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While John is Away Ch. 03

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My husband gives me a hall pass while he is away on business.
7.7k words

Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/20/2016
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Last night when I told John about my day with Analyse and his friends James and Avery, he seemed particularly interested in my new bi-sexual experiences. I really haven't had sex with a woman until recently but now that it started, there seems to be all kinds of new opportunities for me.

I am taking it easy this morning, lying in bed and catching up on some reading and Facebook. John hates Facebook but it's how I keep up with my girlfriends. I love seeing what they are up to on their vacations or seeing what their kids are doing. This way, I don't need kids of my own because I can live vicariously through my friends and my sister.

There is already a lot of chatter amongst my friends about going out tonight. We are all meeting for dinner and then dancing. There are 5 of us including my best friends, Lisa and Diane who are the wives of the two men that have been collecting on their golf bet with me over the last two days. There are also to other friends, Penny and Tammy. Penny lives on our street and is a ton of fun and Tammy used to live in our neighborhood but now lives a couple miles away.

Tammy was the first woman that I really ever had sex with. It all started when her husband, Chris, won a hand of poker where my husband had put up a special prize, a blow-job from me. Tammy was one of the poker players that night and well... Tammy and I ended up servicing all of the guys that night and had some special time alone in the shower. But, that is another story.

Anyway, everyone seems super-excited about tonight. It has been a while since we girls got together. We used to do this on a regular basis. We would go to dinner and then dancing, flirting with all the guys, getting drunk and just having a great time. Nobody ever really did anything other than flirt but it is always a good feeling to get hit on by some guy that thinks you are hot and tries to feel you up on the dance floor.

I plan on taking it easy, getting a mani-pedi and maybe even a massage this afternoon. I could really use a massage. After the last two days getting fucked in every possible position by those two horn-dogs has me sore in all the right places.


Just after lunch I hear a knock on the back door. It's Lisa and she starts talking as soon as I open the door.

"Are you excited about tonight? What are you going to wear? I think we should Uber don't you? That way nobody has to worry about drinking. I am wearing a new dress I bought while I was at my Mom's."

I can't get a word in edge-wise.

I just pour her a glass of chardonnay and hand it to her. It doesn't slow her down except for when she takes a sip but that's okay. She is so adorable when she is this excited.

I do notice that although she is talking non-stop, just like the other day, she is staring right at my boobs. When she slowed down to take a breath, I wedged in, "Why do you keep staring at my boobs?"

"Oh, I don't know, I didn't realize I was."

"You still are!"

"Well, Sweetie, they are staring at me!"

I look down and sure enough, my high-beams are on and they are clearly visible poking out of my tank top. I have given up trying to keep them under control and I am wearing a bra. They just can't seem to be contained.

"They aren't staring at you; they're just glad to see you."

She reaches out and cups them, giving them a little jiggle. "I'm glad to see them too." We both laugh at that.

I take her back to my closet and show her my new dress and ask about hers. She describes her dress but she wants me to try mine on to show her. I don't want to but she insists, so I pull my top off and remove my shorts. I have to take off my bra too. Lisa is staring again. She definitely has a thing for my boobs.

I notice that she checked out my thong as well. "Now what are you looking at?"

"I know you had all your pubes lasered, I was just wondering if any of them ever grew back."

"Not yet. I'm still smooth as a baby's behind down there but they told me that eventually some will probably come back. Why? Are you thinking about having it done?"

"Avery has been all over me for the last few days to get completely waxed. I don't know what got into him but he is all of the sudden all for no hair anywhere."

"Why don't you tell him that if he waxes his balls, you will do the same for your pussy."

"Ha! I like that idea. Maybe that will shut him up."

I slide the dress on and wiggle into it. It still feels a little tight and takes some adjusting to get my big boobs all tucked in. Once it is on, I look in the mirror and think that it shows even more skin than I remember. My boobs are really popping and my cleavage looks huge. There is plenty of side boob showing as well. I wish they would make dresses in a size 4 on the bottom and a 12 on top so they would fit me.

"What do you think?"

"I think that every guy in the place is going to be hitting on you tonight. You look crazy hot in that dress. Where did you get it?"

I told her about my shopping trip yesterday with Analyse but left out the part about flashing the shoe salesman on of course her husband and his best friend fucking our brains out afterward. That did make me remember the shoes since I hadn't actually tried them on with the dress yet.

"Wow, that makes it even sexier," said Lisa.

"Well, you know, with John gone and me all alone, I just might have to find some 21-year-old stud tonight and make him a man."

"You cougar! Just make sure to let me know if you need help. Avery has been so tired when he comes home lately that I might have to replace him with a younger model with a little more stamina."

"What do you mean?" Like I didn't know.

"I don't know. He used to be all over me when he comes home from work but the last couple days, he just sits in his chair and watches TV. Do you think he is getting bored with me?"

"No, John gets that way sometimes," I lied. "I'm sure he has just been working hard and is a little worn out. He'll be back to his normal self once he gets to relax this weekend. He will have all night tonight to relax. Now let's go have another glass of wine."

I take my dress off and just watch Lisa watching me. She really can't take her eyes off my boobs. I put my shorts and my tank-top back on but leave the bra off. That will have her something to look at. We head down to the kitchen and I refill her glass and pour myself one as well.

We talk about her trip to see her mother and a little about gossip in the neighborhood. We are half-way into our 3rd glass of wine when she suddenly turns to me.

"Tabby, can I ask you something?"

"Of course. Anything. What's up?"

"I'm not sure how to ask this."

"Just ask; we're best friends for god's sake. You can ask me anything."

"Okay but don't think badly of me and if you want, you can say no."


"Our 10-year wedding anniversary is coming up next weekend and I want to do something special for Avery."

"Like what?"

"Well, that's the thing. He has every toy he could ever want and he doesn't need anything. So, instead of buying him something, I thought I would do something kind of different."

"Different how?"

"Tabby, I know you love John very much and you would never cheat on him but I wanted to ask... to ask you a big, big favor."

"Are you thinking that you want me to..."

"Yes! I know how he looks at you so I know he would be thrilled if you would..."

"You mean the two of us right?"

"Yes, of course. I want to give him the ultimate fantasy. I have been trying to think of any of my friends that are single but I just don't know who I could ask and you are the only one I could trust."

"So, just to be clear, you want me to have sex with your husband, and you?"

"I'm sorry Tabby, I know that is a lot to ask and well... you are married and I would feel awful if this ever came between you and John."

I can't help but think how excited John would be if I told him. It's funny, I think John has a thing for Lisa. He calls her a "spinner" because she is so tiny. He says he would put her on his cock and tell her to hold her knees and then he would spin her. I already know that he will be all for it but I can't let Lisa know that. At least not yet.

"I need to think about this. I want to help you but I need to figure out a way to get John to agree. I won't do it behind his back." He would definitely want to see it in front of him!

"Now, you need to get your slutty little ass out of here, sober up and get ready to go out tonight!"

"I love you and thank you. You're the best friend ever."

"I haven't said yes yet, but if you really think this will make Avery happy, I will do my best."


The Uber driver arrived at Lisa's house right at seven. Tammy, Penny and Diane are already at Lisa's and I just walk next store when I see him pull up. These girls are ready to party. I don't think that Lisa followed my instruction to sober up. She still seems kind of tipsy.

Avery and James were are at the house as well as Chris, Tammy's husband, one of the guys from my husband's poker games that is on the list of guys that my hall pass allows me to have sex with. They all greet me with a nice hug and a big smile. It looks like they have their own party planned for the evening watching basketball and drinking beer.

We all pile into the car and take off for the restaurant.

The restaurant isn't super fancy but there is always a fun crowd there by the time eight or nine o'clock rolls around. We sit and chat and gossip and gawk through dinner. I really needed just a girl's night. We laugh so much that I almost pee myself at one point. That would not have been good seeing that I chose not to wear panties under the dress.

Although we are drinking wine at dinner, afterwards when we hit the bar, everybody is ordering martinis. They were all what my husband calls, girly martinis, like cosmopolitans and lemon-drops but I like them so I don't care what you call them.

We are only there for five minutes before a group of guys from across the bar start hitting on us, wanting to buy us drinks and chat us up. They must have been from out of town because there were four of them together and they all look like they had been working earlier, but now were getting casual, taking off their ties and unbuttoning their shirts a bit.

They were nice and polite but we are out with the girls tonight so we politely give them the brush-off and get back to our girl-talk. At one point, we are laughing and according to the manager, whooping-it-up, a little too much and he very nicely asks us to keep it down.

He was half-kidding when he said it but I know we were being loud and there is a piano player / singer in the bar and we were being a bit rude to those that wanted to hear her. I hadn't even really noticed the singer until I went up to the bar to order another round. She is a really pretty blonde and has a great voice. I pay for the drinks and leave her $20 as a way of saying that we are sorry. She takes the money and smiles a beautiful smile and winks at me.

I am becoming more bi-sexual by the minute, I think. I just pictured her naked sitting at the piano and wondered if she was blonde all-over. That is something my husband would do, not me. At least not the old me. Wow, I better cool it with the martinis.

We hang out at the bar until almost ten o'clock before moving our party down the street to where we are going dancing. There is a short line forming and we have to wait a few minutes until Tammy goes up to the bouncer and says something to him and I think slips him some cash. He waves us through.

The place is already crowed and it's pretty loud. They have a DJ and he is playing some great dance music. We find a table near the dance floor and order the first round of drinks. More martinis. However, when the waiter brings them they are accompanied by shot glasses filled with some reddish looking shots.

Lisa asks, "Where did these come from?"

The waiter points in the direction of the bar toward a man in a suit. "Compliments of the manager. He says it is great to have such beautiful ladies out with us tonight."

We all take our shot glasses, turn toward the manager and down them in one gulp. He smiles and waves and then turns back to the bar and talks to one of the customers.

"Did you see that waiter checking you out?" Lisa asks. "He was practically drooling over your boobs."

"What are you talking about? That kid can't be more than 20 years old."

"I think he is pretty cute and 20 year olds are legal in this state, in case you weren't aware."

"I'm aware, I'm just not interested. Now let's you and I hit the dance floor."

We all go out onto the dance floor and start working off some of the dinner and alcohol we consumed. After 3 or 4 dances I need a break and head back to the table. The other girls follow and we all fall into our chairs and start looking for the waiter to get more drinks.

While we were out dancing a table full of guys sat down just to our left. There are 5 of them and I notice that one is checking me out. Actually the whole table full of guys is checking out our entire table of girls but there is one guy in particular that is looking straight at me and smiles.

He is maybe a few years younger than me and very handsome. He has a really nice body and seems to be the leader. He looks to be a little over 6 feet tall with short dark hair and blue eyes. Maybe that is what caught my eye. They are a bright blue and look amazing with his dark hair.

The guys start chatting us up and we find out that this is a somewhat unofficial bachelor party for the guy that was checking me out. His name is Jack and he is getting married in a few weeks and these guys got together as a pre-bachelor party before they go to Las Vegas. They described it as a planning session. I'm sure they are planning some interesting things that won't ever leave Vegas.

Our drinks come and we toast the groom to be. They offer to buy us shots and before we can even say yes, they arrive at our table. I guess they assumed it would be okay. They had shots too and we have another toast, this time with our shots which are downed quickly.

My buzz is starting to come back and I decide to be a little bit forward and ask the groom to be, to dance. Everyone is Oooohing and Aaaaahing but Jack just smiles and accepts my hand. We head to the dance floor and as I look back over my shoulder, everyone is following in our footsteps.

We start dancing and the music is just so loud you can barely hear so we don't really even try to talk at first. After two songs I am ready to go back to the table but for the first time all night, the DJ throws on a slow song and I am pulled back onto the dance floor.

Now we can actually talk. Jack is every bit the gentleman and we slow dance close, but not too close. He is getting married in three weeks. This is his second marriage. I tell him that I am happily married and that my husband is out of town so the me and girls are painting the town red.

After the song ends, we go back to our table and I go back to talking with the girls, checking out the other people and just having a good time. About a half hour later and after my third martini, and another shot sent from our friends at the other table, I am feeling pretty drunk. I really want to go outside and get a little fresh air but the DJ throws out another slow number and this time, Jack is back and inviting me onto the dancefloor again.

This time, he holds me a little tighter and I catch him staring at my boobs. I hold my finger under his chin and lift until our eyes meet and he starts to laugh.

"Okay, you caught me but you really can't blame me can you?"

"I guess not; they are magnificent aren't they."

Jack looks up at me and I crack up laughing. He then starts to laugh as well.

"Magnificent is too mild for what you have," Jack says as he sweeps me toward the corner of the dance floor where it is a little darker and away from my friends.

This time, he is not quite the gentleman he was last time. I can feel his hand sliding down my side and then onto my ass. He holds it there for just a moment before giving it a squeeze.

"Mmmmmm, I think somebody is getting fresh," I say but, I don't pull away or move his hand.

Once he realized that I'm not going to push him away, he gets even bolder, pulling me closer. Close enough that I could feel his hard cock pressing against my belly. His hand moves from my ass back up my side and presses against my breast, just as the song ends.

"I need to get some fresh air," I whisper as I pull away from him.

"Mind if I join you?" he asks.

"I was hoping you would."

There is a patio on the side of the club where they set up tables in the summer. The doors are open but there are no tables set up outside yet. We walk out onto the deck and look out onto the side-street. It is semi-dark, lit only by the streetlight on the corner.

I lean against the low wall, expecting him to stand next to me but instead he stands behind me and wraps his arms around me. I can feel his still-hard cock pressing into the crack of my ass. His hands start to move up my sides and I can tell he is heading for my tits.

I quickly turn around and at first, I am a little shocked by how close he is but get my hands up onto his chest. I don't push him way but it stops his advance for a moment.

"Is this how an about-to-be married man should be acting three weeks before his wedding?"

"I can't help it. You are the sexiest woman here tonight and I just want to touch you all over."

"Well, thank you for the compliment and I find you very attractive too but I am here with my girlfriends and I really should get back to them."

"Just stay here with me for a few minutes," and then he kissed me. Not a forceful kiss but he is a good kisser."

"Ohhhh, that was nice but..." and then he kissed me again.

That one did it. I kissed him back and when I did, I felt his tongue slide between my lips where it met mine. God, he is a good kisser. His hands are moving again and this time they are cupping my breasts, pushing them together as he kisses down my neck and onto the tops of my tits. It feels incredible.

Now he has one hand sliding inside my dress and onto my bare breast and hard nipple. Once pinch and I am putty in his hands. "Mmmmmmmm," comes out of my mouth.

"You like that don't you," he says as a statement, not a question.

"Yes," I hear myself say as he pinches harder.

He is really pushing his hard cock into my crotch now and I can feel myself getting wet. He takes his other hand and reaches the hem of my skirt, pulling it up and sliding his hand toward my pussy.

At the same time that he feels my bare pussy, I kiss him and moan into his mouth. I reach down and wrap my hand around his hard cock outside of his pants. He is really hard and I move my hand up and down the length of his cock and over his balls.

He has one finger inside my pussy and I spread my legs a little further so he can have more room. He is slowly swirling his finger inside my wet pussy. I am embarrassed at how wet I am as he easily slides a second finger inside me. I can hear little squishing sounds as he finger-fucks me.

I can't take much more and I open his fly and maneuver his hard cock out of his pants. I really want him to just turn me around and fuck me up against the wall but I can't do that. I promised John.

I stroke his cock with my hand as he continues to finger me. I can tell he is getting close and so am I. He is really squeezing my tit now and it is almost completely out of my dress. He grabs the nipple and pulls and twists it hard and I start to cum. God, I am so easy. He must feel my pussy convulsing around his fingers because he almost comes to a complete stop.

As my orgasm slowly fades, I go back to stroking his cock in earnest. He is so hard and I can feel the blood pulsing through his thick shaft.


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