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Well, It was Your Idea!

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He aspired to make her more body-confident.
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Chloe looked across the restaurant table at Ethan. She could see him talking, or at least see his mouth opening, but her mind was elsewhere. She still thought she was dreaming, in some alternate reality where things from different from normal life.

Ethan had been the boy at school that every girl fancied, typically tall dark and handsome. Chloe was no different, he just didn't even acknowledge her. Far prettier girls than her were turned down by a laughing Ethan, he seemed to be more content to play hard to get and to get his friends laughing too.

When she'd seen him in a club a few weeks ago, her friends dragging her out for another's twenty-first birthday celebrations, she'd been amazed that he'd recognised her. Well, he knew her face anyway, and he looked pleasantly surprised at how her body had filled out. He'd told her he'd noticed how pretty she was at school after all, but he hadn't wanted her to fall foul of his silly antics.

They'd been out a few times since, this was their tenth date as such, and remarkably Ethan had remained very patient at being stopped from pushing too far. Chloe expected him to run for the hills when she blurted out that despite being twenty years old, she was still a virgin. Not only did he not run, he told her they could go at her own pace.

"Is that okay with you?" he asked.

"What, sorry, I was miles away then," Chloe told him.

"I said I'm going to stay over tonight, I have football tonight and it's easier to get to from yours," Ethan explained.

"Okay, no problem," Chloe smiled.

She wanted to try, maybe the drinks were helping. She wasn't much of a social animal, so even a couple of drinks made her head woozy. They got back to her house, and Chloe was glad that her parents were away for the weekend. They watched TV for a while, then Ethan stood and took her hand, leading her to the stairs. They walked into her bedroom, Ethan going around to his side. He'd stayed over before but never tried anything. He undressed leaving his boxer shorts on and got into bed. He looked up to see Chloe still standing up.

"I, erm, thought as it's warm we could sleep naked tonight if you want to?" she stammered.

"Yeah sure," Ethan smiled.

Chloe held her hand up to stop him from getting out of bed. She reached behind herself and undid the zip on her skirt, letting it slide to the floor. She started to undo the buttons on her blouse, letting it fall open. All the while she watched Ethan, gauging his reaction. She saw his mouth drop open when her blouse opened, so next she unfastened her bra, Taking a deep breath she pulled it away and dropped it to the floor. Ethan gasped.

She looked him dead in the eyes as she slid her knickers down her legs, then stood naked staring at him.

"Fuck you're beautiful," Ethan said.

Chloe smiled. She stood naked in front of someone else for the first time. 5' 6" tall, blonde hair with royal blue eyes, and a 36D 26 38 figure, she'd always looked at herself and thought she was fat. Ethan didn't seem put off. She slid under the covers, Ethan kissing her.

"Your turn," she laughed at him.

He got out of bed quickly and peeled off his boxer shorts. His cock swung and Chloe chuckled, then gasped as it started getting harder. He quickly jumped back in bed but Chloe turned her back on him. She turned, looking over her shoulder,

"Hold me please?" she asked him.

He moved over to her, arm wrapped over her, hand resting on her nipple. As he moved in closer, his cock nudged at her buttocks.

"Sorry, I'll move back," he told her.

"No, don't, just be gentle with me please," she asked.

Chloe woke the next morning, turning and seeing Ethan lying still asleep. She smiled to herself. Her first time had been pleasurable, she'd expected it to hurt a lot more, but Ethan had been very good with her. Three times they'd had sex before falling asleep. She pulled the covers down and started to stroke his cock. Ethan groaned.

"Sorry babe," he said, moving her hand away, "I'd love to but I'll have no energy for football. I'll see you later though okay?"

Later meant meeting up with him at the pub with some of his friends, including a couple of played football with him. No doubt their girlfriends would be there to pull faces at her as usual. She walked into the pub and Ethan put his arm around her.

"Aren't you warm in this?" he asked.

Chloe was wearing a loose-fitting jumper, it was the easiest thing she could find to stop the stick-thin girls from nodding their heads at her while they gawped.

"It's comfortable," she told him.

An hour later she asked him if they could go home as she was very hot. Ethan reluctantly agreed, even though he'd already told the story of scoring four goals that day to anyone who walked past him.

"I did tell you it was too warm for you to wear that," Ethan told her when they got back to hers.

"I know but, well, I just wanted to," she blurted out, "it saves the girls bitching about me.

"Let them bitch, you're beautiful, they're just jealous of you," Ethan assured her.

No, they're not, I'm nothing to be jealous over," she answered.

"I've told you before, you're not fat. I'm going to get you out of your shell, make you more self-confident however long it takes," he promised.

The next few days it wasn't mentioned again, then Chloe heard a car horn honking outside. She looked out of the window to see Ethan waving to her, calling her down to the car.

"Get in, we're going shopping," he told her.

"Okay, let me go back in and grab my purse," she told him.

"No need, it's my treat," he explained.

"He drove for a while, going out of town, not telling Chloe where they were headed. About thirty minutes later they pulled into a car park of a shop that sold lingerie.

"Step one of being more confident, getting rid of your granny knickers," Ethan laughed, "some of them are so big they could be used as a tent."

"They're comfortable," Chloe protested,

"No offence, but not from my angle," he laughed again.

They got out of the car and he took Chloe's hand, walking her towards the shop.

"What if we see someone we..." Chloe started.

"That's why I've come here, we won't bump into anyone we know," Ethan assured her.

Ethan took charge while they were in there, Chloe blushed when a female sales assistant asked if they needed help, and Ethan immediately asked where the thong sets were. Chloe stood in the background while they chatted, the assistant asking her if she had colour preferences, then showing them to the fitting room. She and Ethan stood waiting while Chloe put on the first set, a matching cream set. She looked at herself in the mirrors, seeing how the fabric cut between her buttocks, and how the bra somehow pushed her breasts together more. She took a deep breath, then opened the curtain.

Two sets of gasps rang out. The assistant smiled at her,

"Great figure," she said, "and a very good choice of underwear," she smiled at Ethan.

Chloe tuned in and showed them the back.

"This isn't showing too much?" she asked.

"No way, I wish I had an ass like that, you show it off girl," the assistant laughed.

Ethan bought her five sets of different colours, thanked the assistant and paid. Getting back to Chloe's, he opened a drawer in her bedroom.

"Right, throw all the others away, wear these only," he instructed.

Chloe took them out, putting them on the bed. Ethan picked them up, telling her he was going to throw them away so she couldn't sneakily still wear them.

Over the next few weeks, he took her shopping for a lot more clothes. Tighter jeans, t-shirts, and dresses, each designed to make her feel more at ease with her body. Now, he told her, the girls are whispering because they are jealous of your body.

"No, they're not," Chloe scolded him.

"Haven't you noticed Dave keeps looking at your tits? That's why Tori isn't happy, she's flat-chested and can't compete," he laughed.

"Dave's staring at my tits and it doesn't bother you?" Chloe asked.

"You're beautiful with a great body, it's a massive compliment," he assured her.

It was working Chloe realised as she started checking what she was wearing before heading out, making more choices about what outfit worked best. Ethan had joked about her wearing her black bra under her white blouse to gauge Dave's reaction. She'd assumed he'd been joking but decided to call his bluff, although she did wear a cardigan over it.

Catching the time right, she saw Dave look a couple of times, and then she slid the cardigan off and put it on the back of her chair. She turned back to the conversation, watching Dave from the corner of her eyes as he stared intently at her tits. She gazed over at Ethan, who smiled and winked. She turned to Dave who knew she'd caught him staring, but when she simply smiled at him he smiled back, then looked quickly at Ethan to see him smiling too.

The next time they were out Chloe told Ethan she'd meet him there as she had a surprise for him, and his friends too probably. Ethan was intrigued but Chloe wouldn't give him any details. Walking in and seeing their faces light up, Ethan's included, seeing her wearing a low cleavage summer dress that stopped mid-thigh was amazing, and Chloe blushed realising how turned on she was getting. Dave came over to talk to them both, and being nearly six feet tall like Ethan, Chloe noticed he was getting a very good view down her top.

Chloe tried to pretend she hadn't noticed, at one point even saying her bra was irritating her and pretending to scratch under her breast, making them wobble for his viewing pleasure. Expecting a little jealousy from the girls she was pleasantly surprised how they said she looked great, where had she bought it, and had she had her hair done? They seemed to be noticing her as much as their boyfriends were. If she wondered about the newfound male attention would affect Ethan, she found out later when he fucked her five times.

Things escalated a week later. Ethan came round to her house to tell

her he had a course to go on, he'd be leaving the following evening and would be away for three weeks, unable to leave during it going on. Chloe told him she was going to miss him, and Ethan told her he'd miss her a whole lot more.

"I'll tell you what will help if I take some pictures of you with me," he told her.

"You have plenty of pictures of me," Chloe replied.

"Not that will help me sleep at night," he smiled and winked.

Oh, you mean... ooohhh," Chloe whispered.

Ethan stepped to her and kissed her, sliding his tongue into her willing mouth. His hands first reached up and fondled and squeezed her breasts, then slid down into her thong.

"Please," he whispered into her ear, "for me."

He stepped back and sat on the edge of the bed, phone now in hand, smiling and nodding at Chloe. She peeled off her t-shirt, head appearing just to see the flash go off. She mock scolded him, and Ethan told her tits looked even better with her arms stretched above her head. She pushed down her shorts, then hooked her thumbs into her thong. Ethan stopped her, asking her to turn away from him.

"Keep your legs straight and close, and slide your thong slowly down your legs, stopping now and again. Pretend you're seducing me," he instructed.

Chloe did so, keeping her hands in place, the camera clicking as she paused halfway down her thighs. Her heart raced, especially hearing the little groans of pleasure as her pussy, now wet, was exposed to him. Getting to her knees she let the thong slip right down.

"Don't move just yet, twist your upper body round to look towards me," Ethan asked her.

Chloe did so, smiling back at the camera, biting her lip in anticipation.

"Oh fuck that's hot, I got your pussy and your hanging tits in that shot, that will look at a fair few times," he laughed.

He moved off the bed and tapped his hand down, telling Chloe to sit. He posed her a few times, spreading her legs, then told her to improvise and pose how she felt best. Chloe lay back, legs spread, then arched her neck up to look between her legs where Ethan crouched taking pictures. She cupped her tits, then put her hands behind her thighs and pulled her legs back further.

"Oh god I thought I was enjoying this, you're so fucking wet it's dripping out of you," Ethan laughed.

Chloe turned herself over onto all fours, then buried her face into the covers. Reaching back, she pulled her buttocks apart.

"Oh great shot, hold steady a minute," Ethan told her.

"Fuck the pictures, fuck me instead," Chloe hissed.

Ethan laughed at her dirty talk, it was so unlike her. He clambered up onto the bed, sliding his erection easily between her wet labia and into her soaked pussy. He fucked her for a while, then pulled out and nudged his cock against her arsehole. Chloe groaned loudly, and he pushed forward a little more.

"No Ethan, not up there. I'm not ready for that yet," Chloe gasped.

"Okay baby, plenty of time for that some other time," Ethan answered.

Later they lay on the bed in each other's arms, panting, Ethan's cum streaked over Chloe's arse. She turned and smiled at him.

"We will do anal someday, promise, I need to be ready first though," she whispered.

Ethan smiled and kissed her.

Two days later, the morning after he'd left, Chloe received a text message from him saying he'd found the pictures very helpful the night before, with a winking emoji. Chloe laughed and said she'd had to use her imagination, but was glad they'd helped him sleep. That afternoon, after coming back from college and knowing her mum was at work for a few hours still, she had an idea.

Ethan's phone rang, with him getting a video call from Chloe.

"Hi," she said, "can you talk for ten minutes?"

"Erm yeah," he told her.

She heard him shout out to somebody that he needed the toilet, and then his phone shook as he ran along. Getting there he put the phone back up.

"Where are you?" he asked, seeing the sky in the background.

"Guess?" she laughed.

Chloe moved the phone so it moved down her body, showing Ethan her tits, and then her legs, before moving the phone back up and giggling.

"Are you naked? Where are you?" Ethan asked.

"In the garden by the shed, and yes, I'm fully naked," she laughed, "and I left my clothes in the house."

"You're outside naked, really?" he asked again, surprised.

"Yeah, you told me to be more assertive, more confident in myself, so I have. I thought you'd like it?" she giggled.

"Oh I like it a lot," he answered.

"Don't be mad at me though, I think Mister Harris from next door may have seen me, I think he was in his bedroom window," she whispered.

"The old guy? I bet he loved that," Ethan laughed.

"You don't mind then?" she said.

"Is he about now? Does he know you've seen him?" Ethan responded.

Chloe peeped around the shed, then quickly pulled her head back.

"Oooh, he's standing in the window, he must have seen me," Chloe giggled.

"Do something natural, so he doesn't know you're showing off to him on purpose," Ethan dared her.

Chloe thought, then told Ethan she had an idea but would have to put the phone down. She put it against a brick, asking Ethan if he could see around the garden. Ethan told her not only did he have a good view, but he could see old Mister Harris in his window too. He watched Chloe's arse swish away from him as she walked, a basket in her hand. He knew Mister Harris would have had a perfect view of the front of her, especially her heavy tits bouncing.

Chloe walked into the house, coming back with a basket of wet clothes. She'd remembered the washer had finished and these needed pegging out to dry. Her heart raced as she walked back out into the garden. She looked towards the phone, she just hoped Mister Harris was still in the window or this would be in vain, although she was very turned on thinking he may be watching her complete nakedness.

She pegged the clothes out, some with her back to him, some facing him but making sure that she held clothes in front of her face. She wanted to see his reaction but also didn't want to scare him off. As she picked the clothes out, she kept her legs straight to maximise the curves of her arse. Finishing, she put the basket back in the shed casually picked up the phone and walked back into the house.

"Holy shit Chloe, that was fucking hot, I'm so proud of you," Ethan told her.

"Was he there?" Chloe asked.

"Watching and wanking," Ethan laughed.

He told her he had to go, he'd been gone longer than he planned but would speak to her tomorrow if he could. Chloe sat on the step to the kitchen, facing down the garden, and masturbated with her eyes closed. When she'd cum she was partly disappointed that old Mister Harris wasn't watching her over the fence.

Later that night she had a text from Ethan saying it was a pity she hadn't filmed earlier, as it would have made some excellent viewing some time. Chloe knew what he meant, she'd loved to have had the chance to see old Mister Harris face for herself.

"Do you think he'll tell your parents?" he asked in another message.

"I hadn't thought of that, do you think he might?" Chloe replied anxiously.

"You know him better than me, but you may need to bribe him if you know what I mean?" he sent with laughing emojis.

Chloe told him she didn't, until he sent back a picture from the other night, Chloe on her knees with his cock in her mouth.

"Do you think he might want me to blow him to keep quiet, oh god," Chloe sent, "what should I do?"

"Decide which would be worse, sucking his old cock or having him tell your parents what their sweet daughter gets up to when they're not around," he sent, "but if you do film it haha," he replied.

He told her he was going for something to eat, Chloe told him her mum had just come back from work and she was going to start cooking too. Ethan laughed and told her he hoped she'd got dressed now. Chloe had just settled in bed at around 10 p.m. to watch a film before going to sleep when she got another message.

"I know your mum is out all day tomorrow and you're not at work, so I've ordered something for you. When the delivery driver comes, I dare you to answer the door in your lacy underwear."

Chloe was intrigued wondering what he'd ordered for her. Thinking about being nearly naked for whoever bought the parcel had her heart racing again. It wouldn't be much different from being completely naked for Mister Harris surely she thought. She fell asleep thinking of different scenarios that could play out.

She'd checked the message when she woke, the parcel would be delivered between 9 and 10 am, early enough for Chloe to pass off that she was in the middle of getting ready for work. She'd picked out a black lace thong and bra, knowing they'd look better, a contrast against her skin colour and blonde hair. She paced about while waiting, getting more agitated but at the same time longing for them to turn up, not only to get it over with but also to see what Ethan had bought her. While pacing, she inadvertently tweaked and played with her nipples, only realising when she looked at herself in a mirror. Then her heart nearly jumped out of her body as the doorbell rang. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door wide.

"Hi, delivery for Chloe," the driver, a middle-aged balding man around forty-five years old said as he looked down at his touchpad.

"Oh," he exclaimed as he looked up to see Chloe, one arm leaning against the door frame, smiling broadly.

She held her hand out for the parcel.

"Is this one of those videos?" the driver asked.

Chloe looked at him puzzled.

"Erm, usually you'd have a towel wrapped around you, or be naked already wouldn't you?" he continued.

"I've no idea what you mean," Chloe told him.

"Flashing the delivery driver while you're filming, am I right?" he quipped, looking around to see where the camera was.


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