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Wendy Pt. 04

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Wendy cracks the glass ceiling, continued.
23.8k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/09/2022
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*Author's Note: This is erotic fantasy. It involves sexual situations between consenting adults, all of whom are over 18 years of age. Since it is fantasy and it's my fantasy, I presume a world free of STDs. I hope you enjoy the story. Comments are always appreciated.

WENDY - Part 4

Arriving at work the next morning, they found Shirelle with a smile on her face.

"I took it easy on him today," she said. "He said that unless you have something that you want to discuss, that there's no need to have a morning meeting."

"Really!" Wendy said, gasping.

"I asked him why he never commented on what I wear," Shirelle said, looking down at the pale-green top that she was wearing over a black miniskirt, her big dark nipples visible pressing against the material. "He told me that he didn't want me to feel objectified," she laughed. "I mean, I had just sucked his cock. I told him that I dressed this way for him, because that's what he liked, and that the least he could do was to let me know if he liked it."

"What did he say?" Wendy asked, fascinated.

"He said that he'd make it a point in the future," Shirelle replied, smiling. "I'm already planning tomorrow's outfit in my head."

"Why don't you just take him his coffee naked?" Mary asked, laughing.

"I thought of that," Shirelle replied, laughing. "I figured that that might be a tad over the line."

"Did you talk to your brothers?" Wendy asked.

"They can't wait," Shirelle laughed. "The thought of fucking that sweet ass of yours has them climbing the walls."

"Oh, god," Wendy groaned, then laughed. "It's a good thing that I enjoy it, isn't it?"

"It would truly suck if you didn't," Shirelle laughed.

It was just after lunch when Shirelle buzzed to tell Wendy that Pamela Grimes was on the phone for her.

"Hello, Pamela," Wendy said when she picked up. "How are you?"

"Just fine, thanks," Pamela replied. "How is your day going?"

"It's always fun here," Wendy replied.

"Would it be convenient for me to stop by this afternoon?" Pamela asked.

"Of course," Wendy replied, her heart racing.

"Would 4:00 be okay?" Pamela asked.

"That would be fine," Wendy replied.

"Wonderful," Pamela said. "I'll see you then."

"Mary, tell Jonathan that Pamela Grimes is coming to see me at 4:00," Wendy said, smiling. "Tell him that I think that it would be a good idea if he suddenly joined us at 4:20."

Wendy spent the next hour going over the information that she and Fred had put together, wanting to be prepared. She felt ready when Shirelle announced that Pamela had arrived and got to her feet to greet her, offering her a seat on the sofa in the sitting area.

"You've changed your office," Pamela said as she sat down.

"Yes," Wendy replied, taking one of the chairs opposite the sofa on the other side of the small, low coffee table. "It's far more practical to have Mary in here with me. Would you like some coffee or tea?"

"Some herbal tea would be nice if you have it," Pamela replied.

"I'll have a coffee," Wendy said to Mary. "Thanks."

"The list of the actual units that you're interested in selling was very helpful," Pamela said. "Our appraisers visited five of the properties and they all had the same basic impression, that everything is in excellent condition and that they feel that their salability is high."

"That sounds promising," Wendy said, smiling.

"Yes," Pamela agreed as Mary returned.

"This is a chamomile/ginger/lemongrass tea," Mary explained as she set a mug down in front of Pamela. "And here's brown sugar or honey if you'd like a sweetener. And your double espresso, black," she said, grinning at Wendy as she set her demi-tasse cup down in front of her, then took a seat in the chair next to her, picking up her notepad from her desk and a pen.

"What a delicious tea," Pamela said after taking a sip after stirring in some honey. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Mary said.

"We feel that you're underpricing the units, though," Pamela said. "We feel that you could easily get $2 million for the regular suites, and upwards of $15 million for some of the penthouses. As you pointed out, you are a renowned luxury brand with 5-star services. That adds tremendous value."

"Well, we certainly don't object to a higher price, though we don't want this to drag on interminably," Wendy said. "We'd like to sell at least 75% of them within a year and the rest within another year. If we have to sacrifice a bit on the price to do that, then so be it."

"We don't think that that would be a problem," Pamela said.

"Would you guarantee to purchase any unsold units yourselves at the end of two years?" Wendy asked. "Are you certain enough to do that?"

"That's an idea we could consider," Pamela replied slowly, "but certainly not at 3%."

"I see," Wendy said, frowning slightly. "With the increased price, you'd be making more money, even at 3%. I don't think that that's an unreasonable rate of commission."

"We just couldn't do it at 3%," Pamela said, shaking her head. "It's been made very clear to me that that's a non-starter."

"Then we are at an impasse," Wendy sighed, finishing her espresso and putting the cup down.

"I'd like to think that we could come to a mutually agreeable number," Pamela said, smiling. "We also have to consider our reputation. We've never done business at 3%. If that were to become known, it would make it difficult for us to get others with similarly valued properties to agree to a higher commission percentage."

"What if we were willing to go to 3.25% and you guarantee to purchase any sold units after two years?" Wendy offered. "We could make the terms of our arrangement confidential so that nobody would be able to find out. That would be approximately $1.25 million more in commission. I think that that would be very generous and fair."

"I'd have to take that back to our board of directors," Pamela said.

Just then the door to Jonathan's office opened and he entered.

"No, please don't get up," he said, holding out both hands and urging everyone to stay seated. "I thought I'd drop in and see how the discussion is going."

"Pamela Grimes, please meet Jonathan Hooks, our CEO," she said as he moved to sit on the sofa.

"A pleasure," Jonathan said, smiling at her.

"It's an honor to meet you," Pamela said as they shook hands. "You're quite a legend."

"Legends tend to be exaggerated," Jonathan said with a laugh.

"We're trying to break an impasse," Wendy explained, then outlined to him where they were in their discussion.

"That seems reasonable to me, too," Jonathan said. "What's the problem?"

"I need to take such an offer back to our board of directors," Pamela replied. "I'm not sufficiently authorized to make such a decision."

"How about we offer to make it 3.5% along with the rest of the terms, but you have to agree here and now?" Jonathan asked. "Otherwise, we'll have to talk to other companies, though we'd rather work with you."

"I'm still not authorized to make such a decision," Pamela said, looking chagrinned.

"Then call whoever you need to call to make that decision," Jonathan said. "One way or the other, we're either going to make a deal here and now or we'll just move on," he said, winking at Wendy as she scrambled for her phone in her bag.

"Please get me a coffee, Mary," Jonathan requested, smiling.

"Right away," Mary replied, beaming a smile at him as she got to her feet.

They both listened as Pamela spoke to whoever she had called. By the time Mary returned with a coffee for Jonathan, she was sighing and hanging up her phone.

"Your terms are acceptable at 3.5%," she said.

"Great!" Jonathan said, draining his espresso in a single gulp and getting to his feet. "I'll leave you and Wendy to make the necessary contractual arrangements."

"Wow!" Mary said when Pamela finally left. "That was amazing. You are one hell of a negotiator."

"It's all about supply and demand," Wendy said, smiling. "We have a very unique and limited supply for which there will be great demand. They'd have been cutting off their noses to spite their faces if they hadn't taken Jonathan's offer."

"Did you know that he was going to do that?" Mary asked, gasping when Wendy smiled broadly at her. "Oh, my god! You are amazing. You planned this! The two of you tag-teamed her."

"And it worked," Wendy laughed. "We both knew that there was no way in hell that they'd go for 3%. The plan was to tease them up to 3.5%."

"What if they'd have said no?" Mary asked.

"We'd have gone to someone else and done the same thing," Wendy replied.

"The man wants to see you," Shirelle said, sticking her head into the office.

"That was outstanding, Wendy," Jonathan said as she sat down in front of his desk. "I had no idea that you had such toughness in you. I am really impressed."

"I'm just glad that it worked," Wendy sighed. "I was so nervous."

"But it didn't show," Jonathan said. "You just saved us approximately $12.5 million in commission payments. But what I love the most is your idea to force them to buy any unsold units after two years. That was a stroke of genius. You played their own pride against them."

"She was too smug about how good they were in our first meeting," Wendy said, smiling.

"Well played," Jonathan said. "I really am proud of you."

"Thanks," Wendy said, flushing. "That means a lot to me."

"We're still on for dinner tomorrow night?" Jonathan asked.

"Oh, definitely," Wendy replied. "I'm sort of freaking out about it. I want it to be perfect."

"Why don't you take the day off tomorrow to deal with it, then?" Jonathan suggested. "You've more than earned it."

"Really!?" Wendy asked, her face lighting up. "That would really be great."

"Consider it done," Jonathan said.

Wendy took her time in the morning, smiling at Mary's grousing about having to go to work, then spending a leisurely hour in the swimming pool looking out over the city. At 10:00 she showered and dressed, then went down to talk with Chef Jean to make sure that everything was going to be perfect for the evening. When she had originally talked to him about the dinner party, he had been excited at the prospect of being able to flaunt his skills for Jonathan and Vera. He was well aware of their reputations as gourmands and promised that he would find the perfect wines for each course.

Mary came home from work, a big smile on her face when she smelled the aromas emanating from the kitchen where Chef Jean was making the final preparations. An hour later, Shirelle showed up with the twins, who were wearing their server's uniforms from work. Wendy introduced them to Chef Jean and gave them over into his care. Half an hour before Jonathan and Vera were scheduled to arrive, the three were dressed in their identical tube dresses, the material so insubstantial and sheer that in certain light, they appeared to be naked.

"Mon dieu!" Chef Jean exclaimed when they entered the kitchen, his eyes wide. "It is not possible for a man to work with so much beauty tempting him."

"Is everything ready?" Wendy asked anxiously.

"Do not worry, Ms. Rose," Chef Jean replied, smiling. "They will sing songs for a thousand years about this meal. To have such freedom to create, I am very happy."

Wendy, Mary, and Shirelle were waiting at the elevator as it rose, having been notified by the front desk that Jonathan and Vera were on their way up.

"Oh, my!" Vera said when the elevator doors opened and she saw the three of them standing there. "The three of you are simply gorgeous," she declared as she stepped into the foyer with Jonathan a step behind. "And you must be Shirelle," she said, smiling up at her. "Jonathan said that you tried to kill him the other day."

"I decided to let him live so that I could do it again," Shirelle replied, smiling as Vera burst into laughter.

"Oh, you are just perfect," Vera said.

"A belated house-warming gift," Jonathan said, handing Wendy a gift-wrapped package. "I know how much you love it."

"Oh, thank you so much," Wendy said when she saw 5lbs of Kona coffee when she tore open the package. "I have this fabulous coffee machine and no coffee. This is wonderful. Please, come in," she said, leading the way, Mary and Shirelle bringing up the rear.

"Oh, what a lovely home," Vera said as they entered the living room and she saw the pool and the view beyond.

Just then Daryl and Chris appeared, Daryl carrying a silver tray with five flutes of bubbling champagne on it and Chris with a silver tray with a variety of canapes.

"This is a 1995 Krug Clos du Mesnil Blanc de Blancs," Daryl explained as he handed each of them a flute.

"Really!" Jonathan said. "Wendy, this is too much."

"You know it?" she asked.

"Very well," Jonathan replied. "It's one of the best champagnes I've ever tasted. I have a few cases myself, though I don't often treat myself. Thank you."

"You're twins?" Vera asked, smiling at Daryl and Chris.

"We are, ma'am," Daryl replied, smiling.

"Wendy, what have you done?" Vera asked, smiling.

"They're just for you," Wendy said, grinning. "I've threatened to throw them off the balcony if they don't entirely please you."

"That would be a waste of two very handsome young men," Vera said.

"The canapes are made of various seafoods and fresh fruits," Chris explained. "All of the ingredients have been organically sourced and the seafood is wild, not farmed."

"Mmm, delicious," Vera said, popping one into her mouth.

"How about giving us a tour?" Jonathan suggested.

"There's a lot of space," Vera said when they ended up back in the living room, Daryl and Chris following them, keeping their glasses full and the canapes handy.

"Which I have no idea what to do with," Wendy said. "I've used the living room exactly once and tonight will be the first time I use the dining room."

"I like the office/library," Jonathan said. "How much time do you spend there?"

"None, so far," Wendy laughed. "I haven't really been able to do any work here yet. I'm still trying to grok that it's mine, that I actually live here. Besides, ever since I wrote the translation protocols, I haven't felt any need to work in the evenings. I get done what I need to get done during the day. We mostly hang out by the pool, enjoying the view."

"Don't let him try to work you to death," Vera warned. "He used to be like that when he had new ideas. Now he's doing it again, but the new ideas are yours. I understand that congratulations are in order for the deal you struck to sell the units. Jonathan's quite proud of you."

"He's the one who made it happen, I just set the table," Wendy said self-effacingly.

"And you're far too modest," Vera said. "Don't be afraid to take credit for a job well done or someone else will."

"That's right," Mary said.

"If you'd care to take seats in the dining room, Chef Jean is ready to serve the first course," Daryl said, just returning from the kitchen.

"I love this Limoges china," Vera said. "I never understand why people use colors for their dinnerware. When it's white like this it shows the food much better. And this intricate gold and sky-blue filigree around the edges is perfect, fancy enough to impress, but not so in-your-face so that it distracts from the food."

"It came with the unit," Wendy laughed. "I take no credit for it," she said as they all laughed.

"Mesdames et Messieurs," Chef Jean said as he entered the dining room, followed by Daryl and Chris, each carrying three dishes, "bon soir. Good evening. It is a privilege for me to be able to create this epicurean journey for you. This first course is Alaskan king crab cakes with a cumin/taragon drizzle," he explained as Daryl and Chris placed a dish before each of them, serving from the left. "It is accompanied by a Seresin Sun & Moon sauvignon blanc from the Marlborough region of New Zealand," he continued as Daryl and Chris both poured into the left-most of the three wine glasses above each place setting, then began serving smaller plates of salad. "The salad is with red-leaf and romaine lettuce, kale, rocket, cherry tomatoes, artichoke hearts, avocado, and fresh parsley with a mango and lime vinaigrette. The croutons are made from 12-grain bread and have a coating of clarified garlic butter. Please enjoy your meal. Bon appétit."

"Chef, none of these dishes are on the menu," Jonathan said. "Why is that?"

"Nobody could afford to eat it," he replied. "All of the seafood was flown in fresh this morning from Alaska, the Bahamas, and Hawaii."

"But this is Michelin-quality food," Jonathan said.

"Oui, merci," Chef Jean replied, smiling. "But that is not what we do. Our guests to food, good and nice to look at, but safe. Most of the wines we sell are the least expensive on the wine card. They are not adventurous for the most part, our guests. Michelin-starred restaurants are for those who want to be adventurous and aren't afraid to pay for it. It is never cheap."

"We have seven Michelin-starred restaurants on various properties," Jonathan said.

"Yes, but you also have bistros alongside that have more traditional menus and prices, as well as breakfast," Chef Jean pointed out.

"What would you say to the idea of having a Michelin-starred restaurant here?" Jonathan asked.

"Very nice, but that requires commitment, and that means money, lots of money," Chef Jean replied, shrugging. "It takes time for such a restaurant to gain a following and that is expensive. Getting the star is expensive. Staff front and back house need to be top class. That's expensive."

"Thank you," Jonathan said, smiling. "And thank you for this lovely meal. I'm looking forward to the rest of it."

"De rien," Chef Jean said. "You're welcome."

"Jonathan, stop working," Vera admonished, shaking her head. "Really!"

"That was very informative," Wendy said slowly. "I'll have to remember to check some things Monday morning."

"Oh, Wendy, not you, too!" Vera sighed.

"No more, I promise," Wendy said, smiling. "Isn't this delicious?"

There was less talk for several minutes as everyone enjoyed their starter and the salad, we well as the wine. Every time a glass got below half full, either Daryl or Chris was there to top it off.

"How do you like working at Clandestine so far, Shirelle?" Vera asked as Daryl and Chris cleared their starter plates, always from the right, leaving the salads that hadn't been finished.

"It's different, I'd have to say," she replied, laughing. "I'm used to being busier, though I don't mind sitting around looking hot and being ogled. Mostly, I like the people that I'm working with. They make me feel very welcome. I never felt welcome, per se, at my previous job, merely tolerated because I was good at what I was doing."

"Jonathan's got a knack for getting the best out of people," Vera said. "I'm sure that he'll find a way to more fully utilize your talents as time goes by."

"I look forward to that," Shirelle said.

"Mesdames et Messieurs," Chef Jean said as he entered the dining room after Daryl and Chris, each with three large platters which they began placing before each of the diners, "the entrée this evening is a mixed grill of monkfish, halibut, Hawaiian mahi-mahi, Caribbean grouper, and Norwegian salmon. It is all wild seafood, not farmed, flown in from where it was caught this morning. It is seasoned with Maldon sea salt flakes, Phu Quoc white pepper from Vietnam, and shaved Alba white truffle. The asparagus is steamed in beer and was organically grown in New Zealand. It has been brushed with clarified butter. The wine which is being poured is a Kosta Browne Santa Rita Hills pinot noir from California. Bon appétit."

"This is just spectacular," Jonathan said. "The man's talents aren't being utilized properly."

"Seems like you have a lot of that going around," Shirelle said.

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