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Waves of Time

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A solitary time at the beach house is filled with pleasure.
5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 09/19/2006
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Sitting in that damp sand between the water and the dry sand, my legs spread wide so that the waves could lap at my crotch, I thought about Brenda. I thought about how she liked doing that to me. I looked around and I was alone. I felt alone. Deep down, I was alone. I lifted my bottom and slipped the bottoms of the suit past my ass and over my feet. I held them to my face and inhaled deeply smelling the mixture of salt water and my juices. How I missed sharing myself with Brenda.

It was the first of June when my Aunt Peggy called and asked if I wanted the beach house for the next three months. Seems that she had been unable to rent it out this summer. How the hell could I turn such an offer down? We had never been close, but this was exactly what I needed at this point in my life. I had no classes to teach until the fall, so I said I would. I laughed at my luck the whole time I packed.

Just past the toll bridge onto the beach, I took the top down on my Jeep CJ so I could enjoy the next 10 miles of sun. The last few miles, I was glad I was driving a 4-wheel drive as I plowed through sand drift after sand drift. Sometimes I wasn't even sure where the pavement was. The house numbers passed, 6824, 6826. There it is, 6886. Wow! Looks like at least 20 homes are gone. The others look empty. Peggy's place was all that is left at the end of the road. I guess I'll have plenty of privacy.

For a few weeks each summer when I was growing up, my parents used to bring me to her place. It had been built in the 50's on a concrete slab with concrete blocks painted pink and jalousie windows. Not a popular part of the beach back then, filled with several rows of houses each parallel to the water. Now after the past several years of hurricanes, many of the houses were gone, only some scrap wood, a few pilings, and a few slab foundations. Nothing else. Of course there had been a pink flamingo out front. The pink flamingo was now gone.

At least the key she gave me still worked. The old windows were now replaced with larger widows. What a mess the place was, it looked like no one had been here all winter to even check on the place. I tried all the faucets and the water seemed to work, even the hot water. I was surprised that the electric hot water heater was actually working after seeing the condition of the place. I was not one to complain though. I used the broom from beside the fridge to sweep the terrazzo floors. Would be stupid to have carpets in a beach house. It was nice to feel the coolness of these floors on the bottoms of my feet. Nicer than vinyl, and prettier than plain concrete.

A quick survey of the place made me feel like this would be just what I needed this summer. Maybe I could actually get a start on the book I'd planned to write for several years. Yes, that desk, with a view through the front window towards the ocean, would be the perfect place to plant my butt and my laptop. I hadn't told anyone exactly where I was going to be so I didn't have to worry about any friends deciding to surprise me with an extended visit.

Three trips were all it took to carry in my belongings and supplies. I had enough food to last me the first few days. I had seen a small grocery store, still in business and open, about 5 miles before I got to the house so I could make a run for more, as I needed.

Laptop on the desk, clothes put in drawers, sheets on the bed, food in cupboards, and dishes washed, now I stood in the doorway looking at the ocean. I unbuttoned my blouse and let the cool salt air filled breeze blow it open. The warmth of the sun was shining on my breasts now. I pushed on the elastic waistband of my short pants until they fell around my ankles. With a little kick of my foot, they flew up and I caught them with one hand. How wonderfully wicked it felt to stand there nearly naked.

I grabbed a towel and walked towards the water. Looking around, I realized just how solitary this part of the beach had become. It was like a ghost town. With the tall sand dunes, I couldn't even see any other houses, not even the closest ones, only Aunt Peggy's. This emboldened me, maybe more than I should have let myself become. I carried the towel in my hand with only my unbuttoned blouse to provide any cover.

As I walked away from the houses towards the end of the point of land I was on, through the highest reaches of the incoming waves, only my footprints were to be found. They didn't last very long. A few seashells and some seaweed littered the beach, not much else. It was like I was the first person to discover this piece of shoreline. The solitude was almost overwhelming, so much nicer, so refreshing compared to the sounds of the city and the university I'd left behind. Now all I could hear was the lapping of the surf as it rolled in and the squawk of a few seabirds. I could hardly wait for tonight as the heavy surf of the incoming tide started crashing hard against the beach.

I spread my towel, tossed my blouse on one corner, and lay on my stomach, my firm ass smiling at the sky. I'd always liked my ass and several girlfriends had often remarked how they'd like to have theirs be just like mine. The skin on my back warmed and I felt myself about to fall asleep. I fought to stay awake knowing the last thing I wanted was a sunburn on the first day.

The nakedness of my body, the fact I was laying this way out here, was stirring some primitive feelings between my legs. No, they were not new ones, not at all. There weren't many kinds of sex I'd not participated in. Probably only sex with a guy was all that I'd skipped. I slipped my hand under me and let my fingers play with myself, just casually touching and not really trying to drive myself into an orgasm. I was just enjoying my nakedness myself and out in nature.

Without a watch, it was hard to tell how long I'd laid there, but it seemed like it had been maybe too long. I didn't know why I needed to, but I felt compelled to at least slip my blouse back on, even if I didn't button it up. It is strange how some customs and habits are difficult to not do.

It had been a very long drive and the late afternoon was warm. I could still feel myself in need of a nap, maybe just a short one. The bedroom windows had been opened earlier while I cleaned and now the room was filled the sensual smell of the sea. I lay naked on my back, lazily diddling my pussy with my finger as I drifted off to sleep.

It was dark as I awoke and sat on the edge of the bed. The nearly full moon was hovering almost above the horizon, a tiny piece of the bottom still hidden by the surf. The air was cooler now, not cold, but just enough to make me put on a long sleeved t-shirt that covered me to the tops of my thighs. Just before walking out the door, I grabbed a cold bottle of beer to sip as I plodded and splashed though the edge of the water.

The moon was now higher in the sky. The feel of the water up to my knees, sometimes higher, often lower, was almost hypnotic. A breaking wave dampened the bottom of my t-shirt and I held it up around my waist, the waves now splashing against my bare bottom. I thought about how nice it would be to have someone to hold hands with, to share these moments with. I also thought about how nice it was to be alone for a change.

Back at the house, naked at my desk, I flipped on my laptop and stared at the screen for a while. No great inspiration sprung forth, but the effects of the beer could definitely be felt. I gave up and shuffled to the bedroom. Listening to the sounds of the huge waves of the incoming tide, I quickly drifted off to sleep while my fingers strummed my clit.

I forced myself to follow a routine to make sure I wasn't spending too much time on the beach and not getting anything done on the book. During the next few days, I actually made some progress on my book and took more walks along the beach.

It was not until the fourth day that I saw my first human on the beach. Some man with a fishing pole and a bucket for whatever he caught. I just happened to not be too exposed, thank God. He tipped his hat, the one that said 'Fish or Die'. He ignored the obvious bulge in his pants. I did too.

That first trip to the grocery store was a bit of a surprise. It looked much, much bigger that it actually was. I was able to get everything I needed, so that was good. Everyone that worked there was either in high school, or over 55, mostly the later. All were nice, all asked me were I was living, what I did, and how long I'd be around. I left with three bags of groceries and more beer.

The end of the first week had come and gone, and I was still enjoying my time alone. I was still enjoying lying naked on the beach too. Other than the fisherman, I'd not seen a soul on the beach. Today was no different as I lay on my stomach loving the warmth of the sun on my bare skin.

"Like some company?"

The voice was soft, feminine, and quite sensual. It still startled me. I looked around as I got my heart to beat again. There were women's feet, nice looking feet, close to my towel. I looked up, but the sun was in my eyes. Whoever it was had already seen my naked body and covering up no longer made any sense. I sat up and with my eyes shielded with a hand; I could see more of her.

"You're the second person I've seen out here in a week."

"I parked a few houses up the road and walked along the water. I was surprised to see someone. Like a morgue around here."

"Join me. I'm Karen. Staying in that house." I pointed toward my Aunt's house.

She spread her towel next to mine "I'm Brenda. Mind if I take my suit off?"

"Help yourself." Not that her suit covered all that much of her anyway. Besides I was naked already.

As she moved so she was not directly in the sun, I began to realize just how nice she looked, not a raving model kind of woman, but a lot like me. You know, that mid-forty year old look. Body not so firm anymore, but definitely not even close to being chubby. Her hair long, in a ponytail pulled through a baseball cap. Breasts nice, not huge, and not so large they overwhelmed her chest. As her suit bottom slipped over her hips, I could see she, like me, didn't have any hair between her legs.

"So Karen, you must be enjoying the quiet. Sorry to interrupt it."

"Don't be. I guess this morning I'd even thought it would be nice to see someone today."

"And here I am." She giggled as she held her hands out wide. Her eyes scanned my body checking out my breasts, my pussy. "Hope you don't mind if I say how nice you look. Some women our age have a difficult time."

I reached over and opened my small cooler and pulled the other bottle of beer out of the ice, the ice that left the bottle dripping wet, wet like I was becoming. My thumb popped the top. It spun up into the air and landed in the cooler. As I held it out, she took it letting her fingers brush against mine.

"Likewise. Guess I was checking you out too." I laughed. "You married?"

"Heavens no, just a few lady friends along the way, but nothing currently. And you?"

"Same here. I teach at a university, but off for the summer. I'm trying to write a book. Nothing very heavy, just some erotic fiction about love between women."

"Ah, good smut." She smiled.

"Yeah. Cunts, tits, moans, and such."

My mind began to race with thoughts of her filling big places in the story I was working on. It was not a big leap for me to also see her filling the empty spot next to me in bed as well.

"Sounds like more fun than writing software. I'm staying about 10 miles back towards the bridge at what seems like the only hotel left on the island. Me and about 10 other guests."

She lay on her side facing me, a hand rested on her mound, a finger lightly rubbed her labia and her clit. I watched for a few moments, not saying anything, just watching how casually she played with herself in front of what was a total stranger. I was fascinated how relaxed she seemed to be doing that.

It was not long before I could no longer resist and I touched myself in a similar manner and at a similar pace. She watched me as I continued to watch her. Our eyes occasionally looked at each other's face, then returned to prior glances. I was so-o-o turned on.

She lay back and her mouth fell open. "Ahh..." was the only sound she made. Eventually she removed her hand and I did too. It was clear that we both had an orgasm while watching the other. I took it as an unspoken sign that we could do to the other whatever was desired. I think she did too.

I sat up. "Need some lotion?"


I squeezed a large drop on her back and she jumped a little. I knew it would be cold. I really wanted to start with those cheeks of hers. What a nice butt she had. I could only imagine what was between her legs and how that would feel against my fingers or my lips.

It started as a light rub of suntan lotion on her back, but soon became a firm massage.

"Now that does feel good." She said with more of a moan than just regular talk.

"Just enjoy it."

Another plop of lotion just above the crack of her ass caused her to squeeze her cheeks tight for a moment before relaxing them. As I kneaded her cheeks, my lotion covered finger dragged deep between them over her anus.

She moaned. "I hope you're not just teasing me."

My fingertip pressed against it, but never went inside. "Maybe later." I whispered deeply.

From the back, my hand slipped between her spreading legs and the fingers worked their way inside her pussy.

"This is what I want to do now." I leaned forward and kissed her neck. "And a lot more."

"Baby, I hope a very lot more." She rolled over forcing my hand away for a second. Now on her side facing me, she took my hand and placed it back over her pussy. "Lay down here with me and let's have some lip action."

We held each other tight, the sand caught in the suntan lotion acting like sandpaper as our skin rubbed back and forth. Our lips spread wide-open as they pressed against each other, our teeth clicking together. Our tongues moving back and forth like sabers striking through the wide-open space of our open mouths. Her mouth closed enough that my tongue was forced to stay in her mouth by a strong vacuum as she inhaled.

I could feel her fingers grasp my mound, as I had done to hers not so long ago. The tips of her fingers pulling my pussy lips apart, then sliding inside, an edge of probably a thumb working against my clit. A single digit was rubbing against the roof of my cunt searching for the tender slab of skin that would unlock so much passion. "Fuck Yeah!" I almost screamed as she touched it. She concentrated her touches there until I could no longer breathe, could no longer do anything. "No more." I begged. It did no good. I thought my heart would stop. I had rarely been here this long. "Oh please..." I begged again. She held me at this peak for almost too long, then slowly let me fall back down into a more normal state of being.

Her tongue slammed into my mouth as I inhaled hard. I could almost feel it rip from her mouth, but I knew it had not. All I was trying to do was let her know how much I'd enjoyed her intense touch.

I stared into her eyes. "Are you sure that you didn't just fall from heaven?" I stuck my tongue deep into her mouth so she could not reply right away.

Her fingers squeezed my clit. "Fuck me baby. You're really good." She paused for a moment. "Maybe you should take notes for your book."

"Maybe we will just have to work out a few episodes. Several times each." I giggled.

"Let's go rinse this sand off and I can show you what I like to do the most."

"Hopefully it is eating my pussy."

"A mind reader too. Exciting."

As I stood up, I grabbed her suit bottom and held the crotch to my nose inhaling deeply.

"You like?"

"I like. I can't wait to inhale the real thing."

The water was running cold by the time we left the small metal shower with spots of rust on the white walls that rattled as we bumped them. It barely held us, neither cozy nor romantic, just functional at best. It was hard to picture my Aunt sharing this or any shower with someone. I knew she had not considered that when choosing this shower.

On the bed, we simply laid down with our faces pressed against the other's pussy. No foreplay, no romance, just straight to business, the business of eating pussy. Alternating between intense licking, fingering, sucking and just light touching, we rolled though countless orgasms and near misses. Sometimes she was on top, or I was. Sometimes we lay side by side. Everything was good. I loved the feel of her pussy grinding against my face, sometimes my chin. I would respond in a similar manner too.

When we started the sun was high in the sky, now it was almost touching the ocean. My thigh was coated with her dried juices from grinding against it more than a few times. I could feel my mouth covered as well.

She turned and looked intensely at me for a moment before gently kissing my lips. She stopped. "God damn you're good."

"Didn't think I had that many orgasms in me. What will I do tomorrow if I want to have one?"

"Guess I could come back."

"Or just stay."

"Really? Maybe I should go back to the hotel tonight and plan to stay tomorrow night."

"Actually I think you should stay tonight and checkout tomorrow morning."

"We just met."

"I have a good feeling about us."

"Often those initial feelings suck."

"I know. Usually for me they do. This feels different. Besides, how long had you planned to be at the hotel?"

"Two more nights."

"We don't want to waste those precious few nights then."

"Is there a place we can have dinner?"

"I've got some salad and 2 turkey dinners in the freezer. Several cold beers too."

That night had come straight from a romance novel - great company, some dinner, too much to drink, and lots of good sex. Brenda was being good for my soul. I'd not ever known someone quite like her. I don't know how we'd been tossed together, but I was savoring every moment. I also was trying to ignore that this would all come to an end far too quickly. I half heartily hoped she wouldn't leave. I knew I could not expect that.

We made love most of the night and as the sun rose, the bed looked like there had been a massive orgy played out there. An arm rested over each other, our lips lay inches apart. I could feel her breath blowing against my lips and didn't bother to open my eyes, just leaned forward until mine touched hers. She automatically responded and our tongues greeted each other 'good morning'. Probably before we were completely awake, they were deep inside each other's other mouth and our arms squeezed a little tighter around us.

"If you still want me to stay..."

"If you try to leave, I'll handcuff you to the bed."

"Well I need to go checkout. Come with me and I'll buy you breakfast at the hotel."

I picked up a comb. "Let me run a comb through my hair. Not sure we have time to shower."

"Gag. It's can't be 10:10?"

"Afraid it is." I tossed her a pair of shorts and a t-shirt so she wouldn't have to wear a still damp bathing suit back to the hotel. "Sorry, no uns."

"Who wears them?"

As we passed her car in my Jeep, she yelled, "Hey, the rental car is still here."

I reached out and grabbed her hand. "Glad you're sitting right there."

"Me too."

And I truly was glad, but my heart ached that the clock was ticking and she would leave. I replayed last night over and over in my head as the pavement passed under the car. Her mouth on my clit put me in a place that I didn't get to go often enough. Those fingers inside of me played me like a fine instrument and it didn't take me long to get tuned up.

The tall blue water tower was always both a welcoming sign and an exit sign for me as a child. Even painted white now, I could see it not very far ahead. That was the first thing everyone saw as they came onto the island just off the toll bridge. It had been there forever. None of the hurricanes that had torn up the island had ever damaged it. It was like the thing that screwed the island to the earth.


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