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Welcome to the Gay Bar

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Stumbling into the wrong pub leads to fun.
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My name is Jamie. I'm a 22 year old from a small town just outside Newcastle. I've never really had a serious relationship before. My last girlfriend and I split up after realising there wasn't much of a spark there. Since then, I've kind of threw myself into my work, trying to earn as much money as possible so I could get out of my parents house. Living at home makes it extremely difficult for hookups, nothing worse than trying to sneak someone out whilst your parents are having breakfast. Anyway, I digress. My work takes me up and down the country on various training courses... exciting, I know.

My latest adventure led me to London. A 3 day training course. I absolutely hated them. There was nothing more boring in my mind that sitting listening to someone talk to you for 8 hours a day. But completing this training was to lead to a pay rise, so I wasn't going to argue. I arrived into King's Cross late on Monday evening and headed straight off to my hotel.

The next day was a complete drag. The training started at 9am and went all the way through till 5pm. It was tedious. Been talked at pretty much zapped all the energy from my body. I headed back to my hotel room and ordered some room service. After sitting around for what felt like hours, it was almost 7pm. I made the decision that there was no way that I could sit around all night without going insane.

I decided that I could go out for a walk, explore the city a little bit and maybe stop off somewhere for a drink if I fancied it. So with that, I jumped in the shower, freshened my self up. And I made myself look presentable. A dash of aftershave and I was on my way out. You never know, I might get lucky.

I wandered around the surrounding areas to my hotel. Managing to take in a couple of sights, I came across a little pub on my way back to the hotel. Figuring it was a night for football, I made my way in thinking I could grab a drink and enjoy the second half of the match. Now believe me when I say this, walking into the pub. It looked like your usual pub, the football was on the TV and I headed over to the bar.

The young looking barman greeted me at the corner of the bar, 'What can I get you?'

'Just a pint of lager please.'

We exchanged the drink for the money and I just remained at the bar watching the TV that was in my eye line. I noticed a few glancing looks that seemed to come my way but I just thought they could sense I was an out of towner and maybe heard me to speak to the barman with my kind of Geordie accent.

The football soon came to an end, and I was about halfway through my second pint. When the pub soon turned into a disco, the lights came on and music started blaring throughout the building. I didn't think it would get this rowdy on a Tuesday night. I quickly finished up the end of my drink, hoping to get out before the party started when an older gentlemen joined me at the end of the bar. He was dressed very smartly from what I could see, white shirt, jeans, shoes and a suit jacket. And he smelt good.

'So, what did you think of the match?' He asked me. It was getting difficult to talk to each other due to the music, but he moved in closer and we had a polite conversation about the football.

'Can I get you another drink?' he asked.

'No, no it's fine. I was just about to get going. I'm here on training, so I have to be up in the morning.'

'Awww come on, just a quick one.' He pleaded with me.

'I really shouldn't'.

'Haven't you ever let another guy buy you a drink before?'

I looked around once more, trying to take my surroundings in. The penny was close to dropping.

'You do realise where you are don't you?' He had a confused look on his face. 'You know this is a gay bar right?'

It finally clicked, the looks I was getting. People were checking me out. I looked around again, there was only maybe one or two women in the full bar. And they tended to be in a group of guys. Behind me, the dancing had begun. And the guys were getting very handsy with each other.

'I honestly didn't know,' I said to the gentleman, trying to laugh it off. 'I just seen the match advertised outside when I was on my way back to the hotel.'

'So you're not gay?' he laughed. 'Even better, I like a challenge. I'm Dave by the way.'

'Nice to meet you Dave, I'm Jamie.'

'Let me get you that drink.' And with that he ordered us a couple of drinks whilst we got to know a bit more about each other. I told him all about work and what had happened with my previous relationship. He told me he was 43, worked in a business in London and was a regular here.

'So when you say there was no spark between you and your ex, was that in the bedroom?' The conversation was beginning to get deep.

'Mostly yeah, the sex became quite boring. It started to feel like a chore for both of us in the end really, so I think that's what made us both decide to call it quits.'

'And you've never been curious about having sex with men?' I was beginning to feel like he was leading me down a dark path here.

'I wouldn't say I've never been curious. I think everybody is at some point. You know, we've all clicked on the wrong thumbnail one time or another.'

'So what made you curious?'

'Probably pegging, that idea always had me intrigued and then from there I started to wonder what a real cock was like.'

'Well unless you take the plunge you'll never know. I mean you have a banging body, you won't be short of offers in this place. I'll be right back... nature calls.'

Dave left me stood at the bar, pondering the situation. I always classed myself as straight, maybe even bi-curious at some points in my life. I knew he was hitting on me, I wasn't that naive. He was an attractive looking man, looked like he was in good shape. I was a long way from home, who would know if I take try it out? I might hate it and never speak of it again. Or, I might find my true self.

Dave wasn't gone long, and has he came back, I felt his hand brush against my ass. 'You want another drink?'

'Sure.' I nodded.

'Or we could get out of here, I have an apartment not to far away? It would be quieter, I might actually be able to hear you.' He said, laughing once more.

I agreed and we headed out the pub and down towards his apartment. It was only a short walk before we arrived at the building and jumped into the lift. When he opened the door I was in awe. It was like a penthouse suite you see in the films. It was huge. I couldn't even see the bedroom off to the side but you had fabulous views of London due to floor to ceiling windows that went around the full exterior of the apartment.

'Wow this is amazing.' I said.

Dave went into the fridge and grabbed us a couple of bottles of lager and I joined him on the sofa. We chatted some more, and he told me a bit more about his life. When he explained it to me, it was easy to see how he could afford a place like this in the centre of London. We both finished our drinks as Dave moved closer to me on the sofa.

He turned to face me and put his hand on my knee. 'Are you feeling curious?' He got even closer. I couldn't lie to myself. I wanted to see what it was like, how it would feel. He leaned in close to me and kissed me softly on the lips and withdrew, my head followed him wanting more.

He smiled at me. He now knew that it was what I wanted, and he had me where he wanted me. He moved back in to kiss me once more, this time moving his hand to the side of my face, pulling me in towards him. He parted my lips with his tongue as he explored my mouth in a tender way. This only lasted a few seconds before he gently pulled away.

'How was that?' He asked me.

'Amazing. So soft. So tender.' I even liked the way his stubble rubbed against my face. My body was experiencing feelings it never had before. I'd began to grow hard inside my jeans.

'So you'll stay a bit longer?' I nodded yes in response and he smiled as headed into the kitchen.

I stood up, rearranged myself and wandered around the apartment, heading towards the window where I looked out across the London skyline. Dave followed me to the window and came up behind me. Putting both his arms around me, wrapping me in a tight embrace.

Despite the fact I'd only met this man a couple of hours ago, I felt safe. There were other apartment buildings around us. None close enough to be able to see faces, but close enough to understand what people were doing. Dave meanwhile, had now begun to lightly kiss my neck. I absolutely adored it when my girlfriend did this to me. It made me want to melt into his giant arms. He continued to kiss my neck, causing me to moan quietly every now and then before he spun me round.

He kissed me once more, only this time with more intent. His tongue was inside my mouth working it's way round as he began to slowly remove my t-shirt. Breaking the kiss so he could remove it completely. He then began to assault my nipples. Biting, sucking and licking them, something I'd never experienced before and it felt great. My head was titled back against the window as he worked my body.

Dave fumbled at my belt buckle before getting it undone. With one swift movement, my jeans were undone and at my ankles as Dave grabbed a hold of my now hard cock through my boxers.

'Oh fuck', I groaned quietly.

Dave laughed. 'I knew you'd like this from the moment I set eyes on you, your going to enjoy it even more when I'm fucking your ass.' As he said that, he squeezed my cock, causing me to jump and moan at the same time. Part of me wanted to put a stop to me, but the curiosity was taking over.

He hooked his fingers into my boxers and slowly pulled them down as he kissed his way down my body. Eventually my 7" cock sprung free, standing straight out. I was harder than I could ever remember. He took a hold of it and began to stroke it gently. Until he had completely dropped to his knees and he started to use his tongue to gently flick the top of my head.

'Holy shit that feels soo goodddd.'

I watched as my cock slowly disappeared inside his mouth, and I could already feel my orgasm building. Oh god, this was going to be embarrassing. He wasn't even using his hands, they were resting on my thighs, well one was. He'd moved the other one to play with my balls.

I can't even describe what happened next. He swallowed my cock whole but then used his tongue to lick the underside of my cock whilst it was in his mouth. I'd never felt pleasure like it and it immediately brought me to orgasm without any warning for Dave.

'Oh shit... I'm cumming... I'm fuckingg cumming... arghhhhhh.'

Spurt after spurt erupted from my cock, and Dave swallowed it all like a cock sucking expert.

'Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't expect that to happen so quickly. I should've warned you.' I was very apologetic as my face turned red with embarrassment.

'Don't apologise, it's cute.' Dave said, getting to his feet and heading for the bathroom. 'You taste great by the way.'

Exhausted, I put my boxers back on, left the rest of my clothes off and collapsed onto the sofa. Normally after I cum, I lose interest in sexual activity and just want to chill. Tonight was different, I wanted to taste him. I wanted to do to him, what he'd just done to me. He was gone for a couple of minutes before he reemerged from the bathroom to join me on the sofa.

As soon as he sat down, I began to kiss him. Quickly dropping to my knees in front of him. I fumbled with his jeans, trying to get them undone but I was too excited. Dave stepped in and pulled them down, along with his underwear and out popped the biggest cock I'd ever seen. It must have been at least 9/10" and was quite thick. I got cock fright and just stared at it, not sure what to do next.

'Just take your time,' he said. 'Don't do anything your not comfortable with, there's no rush.'

I slowly took it in one hand and began to gently stroke it up and down. He groaned quietly. I leaned forward and gently licked his balls. Taking my time and listening out for his groans to see whether or not he liked what I was doing. I got a long groan when I used my tongue to lick my way to the top of his shaft. I then tried my best to take as much of his cock into my mouth, but only made it down a couple of inches before my gag reflex kicked in.

I settled on taking the first couple of inches into my mouth whilst using my hands to wank the base of his cock. My head began to bob up and down quicker and quicker. I was using my tongue to circle the head of his cock and just underneath the head, which was driving him crazy. He was making all sorts of noises now. My own cock had recovered and was now rock hard once more.

'Shit... fuck... shit... oh my god... are you sure this is your first time? You're a fucking natural.'

This gave me the encouragement I needed and began to attack his cock with even more pace now. I was desperate to bring him to his climax. I was desperate to taste his cum, and not long after I was rewarded.

'Don't stop... keep going... oh yes... fucking amazing... don't fucking stop... here it cums... arghhhhhhhh.'

The first spurt of cum hit the roof of my mouth before I swallowed it... a salty taste filled my mouth as he continued to cum. I tried my best to swallow it all but couldn't. It dripped down onto my chin and onto the floor in front of me. I picked myself up and headed to the bathroom.

'Shit, I better get going.' I said. 'I need to get back and get ready for tomorrow.' It was almost after midnight.

'Why don't you stay? Climb into bed with me for tonight?'

I couldn't resist and dropped my clothes onto the floor. He took me by the hand and led me to the bedroom, which was just as impressive. He pressed a button, the lights came on and the blinds on the windows closed around us. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled my boxers down.

'Sleeping naked is much better trust me.'

He led me to the bed where he stripped out of the rest of his clothes and I saw his fabulous body for the first time. He was ripped and his arms were fucking huge.

I don't remember falling asleep, but I remember waking up. We'd only been asleep for a couple of hours before he'd moved into spoon me and was now poking his cock into my ass. His hand was caressing my ass and every now and then his cock would rest against my hole, causing me to shiver. He began to kiss my shoulders. I should have known that I wasn't going to sleep much.

I was pushed onto my front as Dave worked his way between my legs and pushed them apart. He now had easy access to my ass. The first thing I felt was pure pleasure and it was his tongue. He began to lick away at my hole, just like I'd done many times to my girlfriend. It felt so good, my cock began to twitch underneath me as he worked his tongue around my hole.

After a few minutes, he leaned over me and grabbed something out of the nightstand. I felt a cold substance being applied to my hole before the slight pressure of his finger which eased past my sphincter. I moaned into the bed sheets as he began to explore my ass, before I felt a jolt of pleasure flow through my body.

'Looks like I found your prostate.' He continued to rub his finger against it, applying the constant pleasure that made me whimper like a girl.

He then inserted another finger, followed by another. He was so incredibly gentle with me as he opened me up. I knew what was coming and I wanted it. Once he thought I was loosened up enough, I heard the distinct sound of a condom wrapper before he flipped me over onto my back.

'Are you sure you want to go through with this?'

I nodded.

'I can't guarantee you'll ever want a pussy ever again.'

He reached for the pillows from the bed and slotted them underneath my back, raising my ass ever so slightly. He lubed up his cock and lined it up with my asshole.

'This first bit is going to hurt, just tell me if you need me to stop. I'm going to take it slowly. It helps if you push out ever so slightly.'

I felt the pressure as he began to push himself inside me. I tried to relax as much as I could and push out. There was the first pop, as the head of his cock entered me. It hurt... a lot. I tried to push away from him, but he held me still.

'Stop, stop. Please'.

He rubbed my chest.

'It's okay, take your time. The pain will soon fade. Why did you want to bottom?'

The talking was helping. 'I always wanted... oh fuck... to feel what it was like... oh shit... to be fucked like a girl.'

'Well now you know babe.' Whilst he was trying to relax me, he'd continue to apply pressure and he'd now bottomed out inside me. He held me by the ankles as he slowly began to pull out and then reinsert himself.

'Oh fuck Daddy, take it slow... please.'

He laughed. 'You learn quickly, how did you know I like to be called Daddy?'

'It just came out. Please fuck me.'

The pain was quickly subsiding and was being replaced my a warmth throughout my body. He quickened the pace of his thrusts. Hitting my prostate with every thrust was causing me to moan loudly.

'Oh fuck yeah.' Dave groaned. 'I love a bottom who makes noises and especially one that stays hard while I fuck him.'

I hadn't even noticed but my cock was rock hard and oozing pre cum, another thing I never really did. David continued to pound me as I moaned underneath me. He took a hold of my cock and began to pump it. It didn't take long for me to blow my load all over my chest, some even made it to my chin. I hadn't cum that hard twice in the same day ever.

Dave quickly pulled out of me after my orgasm had subsided and he flipped me over. He was so strong, I LOVED IT. He quickly started fucking me doggy style. My head was buried into the sheets, I was gripping on to them with my hands. I felt like my legs were going to give way beneath me as he pounded me relentlessly.

'Arghhhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkkk, I'm cummming.' Dave pulled out of me, ripped the condom off and sprayed his cum all the way up my back. In one night I'd becum a cum slut. He collapsed next to me, pointed me in the direction of the ensuite before I climbed back into bed and fell asleep next to me.

We both woke up the next morning, early enough that I'd make the training. He made me breakfast and gave me a coffee to go. It was the best night, followed by the best morning. We exchanged numbers and I planned to meet him at his place again tonight. I received a few passing comments about the fact I was wearing the same clothes as yesterday but nothing could wipe the smile off my face.

After the training, I went back to my hotel, freshened up. Put some nice clean clothes on and headed straight to Dave's apartment. As soon as I got in the door, he commanded me to strip, to which I happily obliged. My cock rock hard at the thought of being dominated. Dave returned naked from his bedroom and he walked me over to the windows where he turned me to face out over. I was now looking at the skyline of London whilst someone was rimming me.

Condensation appeared on the glass in front of me as I moaned from the expert tongue work. His tongue was quickly replaced by his fingers, which escalated quickly to his cock. He entered me raw, something I knew I shouldn't have been doing, but I knew he was clean. He'd shown me the results. He fucked me hard and fast, my dick flopping in between my legs as it bounced against the glass every now and then as he fucked me with such force.

I couldn't take anymore of the pleasure, and my legs gave way beneath me. Dave was strong enough to hold onto me though and he spun me round before picking me up. His cock was soon back inside me, as he fucked me in the best position imaginable. He had me hooked under the legs whilst he pounded me in the standing up position. This way he could kiss me whilst he fucked me.

Eventually we ended up on the bed, me face down with my legs together whilst Dave penetrated me. This made my hole even tighter, and he pressed my prostate even more. My body started to tingle, I felt something building inside me. Something I'd never felt before. Without even touching myself, the unthinkable happened;


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