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Ways to Bed Your Mom Ch. 05

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A son turns to a forum to find a way to fuck his mother.
6.3k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 05/22/2022
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What a glorious day! I thought when I woke. The night before couldn't have been more thrilling. For I had finally broken through that unspeakable barrier with my mother and committed an act of incest with her. However, it was only us masturbating each other to a gratifying climax. It indeed was a big step. One that I hoped would take us further down this forbidden path.

My dick was already hard in anticipation of what today might bring. I sprang out of bed and looked out my window. My father's car was already gone. This pleased me because only my mother and I were home now. Quickly, I dressed and dashed down the stairs in search of the person that was responsible for this hard boner in my pants.

I smiled when I saw my mother sitting at the kitchen table and went to greet her with a kiss. Only she stopped me and said, "Please, Kory. Take a seat. We need to have a conversation about last night."

I did as I was asked and sat next to her. Mom appeared distraught, and I was about to speak when she said, "What happened last night can never occur again."

My heart started to sink in my chest when I said, "But Mom..."

"Stop Kory! It was wrong! You know this. What we did was very, very wrong!"

I tried to speak once more, but again she cut me short and announced, "I'm your mother. You're my son. No matter how good it felt at the time. We must accept that it's a forbidden act. Let alone the fact that I also cheated on my husband. With our son, of all people. Just think what it would have done to him if he saw us doing that."

I looked down at the table and could feel the tears swelling in my eyes. Mom took my hand and softly said, "I know, Kory. I know what you're feeling. I felt the same way. Trust me; I toyed with this dilemma all night long. But you must understand that no good can come out of this."

I looked into my mother's eyes. A tear strolled down my cheek when I gave a single nod.

"I'm... I'm going to be late for work," I said as I stood up and wiped the tear from my face. I then turned and proceeded to sulk away.

Behind me, as I left the kitchen, I heard my mother say, "You'll see I was right about this. Someday you'll understand."

I paused for a second and thought,No, Mom. I never will. But hopefully, you will see the light again. I then continued on my course after that and left for my job.

That day and the days that followed, I moped around. I would come home from work and then head straight to my room. I didn't want to face my mother at all. I wouldn't even leave my room to grab something to eat until I knew she was already in bed.

I would say I was suffering from depression, but this felt even worse. I didn't even want to look at any of those incestuous posts anymore. In fact, I tried to forget about them altogether. In my mind, all they did was add to this misery. At least, that is what I thought.

It wasn't until the following week that things changed. I had just walked in the door after leaving work and was about to head to my room when I heard my mother call my name.

I popped my head around the corner of the doorway, and there, sitting in the living room by herself, was my mother. This wasn't uncommon since my father typically worked late, but she appeared upset as she sat there for some reason.

Only I wasn't in any mood to talk with her and just said, "Did you need something?"

"Yes. Can you please come here?"

I let out a loud sigh as I approached her. But once there, I didn't sit down. Instead, I stood and asked, "Okay, I'm here. What can I do for you?"

Mom looked up at me. She had definitely been crying. I could see the smears in her makeup.

I felt a bit sorrowful, but I stood firm and looked down at her. Mom then replied, "For starters, can you please take a seat?"

Again I sighed as I plopped down by her side.

"Kory..." my mother said. "We need to have another talk."

I barked, "Pffft. What did I do now?"

"It's not what you did. It's what you're not doing. You've been ignoring me ever since we had that talk."

"Well!" I said. "How did you think I was going to act afterward? I mean, I did reveal to you how I felt, and I thought we both were on the same page. But it wasn't until the next day that you decided to smash all my hopes of showing you just how much you meant to me."

"Kory!" Mom barked. "That isn't what happened, and you know it. I think I explained very plainly why I felt we had to stop."

"Well, that was how I felt afterward. I mean, you never allowed me to explain why I felt you were wrong about it all!" I exclaimed.

Mom replied, "What could you have possibly said to me that would make me think it was anything but inappropriate for us to have done that?"

"For starters. How about the fact that you've been fantasizing about me also? Not to mention that you appeared to be enjoying what we were doing just as much as I was. I mean, you did come on my fingers, you know."

"Hold on, Mr., I never said I didn't enjoy what we did. God knows I loved it. That's not the problem." Mom rebutted. "Do you actually think it was easy for me to tell you we had to stop? It wasn't! In fact... I... I...

Mom started to cry. She held her face in her hands, and I felt like a heel. My heart was opening up again. I wanted to make her feel better and, as I put my arm over her shoulder, said, "I'm sorry, Mom. Please don't cry. I never meant to make you feel this way."

Mom looked up at me with her tear-filled eyes. She then sat up and quickly hugged me. Then, with her head on my shoulder, she said, "Oh, Kory... I can't stand that you hate me now."

"Mom," I replied. "I can never hate you. I love you."

I eased myself back until she looked at my face and, while I wiped the tears from her cheeks, said, "Don't you see? That's my problem. I don't just love you, Mom. I want you. I want you more than anything, and it's killing me that it won't ever happen."

Mom lunged forward and kissed me hard on the lips. I was initially surprised, but then I embraced her body while letting my mouth welcome her kiss. Passionately we kissed, and as we did, I could feel my hunger building for her.

Only my mother suddenly pulled away. With her hands pressed into my chest, she sighed. Oh no. No, no, no. Not again. She quickly rose, and I could tell she was about to bolt away, and I yelled,"What the hell, Mom!"

Slowly she turned and pouted, "I'm sorry, Kory." Her head shook as she said, "I shouldn't have done that. God, I'm so confused."

"You!" I shouted. "First, you kiss me and then start to run away?"

My mother returned. And as she sat back down said, "Yes. You're right. I should explain. You have the right to know."

With sincerity in her eyes, she said, "There's more to this than just what we've done. Your father and I haven't been doing well over the last few months. We haven't had... You know... In a long time now, I fear he doesn't find me attractive anymore."

"Then he's an idiot," I replied.

Mom smiled at that briefly before continuing, "That night when he came home after we... Well, you know. He and I quarreled about his long hours at the office. He didn't admit it, but I think he might be having an affair."

I felt my blood begin to boil but kept quiet. I mean, what could I say? I was also trying to fuck his wife, after all.

"So I guess what I'm saying, Kory, is this. I'm having moments of weakness. I hope you can try to see this from my point of view. I'm dealing with your father, who's not showing me any affection. And then you. My sweet child who is more than willing to fulfill my sexual needs."

I sat up and thought about what she had just told me. Regrettably, it made sense. My mother was in a weak spot in her life.

I sighed, "Listen, Mom. I... I understand now. I'm so sorry that dad isn't paying you the attention you deserve. Maybe I should try harder to at least resist these urges I feel for you."

Mom smiled and said, "You'd do that?"

"Of course, Mom. I love you. I don't want to add to what you might be going thru with dad."

"Oh, honey!" Mom bellowed, taking me in her arms and hugging me tightly. "You don't know how happy that makes me hearing you say that."

I hugged her back and said, "Just know I'll be waiting should you ever feel the need to... You know."

With that, I kissed her lips softly once more. Then stood up and said, "I'll go to my room and let you think about that."

Mom didn't speak as I walked away. Once inside my room, I contemplated what was said. Knowing my father wasn't fulfilling his manly duties, I still had a shot with her for sure.

But how do I get her to accept that I was the person she wants to fuck without her feeling guilty?

Of course, that dam forum popped into my head, and I started up my computer.

Okay, this is it. If I can't find something useful this time. Then I'm done looking at these posts. So I thought when I sat down and began to read.


Well, Jim, I can understand your frustration. My mother wasn't an easy fuck, either. In fact, I had many failed attempts even though I thought with her being a single parent; it would almost be a sure thing.

Before I go any further, I guess I should make an introduction and describe my mother, so here goes. My name is Steven, and my mother's name is Peggy.

Now, Peggy, my mother, isn't just nice-looking. She's fucking gorgeous. I know what you're thinking. Every son is going to describe their mother that way. I would agree, except that my mother is a well-known model around here and has been since before I was born. She's been in many magazines and even done some clothing and makeup commercials for our local television stations. So yes, she's a natural hottie and has the sexy hourglass figure to prove it.

Her tight ass, muscular legs, and B-size breasts would always make my dick swell when I was lucky enough to catch her wearing a bikini. Shit, I'm actually getting stiff now just thinking about seeing her like that.

Mom's eyes are blue, and her hair isn't long, about shoulder length. It's also curly and light blonde.

Anyway, that's her description, and as I said, since my mother was already single, I figured this would be simple to accomplish, but I'm here to tell you that was my first mistake. I'll even go as far as to give you a couple more examples of the other things I tried since it took me two years to figure out what really worked.

I would let her catch me stroking off at night by leaving my bedroom door open. I then tried to hug her more often, thinking if she felt my cock pressing into her mound while her breast was smashed into my chest, it would spark her sexual desires.

I even tried telling her how sexy she was, hoping my flattery would make her think of me as more of a young stud than her eighteen-year-old son.

And lastly, I would bring up sexual situations in a conversation with her, thinking it would ignite that idea in her head. Well, none of that crap worked.

Peggy just wouldn't show any signs that she was even a little interested in letting me take this to the next level. In fact, all that those things did was make her more guarded around me.

She even went as far as to say, "Christ, Steven, I hope your hormones calm down soon. I swear you're becoming a little sex freak."

That was until I figured out her weakness. I stress this because instead of giving you a 'maybe you'll get lucky if you try this on your mother.' I'm going to tell you flat-out that this is the secret you are missing. You need to figure out what turns her on. What really makes her hot, and once you have that information, it's almost a sure thing.

I honestly was about to give up until I figured that out, and it happened the day she came home from doing a designer's show, and her feet were killing her.

She had to walk in six-inch heels, which played havoc on her tootsies.

Mom didn't even make it to her bedroom to change and take a shower like she typically would do. Instead, still dressed in her white sleeveless button-down shirt and semi-short black skirt, she crashed on the sofa and kicked her shoes off. Then, running her hands down her legs, she began to rub her heels thru the sheer nylons that covered her feet.

Being concerned, I asked, "You okay, Mom?"

"Oh, honey. I'm exhausted, and my feet are so sore."

Seeing my mother in pain tugged at my heart, and I immediately said, "Listen, Mom, why don't you rest on the couch and let me massage them?"

My mother shot me this puzzling look before she sneered, "Ah-ha. Sorry, Steven, I'm not in the mood for your little shenanigans tonight."

"No, Mom, I'm serious," I replied.

"So, no funny business if I agree to this?" she questioned.

"No funny business," I said. "I promise."

"Okay, Steven. But I'm going to hold you to that."

I nodded as I walked over and rested on my knees while Mom lay flat on the sofa.

Lifting my mother's left foot, I gently pushed my thumbs into her arches and heard her give out the softest of sighs.

"You like that, Mom?"


"It's not too hard, is it?" I asked as I continued to massage her foot.

"Mmm. Nnno. You're doing great," Mom murmured a little louder.

A few minutes later, when I moved my thumbs up to her toes, I heard, "Oh, honey, right there. Oh yes! Ahhh. Oh god, your fingers. You found the spot. Oh... Mmm, that's so good."

Hearing that made me smile because, at the time, I only wanted to make my mother feel better. But as I continued to work my fingers over her phalanges, she did something unexpected. She sighed, but this one didn't sound like the previous one. It sounded more sexual. Then after that, I noticed two more things. First, her hands started to scratch and dig into the couch, and second, her legs parted enough for me to have a clear view between them. I couldn't help but ogle the tiny white panties she had on and imagined what it would be like to run my tongue over her covered pussy.

My heart started to beat quicker when my dick started to rise. I could feel my sexual desire once again boil to the surface. I pressed a little hard into her digits, which caused Mom to moan, "Oh, Steven. You have no idea what this is doing to me."

Oh, but I did, and even though I had promised I would behave, I was now trying to figure out just how far she would let me continue with this foot massage. Would I get a chance to work my way up her leg? To that hidden treasure, I so desperately sought. I wasn't sure.

However, I knew I still needed to work on her other foot, so I swapped over to it. Patiently, I worked my thumbs into her arches, and she moaned, "Oh... Mmm. Ahhh. Oh, honey. Oh god. Oh, you're making mommy feel so good."

Fuck, my cock was raging in my pants now. Had I known I would be getting so excited doing this, I surely would have put on a pair of sweats beforehand. But, of course, it was too late for that, and I kept to my original plan and eased my fingers up to her toes.

"AHHH! Oh!!! Mmm!" Mom moaned more intensely, and her legs spread even further. Her body started to fidget around while she clutched at the sofa.

It was then that I noticed something promising. I spied a wet spot forming at the center of her panties.

Fuck, she's getting excited! I thought, and that was enough for me to push my luck.

Slowly, my fingers left my mother's toes and inched down to her heel. Mom's lips parted as her sighing increased. Gently, I motioned my hand to her ankle. Again, I was happy my mother wasn't showing any sign she didn't like what I was doing. I ventured further up at a snail's pace. Higher, I climbed until my hands rubbed over her calf.

Just a few more inches.

However, that was when Mom lifted her head and said, "Okay, Steven. I think that's enough. You appear to be massaging more than my foot now."

I tried to cover my misdeed and lied, "Sorry, Mom. I figured your calves would be just as sore as your feet."

"Well, in any event, you did a lovely job, so thank you."

I removed my hands and stood upright. I felt my heart sink. I was so close to achieving the impossible I remarked, "If you ever need another foot massage, Mom, I'm more than happy to do it again."

Mom eased herself up and off the sofa. Then, once she was standing in front of me, she leaned over and softly kissed my cheek. Her smooch made this 'mmmwah' sound. But I also noticed how it lingered before she said, "I'll keep that in mind."

I was onto something. I was sure of it. I felt confident that if my fingers ticked her clit she would have orgasmed on them. The hard part was going to be how to convince her she needed another massage. Then somehow, get my digits to climb up to her precious pussy while I rubbed her.

Luck would have it, and I didn't have to convince her at all. Because two days afterward, she had another grueling show, and her feet were sore again.

At least this time, I prepared myself and changed into comfortable sweats before I started. Like the last time, I started with the bottom of her foot and worked my way toward her toes.

"Oh... Yes... Mmmm. Ahhh," she whined as I pushed my fingers around her toes. Her legs parted slightly while her eyes were closed, and when I applied a smidgen more pressure, her back arched off the sofa.

Mom was getting worked up, and my dick went stiff seeing it. I decided to push my luck and make my move. I ventured down to her heel and then over her ankle. Mom's eyes were still closed and showed no signs of being discontent. I moved up higher. To her calves, I went and worked my thumbs deep into the muscle tissue.

"Oh... Wow. Honey your hands. They are magical, I swear," Mom sighed.

I smiled as my hand climbed higher. I was patiently inching my way up her leg. Her thighs parted even more as I went past her knee. Her breathing increased, and I could see a wet spot again forming between her legs. Finally, I went for broke and motioned my hands between her highs. Her legs split wide open, and she loudly sighed, "Oh... Oh god. Sssteven. That's... Oh! That's e-e-enough."

"You sure, Mom?" I teased as my fingers climbed higher while she started to pant. I could feel the heat from her pussy. I was so close to being able to slip a finger under her panties when suddenly she moaned, "Steven... Please. Oh! Oh! Oh, nnno more. You're going toooo make meeee."

As her voice trailed off, I lightly brushed my index finger against her pussy lips, and her toes curled when she wailed, "Oh fuck!"

I could tell she was about to cum by the way her ass lifted off of the sofa. Quickly I laid my palm entirely over the top of her covered mound.

"Oh no, Steven!" Mom yelled while her hands covered the top of my invading mitt, holding it in place.

"Oh god! I'm cumming! I'm fucking cumming!" She screamed and then made a sexual grunting sound as her body quivered.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!" My mother cried over and over until her body went limp. I didn't move and just listened to her loud breathing while her hands slowly slid off to the side of her body.

As she lay there huffing, I noticed how her juices had soaked thru her panties. This only added to my sexual excitement, and before my mother could respond, I lowered my head to her pussy.

The smell of her sweet sex filled my nostrils as I pushed her panties to the side before flickering my tongue over her clit.

"Oh God!" Mom yelled as she grabbed my head while trying to sit upright. This only caused her pussy to rake over my face.

I pushed my tongue harder into her mound until it pierced thru her pussy lips and didn't stop until it was buried deep inside her moist cunt. Within seconds I was fucking her feverishly with my tongue.

"Oh god, this is wrong!" So wrong!" Mom whimpered while bucking and thrashing around. It was obvious what I was doing was getting her super excited. But she wasn't the only one. I was past thinking rationally and quickly yanked my pants down past my knees.


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