personal projects and decided to just buckle down and do it already!

I consider this my magnum opus of scat stories. This probably won't be the last scat story I ever write, but I don't think I could ever top the scope of this one. And I know that the audience for this story is exceedingly small (Star Trek fans that are Voyager fans that are still interested in anything Voyager 10 years after it went off the air, people who like Star Trek erotica that are okay with she-males, gay sex and scat...!) But I needed to write it. I've never really written these stories for other people, I write them for myself and share them with whoever is interested.

There will be one more chapter after this that wraps up the entire series – all the other characters' storylines and provides the epilogue and closure that the TV series finale utterly failed to provide...

September 21, 2011


Context Notes:

Be sure to read (at least) "Voyager Uncensored #3: Shore Leave, Part I" and "Voyager Uncensored #4: Shore Leave, Part II" before reading this one. Preferably, you'd read all four episodes before this one, but, if not, it's okay. The plot is light in this one and maybe reading this one will make you want to go back and read the others.

This episode starts after "Scientific Method", in Voyager's 4th season, still within a few months after they introduced Seven.

Content Note:

This one is, again, pretty extreme. But I don't do it for sheer shock value or for the sake of being extreme. I try to pay a lot of attention to character and motivation and I try to keep the characters true to my vision of them, keep them consistent.

This story contains: F/f, TS/f, oral, anal, watersports, scat, humiliation and D/S.

(Note that "TS" here stands for a woman with a penis, not a man in drag, trust me, it will make sense when you read it.)

Also, as usual, no incest, no pedophilia, no torture or snuff. Just thought you'd like to know.


[My name is toilet. Once upon a time, I was a girl named Sabine d'Aucourt. But I guess I'm getting ahead of myself, I should start at the beginning...]


A Girl Named Sabine


Janeway considered the PADD before her thoughtfully, pacing back and forth in her ready room just off the bridge. Chakotay was seated and watched her, somewhat bemusedly. He'd seen his Captain make spur-of-the moment, life & death decisions without a second thought – but now she was taking her time and weighing all her options.

"They all look like good candidates, Chakotay, it's so hard to choose. Every one worthy of a commission," Janeway shook her head as she glanced down the list of names before her.

"I know, it's a tough one. But we have to pick one and you get the honor – there's no Starfleet to make the ultimate call for us," Chakotay replied.

Janeway sighed, "I suppose I could just give them ALL commissions... Lord knows we've broken more serious Starfleet regulations in our 4 years in the Delta Quadrant!"

"Well, under emergency conditions," Chakotay acknowledged, "but this is how Starfleet does it – you're the one who insisted on maintaining Starfleet rules & order onboard this ship when our two crews got stranded out here."

"Don't tell me you're having second thoughts now!" Janeway shot him a look of mock horror.

"No, no," Chakotay smiled, "I wouldn't want to be court-martialed!"

"This... Sabine... d'Aucourt? How old is she? Only 18?" Janeway read.

"Yes. Apparently, she was visiting her mother as part of the visiting family program-" he began.

"Oh, yes, I remember. No room for everyone to have full families on our humble vessel – we're no Galaxy class," Janeway conceded, "Her mother... Constance... died in the initial catastrophe with the Caretaker."

"She was only 12..." Chakotay offered, sadly.

A look of recognition came over Janeway's face, "I've seen this girl around..." she realized, tapping the PADD, "she's become a sort of... a ward of the crew – I've heard good things about her – learning the ropes, becoming a kind of cadet of her own accord..."

"Yes, she's been very driven. A sort of crew member in training for the past four years. She's got the best scores of all the candidates," Chakotay bragged. He liked Sabine – she had ambition and drive, but no attitude.

"She's done very well for someone so young... and under such tragic circumstances," Janeway seemed to be forming her decision now.

"And now she'd like a field commission with actual duties," Chakotay suggested.

"Indeed..." Janeway hesitated, "still... so young... this isn't your usual mission, charting stellar anomalies and running diplomats around the Federation... it's dangerous out there, Chakotay. Should something happen to her..."

"I think she can handle herself," Chakotay was rooting for Sabine, but hopefully not to forcefully.

"I'm not sure there are even duties available for her – we have enough crew already-" she began to rebut.

"That's not the point, Captain... *Kathryn*," Chakotay tried a more personal tack, standing up and approaching his captain, drawing her attention, "you said yourself – these people need hope. Something to strive for. Life must go on."

Janeway stared into her first officer's eyes, considering his words. She knew she'd made the right choice – he would call her on her decisions, and remind her of her own priorities when she most needed it, "you're right, of course, you're right," she looked down at her PADD and looked at the portrait of the young blonde girl. She clicked on her picture and saw a gallery of images, "pretty young thing..." she said in a tone that seemed more than just casually appreciative. Janeway clicked on her medical history and raised a brow, "is that right....?" She whispered to herself.

Chakotay saw something large twitch in Janeway's pant leg – a sudden reminder of Janeway's recent... transformation. She'd taken in Kes a while ago and had been carrying on a very public, and by all accounts, very kinky sexual relationship with the girl. He'd heard rumors of a "unique" operation Janeway had the Doctor perform on her so that she could fully consummate her union with Kes. Judging by the size of the twitch in her pants, Chakotay felt the rumors had actually been an understatement!

A lascivious grin crossed Janeway's lips and she sat down with the PADD, not taking her eyes off it, "have her report to my quarters after the duty shift, I'd like to give her the news... *personally*..."


Guy Talk


"Are you fucking NUTS?!" Tom lambasted Harry, who had just described to him his "close call" with Seven (see: Voyager Season 4 episode "Revulsion"), "you said NO?! What are you, some kind of faggot?!"

"What?! YOU told me to stay away from her!" Harry exclaimed, a bit louder than he'd intended – he was drawing stares in The Mess Hall – the last thing he wanted right now was attention.

"Yeah, that was because I figured you had no chance with her!" Tom leaned forward and punched Harry in the arm, "if a woman like THAT asks if you want to 'copulate' and tells you to take of your clothes, you drop trou and do whatever she fucking says, man!"

"Ugh!" Harry leaned back, "you're right, I just... she caught me by surprise... you would have had to have been there-"

"Yeah, if I'D been there, I would have taken that Borg bitch for a ride she'd never forget!" Tom boasted, "do you realize she's been a Borg her entire adult life?! You could have been her first!"

"Well... that would be wrong, you know?" Harry tried to rationalize his actions, "I wouldn't have wanted to have taken advantage of her! She just regained her humanity a short time ago... I was just maybe hoping for a date or something, try to help her recover her-"

"I would have STARTED with anal," Tom interrupted, lost in his own perverted fantasy scenario now, "Laid the groundwork right away, so she gets used to that as the norm, you know? Then worked up from there. Ass to mouth, belly down, pile driver – man EVERY position, really turn her out into a total anal FREAK, you know? Slam her ass, up against the wall, on the ground – ride that tight fucking ass of hers – reach around and hold onto those gigantic Borg implants of hers for dear life, you know?! Tit-fuck her, deep throat, the fucking works! I would have worn that Borg whore OUT!"

Harry listened to Tom go on. Privately, he wondered why he *didn't* take Seven up on her offer. What was wrong with him? Maybe he was just so gun-shy about sex after the way B'Elanna and Tom had been using and abusing him on the holodeck daily the past couple years. Tom still thought Harry was a holodeck simulation, but Torres knew full well, being the sadistic orchestrator of the whole deviant affair. Maybe Tom would start obsessing over Seven now, Harry thought. Maybe Seven would become his new holodeck addiction and Harry would finally be off the hook! Harry felt relieved... at least he should have... why did he feel a sudden pang of jealousy? Harry realized he needed to get out of this pattern of abuse and deviance. He was going to go back to Seven and accept her advances!


Sabine's Promotion


That evening, Sabine nervously strode through the corridor towards the Captain's Quarters. She'd never been in this section of the ship – reserved for the cabins of the senior crew. She keenly felt every eye check her over. She wondered if they all were asking themselves what she's doing there, as she was asking herself.

She had no idea the aura of innocence and budding sexuality she gave off. Tom and B'Elanna passed her in the corridor and both looked her over appreciatively. She misunderstood this scrutiny, of course, and it made her uncomfortable, causing her to increase her pace.

Janeway's door chimed softly. The captain smiled and looked over at Kes. Kes sat obediently by Janeway's side, kneeling on the floor, wearing nothing but her collar and leash.

"Come." Janeway commanded and the door swished open. Sabine, looking over her shoulder self-consciously into the hall, stepped in and let the door close behind her.

Sabine's eyes needed time to adjust to the darkness and she didn't see Janeway stand and walk to her. She jumps a bit when she finally turns and sees Janeway standing right before her, a bit too close. She could feel Janeway's hot breath on her as she looked her over.

"Ma'am..." Sabine offered, looking straight ahead, not daring to make eye contact with the authoritarian figure before her, "reporting as ordered."

"Mmm... you're a good rule follower, are you, Miss d'Aucourt?" Janeway quizzed her, "always do as you're told?"

"Yes ma'am, of course ma'am!" Sabine replied eagerly.

"Good, good," Janeway seemed a bit unprofessionally pleased with Sabine's reply, "and you want a commission, I hear?"

Sabine swallowed hard. Was this a test? Was she being called out for being too ambitious? Presumptuous? Or did Janeway like someone with initiative? Maybe she should have waited until Janeway *offered* such a position to her?

"I ASKED YOU A QUESTION, MISSY!!!" Janeway suddenly scolded her, making Sabine jump.

"Y-yes! Yes ma'am!" Sabine stammered weakly.

"And why should I take you, instead of one of the other 5 candidates, all older, more experienced, better trained and more qualified?" Janeway challenged the poor young girl, now perspiring.

"I-I..." Sabine couldn't think of a good reason, under the circumstances.

"What makes you special?" Janeway demanded to know.

"I..." Sabine tried to think, but could form no cogent train of thought. Instead she blurted out the first thing that came to her, "I want it more than anything, Captain!" She immediately winced and internally chided herself – a good officer wants to serve her captain and her ship – she doesn't want a commission for her own selfish reasons.

"Good, good..." to Sabine's surprise, Janeway seemed satisfied, even pleased, with the answer, "so it's safe to say you'd do anything to get this position?"

"Yes, Captain!" Sabine answered earnestly.

"I see," Janeway looked her over. She turned and took a couple steps, checking out a PADD with Sabine's profile on it, "your medical records are up to date, then?"

"Yes, ma'am, I had my last exam just before I applied!" Sabine answered snappily, still at a stiff attention.

Janeway grabbed Kes' leash and yanked her roughly from behind her bed, into clear view of Sabine. Kes stumbled out on her hands and knees and sat obediently at the Captain's side, eyes cast down.

Sabine glanced down at the commotion and couldn't believe her eyes! Kes was completely naked, heeling like a dog at Janeway's feet! She never realized that this was how Janeway ran her ship!

"As you can see, I appreciate obedience," Janeway breathed huskily to Sabine, "and I reward it well."

Sabine flushed. She didn't know what to say or do. She simply stood and waited.

"Bitch, HERE!" Janeway yanked on Kes' leash and pulled her over to Sabine's feet, "undress her."

Sabine couldn't believe her ears!

"I like to do my OWN inspection," Janeway explained, "can't have unhealthy officers, especially not out here in the Delta Quadrant!"

"Y-yes, ma'am..." Sabine stammered as she shuffled to allow the naked slave girl to strip her down.

"I just hate these new uniforms we were issued before our mission. They're so baggy and black, they hide *everything*!" Janeway complained, "I can't get a good sense of my crew's fitness with these potato sacks. If it were up to me, I'd have everyone dress like Seven of Nine..." Janeway mused as Kes pulled Sabine's last iota of clothing down – her girly, frilly see-through pink panties with hearts and bows on them, "or better yet, completely naked like the two of you," Janeway grinned lasciviously.

Sabine instinctively tried to cover herself out of modesty, but Janeway slapped her hands away violently.

"Ow!" Sabine yelped.

"Hands down, I need to be able to see what I'm inspecting!" Janeway yelled.

"Yes, ma'am, sorry ma'am," Sabine apologized.

Janeway walked around her, looking her up and down. She ran her fingers along Sabine's curves, making the girl shiver. Along her shoulder, down her back, across her bare cheeks, around her waist, then up to her pert, soft breasts. She grabbed one nipple and massaged it. Sabine blushed deeply as the nipple hardened under Janeway's ministrations. Janeway was pleased to see her young buds had puffy nipples – rare and somehow more indicative of budding, adolescent sexuality. She pinched the nipple, making the young girl wince, but to her credit, she didn't pull away. Janeway pinched harder, twisting a bit. Still Sabine didn't pull away or protest, she simply locked her gaze forward and endured the pain, biting her lower lip. Janeway continued increasing the pressure and the twisting until a small whine escaped the poor blonde's soft, pink lips. Satisfied, Janeway released the sore, reddened nipple. Sabine's shoulders relaxed and she breathed normally again.

Janeway looked down at Sabine's pelvis and commanded, "spread your legs."

Sabine hesitated, but obeyed, widening her stance slightly.

Janeway roughly slapped the girl's taut butt cheek so hard and so suddenly it made the girl jump as a loud crack reverberated around the room. Even Kes started at the unexpected violence, "BITCH, I SAID SPREAD YOUR FUCKING LEGS!"

Sabine panicked and immediately took a very wide stance, spreading her legs as much possible while still remaining standing.

"DON'T *EVER* MAKE ME REPEAT AN ORDER, IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?!" Janeway yelled into her ear.

"Yes ma'am! I'm so sorry ma'am, it won't happen again!" Sabine apologized profusely.

"Shut up – I don't want your apologies, I only require your obedience!" Janeway stated sternly. She looked down and waved her finger at Kes towards Sabine's cunt.

Without needing instruction, Kes reached up and spread Sabine's pussy lips apart so that Janeway could clearly see inside. Janeway sat down in her chair to get a better view and nodded appreciably, "very nice..."

Sabine couldn't believe what was happening to her. Was this really Starfleet procedure? She obviously never went to the Academy, but she'd read the computer databanks about the process... but maybe this practice wasn't in their records... maybe it was only for senior officers to know? Did every Starfleet officer go through this ritual?

"Taste test, Kes," Janeway commanded her slave.

Without hesitation, Kes immediately applied her rough, wet tongue to Sabine's exposed sex, shocking the girl and nearly making her fall over. She had to reach down and grab Kes' head to steady herself as the slave girl lapped and licked at her sensitive cunny. The sensation was like nothing Sabine had ever experienced! It wasn't a bad feeling – exactly the opposite, in fact! But it was such an overwhelming flood of sensation, so strong, so intense, that she feared she might pass out!

Janeway stood and walked over to the two naked girls before her. She put her hand on Kes' head, "front *and* back, now," Janeway instructed Kes.

Kes expertly pivoted to Sabine's anus, reached up and spread her cheeks wide and lapped at the shocked girl's pink, puckered asshole! Sabine visibly shook and she nearly collapsed, but she caught herself, reaching forward and grasping Janeway's uniform as Kes lavished her anus with her eager oral attention. When Sabine audibly gasped, Janeway knew that her slave had gotten a bit overzealous and had slipped her strong, abnormally long tongue up inside the beleaguered girl's rectum! Janeway made a mental note to punish Kes later for her presumptuousness, but allowed the violation to continue for nearly two minutes, enjoying watching Sabine attempt to maintain her composure, much less her upright condition as Kes cleaned out her anal canal, now rubbing the poor girl's clit with her fingers. Sabine sweated and groaned, gyrating her hips, breathing in quick, short, sharp breaths, nearly hyperventilating. Her eyes were heavily lidded; her pout, pink lips parted, her cheeks, ears and chest flushed a deep red now.

When Janeway began to worry that Kes might be on the verge of making the girl cum with her experienced techniques, she suddenly yanked Kes away, pulling her by the neck back to her feet. Sabine audibly gasped as Kes was so brusquely pulled from her. She moaned and watched as Janeway roughly grabbed Kes' jaw from behind, bent her head back and forcefully French-kissed the slave deeply and passionately, tasting Sabine's combined pussy and ass juices.

"Mmmm, so pure and sweet," Janeway purred and looked back up at Sabine, who was now trying to regain both her composure and her upright position.

Janeway stood and waved to Kes to her own crotch. Kes obeyed and Sabine watched as the slave girl slowly undid the zipper on Janeway's pants, her reached down her pant leg and pulled out the Captain's huge, semi-hard dick, easily a foot long with a large, pink head. Sabine was visibly shocked as she watched the woman's impressive prick stiffening up under Kes' stroking, rising up from between her legs, pointing directly at Sabine!

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