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Weekend Getaway

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Young husband takes his wife to family's private camp.
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Part 1: The Camp

We crossed the cattle guard over the stream and pulled up at the gate. I stepped out of the pickup and took the keys to the padlock. The tractor trail on the other side looked like it had recently been sprayed with weed killer, so I knew the neighbor Dad paid to keep the property up was keeping the bargain.

In the winter this was a hunting camp, but in February Dianne and I would have it all to ourselves for a few days. No office for me, no dance classes for her to teach. Seven miles down a gravel road and a mile up this logging road would bring us to the privacy of our grey cabin with the steep pitched roof and a porch all the way around its big single room.

Dianne roused herself in the passenger seat as I locked the gate behind us and climbed back into the truck. She had slept the last seventy miles. "Almost there, Hon?" she moaned.

"Yeah, Baby," I said.

"I don't remember the trees so close to the road like this."

"Dad said the logging company clear cut this section about three years ago and replanted it. When you were here those trees were only knee high."

"Oh yeah, now I remember" she said as we rounded a turn and the cabin came into view.

Dad had a great explanation for the unusual style of the cabin. The original builder had obviously studied traditional architecture and built and African style raised wooden cottage for his camp. "Keeps it cool on hot summer nights by drawing air up through the roof" Dad was fond of telling his guests. If his clients liked to hunt Dad would bring them here in deer season. Most of them went home with an ice chest full of fresh venison and a new contract with Dad.

The place had been in Mom's family for years before she met Dad. She and her sisters would spend summers here when Grandma wanted to get "out of the city" as the old moneyed families used to say. Mom and Aunt Jenny followed the tradition by bringing my little sister, cousins and me up here. It was crowded at times with five kids, two moms and on weekends two dads but very happy. The neat part for younger kids was that kids six years old didn't wear clothes during their summer stay. I know that sounds like something out of the YaYa Sisterhood but it was the way Grandma then Mom and Aunt Jenny raised their families.

Di's only visit here was for a family reunion July 4 barbeque and we didn't get to spend the night. Now it would be an inexpensive vacation for a few days.

When I stopped the truck Di grabbed the smaller of our two ice chests before I could say "I'll get that" and started up the steps to the porch. The ancient refrigerator that in true Southern style always stood on the porch had been replaced by a new one that would keep our beer and food cold. Around the side of the house was and outdoor shower, a "kid wash" as Aunt Jenny used to call it as she herded us through it at sunsets.

"Hey Di" I said as she put away the contents of the ice chest. "Did you get inside at all last year?"

"No, I just looked through the windows. Did you really use the kid wash?

"Every day. Come on, let me show you to our room." I unlocked the door, turned to Di and swept her up like a newlywed. "Just for luck" I said as I carried her over the threshold.

"Always the romantic" she giggled and looked around as I set her feet down. "Oh my goodness, this is great!"

Dad had obviously remodeled the place, with a new built in oven and range, sink and a soapstone fireplace that replaced the ancient Franklin stove. Bunk beds with full size lowers were draped with sheets to keep the dust off the mattresses. The floor, once bare wood, was now covered with tile. A wooden picnic table and a pair of rocking chairs completed the furniture with plenty of room left around the fireplace where what appeared to be a Persian rug was rolled up against the wall.

"Good old Dad" I said. "The only thing still primitive is the privy out back."

Di opened the shutter and looked out the back window. "Looks like he ran the electricity to it, too" she said. "And that tool shed next to it looks new as well."

"Probably has his barbeque pit and a generator in there. We used to have regular power failures out here on the end of the grid."

"Didn't you have mosquitoes? These windows don't have screens"

"As I recall the breeze at night was too much for them" I said, pulling the sheet off a bunk. "Yeah," I looked up "There's the old attic fan. Actually it got chilly on naked kids. Mom used to cover us with flannel sheets after we fell asleep on our floor pallets."

"Do you think we'll be cold tonight?" Di asked, wrapping her hands behind my neck. She arched her back, putting her belly against my groin and throwing her shoulders back. "'Cause I expect you to keep me warm."

"You'll be warm alright" I said. "How about we get the rest of our stuff and then take a walk down to the pond before it gets dark?"

"Can we pretend we're under six?" Di smiled.

I wasn't about to say no to that request.

Part 2: The Pond

I had not been naked in the woods in over twenty years, and memories of this place filled my head as we held hand and walked down the stone path to the pond, illuminated by warm afternoon sunshine. Last year Di had achieved a great all over tan by sunning herself in our back yard, but right now we were both rather pale.

The pond had once been a tank, a man made reservoir for livestock. Long ago someone had planted a live oak on the hillside and that tree was so huge that as a child I helped Dad hang a tire swing from it. The rope had long since rotted away and I made a mental note to replace it. The lone oak looked stately among the pines that surrounded it.

Di let go of my hand and ran to the shallow end of the pond to dip her toes into the water. "Brrrrr! Too cold!" she shivered as she shouted.

"Yeah," I said. "The sun doesn't get to it very well this time of year. By Easter it'll be warm enough to swim."

"I'm disappointed" Di pretended to pout, sucking her right thumb and planting her left hand on her hip. It had the effect of exaggerating her stance, with her right hip thrown out. Sunlight filtering through the oak leaves painted spots on her naked skin.

"As Aunt Jenny would say" I scolded her. "'Don't you pout out here in front of God in His creation. There's too many wonderful things to see and do to take that attitude.'" I was saying the words but my mind heard Aunt Jenny scolding her girls and my sister. I had a difficult time deciding if I wanted to concentrate on the memory of three naked preschoolers or the view of my naked wife who had unknowingly assumed the same posture.

Di teased back. "OK Aunt Jenny. What else is there to do in this Garden of Eden?"

"Come with me, little girl, and I'll show you" I said extending my hand. She took my hand and I led her trough the pines to show her the place where Little Red Riding Hood met the wolf on the path to Grandma's house.

Part 3: The Kid Wash and Dinner

We got back to the cabin as the sun began to touch the hills to our west, throwing long shadows.

"If you want to use the kid wash we should do it quickly" I said.

"Why" she asked.

"Well, the water comes out of that cistern" I pointed, "and into a set of black pipes that zigzag on the roof making it a solar water heater. It's hot now but it cools off fast since there's no insulation. You game?"

"For you, always" Di said and took the lead, pulling me as she skipped up the steps.

We stepped under the shower head together and I turned it on. The water hit us gently, and Dianne luxuriated in it, letting it run down her face and body. I kicked at the water that puddled at our feet to splash her feet clean, then ran my hands over her wet body. I'd been in the kid wash many times with my naked cousins but this was different.

The water turned cold quickly and I shut it off. "Damn!" I said. "We forgot to bring out towels!"

"Well," said Di, "It's not too cold yet. Why don't you bring in some firewood and I'll go in and start dinner?"

"Sounds like a plan to me" I said.

She kissed my cheek and started toward the door. Then she paused and did a kind of shimmy that shook the water off her body. It also made her ass move in a way that made blood rush to my balls, so it took a moment for my brain to remember that Di teaches Eastern dancing to a "ladies over 18 only" class. I've seen her practice that shimmy before, but never naked and never from the rear. Finally I processed the word "Firewood" and grabbed Dad's canvas wood carrier.

I carried a load of wood into the back door and stopped at the sight that greeted me: Dianne had her naked back to me but was wearing a ruffled red and white apron tied around her neck and waist. I couldn't resist saying something.

"Nice apron, Honey!"

"Thanks darling" she said without looking up. "Its your Mom's."

"It would never look this good on Mom!"

Di turned to grin over her shoulder. "That's not what your Dad said. I called them while you were at work yesterday. Mom told me what she kept up here for when they come up so I could pack less. Your Dad was there and he picked up the other phone to tell me more. I could practically hear Mom blushing when he brought up this apron!"

"So you knew all about this place and still let me lead you all over the woods?

"No, they didn't tell me much about the woods, just the cabin." She put the last pot on the stove. "And I LOVED every minute we spent in the woods today. The noodles will be ready in about ten minutes, so why don't you get another load of wood so you won't have to go back out there tonight?"

When I came back Dianne had unrolled the Persian rug and mover a rocker close to the fireplace. "Have a seat and I'll get you a beer."

I lit the fire and sat down just as she came back in with the beer.

"Mom said to use paper plates and carry our garbage out with us" she said without looking back.

"Did she give you any instructions on how to fuck me?" I asked, a little annoyed that she kept the conversation from me.

"No, just the positions your Dad likes" she teased back. "But next time I'll ask her. Any woman who refereed two boys and three girls running around this place naked is one hell of a woman."

"Ok, Di, first we're talking about my Mom here, and second, Darry was born when I was five so there were never two naked boys. Once I turned six I had to start wearing shorts or go back to stay with Dad."

"Yeah. Do you remember what you thought about naked girls back then?"

"Just that they peed differently that I did. I mean, Sis was just eleven months behind me and Aunt Jenny had Belle the same year. I was sharing a bathtub with them before I was toilet trained."

Di was shuffling pots in the kitchen without looking at me while I watched her. "Mom said you loved it here even after you started wearing pants."

I focused my attention on the fire. "I came here summers until I was twelve and went off to that boys' camp. Belle and Sis wrote me to say how much the missed me and that it wasn't the same without me, but the next year they discovered the other differences between boys and girls." I chuckled and added "When I saw Belle at Thanksgiving that year she had discovered kissing and wanted to practice with me."

"She taught you well. Remind me to send her a thank you card" Di giggled. "Where are Belle and Darren and, uh ...."

"Mel" I said. "I'll have to ask Mom. You wanna make the call?

A timer went off and Di poured something in the sink. "I love Mom. If she wasn't my mother in law I'd want her to be my friend. But no, you call when we get home. You wanna eat at the table or in front of the fire?"

"Table" I said getting up from the rocker. Di took off the apron and put two plates of spaghetti on the table, then popped the top off a container of coleslaw.

"Mom's recipe for coleslaw" she said.

"Aunt Jenny's recipe if you got it from Mom. She's used it since Jenny died."

"Really? Mom didn't mention it." Di replied.

"You do realize that you've been calling my mother 'Mom,' don't you.?"

"Yeah, she caught on to it about a month ago, took it as a compliment. Look, are there any meal time traditions she and Jenny had you kids do?"

"Uh, yeah, they usually had us say a blessing. Wanna keep the tradition?"

Di folded her hands in front of her bare breasts. "Go ahead."

"OK, say it after me... God is great..."

"God is great..."

"God is good..."

"And we thank Him for our food. Amen"

"And we thank Him for our food. Amen" Di unconsciously crossed herself as she said Amen.

"It looks funny to see you cross yourself when you're naked" I said.

"Yeah" she said. "Funnier still, I converted when I was 17 but every time someone says grace I still cross myself like a good little Catholic schoolgirl. Have you ever seen me do it any other time?"

"No, but I imagine we looked pretty funny too, naked kids saying grace."

Di smiled. "I want your children to have that memory too."

"Well, you'll have to bring them up here in the summer while I'm working" I said and scooped up a big forkful of Aunt Jenny's coleslaw.

Part 4: By the Fireplace

"You know" Di said as she dumped the empty plates into a garbage bag, "We had a great day bare ass naked and you didn't get a full erection. Who are you and what have you done with Dave?"

"I guess when I'm here I'm that naked little boy" I said, watching her naked backside as she moved around the kitchen. "But if you keep shaking your ass like that I'm gonna hit puberty pretty soon."

Di turned and smiled. "I certainly hope so! You want another beer?"


"OK, build up the fire and have a seat by it." She went out to the refrigerator on the porch. I was just closing the fireplace screen when she came back in.

I took the beer and sat in the rocker. Di pulled the footstool up and sat between my legs with her back to me and her knees up to her chin. One stray curl had come untucked from her braided hair and I twirled it between my fingers.

"Today was wonderful" Di said. "I want to bring your children here every summer."

"Wanna start on that tonight, babe?" I asked.

Di leaned her head back into my lap as if she was trying to look up into my face.

"I didn't start my birth control pills again after my last period" she said.

"You sneaky bad girl" I replied.

She turned on the stool so she was half illuminated by the fire. "I'm not ovulating this week, but yes, I want to start working on it tonight." She turned completely around and wrapped her hands around my balls.

"What about your dance classes?" I said then drained my beer.

"I can teach Eastern dance right up to the end. It's great for pregnant women, works the abdominal muscles. Maybe I could start a 'pregos only' class." Gently touching my penis she continued "And I know you're going to be a great Daddy." My dick was rising to the occasion when she stood up and took my hands to get me to my feet."

Facing her and looking into each others' eyes she asked me "The only question now is 'Here by the fire or in the lower bunk?'"

"Here by the fire" I said, wrapping my arms around her and smothering her in a kiss.

Her arms wrapped around me and her tongue entered my mouth. Without breaking the hug I lowered her to the rug, breaking the kiss just to look at her face as I laid her down on her side with her head on my arm. She moved her legs to hook mine, entwining them. Her right arm was pinned under us, but her left moved from my shoulder down to my hip as she pulled herself closer pressing her breasts and belly against me. My free hand moved to her breast and squeezed gently.

I don't know how long we entwined on the rug before she rolled onto her back and spread her legs for me. That gave my right hand room to move down to her close-cropped bush and I worked a finger into her pussy. She was already wet as I kissed my way down her neck, shoulder, breast, pausing on her right nipple to kiss it thoroughly before moving down to her belly to kiss around her navel jewel. I rubbed my nose in her pubic hair, savoring her scent before locking my mouth over her vagina and tonguing her clit. She ran her fingers through my hair and crossed her ankles behind my neck, pulling her but off the rug as I licked and pushed my tongue into her juicy box.

She moaned and shook all over, and then I felt her go limp and her legs fell heavily from around my neck onto the Persian rug. I pulled back to look at her face. Her eyes were shut tight and her lips open in a slack-jawed smile. I positioned myself to penetrate her and buried my rod in her pussy.

The sudden filling drew a loud "oooouuuh" from my wife but I covered her lips with another kiss as I supported my weight on my elbows and placed my hands on her cheeks.

I began humping and she pushed back to meet each stroke. Not wishing to come too soon I paused at full penetration to feel her contract her vaginal muscles around me then resumed a slower rhythm that brought her to another orgasm before I had to raise my head and groan as I emptied my sperm deep in her body.

I rested my head on the carpet, my chin on her shoulder. She giggled and clinched her pussy muscles in Cagle exercises around my now so sensitive penis. Oh, I just love that "snapping pussy"!

She cooed "I love you Dave."

"And I love you Di" I said and the rolled off her onto my back. She cuddled up to me, head on my shoulder with one hand under the small of my back and the other on my chest. Air escaped from her vagina with an audible series of "pop pop pops." We both chuckled at the "pussy farts." "Sounds like I did a good job" I said.

"It was wonderful" she cooed.

"You certainly are, baby" I said. My brain was just getting enough blood back into it as my penis shrank back to flaccid so I could think again. I ran my eyes over the love of my life, illuminated by the fire and cuddling me like I was her teddy bear and realized she had fallen sound asleep. I pushed that loose curl over her temple back out of her face then laid my hand down on the rug and joined her.

Part 4: Dawn and Doggie Style

I woke up to find that Di had rolled over and I was spooned around her. She no longer had her head on my arm, her cheek rested on her folded hands so I raised my arm to look at my watch. Just after 6 AM. The time confirmed that the gray light trickling through the shutters was the approach of dawn. I decided to get up and watch it but I paused to look at my naked bride, curled almost into a fetal position in front of the dying fire.

If my steps made any noise Di didn't seem to wake while I opened the door. Cool air hit me gently. Not cool enough to make me want to dress, just to make me feel refreshed.

Many mornings as a child I'd risen naked from my pallet on the floor to watch the sunrise from my mother's lap, or sitting next to Aunt Jenny. Jenny would have poured a steaming cup of herbal tea but today I opened the fridge and pulled out a longneck. As I popped the top and took my first sip I heard Dad's voice in my head: "Beer, breakfast of losers and quitters!" No, Dad, I said to the voice, not today. I took another swig and sat my naked behind down on the steps facing east.

The sun peeked over the hills as I sat thinking of Belle and Sis, Mel and Darren and our time as naked children when our only care was play. It occurred to me that when I was six and had to start wearing shorts Mom had a great explanation for why I could no longer go bare, but for the life of me I couldn't remember what that explanation was. It must have been good because I don't remember Belle and Sis saying so much as a word about it when I was the only clothed child. For that matter, I don't recall any complaints the next year when they donned the bottoms of their two piece swimsuits while Mel was still allowed to play naked.

I was lost in thought when I heard "Oh my!" behind me and turned to see Dianne wrapped in a sheet. "What a view!" she said.


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