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While You Are Sleeping

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Pleasures of incest while he is sleeping.
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Waking up I have the taste of cum in my mouth, not having much memory of what I did last night I remember going out with my friends, having several mixed drinks, leaving the club then the rest is a blur. I really must have been drunk. But at what point did I suck someone's cock?

Wait! I am not even in my own bed? WHAT THE FUCK! I am in my dad's bed. Oh shit...Oh shit...Oh shit...what did I do? Not again!!!

I don't know why this keeps happening. I go out, I get drunk, and then I wake up with the taste of cum in my mouth, and each time I wake up in my father's bed. Naked as well. I don't feel like I got fucked, my pussy while wet doesn't feel sticky from cum. I don't see a condom anywhere.

Searching the condo I check the kitchen garbage which is completely empty. The garbage in the bathroom has stuff in it which I am not about to touch but nothing on top of it. Looking around my father's bed but still nothing. Let me check my room. Looking around nothing.

I don't feel like I had sex yet I can taste cum in my mouth. I need to brush my teeth. Looking into the mirror as I brush my teeth some of it is starting to come to me. I remember being dropped off at the condo. I remember taking my heels off because the neighbors always complain about the noises we make in the middle of the night being that we live above them. But at what point did I get cum in my mouth? Then it hits me. I went from almost not remembering anything to it coming to me like a freight train. I remember it clearly now. I walked past the small living room, into daddy's room, checking to see if he was asleep and then there I found him on top of the covers with his cock sticking out of his boxers.

But did I? I couldn't have. Or did I? Yeah I think I did. I think I did sneak into daddy's bed and laid next to him while staring at his cock. I am starting to remember the details. It is all starting to come back to me. My face close to it. Sniffing. Oh the scent of a real man. Sticking out my tongue and running it up and down the length of his cock.

Oh my god I did didn't I? It's all clear now. I remember after licking his pee hole slowly opening my mouth and sliding the piece of man meat into my mouth. Going all so slowly while feeling it with my tongue and lips as I go up and down.

But was he awake when I did this? I don't remember him saying anything. He didn't touch me; at least I don't think he did. But why? Why did I do that? Again? This is getting out of hand.

I got to stop thinking about this. What is done is done. I can't turn back the clock now. I just hope he doesn't remember anything. How his daughter took advantage of him while he was asleep laying in his queen size bed with his cock so hard, so desirable, just there for a woman to get a taste.

Then I hear him waking up. Oh shit! I run to my room climbing onto the bed and pulling the covers up to my neck. I don't have time to get some clothes on. Just feign sleep. Pretending this didn't happen. He won't remember it. He will just think he had an erotic dream. Then I hear him in the living room "Hey kiddo, WAKE UP! I am making you coffee to take with you to your mothers."

Yes my parents are divorced. Dad moved into another town not far from mom's into a small one level condo. It's not bad except for the grumpy neighbors below us. But I hear them through the floor. I even heard the woman masturbating which I know she was between the moans and her mans car not in the usual parking spot.

My car is in the shop thanks to my idiot mother driving drunk home one night borrowing my car and claims she hit some black ice and wrapped the damn thing around a pole. Granted she did say she would buy me a new one if they can't fix it. Either way dad has to drive me back and forth when I come to visit.

Being 21 we no longer do the every other weekend thing. We just randomly pick weekends to have me sleep over and he is cool with me going out with friends at night. They even like my dad; a few have a crush on him. Amanda even said to me if she slept over she would sneak into his bed and get him all hard and ride him before he had a chance to wake up and stop her.

I know she would too which is why she isn't allowed to sleep over. Besides I am too old for sleep overs. Granted my room still looks like it did when I was growing up here.

"Here sweetie, drink this it will hep with your hangover."

"What makes you think I was drinking?"

"Father's intuition."

Dad leaving the room I quickly get out of the bed and grab some sweat pants, not bothering with panties, and throw on a t-shirt I ease my way out of my room into the living room.

"Honey got any plans with mom?"

"No. You know how she is; it is football season and she will probably be in front of the tube with a 6-pack of beer yelling at the TV like that helps."

"I remember those days. Me being the guy and not into football or sports in general married to a woman that loves football."

"Yeah dad. If it wasn't for mom I would think you are gay."

"Funny. Drink up and lets get going."

"Alright, let me grab my purse."



"Fucking idiot, run the damn play!!!"


"Sorry sweetie just these damn players. They will never get to the Super Bowl playing like that."

"Mom I need to talk to you."

"What's up?"

"I need to ask you something. Don't freak out, just remember I am an adult now."

"What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything. I just have a question about something one of my friends told me."

"What is it?"

"She was telling me, when she comes home, sometimes after drinking so much and basically coming home shit faced she really wants to suck cock.."

"Okay. So what is the question."

"Well basically mom, have you ever done that? Come home drunk and go down on some guy while he is sleeping?"

"Oh hunny. I'l let you on a little secret. Your mom is no angel. I love sex. I love giving blowjobs. In fact, your father when we were together let me go out with my friends to drink. Time to get away from him and have some fun. He isn't the drinker as you know. Granted he will have a drink here and there but for the most part I am the drinker in the family. Anyway, when I used to come home drunk, not all the time but sometimes I would...okay don't be disgusted, but I would go down on your father while he was asleep."

"But he slept through it right?"

"Oh no. Whenever I would do it he would wake up and say hello and then just watch me. I admit there are nights I don't remember doing it and he would just look at me in the morning and shake his head and ask me how does the cum taste in the morning. I naturally asked what he is talking about which he then tells me how I woke him up with a BJ."

"So wait, he wakes up during it?"

"Of course!"


"Is something wrong sweetie? You look kind of pale."

"No...no I am good. Ummm...I am going to my room and shower and stuff."

"Okay hunny. Hey you want pizza tonight?"

"Sure mom."


So let me think about this. Mom goes down on dad when he is sleeping. I know they say like mother like daughter but seriously. I could have fantasized about it right? But then that doesn't explain the cum in my mouth, being naked in his bed.

So what I remember was probably real. But the thing is did he wake up? And if he did why didn't he stop me? Or did he try to stop me and I just kept going? Should I try to talk to him about it?

I need to call Amanda and ask her if she ever did anything like this. Then on second thought if she even has the slightest idea who I am talking about she would get it out of me. Nope...no this is staying with me.

But dad. He didn't act weird around me. Just made me coffee like he always did whether I partied the night before or we just cuddled and watched something on TV. It was like it was a normal weekend.

But this isn't the first time either. It is almost like I was sleep walking but I was awake just drunk I can't even picture myself doing this sober, but drunk I can? What if I were to sneak into him room naked, suck his cock, but sober. I go out with my friends but don't drink; okay don't drink a lot then see what happens. I already did it more than once apparently, what's the big deal doing it again.

Yeah he is my dad and that is incest but I am not a prude. I am not a slut either but not a prude. I may be a cock tease at times but again not a prude. Can I do this? Do I have the balls to do this?

I have to think about it. Don't know when I will get with him again. Well I need to shower and get some things done.


****Several weeks later****

"Alright guys. Good night and drive safe."

Taking off my heels and climbing the stairs I feel the butterflies in my stomach. I really should have drunk a little more to calm my nerves. Can I go through with this sober? I am fairly sure I've done it drunk but now for the most part I might be slightly buzzed but I am far from drunk.

At least I will keep my clothes on this time. Maybe slip into something a bit more comfortable. Here is one of dad's old t-shirts; so big on me practically covers my ass. I love wearing this, makes me feel close to him.

Walking up to the room I think about it and realize this is a bad idea. I should be naked. If I show up with clothes on he might know something is up. I always found myself naked in his room; yeah I better get these clothes off.

Feeling my nips getting hard and my pussy getting wetter I walk past the living room to daddy's room. Hearing him snoring I know he is out.

Walking to up to daddy I pull back the covers and finding him completely naked but his cock is flaccid. "Okay girl, it is now or never." I walk around the other side of the bed getting up on it one knee at a time and crawl towards his cock.

Too flaccid to pick up with my hand I bring my mouth down to it and take it into my mouth. Sucking slowly a little bit at a time I feel it start to grow in my mouth. Tasting my daddy's cock I feel myself getting wetter by the second. Sliding it out of my mouth I look at his face and see he still appears to be sleeping.

I return back to his cock reaching it out with my hand picking up it up with my thumb and finger and start sucking again. Getting harder by the second I notice he isn't snoring anymore.

As I begin to slide my mouth up and down his cock I feel it getting really hard. But that isn't the only thing I feel. Dad placed his hand on my ass and starting to slide a finger down my crack. Rubbing my asshole a little I feel him go further down touch my hole.

Rubbing along my lips I can't help but respond to him touching my very wet pussy. With his cock in my mouth I hear myself go "Mmmmmm..." Then I hear him say "Oh honey, you are just like your mother."

Right after saying that I feel him slide is finger further up my pussy towards my clit. Grabbing it or should I say pinching it he takes it between his fingers and starts playing with it.

At this moment I can't help but respond. My juices are dripping down my butt cheek, I push back against his fingers and all of this I start sucking him harder and faster. Feeling his hips thrust he begins to fuck my mouth. Thinking to myself I really can't believe I am doing this I start taking him deeper almost into my throat.

Then I feel his other hand being placed on top of my head and pushing me down giving me no choice but to take him deeper, so deep I have my lips pushed against his pubes.

"Oh god hunny, your are even better than your mom. Make daddy feel good."

Not letting him on that I am sober doing this I position myself by moving the lower half of my body closer to his head. No longer feeling butterflies in my stomach I feel the need for a tongue on my clit.

Placing one leg over his head I get into the 69 position hoping daddy will lick me. He doesn't disappoint. I feel him licking my lips as he is holding my ass. Playing with my clit, sticking his tongue in my hole, and during all of this I feel him rubbing my asshole hole with his wet finger.

Easing that finger slowly into my ass I begin to suck him faster and harder moaning non-stop just itching for him to get me to cum.

My juices I feel are dripping down his chin and he begins to attack my clit with his tongue. Not able to control my hips I start gyrating responding to the touch of his tongue feeling myself getting closer and closer to cumming on my father's face.

As I am almost at the peak of my orgasm I feel daddy do one last thrust of his cock and begins to spurt his cum into my mouth and down my throat. Swallowing as fast as I can trying to not let it drip out of my mouth I cum I start humming myself working hard on swallowing and summing at the same time.

After we both finished cumming I let him slide out of my mouth and roller over onto my side and faint sleep facing my head towards his feet.

Not long after I hear him starting to snore again to which I slide myself off the bed and out of his room. In my bed I get under the covers still naked I smile to myself. I don't feel guilty or disgusted with myself. I just think how I am indeed like my mother.

I wake up hours later to the smell of coffee with daddy in my room.

"Wake up sweety, need to take you home to your mom."

Not responding I lift the covers forgetting I am naked underneath he quickly turns and leaves.


After brushing my teeth I put on my dad's shirt, some panties, and pair of yoga pants. We get into the car and head off.

Upon reaching my mom's driveway I lean over to give daddy a kiss on the cheek and say, "Daddy, I wasn't drunk last night."

He looks at me wide eyed and says nothing, but he does smile and winks.

Walking through the door I am greeted by mom and she asks "How was your time with your dad?"

"Oh we had a good time. In fact I like to sleep over Saturday night if you don't mind."

"Of course hunny. Glad you two are getting so long so well."

Not being able to stop myself from smiling I head over to my room to prep for the week ahead.


"Thanks guys I had a great time. Amanda do me a solid and drop me off at my dads."

Waving goodbye I take off my heels not only for the neighbors but my dad isn't expecting me and I have a surprise for him.

Using my key I slowly open the main door and slip in all stealthy like. Leaving my shoes in my room I take off all my clothes and start heading to my dads room. Peeking in luck would have it he is home not out with one of his ladies; he doesn't know that I know but my dad gets a lot of tail.

Pulling back the covers I find him laying there naked with his flaccid penis but not for long. Using just my mouth while holding myself over his body I pickup his penis and start sucking. Feeling it already responding it starts to grow in my mouth. Once I get it to full hardness I release it from my mouth and climb up on him. Reaching between my legs I hold it up to my pussy and slide it in.

Bouncing slowly at first and grinding my hips I give my father a little slap on the face; not hard just enough to wake him. He doesn't say anything nor look shocked. As I am grinding on his cock with it buried deep with in me he grabs my tits and begins tugging on my nipples. Arching my back and pushing against his grasp I begin to moan. Then I hear him say "Yes baby, ride daddy's cock." I do just that.

As I continue to mix between grinding and bouncing on him I start to feel his hips thrust up to match my rhythm. Giving into the pleasures of sex and not caring how wrong this is I work my father up to an orgasm. Him warning me he is close I reach down to my clit and start rubbing it fast and hard with the goal of reaching to orgasm with him.

Feeling my juices leak all over him I feel it coming but he beats me to it. "Oh shit daddy is going to cum" he says out loud. "Shhhh...don't want your neighbors to know you are fucking your daughter." Smiling at me while trying to keep his eyes from rolling to the back of his head I feel my orgasm at the peak and start to gyrate. Giving one final push I bite my hand trying to keep from screaming feeling my insides exploding.

Still shaken up from my orgasm I fall over on top of my dad covered in each others sweat. He takes his arms and hugs me and then starts gently scratching my back.

"Honey what brought this on?"

"I was out drinking with my friends and really horny and all I could think about is fucking you. So here I am."

"Honey you do realize this is wrong of us to do."

"I know but I don't give a shit. As long as it stays between us and mom never finds out what does it matter? I am an adult and know what I am doing. If anything I am the one taking advantage of you dad not the other way around."

"True. Always while I am sleeping."


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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

That’s because he knows all about sucking his daddys dick lol

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Give dad a sexy hairy chest -- as his daughter lays on his chest, she can be teased by the hairy carpet of hair growing there! Sexy!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

You're a man but you wrote about about sucking cock from a woman's pov. LOL

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