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What Price Virginity?

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Bride surprises husband on their First Night.
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"Woman's virtue is man's greatest invention," said the tall and pretty postgraduate student. She spoke with feeling. The scene was the library reading room of a woman's college. Her companion was short and pretty with chubby cheeks that showed depressions threatening to break into dimples at the slightest excuse. Books were open in front of them, but as is usual with student in libraries, they were not discussing their college subjects.

"Are you quoting some ancient philosopher Sabitha, or is it your own?" said the short one.

"I am quoting, but I do not remember who said it Taleel."

"Before commenting I want your definition of virtue."

"Purity in sexual matters," said Sabitha.

"You have to be more specific." It was Taleel's way to convert any discussion into a cross-examination. Sabitha was ready with her answer.

"Not kissed or fondled, or anything more by any man before marriage, and be able to tell the husband at nuptials that she has saved it all for him, and from then on be true to that man for the entire lifetime, that's virtue.

"Is fantasying included in this package?"

"No," said Sabitha with vehemence. "The point Taleel is this. It does not seem to apply to man. He can kiss and fondle and have sex as and when, and with as many as he pleases without a single dent on his virtue."

"He is expected to, Sabitha."

"Yaa. Society expects him to be macho."

"Well what next. Do we exercise our rights to equality that the constitution has guaranteed, and have fun before marriage?" Taleel's smile broadened till the dimples appeared.

"If we do our community will label us promiscuous, that's what will happen."

"And an immediate drop in marriage market value to zero," said Taleel.

"The charter members of the committee that assigns us that value would be the men who had fun with us." Sabitha was bitter.

"Absolutely. We women must attack to defend. We must refuse to marry any man who is not as pure as blown snow."

"And remain spinsters for the rest of our lives," said Sabitha. A grey haired lady entered their corner; both the girls rose from their seats and wished her.

"No need for these formalities in the library Sabitha and Taleel. Sorry to have disturbed you when you were in such an animated discussion. If my guess is right it is not the subject of the forthcoming examination." The girls smiled sheepishly. "If it is not very personal, and you have no objection, can I join in the discussion?" She had a kindly face and a gentle smile, a popular professor apparently.

"Nothing personal ma'am, Sabitha had read somewhere the saying that woman's virtue is man's greatest invention. We were discussing that."

"And your conclusion?"

"We think it is unfair that the rule apples only to us women."

"What do you propose to do?" The girls look at each other embarrassed, even a bit guilty. The professor helped them out with questions.

"You think that we must counterattack by being uninhibited in our relationships with men? You fear that if you do that your will lose your reputation?"

"Yes ma'am. That happens as we all know."

"Only when the relationship has been high profile," said the professor. "Our men are not as bad as that. They understand, and they accept. I am sure more women than we imagine have had relationships before marriage, and most of them have happy married lives." The professor smiled as if to indicate that the discussion was over. The girls took the hint, and folding their books withdrew to another part of the library.

"Ma'am is as usual good in theory. Leave alone premarital sex, I wonder if ma'am had it on the first night."

"Ya, her husband must have instructed her about the birds and the bees on the bridal bed before venturing further."

"What little he knew of that anyway." They laughed. The professor heard them. She was amused too.

Professor Karthi had come to the library to prepare for a lecture, but the conversation with her students opened the floodgates of memories that swamped her thoughts, and like her students the open volume in front of her remained unread.

Professor Karthi was happily married. Her husband was a professor in the same college, and both were in the opinion of their students 'made for each other'. They were a gentle couple. Professor Mukund, her husband, was the only male teacher in the lady's college (he taught French). He avoided eye contact with his students. It was a joke in the college that if he accidentally did make eye contact he blushed.

Theirs was a love match. She was preparing for an examination in French when she fell in love with her tutor. After a brief and very placid period of engagement they were married. Soon after she joined as lecturer of logic in the college. A few months later she came to know that the department of French was not able to get a professor with sufficient experience. She went to the principal requesting her to consider her husband for the vacancy. It was not the policy of the college to have men in the teaching staff, but the principal was willing to make an exception especially in view of the fact that the man was married to one of their staff. He joined soon after and they continued for twenty-five years, both popular as teachers though as persons they were rather dull. It was thus not surprising that Sabitha and Taleel did not take their professor's unexpectedly daring views on woman's virtue seriously. They would have if they had known that Professor Karthi had lost her virginity when she was eighteen.

* * *

The neighbours who had moved in were a sprightly couple. The man was handsome and athletic, about 35 years old, and the woman short and squat, and by her looks much older than her husband. Both were very friendly and outgoing. The man worked in the batik department of a cloth store in the city. His wife designed batik.

Karthi, who was eighteen, had done graduate study and was considering what courses to take for the postgraduate study the next term. She became friendly with the lady, and as she had a taste of painting she took an interest in batik designing. Soon Karthi and Laila, the batik designer, became great friends. She was a good teacher too, and Karthi was not only helping her, but also designing on her own. The husband, Venky often joined them. Karthi soon became a member of the team. It was not long before Venky became the first crush of Karthi's young life.

Every morning at ten Laila invited Karthi to come and join her in the studio that they had set up in the basement. Laila designed on the computer screen, and when it had reached a certain stage they called in Venky to finalise the design.

One day they were in the thick of a designing session. Laila and Karthi were working on the design and Venky was offering his comments and his suggestions. The telephone rang and Venky went up. He came in soon after and told Laila that it was her call. Karthi was on the computer; Venky was standing behind telling her what to do. Whenever she had difficulty in mixing colours Venky took over the keyboard, leaning on Karthi while doing so. Their heads were so close that Venky's ruffled hair tickled Karthi and made her giggle. At one point she turned towards him at the precise moment he was looking at her. Their faces were so close that he kissed her almost instinctively on the lips. As kisses go it was a mere touch, but it sent thrills down her spine. She got up in her agitation, but Venky smiled one of his sweetest and softest smiles pushed her down by pressing her shoulders. Laila came in soon after and they continued as if nothing had happened.

When Karthi went home she went straight to her bed and lay down. She was palpitating, and the tremors of her hand were uncontrollable. Soon she calmed down. She closed her eyes and relived the excitement of the kiss. Would her mother notice? Mothers do notice the slightest changes in the moods of their grown up daughters.

"Karthi, are you unwell?" she asked.

"Yes Mom, I feel I am getting a nasty cold," replied Karthi. She was thankful that Mom was not launching one of her investigations. Mother soon came in with two tablets and a cup of warm water. Karthi swallowed the both tablets. She needed them anyway. The next day Venky came late to the basement. Laila had a call and Venky behaved impeccably in his wife's absence. Laila was away only for a few minutes. But the next day the telephone rang and Venky went up to talk the call. He said it was from Betty. The day he kissed her Karthi remembered that it was this same Betty who had called.

"Are you angry with me for taking those liberties that day Karthi?" said Venky. Karthi who was at the drawing board did not reply but continued with the drawing. "I felt horrible. I simply did not have the strength of will to resist the impulse. I hope you understand and you forgive." Karthi continued working and still did not say anything. Venky pulled his stool close to Karthi's. He went close to her and kissed her on the cheek and then the neck and then the ear and then the eye. He gently held her head and turned her towards himself and kissed her on the nose and then on the lips. His arms went round her and then he lifted her up and holding her tight kissed her on all parts of the face. She held him too and responded with soft pecks of her own. They heard Laila's footfalls and Karthi just had time to tidy herself. This time mother was no problem. She was in the midst of a quarrel with her husband. Karthi had the suspicion that it had to do with another woman. This was not the first time that had happened. With all the problems besetting her mother did not notice the sparkle in her daughter's eyes, and a jump in her gait.

It was a week before Laila had the next call from Betty. This time Venky took the relationship one step forward—he pressed her breasts over her blouse and finding her cooperative unbuttoned her blouse and felt her bare breasts. They kissed passionately with lips and with tongues. He placed her against the edge of the table and pressed his pelvis against hers, and the nymph wriggled her hips with ardour. Luckily for them Laila dislodged something on the way to the basement and they were able to get back to their posts before she came down.

The next day it happened. They kissed and Venky fondled, and then he carried her bodily to the couch in one corner of the basement room and laid her on it. He lifted her skirt.

"Don't Venky darling, don't," Karthi said, but he persisted. He pulled down her knickers and undid his loose pants.

"I'm frightened darling. Laila may come in any moment"

"She won't darling. I know Betty would not leave her soon. I would be so gentle that you won't feel any pain," he said. He kissed her pussy and then he climbed up, and she spread her thighs. He put on a condom and penetrated with her help. Karthi was in a daze, but she had enough presence of mind to hold him tight as he ejaculated. She went into the basement bathroom and washed herself. She was back at her post. They need not have hurried for Laila took a long time in coming. From then on whenever Laila had a call they had it, which was almost everyday. They became quite careless about Laila. Venky introduced her to the pleasures of sucking and licking, and all the postures of sexual intercourse. One day Karthi declared that of all the position they have tried she considered the doggie the best. Venky called it the 'both-can-watch-TV' position and that amused Karthi very much.

"We are too bold Venky. What would we do if Laila should appear suddenly?"

"Invite her to join a threesome," he said and laughed. It did not appear to Karthi that he was joking.

"I want to meet this friend of yours, Betty of whom I am hearing a lot," said Karthi one day.

"Next month we are having a party for my birthday. I have invited Betty to greet me and meet you," said Laila. A fortnight later Karthi and her parents had to go for a cousin's wedding in her mother's hometown. When she returned after three days she found children playing in her neighbour's compound. Their servant told them that Venky and his wife had unexpectedly got their visas and left hurriedly for the U.S. Karthi bore the news without any fuss. Three days later they had disquieting news about their late neighbours.

The police came to enquire. They did not say why they wanted to question Venky and Laila, but Karthi overheard her father telling her mother that their neighbours were dealing with pornographic videos. Many others came too, mostly sleazy looking men, dealers in pornography by the look of them. A week later Karthi went to the cloth shop that employed Venky. She asked for him. They did not know him at all. But the telling blow came in the form of a birthday gift to Karthi from an aunt. It was an alarm clock shaped like a telephone, and that rang like one. The idea was that people were more responsive to the alarm when it rings like the phone. The bell rang exactly like the bell in Laila's place. Karthi used to wonder why their telephone rang differently, but now she knew. It was now apparent to her that Venky, with Laila's ready cooperation (she may or may not have been his wife), had planned this set up to produce pornographic videos with their neighbour as the star. They either had hidden cameras or Laila was video graphing from some vantage point in the rooms adjoining. Karthi did the only thing she could do: pray that none of the material should fall into the hands of people known to her. She often moped about their chicanery, but what with college life and classes and exams it soon became a distant memory.

Karthi was not missing having sex. She liked kissing and fondling but intercourse itself she found messy. She never had an orgasm. She never revealed her secrets even to her best friends, and listened to with some smugness when her friends speculated on the mysteries of sex.

While in her second year of graduate study she had for partner in her physics lab a student named Balaram—Bean to his classmates. He was one of the top students in the class. Karthi liked to do experiments with him for he explained in a way that Karthi understood. Bean was a shy young man. When during the course of the experiments Karthi happened to touch him he was blush and wriggle. Karthi used to wonder what would happen if she were to kiss him. He may need smelling salts to revive concluded Karthi and was amused at the thought of rendering first aid to bring him around after the trauma of a kiss.

Karthi found it difficult to understand magnetism and electricity. She asked Bean to help her. Bean who liked teaching readily agreed. They found a corner in the library for combined study. Bean who was shy and awkward while chatting with her was a different person when he took classes. He became dominant, and his ordinarily dull eyes acquired a glitter. They found themselves disturbing others in the library, and at Bean's suggestion they moved to one corner of the grounds. There they found a secluded spot behind the large trunk of a Baobab tree. Bean taught with such intensity that Karthi developed an interest in the subject. Electricity and magnetism did not seem that obscure at all. But the concept of three phases continued to baffle. One day Bean was able to break her block and quite suddenly it became clear.

"Now I'll repeat," she said and did so without a mistake.

"Wonderful," said Bean and in her happiness Karthi hugged him and implanted innumerable kisses on all parts of his face. When she released him she found a cross-eyed and sweating profusely.

"Are you OK Bean?" Bean nodded.

"Have you never been kissed before, Bean?" Bean shook his head ruefully.


"I don't have sisters."


"Mother is different."

"You like it?" Bean smiled.

"Of course I do."

"How about another?"

"People are watching?"

"What if? Anyway it is quite dark." She hugged him and kissed him in all parts of his face.

"Hold me tight Bean," she whispered, and Bean did. They hugged and kissed and rested for a while, and then they hugged and kissed mostly on the lips.

"You can hold my breasts Bean." Bean was confused, but she took his hand and placed it on her breasts. Their eyes met and they kissed, and then she unbuttoned her blouse and took his hand and placed it on her bare breasts.

"Feel it darling. Play with it," she said and he did, but still looking very dazed.

The next day they met in the canteen.

"How did studies go yesterday Bean?"

"The glaze in my eyes blinded me," said Bean and laughed. Karthi saw nothing funny in that.

"Shall I tell you something Bean."

"Please do."

"If you are not near the top this term we cease to be friends."

"That's interesting. But what if I am."

"An appropriate reward is certain."

"What reward?"

"Time will show."

"May I guess?"

"You may of course, but please do not come to me for confirmation." They continued their studies on the grass of the grounds, but they did not indulge in anything more than holding hands and pecking, and on Fridays as a special weekend treat Karthi added fondling to the menu. The exams were soon over. Karthi had done well and Bean was close to the top.

"Congratulations, Karthi."

"And congratulations, Bean."

"We'll celebrate with the Bosco Multilayer Special," said Bean. This was Karthi's favourite ice cream. They came out of the ice cream parlour. Bean waited but still Karthi said nothing about the appropriate gift she had promised.

"Why don't you come home, Bean?" Bean had been to her home once before. He sat in the drawing room and chatted with her mother. This time she invited him into her room. On the way he met no one.

"My home is in turmoil Bean. Father has acquired a mistress and is threatening to move out of the house altogether if mother does not cease making a scene every day. I advised mother to leave Dad alone to his mistress. I hope she will see reason."

Karthi's room was small but neat with a table chair, an easy chair and a cot, wardrobe and shelves for books.

"Change into this lungi," she said.

"How come you have lungies in your wardrobe?"

"My Dad's. I sneaked one for you." Bean chuckled.

"Thanks." She went into the bathroom. Soon she was back in her nightdress. She bolted the door.

"Sure your Mom and Dad may not be curious to know what's happening inside their darling daughter's room?"

"Not likely. Anyway there is this wardrobe." Both laughed. And they hugged and kissed. Bean undid the zipper in the back of her dress and as the dresses fell away she caught it at waist level. Bean stood back and admired her bare breasts. He came forward and placing his hands under them he lifted one breast and then the other and then kneaded them.

"Stimulate me Bean by sucking my nipples." He did.

"No, cover your teeth with your lips and bite." He did.

"More." He did and she moaned. She allowed her dress to drop. She lay on the cot, ready to receive him. But Bean had one unfulfilled item in his agenda.

"Karthi darling would you be offended if I make a request."

"Out with it."

"I want to examine your pussy." Karthi found this so amusing that she laughed for long. She lay back, lifted her feet in the air and spread out. She used two pillows to raise her head so that she can see what he could see. Bean, as one would expect from a nerd, had prepared properly from books of anatomy. He was able to identify the outer labia and the inner labia and the clitoris and the vagina.

"Satisfied Bean?" He nodded. "Now you may. Use a condom Bean. Have you one?"

"I have," he said.

"Naughty," she said. With help from her he inserted. They had orgasms together.

"This is the first time I am having orgasm," she said matter-of-factly.

When she came back into the house after seeing him off mother was on the drawing room sofa.


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