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What Happened at the Party Ch. 02

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Glenn turns up on Mark's doorstep again, but is he sober?
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After my weekend with Glenn, I wasn't sure how he would react with me at work.

He hadn't threatened me to stay quiet this time, but I never discuss my sex life anyway, so whether he knew it or not, he was safe.

Monday morning, he was in the yard with Dave when I arrived and I did get the slightest nod of acknowledgement from him as I passed.

I didn't really see him for the rest of the week, but on Saturday evening I was kind of hoping he would turn up, hopefully sober.

I was to be disappointed. The doorbell never rang and I spent the weekend alone.

Back at work, he was there as I crossed the yard and he immediately turned away as I passed, but not before I spotted the cut below his left eye.

He'd obviously been fighting again and it made me wonder why I ever thought Glenn and I could become a regular thing.

What made it worse was listening to the girls discuss him over coffee, as they came to the conclusion that he was a nasty piece of work and no girl should go near him.

During the week, I saw him a couple more times in the yard and his head immediately went down when he noticed me looking in his direction.

So that appeared to be the end of it.

I got a surprise then, when I answered the door on Friday night and found Glenn standing there, head down, wearing jeans and a hoodie, still with a mark on his cheek, surrounded by bruising.

"Can I come in? I'm sober."

I nodded and led him through to the lounge, where he stood in the centre of the room, looking like he didn't know what to do with himself.

"What brings you round here, Glenn?"

He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Instead, he reached forward and kissed me very tenderly on the mouth, which took me unawares. That made him jump back.

"Sorry, sorry, but I've wanted to do that for such a long time."

I put my hand on his shoulder.

"No, I liked it. I just wasn't expecting it, that's all."

He looked up and gave me a half smile.

"I'm a mess, aren't I?"

"Well at least you're a sober mess. Come and sit down."

He didn't move, but took a deep breath.

"I'd rather go to the bedroom, if you're okay with that."

It looked like explanations could wait and I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity of sex with Glenn again, so led him to my bed.

We undressed, our eyes on each other's bodies, till we were both naked and I could see Glenn's cock get thicker with a drop of precum glistening on the tip.

I walked towards him and kissed him. He immediately responded, forcing his tongue inside my mouth and sliding an arm around my backside. When we walked towards the bed, I could feel his cock nudging my thigh.

As soon as we lay down together, I went for his cock, licking around the tip and head, before swallowing him to the hilt, till that big mushroom head was halfway down my throat.

I needed to be fucked, so I made sure that I coated his cock in plenty of saliva, before I flipped over on to my stomach.

I didn't have to say anything. Glenn climbed on top of me and pushed against my hole with his thick cock, nudging slowly till he was inside.

Now I don't like it too rough, but I thought Glenn was being very gentle for my liking and I wasn't sure what was holding him back.

This wasn't the Glenn who had slammed into me with a bit of force, ploughing my arse with his big hard rod and pinning me to the bed with his weight.

There also seemed to be a lot of tension in him tonight.

I reached behind me, grabbing his behind and forced him further into my hole.

"Come on, Glenn. Just let go."

I thought it wasn't going to happen, but a few thrusts later, he started pumping his hips at speed, his thick shaft stretching me open, as he rammed his way up my back passage, his balls hitting mine and I felt his pubic hair against my skin.

This was more like it.

"That's it, fuck me hard."

After I said that, he began pounding my arse, his cock hitting my prostate every time and I put my hands on my behind, pulling my cheeks apart, so he could get further inside me.

The deeper penetration sent him over the edge and he gave a loud groan, as the hot cum gushed from his cock, flooding my back passage.

Twice more he thrust into me, sending more of his seed into my hole and I could feel his legs shaking from the intensity of his orgasm.

Instead of rolling off, he collapsed on top of me, breathing heavily against my cheek.

His hand crept up the pillow and curled round mine, giving it a squeeze.

Neither of us spoke just lay there quietly, his cock still inside me.

It was Glenn who broke the silence.

"Thanks, Mark. I really needed that."

I turned my head and kissed the back of his hand, getting a squeeze of my hand in return.

We lay like that till his cock slipped out of my hole and his stomach started to rumble.

"You hungry, Glenn?"

"I'm starving. I had a burger, but that was ages ago."

"Right, get off me and I'll make you cheese on toast."

I went to the bathroom and came back with a warm cloth and towel to clean up Glenn's cock.

He watched as I carefully dried him.

"You don't have to do that, you know."

I gave him a little smile.

"All part of the service. Now slip your jeans on and come get fed."

I pulled on my briefs and jeans, not bothering with a top. Glenn did the same and followed me to the kitchen, where I made him two thick slabs of cheese on toast and mugs of tea for both of us.

He ate quickly, while I sat watching him, drinking my tea. After he was finished, we moved to the sofa in the lounge.

I put my hand up and touched the damage to his face.

"That's healing up nicely. Is it sore?"

"It's nothing, I'm used to a few knocks."

He sounded slightly defensive, but I wanted to know how he came by it.

"It was just a stupid thing. On Saturday night I'd had a few drinks.."

He spotted the look on my face.

"Ok, I was drunk and talking to a girl that I dated a few years back, in a bar.

I was asking if she fancied going out with me again, but she said no and..."

He hesitated and I wondered what he was keeping back.

"Well anyway, this guy came up and told me to leave her alone, though we weren't arguing or anything. Even when she said everything was good, he put his hand on my arm, so I hit him, then he punched me back and we ended up being thrown out."

After he finished, there were quite a few questions running around in my head, but I didn't think I should ask them. There was one thing I was curious about though.

"So what else did your ex say that you're not telling me?"

He looked at me, deciding if he would answer, then his head went down.

"She told me she didn't want to go there again, because I was too big and too rough in bed."

"Is that what was stopping you tonight?"

"Yes because I knew she was right."

"Just so you know, Glenn, I'm fine with you the way you are."

He leaned over and kissed me.

"Thanks, Mark."

Then he was all over me, kissing my neck, then moving down to my chest, sucking on my nipples till they stood up proud, the sensation going straight to my cock, which pushed against the fabric of my jeans, desperate for release.

He kissed down the light, soft hair on my stomach, then came to my crotch.

I wasn't expecting anything else, but he unzipped me and freed my erection from the confines of my briefs.

He had a taste of my precum, then put the head of my cock in his mouth. Slowly he worked his way down my shaft, till he'd swallowed the whole length of me.

He was a bit unsure at first, but soon his head was bobbing up and down on my cock and I was getting a pretty decent blow job from him.

Seeing him down there, was a turn on and also the fact that he wanted to do it for me.

I put my hand on his head and he looked up, taking my cock out of his mouth.

"Am I doing ok?"

"More than ok. Carry on."

He went back to the job, his mouth increasing the pressure on my cock, till I exploded in his mouth. He choked just a little bit, but manfully swallowed most of my load.

He crawled up and gave me a kiss that tasted of cum, mixed with toasted cheese, before bending down and giving my softening cock one last kiss.

"Do you want to stay tonight?"

"I'd like that."

He gave me a long serious look.

"I don't know why you bother with me. I'm such a fuck up."

I put my hand on his crotch.

"Well you do have one or two redeeming qualities."

That actually made him laugh, which was good to see, then his face went serious again.

"Why's everything so easy with you, Mark?"

"I don't know, but I'm just glad you feel you can relax with me."

He didn't say anything, but gave me another one of his long stares. I could have asked what he was thinking, but I didn't want to spoil the mood of the evening. Instead I took his hand and pulled him up from the couch.

"Come on, how about watching some TV in bed, or something?"

"I don't watch much TV, but the something bit sounds interesting."

We ended up watching an old Fleetwood Mac concert on Sky, but with the volume quite low, so we could chat. It was good to be tucked up in bed, close to a naked man, something I hadn't experienced for a while, my sex life lately confined to one night stands and quick encounters.

As we talked, getting to know each other better, I let my hand rest on his hairy chest, idly stroking his nipples, something I don't think he'd have let me do a couple of weeks ago.

I'd told Glenn he could ask me anything and he'd had a couple of questions about my past etc.

There was however, one question I hadn't got round to asking him.

"When you came in tonight and kissed me, you said it was something you'd wanted to do for ages. What was that about?"

"Difficult to explain. For the last few years, seeing you every day, I've been drawn towards you, even though I didn't want to be and hating myself for feeling that way."

He began to founder, not sure how to

carry on.

I put my finger to his lips.

"It's ok, I understand. You don't have to say any more and I'm just pleased you've made it here eventually."

"Thanks Mark."

"You can thank me by fucking my arse again in the morning. Let's go to sleep."

I switched off the light and he snuggled against me in the darkness, with a hand resting on my chest.

In the morning, I woke lying on my stomach, aware of Glenn's weight above me. He leaned forward, his face close to my ear.

"You ready for that fuck now?"

"Always ready."

Behind me, I heard him spitting, then he began to push that big mushroom headed cock inside me, pulling back out, then in again, going deeper every time, till he was buried in my hole.

I couldn't help myself, I gave out a big sigh.

"Come on, ride my arse."

He obliged, pumping his hips in a slow rhythm, which soon became faster as I teased him by flexing my sphincter muscles round his shaft.

Now, he was slamming against me, the sound of skin against skin, every time he hit my arse cheeks, his rock hard cock sliding up my back passage, his balls, heavy with his seed, hitting mine.

I could feel him building up to an almighty orgasm. His breathing changed and he started moaning, his cock even harder inside me, then my hole was filled with his hot cum that kept on coming, as he thrust again and again, emptying his balls, till he was done.

My hole felt totally destroyed, but I was so happy and I hadn't felt this satisfied in a long time.

Glenn rolled off me on to his back and took one of my hands in his, gripping it tightly. He looked directly at me.

"That was fucking amazing, Mark."

"Yeah, morning sex is always the best."

We lay just looking at each other, his hand still holding mine, till he recovered, then I suggested showering.

"Do you want to go first, Mark?"

"Let me just visit the bathroom, then how about we go together?"

I think that was a first for him, but when I started soaping his body and rubbing myself against him, he totally got into it and took his turn lathering my chest and bum, his big cock nudging against me all the time.

Over breakfast I asked if he'd anything planned for the rest of the weekend, but he shook his head.

"You could spend it here with me, if you want to that is."

That brought a smile to his face.

"I'd really like that."

"On a Saturday I usually head into town for some food shopping, so you could come along and we can stop off somewhere for a coffee."

As soon as I said it, I knew it was a mistake. I watched his face fall and I think he was struggling with what to say.

"Or, you might prefer to head back home for some clothes and your razor, if you're staying till Sunday."

He looked relieved and scratched his chin.

"Yeah, that's what I'll do. I feel a bit scruffy."

So, I told him to come back any time after two o'clock and I went to the shops to pick up some extra food and had a coffee by myself.

Glenn came back about two thirty carrying a rucksack, with a change of clothes and his toiletries. It was slightly weird having someone else's stuff in my bathroom, but I realised that I liked having him around.

We had a cup of tea and watched some snooker on TV, then later, he sat at the table with a glass of wine and watched me as I cooked.

I made us steak in mushroom sauce, with baked potato and broccoli.

Glenn was impressed when I put his plate in front of him.

"Wow, you do know how to feed a guy."

He topped up our wine and raised his glass in salute, taking a big swig.

I don't think my face gave anything away, but he looked at me as he put his glass down.

"Don't worry, I'm ok as long as I keep off the vodka. It makes me crazy."

"Does the same for me. I gave it up years ago."

We took time over our meal, then carried the rest of the wine through to the lounge. We didn't do very much for the rest of the evening, just listened to some music and sipped our wine, with a bit of chat thrown in.

Looking at Glenn, he was the most relaxed I'd ever seen him, sprawled next to me on the sofa, his shirt half open, letting me see his hairy chest that I found so sexy and the considerable bulge of his cock in his well fitting jeans. I felt a stirring in my own jeans just thinking about it.

He caught me watching him.


"Just wondering if your cock might be ready for some more action."

He gave me an evil grin.

"Why don't you find out."

I knelt on the carpet in front of him, placing my hand on his crotch.

Unzipping his jeans, I fondled the big hard lump that was his cock filling out his briefs, before pulling them down to let his erection spring out.

As soon as I touched my lips to his cock, he groaned and his hard rod jerked in my hand, as if it couldn't wait to get down my throat.

I swallowed his whole shaft till his pubic hair was tickling my nose and stayed like that for a minute, enjoying the sensation of my mouth being filled with cock.

Sliding my mouth up and down his cock, I felt his big knob hit the back of my throat, as I positioned myself to swallow as much of him as I could.

He began to buck his hips upwards, almost choking me, but I carried on sucking on his hard cock.

I reached under him and grabbed his arse with both hands, squeezing his muscled glutes, hoping it would make him come, as it was something he seemed to enjoy.

A minute later, his hot jism was shooting down my throat, as his cock throbbed in my mouth, releasing more and more cum, that spilled out, running down through my beard and dripping on to his balls.

When he finally stopped coming, I released his cock and after licking off the last few sticky drops, I sucked on his balls till I got every bit of cum off them, then tucked everything back inside his jeans and zipped him back up.

"There you go, all tidy again."

He started laughing and ran his hand over my head.

"I love watching you suck me off, it's really hot."

"I aim to please."

Laughing again, he hauled me up from my knees and planted a kiss on my mouth, then we settled back leaning into each other, while I flipped through my saved music and played some Leonard Cohen, which he liked.

My hand slipped inside his shirt, gently caressing that hairy chest of his, while he had an arm up the back of my polo shirt.

He was lying back with his eyes closed and I couldn't believe the change in him. The drunk angry man seemed to have disappeared and his whole face looked younger and at ease.

His eyes snapped open and he caught me watching him, but he just smiled without saying anything.

We went to bed quite early. He lay on his back, me face down beside him, with one leg thrown over his, my hand on his chest, as I amused myself sucking his nipples.

One of his hands was wandering over my behind, exploring and squeezing.

He brought it up to his face, wetting his fingers, then used them to insert one by one into my hole, till he had three inside me, prodding and stretching, making me sigh.

His cock had risen to it's full nine inches, throbbing against his stomach, so I slid down and licked along it's length, flicking my tongue around his big knobhead.

I don't think either of us were serious about fucking again, it was just really great to be free with each other and we went to sleep, my hand wrapped round his cock.

Early in the morning, Glenn was on top of me before I had woken up properly, his cock nudging my hole, his head resting on my shoulder blade.

I craned my neck round to see his grinning face looking at me.

"Hey, Mark. Ready to fuck?"

"Stupid question, my man."

"You know, I'd really like to see your face when I'm inside you."

Well that was soon arranged. He got off me and flipping over, I shoved a pillow under me to raise myself up for him, and lifted my legs in the air, exposing my hole.

He came closer and I put my legs on

his shoulders, while he lubricated his cock with spit, before entering me in one big thrust.

He held onto my legs as he ploughed my hole, his hard shaft filling my back passage, travelling right up inside me.

This was so hot! I was getting my arse fucked and this time, I could watch him do the business on me, his hard muscled body straining with the effort of the pace he was keeping up, as he rammed into me again and again.

My own cock was hard and bouncing around, so I wrapped my hand around it and started wanking, knowing that I'd come pretty quickly with the stimulation my prostate was getting from Glenn's rigid weapon, that was plundering my arse.

Glenn's eyes were fixed on me, watching me wank.

"Hot, Mark, so fucking hot."

He gripped my legs tighter as he thrust against my arse at high speed, his thigh muscles straining, the look on his face one of pure lust.

Suddenly, I let go, as a jet of cum shot into the air, going who knows where, then the rest of my load splashed all over my chest.

Glenn cried out and followed with his own orgasm, as he filled me with his seed, the hot liquid going so far up inside me, I could almost feel it in my bowels.

He was grinning down at me, his chest heaving from the exertion and I just had to grin back at him.

"Best fuck, yet, Mark."

He'd echoed my own thoughts exactly and I managed to sit up and kiss his mouth, without losing his cock from my hole. He hugged me and we sat wrapped up in each other till eventually his cock softened and slid out of me with a sucking sound.

That was a brilliant way to start the day and over breakfast we couldn't stop grinning at each other every time our eyes met.

When we were finished, I went out for Sunday papers and fresh rolls, leaving Glenn to wash up the breakfast things, which he volunteered for.

The rest of our morning was spent reading our way through the papers and colour supplements, helped along by coffee and bacon rolls.

In the afternoon, what started out as a kiss and mucking around, turned into me getting fucked again on the lounge carpet, doggy style as I gripped the edge of the couch.


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