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"What Does She See in Him?"

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A high school boy finds the girl of his dreams is a bit more.
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"So, you heard the word about Laura, right?"

The voice asking was a high-pitched enough to be annoying on its own, without adding the obnoxious volume that was about a half-level too high for inside. Instead, I kept my mouth shut and sat down to a tray of mashed potatoes and mystery meat paddy, doing my level best to ignore Zeke as he spoke. It seemed simple enough, I just looked at my food and started to dig in.

"Hey! Andy! Talking to you here! Did you hear about her?"

He was persistent, I'll give him that. However I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me talk with a mouth full of food. Especially since from the smug, "I've got a secret" tone he took, I was sure what the "news" about Laura was going to be. I looked over his way without moving my head and kept chewing.

"I heard," Zeke turned his head from side to side, looking at the other students, who appeared to be just as disinterested as I was in listening to what he had to say, before he leaned towards me, "I heard she's going out with tall Andy."

Obviously when there was a high school of just over a thousand students, there was bound to be more than one Andrew in the bunch. Five to be precise. The confusion was mostly resolved by way of nicknames: one went only by Andrew, another by Drew and a third known as Ander. That left only two for Andy. I was "short" Andy, even though I was five-foot-ten, because "tall" Andy was well past six feet tall and still growing. He was also muscular, outgoing, athletic and funny, which was pretty much winning the cool kid's entrance lottery. I was no slouch when it came to friends (although with "friends" like Zeke, I sometimes wondered) but I was far from being the big man on campus.

I kept looking at Zeke, keeping a blasé expression across my face. Normally, this was the part where he'd add a bit of embellishment if his audience wasn't suitably impressed. I wanted to see what sort of lie he'd tell to see if he could draw attention to himself. Maybe it would be something really dumb like his own annoying girlfriend walking in on the two of them having kinky sex and she totally had pics on her phone, but wouldn't share because... reasons.

Watching him go through the motions of ever escalating exaggerations (knowing that they were lies) was usually more entertaining than the story itself. But that was a low bar to clear and I would have just preferred if he'd stopped talking. Thankfully, this time he appeared to have nothing at all and folded his arms as if I'd taken his toy away, "What? Are you suddenly going to pretend like you don't care? Like you haven't had a crush on Laura since eighth grade? Get out of here."

Slowly, I finished chewing and swallowing, wiping my mouth with a napkin before speaking, "Oh, I definitely care."

"You don't act like it," he shot back, almost accusatory in tone. Sitting right next to him, a black girl named Octavia rolled her eyes, which looked especially comical because the whites of her eyes (which were huge) contrasted so sharply against her blue-black skin tone. A few of my friends on my side of the table snickered and Zeke looked even more huffy. "I don't know why I even bother telling you shit anymore."

'Because it makes you feel important' was my immediate thought, but I filtered it before it got to my mouth and shrugged before explaining, "Well, the reason I don't act like it is because I know she isn't dating tall Andy."

"Oh bullshit, come on," Zeke leaned back forward, beckoning with his hands like a Italian negotiating with a car dealer, "I even heard her say, 'I'm dating Andy, senior Andy' right out of her own mouth."

"Yeah... tall Andy isn't actually a senior," I replied slowly. It was true; tall Andy was actually a junior, people just assumed he was a senior because he was so... tall. I was the only Andy in the senior class and the look of slow, dawning realization on Zeke's face was perfect. You could almost see the emotions passing across his face in rapid succession before he finally settled on the best one and definitely not a river in Egypt, "Bullshit. No fucking way. Not possible."

I raised my hands and shrugged in the best "aw shucks" gesture I possibly could, which made Octavia shake her head and smile. Then, right on cue, a pair of soft hands fell on my shoulders. I didn't even need to turn around to know who it was. "Laura."

"Andy. Enjoying your lunch?"

"Only the finest of cafeteria cuisine, including the first meat that can successfully boast no animals were harmed in its making," I jabbed at the mystery steak with my fork. "Scrumptious."

Laura looked at it and deadpanned, "Looks delish," before kneeling down, bringing her face level with mine, "Hey, about that thing we were planning? My parents are having their anniversary celebration out in Las Vegas this weekend, so..."

"House free?"


Mentally, one thought crossed my mind, 'Don't say Netflix and chill, don't say Netflix and chill, don't say Netflix and chill.'

So naturally the first words out of my mouth were, "Netflix and chill?"

Dammit, scumbag brain. One of my friends, an Asian kid named Mike, actually put his fist to his mouth and bit down to stop himself from laughing. The rest of them looked down, looked away or launched into incredibly studious examination of the ceiling to avoid acknowledging my faux pas. Not that it mattered much, since Laura just laughed, "Uh, sure. But you bring them over; my house's internet sorta sucks."

Suddenly, the collective reaction of my assembled friends something that could be adequately summed up as, "Wut?"

Laura was the queen bee, the cheerleader every boy (and probably more than a few girls) wanted to be with, whip smart and that perfect combination of lithe build with big breasts, which was only emphasized by the dark brown hair she wore down to frame her cleavage. Either you wanted her or wanted to be her. On top of that, she had a nice personality, as if there was no dump stat for her.

While my clique of friends sat around in surprise, Laura rose to her feet, "I got class right now, so I'll catch you after," and walked away with a sway to her hips. I admit I let my gaze linger, the spell only being broken when Mike reached over the table and pushed my shoulder.

"Dude. Teach me."


While my friends were surprised, Laura's friends looked like they were in utter shock. One of the guys in particular, Wallis, was a dickhead I'd never liked who had been none-too-subtly sniffing around Laura for years. When I spotted her between classes and stopped to talk, he couldn't help but stare at me like I'd just hopped a fence to piss in his backyard. In a way, maybe I had: I definitely wasn't part of the cool kid's club. But that didn't matter, not with Laura going with me.

"So, you want rom-com, straight comedy, action or what?"

Laura's honey-brown eyes looked up while she considered it, before giving the ultimate woman's answer, "Uh, you can pick. I don't mind."

I had to smile at that. "I hope you're comfortable riding on the Fury Road then, because you just let a man pick the movie," I said as I jerked the thumb towards myself.

Of course, that was just enough opening for Wallis to cut in, "A man? You're barely –"

I didn't see the look Laura gave him, but he stopped talking mid-sentence and looked away meekly. My hero. She looked back to me and nodded, "Mad Max is fine."

From there it was nothing but minor league small talk; I was introduced to one or two of Laura's friends I didn't know and whose names I immediately forgot, there was some back and forth about cheerleading practice and how Laura not only managed AP classes with her extracurricular, but also tacked on an active social life, then they went on complaining about teachers. It was all pretty standard high school stuff, but my new girlfriend was holding court and that demanded my presence. I could feel some appraisals, most of them wondering why me. I didn't mind though. The only weird bit was one of the girls tapping me on the shoulder as the impromptu group broke apart when the bell rang.


She wore glasses, fashionable ones and had a short blonde pixie cut, "When you hang out with Laura..."

I didn't know what she was getting at and prodded, "What?"

Suddenly her face flushed with embarrassment and she scooped her books tight to her chest, "Never mind, it's nothing!" Then she scampered off, leaving me confused and alone in the hallway.


It wasn't a date per se, but that didn't mean I treated it as casually as I would hanging out with my friends. At the same time, I didn't fuss over my appearance nearly as much; Laura had been quite firm when she said, "Just wear whatever is comfortable."

Then she sent my heart racing by outright telling me, "Make sure you bring stuff for staying the night as well."

Fuck. Yes.

I rolled up about two hours after class had ended, having footed it from the bus stop to her place carrying a gym bag full of clothes, toiletries, a hard-drive and some other niceties. Like condoms. Laura's parents, if not rich, were certainly well off and she lived in an upscale neighborhood full of McMansions, complete with pseudo-Roman columns at the front door and Greco-inspired fountains in some of the front lawns. I tried to keep my relative barbarity in check by ringing the door bell rather than knocking.

Immediately a voice popped up from a speaker I didn't know was there, "Just a sec Andy! I'm coming down from my room."

It took her a lot more than "a sec" to get from her room to the door, but I wasn't complaining when Laura appeared before me, wearing grey yoga pants and a white halter top that did a poor job of keeping her breasts contained. Not even a minute into the not-date and I was already hard.

"Hey Andy! You made it already!"

"Certainly beats not making it."

Laura smiled at that and nodded enthusiastically, stepping aside and motioning me into her home. It was hard to notice how smiley she was. She was bubbling over with eagerness at seeing me, the sort of honest, upfront emotion that was hard to fake. Her normally long, dark brown hair was pulled back into a bun which she undid as I stepped inside, letting her hair flow down her back. Thankfully, it didn't quite reach beyond her waist, allowing me full view of her perfectly formed ass as she led the way to her absurdly massive living room. It was seriously like three of my living rooms put together, with white walls and classy, post-modern art and sculptures all over the place.

I could totally see Patrick Bateman (from American Psycho) having the exact same living room.

Creepy thoughts aside, Laura showed me the television setup and left me to get things started while she handled the popcorn and drinks. I didn't think there was all that much to hostessing, especially when getting laid was about as explicitly on the table as it had ever been for me, but she took her time, returning after about twenty minutes with a massive bucket of popcorn and drinks served in actual glasses.

"So... Mad Max first?" She asked, plopping down on the couch heavily. I actually felt over-dressed next to her; it was clear she was wearing what was comfortable – around the house clothes – while I'd tried to push the definition of casual in the direction of dapper. But if that made things awkward, she didn't mention it and snuggled right up next to me.

"A woman after my own heart. Mad Max it is."

She killed the lights (by remote; what a time to be alive!) and we got to enjoy the full impact of her home's massive curved television and three dimensional sound setup. About twenty minutes in, I made my first move, draping my arm over her shoulder. She reacted only by putting a hand on my chest and lightly tracing a pattern across my shirt. Christ, it made me so hard; just that simple touch and I desperately wanted to fuck her.

But I knew how not to overplay my hand and satisfied myself with nothing more than looking down her halter to the perfect globes of her tits. I'd already seen the movie more than enough times that I could recite the lines verbatim; I was going to feast my eyes on a different sort of visual spectacle, if I could help it. And Laura did nothing but encourage that, letting one of the straps holding her top up fall off her shoulder and down her arm. Normally that would be a quick two second fix, but she left it there, the thin material flopping off her breast and making my heart beat so fast I was sure she felt it.

That's when I realized she wasn't wearing a bra.

There was no way she didn't realize what was going on inside my chest, not with her finger dancing across my sternum, but acted as if nothing was amiss. I was sure precum had made a dark spot on my boxers and really regretted going with slacks rather than jeans; the moment we shifted and she looked down, Laura would see the lump in my pants capped by a spot of wetness and know what was up. However, she didn't do anything to break the spell.

In fact, my girlfriend, perfect as she was, did the exact opposite. She reached right over me and grabbed my free hand, then brought it to her thigh, high enough I could feel the heat from her pussy. At that moment, I was grateful I'd pre-gamed before coming over and masturbated away my first load. If not, I might have climaxed just from the feeling of having my hand between her thighs. As if that wasn't bad enough, she used her other hand to trace along my ear and started whispering in my ear, "What's the matter Andy? You're not shy, are you?"

It wasn't so much the words as the way they were delivered, a seductive string of words dripping with erotic intent. I opened my mouth to say something, but hastily reconsidered. What could I say to something like that? The only proper response was action rather than words; anything less would have been a tacit admission of shyness. But how bold was I really capable of being with Laura. She wasn't just more popular than me, she was also out of my league in terms of looks and body, she was smarter than me – hell, only the fact she was a cheerleader than an actual player allowed me to claim that I was at least a better athlete.

In my moment of indecision, at the very height of my waffling, the strap on her halter fell even further and her nipple was exposed to my view.

As Laura stared into my eyes, my control broke and I looked down at the nipple. Then I caught myself and looked back up. She was smiling and reached behind my head to pull my mouth down to her breast. I closed my eyes, parted my lips and started sucking her breast like it was the last breast on planet Earth.

"Hmmm... that's good Andy.'

God, her tits were amazing. Soft and hefty and creamy, the flesh practically melted into my mouth as I slurped on it. She slouched down on to the couch, bringing herself lower and forcing me to bend down over her body to keep worshiping her big tits.

"That's really good Andy... keep going..."

She wiggled the other strap down and pushed her halter to her waist, leaving her topless and seemingly in thrall to my oral ministrations. Laura pushed her arms together, pressing her breasts out and leaving me with more than enough mammary to deal with. But when her hand tightened along the back of my head and started forcing my mouth down, I realized she was was still in charge, regardless of where I might be on the couch.

My hand was still trapped between her thighs and she sensually rubbed them together around it, making it go higher and higher, only inches away from her holiest of holy. My dick was probably pumping precum on overdrive and threatening to rip right out of my pants. Still, I didn't want to go to fast; I wanted to be able to claim to have fucked Laura with Mad Max: Fury Road in the background, which would have quite possibly been the most masculine claim any male had made since first man to tell a story of how he speared a lion for dinner.

Suddenly, it all came crashing down with only two words: "Wait, stop."

In my head, I was Darth Vader, screaming "NO!" at the top of my lungs. But in the real world, I was playing it cool, sliding off top of her and sitting upright. There was only one question to ask, "What's wrong?"

Laura looked at me with her own face reddened and sat up on her elbows, "Nothing's wrong. I just want to get out of these clothes. To be honest, there wasn't much to get out of: her halter top was more like decoration for her abs while her yoga pants were... well, yoga pants. Still, I wasn't the sort of guy who likes to be teased and let her go about disrobing. She didn't try to draw it out, didn't try to make it sexy or anything, Laura just turned around, bent over a bit and peeled those skin-tight grey pants down to her ankles then stood back and faced me.

That's when it hit me. Literally.

As she'd turned, Laura – who up until that point, I'd never heard the slightest peep about being anything but 100% girly-girl – somehow managed to move too fast and too close, whipping me across the face on accident with one of the biggest dicks I've ever seen in my life. "Ooops! Sorry!"

"Sorry" had never been intended to make up for accidentally cock slapping your boyfriend with a big penis he didn't know you had. "Sorry" was for spilling a drink or stepping on someone's foot. "Sorry" implied additional explanation was unnecessary. But a surprise pecker on a girl? That required a bit more than "sorry."

"Uh... Laura..."

"Yes. I am one of the few," she didn't sound or look the slightest bit ashamed as she preempted my question with her answer, "The only question is if you still want anal?"

On one hand, it was clear she wasn't offering her own ass. On the other, it was still having sex with the queen bee of the campus. Mentally, I made hand scales and weighed the pros and cons. While I waffled, Laura hefted up her girlcock and stroked it right in front of me, the movie still playing behind her. She was long and thick, probably eight or nine inches and not far from my wrist in terms of girth, but her shaft was strangely devoid of veins, looking as smooth as silk while she worked precum up and down her full length.

"I know you're hard," she looked down on me as I sat on the couch, "I bet you wanna taste it too."

My mouth suddenly went dry and a part of my brain chimed in, "I bet her precum would quench your thirst."

Laura moved as if she could read my thoughts and took a step closer to my face, pressing her girlcock right against my partially parted lips. I didn't actually make a conscious decision to suck it or not suck it. I just sort of went with the flow as her fat dick filled my mouth, wrapping my lips around my teeth and flicking my tongue along the underside in the same way I liked. It was a natural thing and she licked her own lips, "That's it... just suck it, alright... just like that... nice and slow and mmmmm, good."

My hands came up to her hips and I slid my mouth down, closing my eyes to focus on the sensation of being a cocksucker. An actual cocksucker, can you believe that? I never in my life thought I'd be doing it, but I suppose most guys who suck off girls would say the same thing. I stopped thinking about it too hard though and concentrated my attention on what to do when her length reached the downward bend in my throat. While Laura didn't have much in the way of veinage, her shaft was certainly stiff enough to make the likelihood of curving down into my throat a rather remote possibility.

She gently added a motion to her hips and forced me to take more. If my eyes would have been opened, the tears would have fallen down my cheeks, but I managed to hold them back as I handled more of her shaft. It was actually... tasty, in a certain sense of the word, and I found myself slurping on her gently, letting my mouth fill with her precum before I swallowed it down in a big gulp. It wasn't bitter, but it was warm and I could feel the stuff as it stuck to the sides of my throat on the way down to my stomach.


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