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Wendy Pt. 01

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Wendy cracks the glass ceiling.
23.9k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/09/2022
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*Author's Note: This is erotic fantasy. It involves sexual situations between consenting adults, all of whom are over 18 years of age. Since it is fantasy and it's my fantasy, I presume a world free of STDs. I hope you enjoy the story. Comments are always appreciated.

WENDY - Part 1

"I have an appointment to apply for the position of personal assistant," the slender, 6' tall woman said at the reception desk, her waist-length red hair tied back, her sky-blue eyes sparkling. "My name is Wendy Rose."

"One moment, please, Ms. Rose," the receptionist said, smiling at the vivacious young woman as she picked up the phone and had a quick conversation. "Mr. Hooks will be right out. Won't you please take a seat?"

Wendy sat down, a few nervous butterflies in her stomach. This was the first serious job interview that she had managed to land after graduating with a Master's degree in Economics, along with a previous Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. She had submitted many CVs, but this was the first real interview that she had been offered. She looked up when a tall, athletically built man entered the reception area, his curly brown hair and blue eyes complimenting a prominent nose above a perfect smile.

"Ms. Rose, I'm Jonathan Hooks," he introduced, smiling down at her from his 6'5" as she stood up.

"Mr. Hooks," Wendy said, shaking his proffered hand when she stood up.

"Come with me, please," he said, leading the way.

Wendy followed him through a double door with a large brass plate on it indicating that Jonathan Hooks was the CEO of the Clandestine Group.

"Please, have a seat," Jonathan said, indicating one of the large chairs fronting the large desk that he went behind and sat down. "Would you care for something to drink? Coffee, tea, a glass of wine?"

"Nothing right now, thank you," Wendy replied as she sat down.

"Your CV is quite impressive," Jonathan said, holding a piece of paper and looking it over. "You're quite young for such accomplishments."

"Does that work for or against me?" Wendy asked.

"Neither," Jonathan replied, smiling easily. "I'm interested in the job that you can do for me. Your age is irrelevant to that end. You're qualified in several programming languages and you were at the top of your class in economics."

"That's correct," Wendy said, smiling.

"Yet you're applying for the position of a personal assistant," Jonathan said. "Isn't that a bit beneath your qualifications?"

"That would depend upon how you define the roll of personal assistant," Wendy replied. "If you're only looking for someone to make and fetch coffee and to remind you of your appointments, it would be beneath me."

"How do you envision the position?" Jonathan asked curiously.

"Because of my qualifications, I am uniquely qualified to not only make and fetch coffee and remind you of your appointments, but I am also more than qualified to assess and make suggestions about how you can improve your entire operation and increase profitability," Wendy replied.

"Would you care to explain that a bit more in depth?" Jonathan asked.

"Clandestine Group is a multi-faceted operation which was built up around an online dating service," Wendy replied. "But you have expanded that into merchandising, resorts, and hotels, all businesses which complement the original, extant dating website. I've looked at your various websites and I believe that they can be better integrated to feed each aspect of your operation into one another. Right now, they appear to be stand-alone operations with no real connectivity between them, only somewhat superficially. My programming skills would enable me to update and streamline all of your websites to reflect the interrelationship between the disparate entities. Further, my background in economics would allow me to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each of the various entities and offer ways to enhance profitability by taking advantage of blockchain technology and establishing a metaverse presence."

"Then why apply as a personal assistant?" Jonathan asked. "Why not apply for one of the positions that would directly deal with these issues?"

"Because as your personal assistant, I'd be in constant contact with you," Wendy replied. "I'd be able to bypass layers of corporate bureaucracy, enabling you to react more quickly to the changing dynamics of the market. I'm not interested in just being another cog in some machine, I want to make a material difference."

"What about all of the people I have who deal with these things?" Jonathan asked.

"They serve their purpose," Wendy replied, "but there is nobody above them that understands the intricacies of the day-to-day dynamics involved in each of the various entities that comprise your enterprise. They do what they do, then present you with their results and suggestions. I'd be a final filter, one that understands everything that they're doing. I think that you'd find me invaluable. I would be able to offer insights that nobody else does. That would give you more information upon which to make crucial decisions."

"Well, that sounds well and good, but I have to wonder if you'd be biting off more than you could chew," Jonathan said. "You have no business experience at all, according to this résumé."

"You'd know within six months if I was worth having around," Wendy said. "In any event, I am more than capable of fulfilling the function of a personal assistant."

"The position only pays $50,000 a year to start," Jonathan said.

"If you don't think that I'm walking my talk, you can let me go in six months with no hard feelings," Wendy said. "But if you decide that I'm everything that I say I am, then I'd expect an extra zero be added to my salary, $500,000 a year. With stock options."

"Well, you're ambitious, I'll give you that," Jonathan said, laughing.

"If I don't feel as though I'm the asset to you that I think that I can be, I'd resign on my own accord after six months, but if I turn out to be everything that I say I can be, I'd expect another zero to be added onto my salary after three years," Wendy said calmly, staring at him unflinching.

"Very ambitious," Jonathan said, smiling. "And how would I judge whether you're worth what you think that you're worth?"

"I'll leave that to you," Wendy replied. "If it's not patently obvious that I'm worth it, I'd expect to be let go. I think that you'll find that it would be money well spent to find out."

"What you're proposing is so audacious that I'm intrigued," Jonathan said.

"Thank you," Wendy said, smiling.

"Part of being my personal assistant would involve serving much the same function for my wife," Jonathan said.

"What does she do?" Wendy asked.

"That's a great question," Jonathan laughed. "Other than spending a lot of money, I really have no idea. You'd have to work out with her what she needs from you, though my needs would always be paramount."

"I'd like to meet her first before I'd agree," Wendy said after a moment.

"That's probably a very good idea," Jonathan said, surprised. "Do you have any questions?"

"What happened with your previous personal assistant?" Wendy asked. "Or would I be the first?"

"She and my wife seemed to have a personality conflict," Jonathan replied. "I don't know the details, but she was unwilling to continue if she had to deal with her further."

"I see," Wendy said.

"I won't deceive you," Jonathan said with a sigh. "I've gone through half a dozen personal assistants in the last five years. They don't last very long."

"Your wife?" Wendy asked.

"Primarily, yes," Jonathan admitted, "though a lot of it was problems of their own creation."

"Did it ever occur to you to hire two PAs, one for yourself and one for your wife?" Wendy asked.

"Yes, but I have my reasons for wanting one person to fulfill both roles," Jonathan replied. "Our lives are...complicated, even eccentric. There's a trust factor involved that precludes anything but a single person handling the duties for both of us."

"I see," Wendy said.

"Why don't we set up an appointment for you to meet my wife, Vera, then see where we stand?" Jonathan suggested. "If she finds you amenable and you feel as though you would be willing to take on the responsibility, we can talk further and work out the details."

"That sounds reasonable," Wendy said.

"I see that you use a California address," Jonathan said. "Where are you staying here?"

"I'm at the Westin," Wendy replied.

"You came just for this interview?" Jonathan asked.

"Yes," Wendy replied.

"Why don't you transfer to our Destinations hotel?" Jonathan suggested. "You'll be here for a few days and you shouldn't have to bear the expense of a hotel. Enjoy the hotel's facilities and we'll pick up the tab."

"That's very kind of you," Wendy said, smiling. "I'd appreciate that."

"If you want to go anywhere, the hotel will provide you with a car and driver," Jonathan said.

"Thank you," Wendy said.

"One minute," Jonathan said, picking up his phone. "Mary, please come here," he said, then hung up.

Almost immediately the petite, redheaded woman from reception entered the office, a smile on her face and her emerald eyes flashing. The mid-thigh pleated skirt she was wearing swirled around her trim legs and her braless, ruby nipples were visible poking out against the blouse that she wore.

"Yes?" she said, smiling.

"Mary Riley, this is Wendy Rose," Jonathan introduced. "I'm considering hiring her for the personal assistant's position."

"Hello," Mary said, smiling at Wendy. "It's nice to see another redhead in the house."

"Hi," Wendy replied, instinctively liking her, seeing that she was approximately her age.

"You'll love it here," Mary assured her. "It's a great place to work and Jonathan is a great boss."

"Arrange for James to take Ms. Rose to the Westin so that she can check out, then make arrangements for a suite at Destinations," Jonathan instructed. "Make sure that they understand that she is to be given all considerations and that they should provide a car and driver should she need one."

"I'll take care of it right away," Mary said.

"Mary's been with me for five years," Jonathan explained when she left the room. "She's my receptionist."

"Do the two positions overlap?" Wendy asked.

"Perhaps to a degree, though Mary handles all of the mundane details, phones, paperwork, scheduling," Jonathan replied, "things that you wouldn't have to be concerned with. She would also be handling these things for you, should it be necessary. For example, I travel a lot, trying to stay personally aware of how our various enterprises are doing. I'd require your presence on those trips. Mary works here."

"James is waiting downstairs," Mary said as she reentered the office.

"We'll talk soon," Jonathan said. "I'll let you know when Vera can see you."

"Thank you," Wendy said as she stood up.

"Oh, do you have a passport?" Jonathan asked.

"Yes, I do," Wendy replied.

"It's probably a good idea to have it with you at all times," Jonathan replied. "I never know when I have to just leave and fly halfway around the world."

While Wendy had done some research into Clandestine Group in looking for a job that she felt would suit her interests and skill set, it had been more of a general overview of what the business was all about. Since she had some time to kill, once she had settled into her suite at Destinations, she pulled out her laptop to look into the company more in depth.

She learned that their hotels were primarily located in major city centers all over the world, 27 of them. The 14 resorts were all located between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, guaranteeing good weather. All were rated 5-star and there were 7 Michelin-rated restaurants. The websites were informative with respect to what each property offered, but that was about it. There didn't seem to any overarching connection between them other than their common corporate ownership.

Wendy had been aware that Clandestine Group had started out as an online dating service, but other than a quick glance at the homepage, she hadn't really looked into it. She had never utilized any such service, but she was aware of what it was and how it basically worked. Opening the homepage in a browser, it was pretty much as she expected, a brief paragraph stating how they strove to connect high achievers looking to meet compatible partners but who didn't have the time or interest to do so physically. It was clear to her that they were after high net-worth members and the monthly fee reflected that at $69, when most of the other similar websites that she checked out were priced from $29-$49 a month.

When she tried to enter further into the site, she received a pop-up window which asked her to sign in, or if she wasn't a member, to become one. Following the new member link, she was disinclined to sign up, but saw that there was a limited Guest membership that had no cost and was good for one hour, with limited access to the totality of what the site offered.

Quickly signing up for a temporary Guest membership, she was able to access the database of members, 5,794 of them, though the photos were blocked at the Guest membership level. She was able to see the descriptions that the members wrote about themselves, as well as the preferences that they had checked off upon signing up that would let people know what they liked and didn't like and what they were looking for. She also noticed that some of the members had an additional red banner link at the bottom of their profile labeled Adult Fun. Clicking on the link got her an access restricted error message.

Eating dinner in Destination's restaurant, she thought about several immediate things that she'd recommend if she ended up accepting the job. She had no doubt that it was being offered, it was her own reservations about having to serve two masters that gave her pause. When she got back to her room, there was a message from Jonathan to the effect that a meeting with his wife was scheduled for the following day for lunch, that she was to go downstairs and there would be a car to take her.

Even though she hadn't brought many clothes, she had tried to cover any eventuality and finally decided on a pair of slacks and a blouse, not wanting to appear too sexually attractive when being interviewed by Jonathan's wife, unlike when she had gone for her interview with Jonathan where she wore a sensible skirt that came down to just above her knees, showing off her long, slender legs, and a long-sleeved blouse that was just sheer enough that her lace demi-bra was barely visible beneath it. She always wore flat shoes, having learned that people, especially men, were intimidated by a tall woman, and she didn't want to make herself seem any taller than she was.

She was surprised when she was driven out of the city into the countryside where they drove down a lane for a few minutes before turning into a property that was fronted by a large wall with a pair of big wrought-iron gates. The road then wound its way through a copse of trees where she first saw the large house, three floors of steel and smoked glass. They pulled up beneath a large portico where a large, liveried black man greeted the car, opening the door for her.

"Welcome, Ms. Rose," he said in a sonorous bass voice with a decided French accent. "My name is René. Mrs. Hooks is expecting you."

"Thank you," Wendy said, nonplussed.

Wendy followed René into and through the house, noticing the plush modernity of the décor and the suggestive, almost pornographic paintings that adorned the walls. Exiting the rear of the house, she saw a free-form swimming pool with a rock waterfall at one end. There was also a good-sized pool house on the other side of the pool. Entering the pool house through the smoked-glass sliding glass doors, she saw that one side was a large, open kitchen, the rest of the large space taken up with comfortable rattan furnishings, everything done in a Gauginesque tropical print. The wall opposite the open kitchen had a large fireplace in the center with double doors on each side.

Following René through the double doors to the left of the fireplace, Wendy found herself in a very comfortable, luxurious locker room with a large comfortable sofa and a pair of plush chairs facing it, a low coffee table in between, and an open closet that spanned the width of the room on the back wall. There was a table with a pile of towels on it next to a frosted-glass door on the right wall, just inside the room.

"Mrs. Hooks is waiting for you in the sauna," René said, indicating the frosted-glass door.

Wendy stood dumbfounded when René left her standing there. An interview in a sauna? This was beyond strange, she thought. Sighing, she undressed, hanging her clothes in the open closet. She felt her large, pale nipples hardening into knots as she picked up one of the towels off of the table, dismayed to find that it was little more than a hand towel, obviously meant for sitting on, not for covering herself.

Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door, then entered when she didn't hear a response. Mrs. Hooks?" she said as she stepped into the room, feeling the heated air immediately and quickly closing the door behind her, then turning to see a small woman with short blonde hair and grey eyes sitting on the upper bench across from her, her feet up on the edge of the bench, her forearms resting on her knees.

"You must be Wendy," the woman said, smiling. "I'm Vera. Please, have a seat," she said, indicating the bench seating across from her.

Wendy was very self-conscious as she sat down on the towel that she had brought into the room with her, very aware of Vera's nakedness, her smaller breasts surmounted by tiny dark nipples. The fat outer lips of her smoothly shaven clamshell pussy were spread apart, revealing the sparkling pink interior and her delicate inner lips and tiny button of a clit. She made no move to close her legs or to cover herself.

"I imagine that you find this a strange place to meet," Vera said.

"Very," Wendy agreed.

"You can learn a lot about a person if you take away their identity and leave them naked to the world, literally and figuratively," Vera said. "Does this make you uncomfortable?"

"A bit, yes. It is strange," Wendy replied.

"I always wanted breasts more like yours," Vera said, staring at Wendy's full C-cup breasts with their large, pale nipples. "I got these instead," she said, cupping her breasts and pinching her tiny dark nipples.

"I always thought that things might be easier if mine were a bit smaller," Wendy said. "Too many people talk to my chest."

"I can imagine," Vera commiserated. "I still have to put up with being treated like a little girl. Five feet tall isn't taken very seriously."

"It can't be any worse than being treated like a freak," Wendy laughed. "You should try six feet tall."

"I think that you're simply gorgeous," Vera said with a sigh. "Such beautiful, long hair."

"Everything has its price," Wendy said. "I have to spend an inordinate amount of time to make it look nice. I've resisted the urge to chop it all off more times than I can count."

"So, you want to be our new personal assistant," Vera said.

"I'm thinking about it, yes," Wendy said.

"But you're hesitating because you know that we've gone through quite a few of them and you're worried about what it would be like to answer to the two of us separately," Vera said, smiling. "There's nothing that Jonathan and I don't talk about. We have our lives together and we have our lives apart, but we share everything."

"Yes, the situation does concern me," Wendy agreed, nodding.

"What can I tell you that will help you make up your mind one way or the other?" Vera asked.

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