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Who Rescued Whom?

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A recluse finds an injured women in the woods and ...
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All characters having sex are over 18.


"Charles, I miss you so much!" the woman shouted.

Gail whimpered as tears flowed down her cheeks. She stood on a trail and looked out at a majestic view of Colorado's wilderness and mountains. She stood on the spot where her beloved husband had proposed to her ten years ago, and she had gleefully accepted.

Today her mood was somber. She opened the urn and spread his ashes in one of the most beautiful places in the world. She watched the gray dust blow away. She was spellbound, caught up in the moment, and lost in her memories. That's why she was late in noticing a series of noises behind her, the jaw-popping, woofing, low grumbles, and moans.

The black bear behind her was upset and communicated in his way that Gail should move off the trail. Bears are not patient creatures. He ran to her, and with a single, powerful, round-house swipe of his paw that caught her arm, shoulder, and backpack, he knocked Gail off her feet and sent her tumbling into a ravine.

"Ahhhh!" she screamed. Her head landed with a thud on the frozen ground, and she blacked-out. She rolled down the incline over brush, fallen branches, and ended up in a muddy depression.


"Goddamn tourist!" Ted cried out as he bent over and picked up an ornate metal container. "Always leaving their trash behind. They've no respect for nature." He stuffed the object in the backpack he always carried.


He heard a low groan coming from the gulley beside the trail. He peered into the ditch and saw a woman lying on her right side covered in mud and forest debris. He heard her moan again.


"I hear you. I'm coming," Ted shouted. She didn't respond. Under his breath, he said, "Stupid bitch probably tripped while taking a selfie and now I have to scramble down the hill and rescue her. As if I don't have better things to do."

Ted climbed down to the woman and thought, "At least she's dressed properly. Most townies go for a hike without the proper gear and shoes." He knelt beside her. She was a mess covered with mud, twigs, and leaves. Her skin was cold. Instantly he was worried about hypothermia.

"Hello. My name is Ted. Are you okay?" he said.

She didn't respond to his words or presence. He rolled her over so that he could see her face. She yelped when her butt contacted the ground and quickly turned her body so that she was lying on her left side. That's when he saw claw marks on her right arm and shoulder. He said, "Oh, shit! You've been attacked by a bear!"

He examined the cuts. "These aren't too deep and the bleeding has stopped. You're lucky you had a backpack. It took the brunt of the attack." The nylon/polyester bag showed deep tears.

"That's quite a lump on your head. That would explain while you're groggy." He pushed her lustrous, black hair aside and looked at the bruise and knot on her head.

He checked her pulse, breathing, and peered into her eyes. Her vitals were acceptable and her eyes showed that her general state of health was good. "You got off easy with the bear attack. The beast was satisfied knocking you off the trail and it didn't follow you down here and eat you.

"I expect you've got some bruises, cuts, and scraps. Did you break anything?" There was no response. He continued talking to her. "You may have a concussion. Sorry, I don't have my satellite phone so I can't call the mountain rescue squad."

Ted tapped on her cheeks and said loudly, "Hello. Wake up."

"Mmm," she moaned but didn't regain consciousness.

"The sky is dark and cloudy," he said. "The weather's changing for the worse." As he spoke those words, snow began to fall in abundance. "Great! It's snowing!" he said sarcastically. "I don't know how long you've been out here lying here. Your declining body temperature is concerning.

"I have a cabin nearby. We should go there, but I'd like you to regain consciousness. Moving could cause more problems if you're seriously hurt. We're shit out of luck if you have head trauma. There's no way I can stabilize your neck."

He frowned, unzipped her coat, and said, "I need to check for broken bones before I move you." He ran his hands across her ribs, breasts, collar bone, and neck, pressing and assessing. He did the same to her arms and legs. When he applied pressure on her right foot and ankle, she moaned.

"You don't like me touching you there." He studied them and touched the area lightly. "You have swelling and tenderness."

He rolled her over so she laid on her frontside and said, "What's this? A stick has punched a hole in your pants." He got out his knife and enlarged the hole and saw dark blood on her underwear. The branch had penetrated her skin.

"This explains why you don't want to be on your back. You don't seem to be actively bleeding. That could be because the stick missed important blood vessels or because the wood is pressing on the artery or vein impeding the flow of blood. I'm not going to pull the stick out for fear of discovering that the latter is the case."

He ran his hands along her back, butt, and legs checking for broken bones.

"I didn't find any injuries that require immediate attention. The weather forecast is for bitter cold and eighteen to twenty inches of snow. If I do a fireman's carry I won't put any pressure on your butt, shoulder, and ankle. I think we have to take the risk and get you out of here. It's not a perfect option, but you need to be somewhere warm where I can deal with the injuries I've identified."

He pulled on her good arm and as she rose off the ground he shot an arm through her crotch. He balanced her across his shoulder and carefully carried her up the hill.

"My place is not far," he said breathily. He walked through the falling snow for twenty minutes. When he came upon his secluded cabin, he used his free hand to unlock the front door, pushed it open, ducked, and brought her inside.

"I'd put you on the sofa, but it's new and you're covered in mud," he said as he slowly, carefully set her on the floor by the fireplace on her stomach.

"I'll fix you up in a minute. First, I'll make a bigger fire," he said. He brought wood inside and added three logs to the existing fire. "The room will get warmer," he said as he used the fireplace poker to move the logs around, introduce more oxygen, and make the fire burn more efficiently.

"You thirsty? I'm getting a glass of water. I'll wash my hands, get that stick out of your ass, and deal with your other injuries." She didn't answer.

He washed his hands and got them both some water. He put hers on the coffee table in front of the sofa and drank deeply from his glass. He removed his coat.

As he got the first-aid kit, towels, washcloths, a bowl of water, and a large pair of scissors, he said, "If you don't wake up, I'm going to cut your clothes off. Unless you can tell me where it hurts and how badly it hurts, I have to examine you from head to toe. It is concerning that you've been unconscious since I found you."

He set the supplies beside Gail and said, "Last chance...HEY LADY! WAKE UP!"

She didn't respond to his shout. Ted removed her gloves, shoes, and socks. He started cutting her pants at her ankle and did both legs up to and including the waistband. Next, he cut her coat and flannel shirt so that he had complete access to her body. He snipped through her sports bra and panties. The stranger lay naked in front of him.

The injured party was a Caucasian female in her mid-thirties. She was fit, had tan lines, a firm butt, and shapely calves. He peered at the stick in her ass and said, "I'm surprised to see so much blood on your bottom. The stick isn't that big, it missed your juicy parts, and hit a muscle in your butt cheek."

He grabbed it, pulled it out, and a small amount of blood appeared. He cleaned up with a cloth, applied pressure to her butt, and said, "The puncture wound isn't very deep. Do you have another injury to explain the blood?"

He scanned her back, butt, and her legs. "I don't see any cuts or wounds. Is it on your front side?" He rolled her over and let her weight stop the bleeding on her butt.

"I see you don't wax," he said and laughed. She had a large, unruly, black bush and a nice pair of tits. "To be fair, it is a long time before bikini season." He cracked up again.

"Is your injury hidden by your thick pubic hair?" he asked and he raked through her pubes meticulously with both hands. Not finding anything, he explored her labia majora and slipped a searching finger inside her vagina.

A hand grabbed his hand and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Ah...Ah...Ah...," he babbled. His face turned red as he said, "Oh, good. You're awake. My name is Ted. I found you unconscious in the woods. A bear attacked you. Do you remember?"

"Vaguely. Why am I naked, and why is your finger in my vagina?" She had an angry, indignant, accusatory look on her face.

"Blood. You have lots of blood down here and I was trying to figure out why. Your arm and shoulder were clawed by the bear. You have a small puncture wound on your butt where a branch stabbed you. I was afraid you had another injury that caused the bleeding in your groin. Perhaps as you slid down the hill, you hit a rock or something that caused this bleeding."

Gail lifted her head, looked at her pussy, and said, "That's menstrual blood. I'm having my period, Einstein. Are you a doctor?" She pulled on pieces of her shirt and coat in a failed attempt to cover herself.

His face turned redder as he said, "I'm an otolaryngologist. An ear, nose, and throat specialist."

He removed his finger from her orifice. "I considered the possibility that it was period blood, but you had no pad or Tampon. I didn't think a woman your age would be surprised by her period. I imagine you've been menstruating every month for twenty years. And honestly, since you couldn't tell me where you were hurt, I had to look to be sure you didn't have a life-threatening injury."

Her anger dissipated, and she said, "I'm sorry to jump down your throat. I should be thankful you rescued me. You're correct that my period surprised me. My cycle rarely fluctuates, but it can get out of whack when I'm stressed. Today is the second anniversary of my husband's passing. I hiked the mountain to spread his ashes in a place important to us... where he proposed to me."

She cried, tears welled in her eyes, and spilled out onto her cheeks. She wiped them away and said, "I had cast his ashes, and was watching them float in the air when I glimpsed a bear behind me and felt a powerful blow that sent me reeling."

"Maybe you can answer the questions I've been asking since I found you," Ted said. "How do you feel and where does it hurt?"

"I feel tired, I have a headache, and my body aches. The problem areas are my right ankle and my right arm and shoulder," she answered as she looked at her injured shoulder. "Look at those claw marks. I guess I won't be wearing off-the-shoulder dresses." She chuckled.

"Au contraire! You must show them off. What a story to tell at your next cocktail party! How many people have been attacked by a bear and survived? Hollywood makes movies about that kind of thing."

"The Revenant with Leo. I missed that one."

"We'll keep an eye on the shoulder scratch. Keep it clean..."

"Scratch! I can't lift my arm and it hurts like a mother...It hurts a lot." Gail took and released a deep breath.

Ted gave her a compassionate look, went and got her some aspirin, and handed her a glass of water. "Take these." She did."

In a soft voice, he asked, "Where else does it hurt?"

"My right ankle."

Ted knelt by her ankle. It was black and blue. "I'm not sure if you broke a bone or sprained it. May I?" he asked before he put his hands on her.

"Yes. It looks awful"

"You have a bruise and blood is pooling. Does it ache or is it numb?"

"It hurts."

"That's a good sign. Breaks tend to be numb." He moved her foot and said, "Your foot and ankle are in their normal position. That's good, and when I moved them you wince but didn't scream. This all leads me to believe you haven't broken anything. Of course, you need an x-ray to be sure."

He looked out the window. She followed his gaze and said, "It's snowing hard. I guess I'm stuck here."

"Yes. My Jeep is out of commission. It needs a new water pump. There's one waiting for me at Murphy's garage. I enjoy the peace and serenity my isolated cabin provides so I've not felt any urgency to repair my vehicle. Is there anyone you want to contact? I have a satellite phone and an internet connection."

"Not really. My parents and sister live out of state. I don't see a reason to worry them. On Monday, I'll call the office and let them know I won't be in for a few days. That is if you don't object to having a house guest."

"No. Not at all. I think that's a good idea. Since you aren't seriously injured there's no need to have the mountain rescue squad risk their lives by coming out in this storm." He smiled at her. For the first time, he noticed how pretty she was. She had high cheekbones, a slender nose, full, sensuous lips, and bright, shiny, brown eyes.

"How did you get me here?"

"I carried you."

"I hope it was a short distance."

"It was a twenty-minute walk" Her eyes widened in surprise. He said, "I was a wrestler in high school. I'm short and stocky. And you are as light as a feather."

"Ha! I'd hate to see the bird that has a one-hundred-thirty pound feather. You are stout and strong-looking, but not so short compared to this five-foot four-inch woman."

"I'm five-eight in a world that expects men to be at least six-feet tall," he said and shrugged.

They shared a smile, and then she asked, "Is it possible for me to bathe, and do you have any clothes I could wear?"

"My ex-wife didn't share my fondness for roughing it. She made me put in a full bathroom. I have a propane tank for hot water, a sink, a composting toilet, and a shower through the door back there." He gestured over his shoulder. "While you're showering I'll find you something to wear.

"It'll probably have to be something of mine. My ex was pretty thorough. She took the house, the Volvo, and half my bank account when she left. It cost me a fortune, but it was worth being rid of her." He flashed her a miserable smile, stood, and held out his arm.

She reached out with her good arm and he helped her stand. He put her left arm around his shoulder and supported her as they walked into the bathroom. She looked at the shower stall and said, "I don't think I can shower standing on one leg. I'm weak and dizzy."

"You could sit on the floor or I could get you a chair?"

"Could you wash me? I'm afraid I will fall and hurt myself. It's not like you haven't seen me naked."


"Could you place me on the toilet? I need to pee."

He nodded and took her to the toilet. She shrugged off the tattered clothes, and he helped the nude woman lower her bum to the toilet seat. He left the room to give her some privacy. As he closed the door, he heard her sigh and a hissing sound.

He returned a few minutes later, knocked, and entered when she said, "Come in." She smiled sheepishly and said, "I peed. Do I flush? I don't see a handle."

"There is no handle. No rush of water. You just go. Do number one or number two and the waste goes where it should. If you used toilet paper, drop it in the solids receptacle under your butt. If you use a maxi-pad or Tampon, they need to go into the trash can."

"Okay. Then I'm done."

"I brought a stool for you to sit on," Ted said. He placed it in the shower, turned the water on, and adjusted it. He turned to her and said, "You want to check the water temperature?"

He helped her stand. While she checked the water, he stripped. She said, "The water's good." She glanced at him, noted he was naked, and said, "Thank you for doing this. I imagine getting naked in front of a stranger wasn't on your agenda for today."

They stepped into the shower. He supported her by holding her waist as she perched herself on the stool. Ted stood back and let her wet her hair and body. She picked up the soap and used her left hand to wash her face and neck. Next, she gently washed where the bear clawed her.

"Ow! Ouch!" she cried out as she scrubbed off dirt and dried blood. She took her time and hollered a few more times. She held the bar up and said, "Can you do the rest? I don't want to wash the parts of my injury I can't see. I'm afraid I'll press harder than I need to and it hurts enough doing the minimum."

Ted took the soap and cleaned the cuts on her back. She flinched and moaned, and he apologized as he cleaned the wound. He washed her back and gave her the soap. She washed her breasts and stomach, spread her legs, and washed her upper thighs and vulva.

"Can you do my armpits?" she asked. She gave him the soap and lifted her left arm. He cleaned it while staring at her stiff, dark nipples and full breasts.

"Want me to do the other one?"

"Yes. Please."

He put his hand on her right elbow and raised her arm slowly. She groaned and complained. "I think that's high enough," he said, and he washed her pit and the side of her boob before lowering her arm.

"Would you mind doing my legs and feet? I'm bushed."

He squatted in front of her with his knees clamped together and pointed away from her. He washed her left foot and legs. He started on her right leg, slipped while being overly cautious with her injured foot, and fell to his knees.

"Are you all right?" Gail said, looking down at him. "Oh. My," she said when she saw his hard cock.

"Sorry. I get erections around beautiful, naked women." His face turned red.

Gail tilted her head, unable to stop looking at his penis. She said, "Pardon my stare. I'm no cock connoisseur, but I've seen more than a few. Never one so thick."

Ted felt her eyes on him, stood, and said, "I guess it's only fair that you see me. I've seen you naked. Earlier, I told you I was short and stout. It also describes my dick. It's four inches long and has a seven-inch circumference."

"I've never seen that kind of girth," she said as she stared at his penis.

"I've heard that before," he joked. "My college girlfriend gave it the nickname 'Fireplug'. Most women are startled. If they try it, they seem to enjoy it."

"And your ex-wife?" Gail teased and chuckled.

"Oh. you're wicked. I don't think my ex noticed or cared. I think from day one, she was focused on taking me for as much as she could. The dishonest bitch was out the door as soon as our prenup expired."

Ted knelt on the shower floor and washed her right leg and foot. "There. All done," he said.

"Not quite. I did my vagina. Could you wash the part I'm sitting on?" She stood, turned, and rested her belly on the stool. She spread her legs. Ted washed her bottom, butt crack, and let his hands touch the back of her thighs and her pussy.

"Thanks. Can you spin me around so I can rinse?" She laughed.

He stepped up to her. His cock rested against her leg as he walked, pushed, and turned her so her butt was in the shower's spray. Gail giggled and said, "This is ridiculous, isn't it?"

"Yes. Crazy."

"I know I have no business saying this but I feel since we're naked, I can talk freely. Your erection is incredibly hard and it reminds me of a large baking potato. And speaking as a woman who screamed and nearly fainted when her cervix was punched by a guy with a long dick, your length isn't necessarily a bad thing. Girth and firmness are more important than length, and you are aces in both categories."


"You're welcome. Sit me up, push the stool in the corner, and I'll wash you back. You might as well get cleaned up while we're here."

He got her settled, she washed his back, and he did the rest. He turned off the water and assisted her as she exited the shower. He brought the stool out and put it in front of the sink and mirror. She sat and they rubbed the cotton towels against their bodies. She did his back. He did a little more of her.

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