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Who's been Breed'in My Ass? Pt. 01

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Blue collar finds out he's been getting bred in his sleep.
5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/24/2015
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This story is graphic! If gay sex, breeding or forced sexual situations offend you please do not read this story. ***Spoiler*** this story is about forced gay sex.


Names Tod.

I'm a small town construction working man in his late 30s. I'm divorced and I have an 18 year old and a 19 year old, both boys.

Today was the day I got the worst news in my life. I was at my family doctor sitting on a cold mettle table. A second ago two make nurses had me bent over while they argued about what was going on with my ass and what to put in my chart for the doctor. They had both put a finger in my butt at one point. Mr. "Happy hands" put two fingers in my ass before arguing about dilation, possible constipation and a bunch of medical shit I didn't know. I thought professional college types all sounded alike, using big words to talk in code. If they could just tell me if I could put some cream on, it damn.

The two left in a hurry without saying another word to me or each other.

After about 20 minutes an older female doctor with a lesbian haircut walked into my room and put on some gloves. I was a bit confused, after all these years I had always met with Dr Bardock. I didn't really feel comfortable with some kinda lady doctor.

"Oh hi Ma'am, I'm sorry my usual doctor is Bardock I made an appointment with the secretary," I was trying to be nice but the last thing I wanted was Miss liberal nightmare to grab my balls and make me cough.

"Oh, well I'm going to have to do, Dr. Bardock has released your care to me," she wasn't as smug as some of the dikes I knew but I wouldn't say she had a woman's touch. Somehow her brashness made me trust her more as a medical doctor. If she wanted to treat me fine. Equal rights, equal respects, I wasn't going to hold back on the count of her being a woman.

"So what's going on with my butt Doc?" I asked straight out but she didn't seem phased.

"Umm I think it's pretty clear you haven't been using enough lubrication," she opened up a small plastic baggy and pulled out what I could only describe as a condiment packet or whatever. "I want you to start using this lubrication AND I strongly recommend condoms from now on, it is much safer." She pulled out a few condoms as well.

I was in shock and had trouble finding the words to react. She was just about to show me how to put a condom on a large dildo. "Hold up!"

She stopped and looked at me, "I just though you might-"

"What in gods name does this have to do with my butt?"

"The receptive anal sex you have been engaging in-"



"I never-"

"SIR we found semen in your rectum," she saw the look of surprise on my face.

"I want to talk to my doctor!"

"I'm sorry but Dr. Bardock refuses to treat you," she seemed concerned.

"I'm no queer!"

"Your anus show signs of damage and tissue development consistent with someone who has been having anal sex for years and I personally saw the semen sample that was taken from your rectum."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Someone was fucking me. "Who?"

"I'll contact the police."


"Sir if you have been raped we need to contact the police," she was writing something down.

"Don't put down I'm queer in my medical records!"

"Sir for future diagnosis we need to record the type of sex you have been having rather involuntarily or involuntary." She continued writing.


"Yes, medically you are a homosexual," she wrote something in my chart and dotted an I. "I am recommending you for an STI screening; also, have you heard about preventive treatment for HIV?"

I had a screening that day my HIV results were negative but my other test would take a week to confirm. The lab techs and nurses looked at me and looked my chart. I acted like I didn't notice. I lived in a small town and I knew some of the people who worked at the hospital. Soon it would get around that I was gay, but I wasn't gay.

I drove my truck back home. The boys were watch Fox news.

"Go to your rooms!"

"Dad you can't send us to our rooms-"

"It's my house," I picked up the closest thing an flung it in their direction. I don't know who had back sassed me but the two of um got clear out of the room.

I got on the computer and turned off the tv.

Tv was a distraction. I felt it was necessary to notice every female on tv and make mental notes of how hot they are. Maybe I always did that, but now I had to prove to myself I was not queer.

I looked up security system. I had to know who was fucking me. It would have to be one of the boys. It's their mothers fault, all those queers on her side of the family. Which boy was queer? I decided to have the cams sent overnight.

Just then I got a call from my buddy Mitch. Mitch was a lot like myself we worked on the same construction sites and we had both played football in college. He wasn't from Bolder-Bin like me he was from the next town over Boonrock.

"Hey Tod you coming out drinking tonight, a few of the guys wanted to celebrate before the gun show on Sunday?"

"Nah I'm staying at home," I had to think of a good excuse. "I am having issues with the boys".

"OoWee put da fear of God I in um." The guys and I would often go drinking before events. "Have a good one," he hung up.

I loved to drink. My ex Wife Brittney-Ann left me, other than work and take care of the boys drinking is all I have. Now my doctor tells me I have been a faggot for years and didn't know it.

Well I tell you one thing it will never happen again. Cameras can catch people in the act but they also stop people from trying shit. Tonight I was going to sleep with my door locked and bolted. I put my rifle on the left side of my bed and my shot gun on the right.

If I have faggot boys I'll deal with that rationally when I find out for sure.

Before falling asleep I thought about something the doctor said. She made it seem like they could tell my ass had been getting fucked just by looking at it. I couldn't get that out of my head. Finally I gave in and put my hand down there. I thought it was nasty for a man to feel his own asshole but the doctors had been doing it all day and it was MY asshole (someone would need some reminding of that).

The first thing I noticed when my fingers got down to my hole was that it was quite hairy. Who in their right mind would want to put a dick in my hairy butt. I moved my hand over the hole itself. It was big and thick. I didn't really know what to expect from touching asshole. I had usually been separated from it with a few sheets of t.p. or a wash cloth. Sure I had noticed my hole thickening up over the years but I was getting older, wasn't that just something with age? When I noticed that my thick big hole seemed somewhat lose ad floppy I guess that was a blow to my manhood. It felt like a pussy back there. How big were my boys!? My hole was destroyed and I knew it would never stretch back. Knowing one of my boys had bigger cock than me, I was even more angry.

Tonight I slept with one eye open.

I was the first one up that morning. I was in a good fucking mood I was going to put up the cams and really solve the problems. I made breakfast for me and the boys. I was going to be putting them to work. I had 16 power over Ethernet cameras to install and a new NVR. We had a two bedroom house but it was going to be covered in surveillance.

Jim was the first to come out of the boys room.

"HEY JIM!" I greeted him.

"The fuck," he groaned as he stumbled into the bathroom.

His brother was right behind him and heading to the same bathroom. He immediately started smashing on the door with his fist. "Open up I need to pee!"

"I'm in here stupid-retard fuck off!"

The morning started off innocently enough but by tonight I would have my rapist. Just then the door bell rang. I answered the door. It was my cameras. "Boys!"

"What!" They called back in unison.

"We got us some work to do."

"We haven't even had food yet." said Tim my oldest son.

"Well eat up and get ready we have work to do."

After the boys finished some of their food I rushed them into doing the project. After a few hours we had cat 5 cable laid all over the house and a working NVR.

"What is all of this for dad?" Jim asked me.

"Well there are a lot of FAGGOT a'flutter and I want to catch any FAGS that might flutter into my bedroom so I can castrate them!"

They both laughed.

"What so funny?"

"Oh," Jim said. "I guess we didn't know you were being for real."

"You had us install a faggot protection net?" Tim asked.


"Oh an FPN, yeah Doug's dad has one." Jim commented.

"I heard the house killed a heating and air conditioning guy because he had on boxer-briefs," Tim retorted.

"Dude that didn't happen!"

"Yes huh it did."

"Doug's dad would go to jail."

"He has already been to jail for gay hate crime that's double jeopardy-"

"Hey hey boys," I had to stop them. I held up a hand and walked away. That how rumors get started.

Later that day (8 drinks in)

The boys asked if they could go over to some slut Kim or something I don't care. I was watching the cams and I had 16 of them.

At some point I started watching TV on the sofa and I fell asleep.

When I got up I was still fully dressed and my butt was hurting. "What the fuck?" There is no way the boys fucked me on cam. I went over to my computer to look at the footage from last night.

It was me on the sofa having beer and watching TV. I turned the cam on fast froward. To see the boys go past after asking to go out. I sped it up a bit to see which boy came back. I looked like I grabbed my phone so I slowed it down and watched my self talk on the phone. I then sped up the video to skip the boring stuff. One of the other cams picked up something coming up the dirt road. It was a lifted truck and I would know it anywhere. Mitch was coming to my house at 12 midnight.

Mitch was the straightest guy I knew he was a hard worker and he had a wife, a hot wife at that. I had known him to be a dog but he always fucked girls. He was a big tall man's man. I switched to over view. He came into the house with a 6 pack (good old Mitch) and sat down on the sofa to watch TV.

Mitch and I had hung out all night before, it was not big deal. I couldn't remember him coming over last night though. I fast forwarded the video. Soon I had gone through 4 beers and was slumped over. Mitch looked over at me and gave me a shove. I didn't respond. Mitch turned off the TV and got up to leave.

I was relived Mitch wasn't my rapist. Just as I was having that thought Mitch came back into the shot with a bag. He put the bag on the table and removed something from it. It was a bottle and rag. He wet the rag with whatever was in the bottle and covered my nose and mouth with it. I watched the video in horror. I knew what was coming next or so I thought.

Mitch got up and stretched his body I could see him flex. Even if this guy had tried to take me when I was awake I would have a hard time defending myself. He started to remove his shirt. He had broad hairy chest and and shoulders. He had thick arms; also, a slight gut but he was fit for a man in his late 30s. He unlaced his boots and tossed them on the floor he almost fell getting his socks off and knocked over a lamp.

I looked over at the lamp. Trying to get a reference point with reality. The lamp was on the table where it had always been and I don't know why but it gave me hope what I was seeing wasn't real. I looked closer and noticed the plastic shade for the lamp had a dint that I had never noticed. As if that bit of physical evidence made the video more real my heart sank and I continued watching the video.

Mitch was already taking off his underwear in the video. I don't know why but I rewound the video to the point where he had removed his socks. I don't know if I felt like watching him undress was violating HIM and therefor a bit of a revenge or if I didn't want to spoil the video. I wasn't really thinking. I needed a drink but I couldn't take myself away from the video, not for a second.

He was taking off his belt and tossing it on the floor with his boots. He wiped his mouth and licked his lips as he looked at me, unbuttoning his pants. I could see the desire in his face. I knew he was the man who did it to me. I couldn't stop watching. I wanted to see the whole thing for myself. As he started taking off his paints I started to anticipate what he would look like. He had big thick tree truck legs and he was hairy. He started to take of his underwear and I could tell his dick was hard, he was pitching a tint. He stopped what he was doing at went over to the window.

I Looked at the window myself and I noticed a bind in the blinds. It was like everything in the room remembered him (but me). Everything was how HE left it.

He started to slowly removed his underwear but Mitch was turned away from the cam and me. I saw his big hairy ass. It was so muscular yet beefy and soft. His skin was scared ruff and rugged but underneath he was strong and healthy. He turned around and I saw his cock.

"HUUUU," I couldn't hold my gasp.

His cock was long hard and thick. He was cut and had a fat mushroom head. He had a slight curb to the left and it got thicker near the head about a forth the way up his shaft. He had a hairy cock and didn't shave or trim.

I couldn't help myself and didn't even try to resist in anyway. I clicked on the video and the image zoomed in, I paused it to look at his amazing penis.

He had hair growing up his shaft until it tapered off about 25% up. He had a thicker happy trail but his belly and bush was evenly furry. I studied his cock and and bush for a while.

I noticed his balls and for a second I understood and respected him for doing what he had to do. He had massive balls they were plump but pulled away from his body. They hung evenly and like the rest of him hairy as hell. His balls had to be goofball sized. He was about to fuck me. My cock stared to get hard.

I got up from the computer and got myself a cold beer to calm me down. My heart was beating and I had butterflies in my stomach. I knew I was turned on, but I was also scared, but mostly thrilled. I hadn't felt like this sense I was a young boy touching my first pair of tits. I finished my beer and grabbed another one, then I snatched yet another one.

I came back over and pushed play. The video snapped back to normal view. I was seeing the whole room again, his body and cock. I had a swig of my drink but didn't take my eyes off Mitch. When he got his underwear off he scratched and gave his nuts a tug followed by sniffing his fingers. I don't know why, but it turned me on to see it.

There was no sense in me not enjoying the video. It wasn't like I was currently being raped or put in danger, my test showed up fine so far, this had already happened and I would make sure it wouldn't happen again. I needed to watch this closer. I needed to see how sick Mitch was. That was what I told myself as I pulled out my own big dick and started jacking.

At this point Mitch was manhandling me into a doggy style position with my body over the back of the sofa and my knees resting on the sofa cushions. My head and arms was slumped over the side. I was just an ass and back. To face me on the sofa Mitch had to put his back to the cam so I opened up another view and split screen. I could see Mitch lining up with my clothed body. From one view I could see Mitch's naked ass and back doing practice trust behind me. From the other view I could see his grinning face as he humped my passed out body and pretended to slap my butt.

I couldn't help but chuckle, "You fuck'in asshole."

He showboated above me for a second and then pulled my paints down to my knees and my shirt up to my neck. He tucked my shirt into itself like a bitch so it wouldn't slid down.

He did all of this without thinking and with speed. I could tell he had been doing it for a long time just like the doctor said. I was less turned on and more hurt. My dick started to go down a bit, until I saw what he did next.

I saw Mitch squat behind me and dive his face into my ass crack. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. He didn't even check to make sure I was clean (I always thought I was clean, but he didn't even check). I was watch my drinking buddy toss my salad from two angles on video. My dick got instantly hard and I started tugging on it. Apparently it was working for him too, Mitch was holding my ass cheek with one hand and jacking is dick with the other. I couldn't believe it. I never thought watching two men could be hot but watching stud Mitch eat my ass while jerking was the hottest thing I had seen.

He slobbed on my hole with total conviction. Like he owned it. He wasn't worried about me waking up or the kids coming home. He worked my ass like we were a married couple and he had done it a thousand times. He knew just what to do to turn himself on, and he licked where he wanted. He didn't have to worry about it going to my head or if him eating me would cause me to lose respect for him. He had all the power. He wanted to eat my sloppy hole so he did. I could have watched it forever but I clicked the progress bar to see how long he would eat my ass. He was down on my hole for 25 minutes before he started standing up and Humping me while rubbing his massive cock up and down my ass crack.

He would then go back to eating my ass, until finally he was mostly just humping me.

I knew I must be wet and it turned me on to watch. From the front view I could see the head and shaft of his cock rising up my ass-crack before disappearing again. In the back I watched his back and ass flex as he slid his cock all up and down my ass.

I clicked around and got a side view. Now I was watching my own rape in 3 dimensions. I was so turned on as I saw the full hardness of his cock play in ass crack. He pulled his dick away and smacked my ass, this time for real.

He spat in his hand and rubbed his cock. Then he got face level with my ass and spat on my hole. I almost felt sick, I was so excited. I had to pause the video to get a ice-cold water back.

In my small kitchen space I was still within view of the computer screen. I wasn't sure if I wanted to see this. I knew he fucked me. I know this story ends with him cumming in me. I know he has been cuming in me for a long time now. Do I really need to see it? Shouldn't I be more angry? Should I call the police? I didn't have the answers to any of those questions. I got so confused I totally lost my hard-on.

I had a beer and sat my ass back down at the computer. If my asshole stud friend had the big hairy balls to fuck me in my own house where I fucked my wife and thought my boys about Jesus; than I had the balls to watch.

Maybe it was the beer talking but I was going to enjoy it as much as he did. I put my sweat paints around my knees and I flipped my shirt up just like in the video. I was going to watch his ass flex as he fucked me and I was going to get off, fuck him.

I got my big dick out and started giving it a stroke. I pushed play and he resumed lining his cock up to fuck my ass.

I could tell when he hit my hole and he started having to apply pressure. I was surprised, he didn't have to push very hard to get into my ass. M body didn't react at all. I knew this was a result of my bodies experience with getting fucked. Even I had a hard time getting into my wife back when she lived here if we didn't fuck twice a week. I got to thinking about how often I passed out around Mitch as I watched him sink his cock into my hole.

I knew I had passed out around him a few times a week at the bar and only God knows how many times he has let himself in to fuck me.

His dick went in like butter. His crotch was flush with my ass cheeks and I knew we were balls to balls. He gyrated a few times as if to make sure he was as deep as possible. That monster cock would have to hurt. I reached down to feel my hole. After gyrating he adjusted himself and looked up at the ceiling. The video didn't have sound but I could tell he was loving my ass. That's is when he started to fuck.


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