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Where is the Harm in it?

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Friends swapping, betrayal, revenge, remorse.
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I'm sitting at my laptop, getting angry at what's playing, it's just audio but it tells me all I need to know.

I think back to the conversation three months ago. Had I not been clear enough?

Hadn't I mentioned consequences?

Well divorce it is then.

Chapter 1 -- The Discussion

Our close neighbours, Jean & Pete, had invited us to a BBQ at their house, no need for anyone to drive, it was just 4 doors away. We had socialised with them for years and both couples, Jean & Pete and Jane & Me, Jim, were both empty nest couples who had known each other for over 2 decades, we had shared family holidays together, we were best friends.

The glue that held us together was the relationship between Jean & Jane which started in School and progressed with them studying the same course at the same University where they were roommates. Jane had hinted that they had messed about sexually together when much younger but though I'd probed now and again for details, she was never very forthcoming, leaving me to wonder had they been drawn to each other or shared time with one or more boyfriends, she never spilled the beans.

Jean and Pete had installed a pool in their garden a few years back so it was usually them that hosted, though we had a 6-seater hot tub which we used in cooler months when their pool was too cold. So of course, we all saw pretty much all of each other's bodies over the years and in later years with pool and tub, we all knew that all four of us stayed in good shape.

We had BBQ steaks and the trimmings with a couple of nice bottles of red wine, we were in swimwear and everyone was loose and comfortable with an alcoholic buzz.

It was Jean who opened the can of worms, "Is it just me or is anyone else surprised that we've all managed to keep our hands off each other all these years? I mean we've done and been through so much together as families and friends that ... well, I know I've felt an attraction from time to time." And she left that hanging in the air.

I could see Pete's mind working overtime, it wasn't a secret that he often shot admiring glances Jane's way when we were relaxing in swimmers, I knew from discussions over beers that we each thought that the other guys wife was really hot.

Jane chimed in, "Well it's not strictly true that we've kept our hands to ourselves, you and I had our moments before we were married Jean. Did you ever tell Pete?''

"Yeah, not much detail but, yeah I told him you and I fooled around a bit when we were younger. Did you tell Jim."

"Well, not in any detail at all, but I gave a few hints."

"Shit Jim, we could sell tickets for a rematch and make a fortune. I'd certainly pay to see it." Pete enthused, I just smiled but made no comment.

Jane bit hard, "What do you think Jean, looks like the guys would be hot to watch us, I know I would love to rekindle old feelings, just for laughs you understand, I don't want to run away from home with you. I love a portion of cock too much to settle for just pussy." She laughed.

I continued to say nothing but wondered where the fuck was this suddenly coming from. I got up and announced I was going for a swim; I wasn't comfortable with where this was headed.

I'd done several lengths of their 10-metre pool when the others joined me, maybe 5-10 minutes later and of course I'd no idea what more had been said in my absence.

Before long I was getting an idea when both girls shed their bikini tops and were splashing each other then, embraced and to my complete surprise started a passionate kiss in the pool, not 5 metres from me. I kept swimming before Pete headed me off for a chat.

"You seem pissed off Jim, you are not enjoying the show are you?"

"Pete, I feel like I'm being manipulated tonight, this has all come out of nowhere, now they are making out, tits out and rubbing off each other, tell me I'm wrong but you are about to tell me the girls want us to consider swinging together, right or wrong?"

"Jim, I told them two things, first that you would see through their game tonight and second that you'd never go for it. You are right, I'm supposed to give you the sales pitch, just a little fun between friends, we are so close, nobody else would be involved, just between us, nobody needs to know, yadda, yadda, yadda. So yeah, you are right, that's my job, spin it to you. They both want it, I'd sure be happy but I knew all along that it's not for you. Am I right?"

"Not just right Pete, 100% right, a complete nonstarter to me and I'm going to have serious words with Jane when we get home about whether or not she wants to stay married." Pete nodded his understanding, I assumed things would go no further, no need to damage such a long friendship.

OK was all Pete said, looked towards the girls and shook his head no. They fairly quickly disengaged and we all left then pool. After a final drink of coffee to warm us, Jane and I walked home in silence.

When we got inside at home I asked, "OK, how long have the three of you been planning that and before you answer, I've spoken to Pete whilst you and Jean were eating each other's faces, so I want the truth."

Jane frowned, "OK, you got us, Jean and I were talking a few weeks back, both of us reminisced fondly about our hook ups before we all met and married. We got a bit turned on at the thought of what we once shared -- for your information we were pretty torrid and regularly ended up eating each other's pussy. For a short while I wondered if I was full-on gay but as you know I love your cock.

Anyway, we were a bit turned on and we agreed that both couples, us women anyway, feel we have become a bit stale in the bedroom, so we had the idea that a little swapping just between the four of us might spice things up for all of us. Something new and a bit exciting is how we read it. What do you think?"

"I think you've all gone fucking crazy Jane; I wasn't impressed by your stunt with Jean. That alone could get you a divorce pretty quickly."

"Come on Jim, you are fucking kidding me, you are going to divorce me for kissing Jean and rubbing our tits together? Seriously, am I not worth more than that to you? "

"Jane, not for that but if you step outside our marriage we are over, do you understand that?"

"I get it, fuck me Jim it was just supposed to be a little fun between friends, no damage done, but if you aren't interested in Jean then fine, we'll drop it but I've seen you over the years ogling her tits and her ass when she bends over, I've seen you looking like you'd love to fuck her. Well, this was the chance to do just that but no, you say you aren't interested but I don't believe you."

"OK Jim, just a hypothetical, if I said, 'hey Jim, it's your birthday, how'd you like to fuck the shit out of my best friend Jean as your present?' are you telling me you'd turn that down?"

"Jane I wouldn't have to think about it, when we married we made promises to each other, you know I'm not a religious man but I keep my promises. Will you be keeping yours?"

"Of course, I will, Jim. Let's just forget the whole thing."

And that seemingly was that no more mention of anything sexual between the friends, though things turned very chilly in the Plungers bedroom, neither Jim nor Jane made the first move towards the other sexually and three weeks later, they had started the longest dry spell since either could recall.

One night when Jane had retired early and Jim watched an old movie on his own he went upstairs quietly and could have sworn he heard a gentle mechanical buzzing. He discovered a vibrator tucked discreetly under Jane's side of the bed two days later, he'd never seen it before so either it had been hidden or was new.

If it was new, perhaps it was a plan to reduce his resolve whilst she took care of her own libido's needs.

Chapter 2 -- Suspicions

Ironically it was a grocery bill from the supermarket that pissed me off 3 weeks after I'd found her vibrator. A big multipack of batteries. Fuck, we hardly had anything that used them, the only thing I could think of were the remote controls for various devices, TVs and such like that did a year or two on one set of batteries.

So, she was busy fucking herself, meanwhile we had not made love in the six long weeks since we last had sex., the same six weeks since the attempt to open our marriage to include our best friends.

Neither of us had mentioned it, we appeared to be dug in for a long campaign, one I was not prepared to lose under any circumstances. If Jane was prepared to kill our marriage, I would be sorry but somethings aren't negotiable, with me that was fidelity.

Meanwhile our usual meetings with Pete and Jean seemed to have slipped from the normal once or twice a week, we'd only met once and it had been a less than joyous occasion, things were clearly strained.

Then I was informed that Jane was going to their house on Friday night and was I going to go with her, of course I said, why wouldn't I?

"Oh no reason, Jim, things just seem very strained around here over the last 6 weeks, I wasn't sure you would go, you hardly spoke the last time we were there three weeks ago. I'm glad you want to go; they are our best friends after all."

"Yes Jane I was quiet, I found things a little awkward after you made it clear you'd rather fuck them than me. Have you fucked them since then or is it just your vibrator you are fucking, it certainly isn't me."

"What in God's name makes you think I'd rather fuck them; I love you, you idiot but you made me feel very uncomfortable just because the rest of us thought we could all do with spicing things up. And you haven't made any move towards making love to me since, I bought a vibrator to stop myself climbing the walls. If you don't want me I'm not staying celibate forever, so yeah, I bite me, I bought a vibrator and it's doing an OK job even if I'd rather have your hard cock. You really are worrying me with your childish behaviour Jim, I've never given you any reason to doubt me but you are making me feel like I'm some sort of slut."

"Well, my faithful wife, at least you are being faithful to your vibrator." I walked away, not prepared to be cajoled into accepting the shit she was selling. I had no doubt in my mind that she was still trying to soften me up and bring me to what the other three wanted. What I didn't know was whether she was acting alone or with one or both of our best friends.

That Friday we went to Pete and Jean's still without our issues discussed never mind resolved. Again, my mood was subdued, I said very little, before long Pete said, "Jim, come out to the pool with me, I have something I'd like to talk to you about, privately."

I saw the girls looked at each other but had no idea if they were passing a silent message or if like me they were wondering what was happening. I wasn't at all sure if my longest known and best friend was about to sell me the same crock of shit or what the hell to expect.

Thankfully, it was quickly resolved. "Jim what the fuck is going on? We hardly see you anymore, I miss my best friend, those two are constantly messaging and whispering in the background. Jane is here more times than ever but almost always without you. Frankly I'm getting pissed off with how things are going.

I was out one-night last week at a meeting at the golf club, when I got back, it was as if I'd surprised them and I could swear that they were quickly adjusting their clothing when I got in. I have no evidence but I think they may be entertaining themselves the way they did in college, and things have been very quiet in our bedroom. I think Jean has bought a fucking vibrator too."

I breathed a small sigh of relief, at least it appeared I wasn't alone in this, I was not facing a gang of three, just two women who seemed to not care whether their sex was from cock or cunt as long as they were in charge. Interesting that they had each replaced our cocks with vibrators, albeit he had not been cut off to the extent that I was.

"Any ideas what we do Pete? I'm really beginning to question my marriage, I never thought I'd say that but everything has turned to shit so quickly. We rowed again a couple of nights ago and she said she loves me but her actions all say differently. How are things with you and Jean?"

"Jim, Jean is not normal herself, but we are nowhere close to how you describe your own relationship. I think she is feeling the strain of what the two of them are trying to force on us, I have to tell you Jim, if you were onboard with it, I would have no problem at all, I've never hidden the fact that I think that Jane is a very sexy lady, you know that. If you'd been on board with us sharing I'd have been in, but you are not and that is the end of that as far as I'm concerned."

So, a night I'd dreaded became a night when the men and women hadn't much to say to each other but at least I had Pete still in my corner. That night when we got home, Jane started again, "So your little snit continues, you were so rude, you didn't speak to Jean all night, I was so embarrassed for her and for myself to have such an ignorant husband, she's been your friend for over 20 years for fuck sake, you should be ashamed and I'm just sick of this whole thing."

"Oh well, at least Jane you seem to be getting more pussy than I am" was my parting shot as I went to the spare room, again. "Fuck you" was snarled from behind my back and 10 minutes later I heard her moaning and screaming to an exaggerated orgasm, I assume that was for my benefit.

Chapter 3 -- Fuck it

On the Monday after the last confrontation, I installed discreet surveillance equipment in our house, in the main bedroom and in the kitchen and living rooms downstairs. It was both motion and sound activated. I had no idea if anything would be revealed but my heart was hardening towards Jane. I couldn't understand how things had gone so badly wrong so very quickly.

I decided I was looking at the end of my marriage yet finding it hard to understand how this was happening, 2 months or so ago we were as happy a couple as we'd ever been. I decided she needed to be shocked back to reality.

I went to see a divorce lawyer. She was surprised that I was ready to pull the plug on such a brief spell of stress for our marriage, indeed she went so far as to ask me if I was serious?

I said to her that I felt that my wife had already at least emotionally been unfaithful and almost certainly had been unfaithful with another woman, add in that she was apparently cutting me off sexually in a blackmail attempt to open our marriage so yes, fucking right I was as serious as a cardiac arrest. I asked her was she the right lawyer for me if she didn't believe in my wishes. Her reply wasn't as convincing as I'd have liked, so I decided to divorce her too.

I found a man who didn't need any convincing. He drew up the divorce papers and asked me what I wanted to do, serve them straightaway, confront my wife once more before serving her or just hold them in readiness.

We were now 3 months into this farce, three months without intimacy and although my surveillance had caught nothing physical, the audio had picked up very regular conversation that recorded both ends of the conversation so I knew it was Jane & Jean.

Not only did these chats confirm they were fighting a war of attrition but also they talked about how much they were enjoying their all-female trysts, mentioning strap-ons and Jane said "who needs a prick on the end of a prick" blatantly disrespecting me and added, "when this is sorted out I'm keeping the strap-on and I'm going to peg him regularly, he'll soon discover who is in charge, I'll make his asshole flap in the breeze to punish him" and laughed and giggled.

My answer was to serve her at work for maximum embarrassment, he smiled and said consider it done, I'll message you when she's been served, I'd suggest you turn your phone off to give her more annoyance. We arranged she'd be served on the following Monday and I arranged the day off to make some changes at home.

I did better than that, I blocked her number, fuck her and her games and disrespect. I also fitted two combination locks, one on the guest bedroom which was now mine, I'd have taken the master but there was so much shit in wardrobes that was hers so it was easier for me if I moved my own stuff and of course there was plenty of room for it.

The second to what was the dining room, the only stand-alone room downstairs. I arranged for the large TV to be wall mounted, put the table and chairs in the lounge, took my big leather recliner armchair into my new room and had the cable routed in there. Two could play at being awkward, I was now committed to being a complete misanthrope, as far as my wife is concerned and her fuck buddy Jean for that matter.

I hadn't yet told Pete what I was doing but I would tell him tonight after the shit hit the fan.

Chapter 4 - Declaration of War

Just after 2pm, I had confirmation from my lawyer that she had been served, it was a Petition for Divorce due to Irreconcilable Differences. As soon as she was served I blocked her number on my phone.

Twenty minutes later I had a call from my work, it was my secretary asking me to tell my wife to stop calling and tell her that I had really taken a day off and was not a work.

Thirty minutes later, my boss called and said "Jim, what the fuck is happening? Has you wife gone insane? Jane keeps calling and insists on speaking to you. I've even spoken to her and told her you took the day off. I'm getting really pissed off, so talk to her and tell her to stop calling or she is risking your job."

"Boss, that would probably just make her call all day, I've just had her served with divorce papers."

"Oh, that explains it. Call her off Jim, I'm serious."

So I had to contact her, I choose to email her, "I'm at home, I took the day off to celebrate getting rid of you, stop annoying people, if you want to talk to me come home, but you have been more inclined to denigrate me to you lesbian lover recently instead of talking to me, so why bother, I'm through with you."

An hour later her arrival was signalled with a screeching of tyres and the banging of doors followed by shouts of 'you bastard'.

I was safely locked into my own private room, I was playing music and turned it up when I heard her shouting. She tried the door then exploded in fury, banging and shouting and generally expressing her anger whilst I enjoyed everything. Fuck her. It had been three months since I'd unreservedly loved her but she had been a real cunt, messing with my head and playing games with my heart.

To some it may seem like I had blown things out of proportion but without respect a marriage has nothing, that's my feeling, always has been and my respect for her was at an all-time low.

I had let her fury blow out, then I opened the door. She looked distraught, confused about what had brought her to this point, she did not know what I did, she thought her talks with Jean were not something I was party to, neither did she know that I knew about their sex, I didn't just suspect she had sex with Jean, I knew from her own mouth she had. So, lets she how this shakes out.

"Divorce? 23 years married, a few months arguing and we just give up? What have I done to deserve this Jim for fuck's sake?"

"OK Jane, I'm going to tell you, you and Jean are not as smart as you think you are, guess what I know?"

"Well, I know in your imagination I'm her lover and I'm plotting to open our marriage, is that it? And your evidence for that is what?"

"I have your own voice confirming it Jane, I have recordings of your two speaking. In them you confirm that you are lovers, you confirm that you use a strap-on, confirmation that you plan to peg me to punish me for resisting your plan to open our marriage, confirmation that cutting me off sexually is part of the plan to get me to agree to you fucking Jean and Pete.


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