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Who's Your Daddy?


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"You already have, Baby Girl. So, what is it you want to do this time?"

"Welllllllllllll," she said, looking down at his chest and running the index finger of one hand around his left nipple. Her tongue was firmly planted on the inside of her cheek and she sighed as she whispered directly into his ear, "fair is fair, right? I mean, isn't that what we said right from the start? You grope my fanny, I grope yours?"

"Yes, fair is fair," Tom replied, warily. "But we've pretty much done for each other so far. I've licked you, you've licked me, we've had wonderful sex. What is it your devious brain has in mind?"

"Well," she continued to whisper into his ear, licking it quickly before continuing, "we haven't done everything equal, you know."

"Sure we have," he said, trying to think what she could mean.

"No, Daddy....we really haven't."

Intrigued now, and more than a bit nervous, he asked, "Well....what then?"

"Well," she cooed, nibbling his earlobe and running her fingers lightly on his belly just above his pubic carpet, "Daddy has fucked his little girl, hasn't he?"

"Yes," Tom laughed, not sure where this was going. The first thing he could think of to say was, "But Baby Girl has to understand that Daddy doesn't have a pussy for her to fuck." As soon as the words left his mouth, he felt a chill down the entire length of his spine.

"I know Daddy doesn't have a pussy," Lisa said, her scheming eyes lifting from his chest to focus on Tom's wondering ones. "But Daddy has such a cute ass. And Daddy DID fuck his little girl's ass, didn't he?"

Tom shivered. He could swear the sides of his face were going numb. He tried to speak, but nothing came out. His tongue was too busy trying to escape down his throat. His unintelligible babble went something like, "But... uh...Baby Girl....Daddy....uh....well....Daddy....I don't..."

Lisa smiled a wicked smile and got close to his face. Reaching out her tongue to lick his lips, she brushed her body against him and rubbed her nipples against his. Still looking into his eyes, she simply said, "Fair's fair, Daddy."

Tom sat up so fast that Lisa was pushed backward. He looked at her incredulously. She just grinned back, her tongue rolling around in her mouth as she seemed to already be sighing at the possibility of what she was suggesting. Tom's mouth hung open, words still not forming properly.

Finally, he blurted, "You mean you want to...? You actually want....? I mean, you're actually suggesting that...?"

Lisa seemed a little amused by his discomfiture...seemed to be enjoying his unease with what she had in mind. Tilting her head to one side, she leaned forward and kissed Tom's neck, her hands roaming down his sides and rubbing the area above his hips where love handles would someday form. Slowly, she kissed his neck and face, then gave him reassuring kisses on the lips. She leaned back and smiled at him, this time a soothing smile, like a mother comforting her young boy. Tom was beginning to wonder if the parent/child roles hadn't just that quickly been reversed.

"Daddy, you know I'd never hurt you, don't you? You know that whatever I do for you will make you feel very, very good, right?"

Tom hesitated, then stammered, "But, Baby want to...I're really suggesting...?"

"Yes, Daddy." She hugged him and started gently kissing his face, trying to ease his doubts, make him more amenable to things. "Yes, Daddy...Baby Girl wants to fuck your cute, sexy ass....just like you did hers."

There it was. Loud and clear. Lisa wanted to poke him in the butt. As he pictured it, he cringed. But Lisa persisted. She stroked him, kissed him, whispered dirty thoughts in his ears, trying to weaken his resolve. With his hormones building up, despite the proposed act, Tom made one last ditch effort, which he knew was a weak attempt indeed. If he knew Lisa, she was probably well prepared for anything.

"But Baby Girl," he noted, crossing his fingers, "unless you're a very clever Houdini, you don't have a cock. That's why us guys do the fucking. I know you don't have one...I've been between your legs."

Lisa's smile became wicked again when she replied, "Well, I don't have it on me." Her eyes sparkled with mischief.

"" Tom said, the color draining from his face. "You actually...? No way."

"Oh, yes, Daddy.....I carry my cock with me wherever I go. I never know when some wonderful man like yourself might just let me use it. Some sexy, dirty, nasty man like my Daddy."

Tom was finally totally speechless. He sat there staring as Lisa got up and walked across the room to the closet. She slid her suitcase out of the small suitcase cubbyhole on the left hand side and lifted it onto the bed. Three clasps went "snap, snap, snap", each sound making Tom jump. Lisa rummaged in the suitcase for a minute, then stood up, something in her hands. She was smiling.

When she turned toward Tom again, he could see the flesh toned dildo in her hand, and the belt that hung from its sides. He went numb again, though his slightly engorging penis was betraying him. It was only growing a tiny bit, but that fact did not escape the bewitching Lisa. She smiled broadly, licking her lips.

Lisa's actions were mesmerizing as she slowly strapped on her favorite toy. Tom's eyes darted from her eyes to the intimidating tool she was fastening in place. When she had it firmly in place, she stood there with her hands on her hips. The small to medium sized hard rubber cock bobbed a tiny bit. She stroked it, not to make Tom nervous, but to enjoy the feel of it, and the feeling of it jutting out from her crotch as if it was her own flesh and blood.

After stroking the fake shaft and balls a few times, she turned again to the suitcase. Tom was still staring at the schlong, his paralyzed brain trying to think of something to say, trying to dredge up some hope for escape. Lisa said, " you are," and turned back to Tom again, something else in her hands now. It was a tube of lubricating jelly. Tom shivered just a tiny bit. Once again Lisa pronounced, "Fair's fair, Daddy."

Words again stumbled from Tom's mouth, "'re incredible....but....I don't know about this." He shook his head, the tightness in his muscles making his neck creak.

Lisa squeezed some of the jelly onto her hands and began to lovingly rub it into the rubber cock. Tom squirmed. If this was a joke, it was a damn good one. But, then, why would she have the strap-on in the first place? Or did she play this trick on every guy she fucked? He moaned, knowing he was just grasping at straws.

Lisa was rubbing the gel into her toy like she would stroke a real penis, slowly and tenderly. She was indeed fond of it. When she finished rubbing gel into the shaft and head, she even rubbed some on the fake testicles. That made Tom VERY nervous. He could feel his sphincter tighten up.

"Tom," Lisa encouraged, dropping the "Daddy" act briefly, "I'd never hurt you. You're incredible, and I've had a fantastic time with you. I just thought that I'd finally found the guy I've been looking who's willing to try anything once. You're so deliciously bawdy and dirty and sexy....I just thought...." The sentence trailed off. She was quiet for a minute, during which time the two just stared at each other. Then her shoulders slumped, and she looked at the floor in front of her, dejected. "It's okay," she said, "if you don't want to try it, we'll just forget it. This is a really small dildo and I know you'd be able to take it okay, with no pain. I even put a bunch of lubricant on it so it would be really easy on you. I don't know why I thought you'd be okay with this. I'm really sorry, Tom. I must just be some really twisted...."

"It's okay," Tom said softly, interrupting her flood of regret and self doubt, "You're right...fair is fair. I'll do it." In his head, he was slapping himself and breaking open a vial of smelling salts. "Are you insane?!!" reverberated in his head with each slap and sniff.

It took a few seconds for the soft words to sink in. But, slowly, Lisa's downcast eyes raised. Her openmouthed frown began to invert, ultimately changing into a soft smile. It almost looked as if she might cry. She looked at Tom and sighed, saying, "I was right about you. You really are quite a guy. You don't have to do this if you really don't want to.'s okay....and I won't be upset."

"No," Tom replied, smiling now, "like I said, you're right...fair is fair. Besides, I've always said that I would be willing to experiment with almost any form of sex that involved me and a woman, so I guess it's time I back up those words.'re sure it won't hurt, right?"

"Not at all," Lisa said, her eyes dancing again. "In fact, I can promise you that it'll feel wonderful...especially the way I'm going to do it."

"And how is that?" he asked, "I'm new at this, remember? I haven't a clue how a woman butt-fucks a guy. So what are Baby Girl's plans for Daddy?"

"Well, Daddy," she said, strolling up to him, "first I'm going to bend you over the bed. Then I'm going to get on my knees behind you and taste that sweet ass of yours again....get it all wet and loosened up with my tongue and fingers. I'll be gentle, I promise. And then, when it's all relaxed and ready, I'll stand up and insert my cock in you.. just like you did me...slow and gentle...working it in a little at a time. And, all the while I'll be doing something else nice for you, too."

"Which is?"

"While I'm licking you, and while I'm fucking you, I'll be stroking your cock really, really nice. You'll be feeling so good, front and back. I promise you you'll love it."

"And if I don't?" he asked, still skeptical.

"If you don't, I'll stop and we'll get it on some other way. No harm, no foul."

Then, for some unknown reason, Tom started to get into the idea of it. His sex with Lisa so far had been nothing short of amazing in its satisfaction, so just maybe she knew what she was talking about. He looked up at her, and even with a strapped on dildo bobbing at her crotch, she was sexy and desirable. He figured, what the hell, let's try this. It'll be one more thing he can say he's tried....though he won't be blurting it out to the whole world. Lisa was continuing to look down at him, waiting for his final decision.

"Okay," he sighed, "where does Baby Girl want Daddy?" Lisa's eyes brightened immediately. Once again she was that sexy nymph he'd come to know ever since the accidental grope in the elevator.

With a twinkle in her eyes, she pointed to the foot of the bed. "Right here, Daddy. Your Baby Girl's gonna make you feel so, sooo good. Just stand at the foot of the bed and bend over. Put your hands on the bed and brace yourself. I'll do the rest."

He walked over to the bed and bent over. As she circled behind him, he couldn't help staring at the bobbing dildo as it moved behind him along with her. It seemed so odd to see that succulent pussy now sporting balls and a dick. It was humorous, and oddly erotic...though he much preferred her moist honeypot.

Lisa got on her knees behind him, and gently caressed his buttocks. She sighed as she kneaded them, squeezing his cheeks firmly and enjoying them thoroughly. Tom wiggled his ass a little, looking back to see the delighted look on her face when he did. She had already shown that she liked his bottom, and he didn't mind that at all.

After a few minutes of groping and fondling and nibbling, Lisa decided to get down to business. She gripped his cheeks firmly with her thumbs just inside the crack of his ass. Slowly she spread them. Again Tom teased, moving his butt from side to side. Not being able to resist the joke, he said, "Bon appetite, Baby Girl." Lisa would've laughed, but she was too busy sighing...and planning.

Lisa buried her face in his behind, pushing her nose and mouth into it as far as she could. She could feel the warmth of his insulated crevice surround her face, heating her nose, cheeks and lips. Her sigh sent warm air cascading up and down his crack, and it felt good to him. He tried to imagine what it looked like having a woman's face buried in his ass. It must look sexy as hell, he thought. He even tried to turn his head around to check it out in the mirror above the dresser, but it was directly behind them and he couldn't crane his neck far enough for any substantial length of time. So, he closed his eyes and decided to just enjoy the sensations.

A moist heat tickled his ass as Lisa thrust out her tongue, licking up and down his crack. She was certainly thorough, licking up one side and down the other, then licking directly in the middle. She made her tongue hard and probed it deep into his crack. Spreading him open still wider, she was able to lick the very center of his valley, savoring the mild scent and taste of it. She panted while she licked.

She got her face buried deep enough between his cheeks that she no longer needed to hold both cheeks apart. Keeping one hand on his left cheek, just in case, she slipped her other hand between his legs. Her fingers teased his testicles, stroking them lightly. Now, Tom thought, this is getting to be good!

The teasing fingers moved farther still, working their way slowly to his already fattened shaft. They gently stroked him from base to head as she lapped his ass. As her tongue searched for his orifice, her fingers sought his slitted helmet. Just as her tongue entered him, her fingers gently played with his engorged head.

Still licking him deeply, she sent her unoccupied hand to play between his legs with its sister. She'd worked her tongue into his hole and was slowly moving it in and out. One hand was still stroking his cock, and the other began to squeeze and fondle his sack. Tom was just about quivering now. A hot tongue in his ass, his bobbing shaft being stroked slowly up and down, and his testicles being gently squeezed and fondled. What more could a man ask for?

This went on for quite some time. Lisa stroked and licked him slowly and thoroughly, heating his bottom with her face and tongue while her hands worked his cock and balls into a burning state of pre-ejaculation. He was gasping and moaning, moving his hips back and forth. Lisa's hands and mouth kept up with him admirably.

But, then, it was time for Lisa to play.

Before standing to enter him with her fake penis, she adjusted the roles of her hands. One hand took on the jobs that two had done before, stroking both his penis and testicles. The other hand joined her mouth at his anus. Drenching his hole with her saliva, Lisa began working her finger once again into it, slowly stroking the sphincter muscle, loosening it...relaxing it. She licked his crack as best she could while her finger soothed and readied the opening. Tom was moaning and rocking, and she knew he was ready. She stroked his cock right up until the moment that she stood up to enter him. And when she did stand up, she only let go of his shaft long enough to reach around from above to continue the stroking. It was only a heartbeat of time, unnoticed by Tom as he swayed and sighed.

It all happened in an instant. Lisa removed her tongue from inside his now saliva-lubricated, relaxed sphincter, stood up -- expertly readjusting how she stroked his throbbing tool -- and positioned herself behind him. With a sigh of her own, she placed the head of the rubber cock between Tom's cheeks and centered it over his opening. It's gel-lubricated head made contact with his hole and she pushed it in ever so gently, just as he'd done when he took her from behind. Tom gasped.

She was in.

Both of them sighed, bonding in this new and deliciously decadent way. Slowly, inexorably, Lisa inched her faux penis into him, pushing from her hips, still stroking his cock firmly. The transition from tongue and fingers to rubber cock was as smooth as it could possibly be...under the circumstances.

The sensation of the dildo slowly inching into him was indeed different. But Lisa's slow stroking of his shaft and fondling of his testicles kept his mind just occupied enough that he couldn't concentrate on the invasion going on in his rear. Lisa was having a grand old time, working the lubricated, hard rubber deeper and deeper, eager for the actual pumping to begin. She'd always wanted to use a strap-on on a man, and she'd finally gotten her chance. She was in Heaven at finally being able to do it, licking her lips and sighing right along with Tom.

His opening finally relaxed enough to fully accept the slippery schlong, and Lisa got really into it. She reached around with both hands and cupped his balls in one while stroking him furiously with the other. Her hips thrust the dildo into his ass over and over again, and she closed her eyes in ecstasy. As often as she'd fantasized about doing this, she never once dreamed it would be so erotic. The power...the control...actually turning the tables and fucking a man for a change. What a glorious feeling!

She pounded against Tom's ass hard and fast, driving the strapped on cock home. She watched for signs that it might be hurting him, but he gave none, so she plundered on. Tom's cheeks and thighs rippled with the force of her thrusts. As long as he continued to moan, and his cock was hard as granite, Lisa kept it up. She was getting incredibly wet behind the pummeling penis, and the greased testicles were actually bumping up against the edge of her pussy. It was almost making her swoon, but she was so fixated on pumping into Tom's derriere that she just couldn't allow such a thing to happen. She forced herself to stay focused on fucking him.

In a final display of sanity before his mind turned to sludge, Tom realized that some of his prized collectibles were directly in the path of his soon to be spitting penis. He'd already bent -- thankfully, only slightly -- a couple of the one sheets he'd bought, and made an imprint of the photo frame that housed his Karloff picture, on his shoulder blade, and he wanted no further victims of his lust. Though his body was quaking and gasping, his brain impressively sent a message to his arms and hands. First his right hand, and then his left, swiped away his treasured items so that they wouldn't be in the path of any spurting fluids. That flurry of preventive activity completed, his brain returned to its besotted state of preparation for sperm ejection.

Knowing how close Tom was to orgasm, Lisa slid her cock squeezing hand up to its helmeted head. Her other hand squeezed his testicles, wiggling her fingers in his sack. She stroked his shaft quickly a few times and then returned her fingers to the head. She repeated this maneuver, back and forth from head to shaft, over and over until she felt him trembling all over. A moan was working its way up from his chest, coming out of his mouth first as quiet rushes of air, then gaining sound and volume. His trembling increased, and she knew he was about to cum. The electric ripples between her legs told her that she wouldn't be far behind.

At the exact right moment, Lisa squeezed his scrotum firmly, her fingers tickling at the back of it. She thrust into him hard and fast. She stroked his penis furiously. Feeling the contraction of his scrotal muscles, she quickly stopped stroking and slid her hand up to the head. With her fingers circling the shaft just below the head, she kneaded his cock and tugged it outward, kneading and tugging, kneading and tugging...faster and faster. A firm, squeezing massage of his testicles finally did the trick.

With a moan and shudder, Tom's manhood tensed and spurted, ejecting hot, creamy cum onto the bed. It was a good thing he'd had the forethought to move his purchases, because the discharge was copious indeed. Lisa continued to take him from behind, and to squeeze and tug his member. Again and again he sent strong, pulsed streams of seminal fluid across the bedspread. He could feel his testicles tighten and squeeze out their load...and it wasn't just Lisa's fingers causing it. It felt like the surge of fluid was coming from somewhere deep inside his abdomen, instead of from the fondled sack between his legs. His cheeks clenched around the marauding dildo as his every muscle tried to help propel his procreative juices out of his body. He moaned and shivered, his wobbly arms barely able to hold him up on the bed.

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