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Wife Draws Cards-Nine of Clubs


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In seconds, Ann had hands all over her body and her tits, ass and pussy were getting mauled. Fingers probed her two lower openings and she bucked and writhed at the invasions.

Soon she was pushed down to her knees and presented with a large cock to suck. As she took it into her mouth its owner said, "We didn't get a fluffer so you are going to have to do the work and get us nice and hard so we can fuck your pretty white ass and pussy."

Ann struggled to get the cock into her mouth as the guy pushed deeper and tried to get into her throat. He could only get part way in but it was enough to block Ann's ability to breath through her mouth and she was soon sputtering from her nose trying to get her breath.

The guy sawed in and out of her mouth for a few minutes and then another guy took his place followed by another and another.

Paul then stepped in and helped Ann to her feet saying, "Time to get you set up."

He led Ann over to a padded bench and when she saw it Ann knew that she was looking at the place of her defilement. She knew that she would be tethered there for the rest of the night and used and abused with her safe words her only escape.

Paul adjusted the bench so that it was about waist high and then bent Ann down over it. "It's cold," Ann said as her tits touched the flat part of the bench. "Don't worry," Paul said, "You will be warm soon enough."

The bench had a slight downward angle so that Ann's head was a bit lower than her butt. Two of the other guys started to strap Ann to the bench. They put cuffs on her ankles and chained her legs wide apart. Larger cuff connected to another set of chains were put just above her knees further insuring that Ann would not be able to close her legs. Another pair of straps was put over her waist and shoulders securing her torso to the bench. Finally, Ann's hands were pulled out to either side and secured with wrist cuffs.

Ann's head hung over the front of the table but not for long. Paul came around and got a U shaped device that was padded with the same material as the table and slid it into a slot at the front of the table. He adjusted the sides so that they pressed against the sides of Ann's head thus immobilizing her head as well and putting her mouth at the perfect angle to service the many cocks that would soon be pushing down her throat.

When I looked at Ann's face I could see her eyes wide with fear but as I looked closer I thought I also saw some lust in her eyes. Ann later told me that she had a multitude of feelings as she was being secured to the bench ranging from fear that morphed into more and more lust as each strap was put into place and she was secured for her night of service. She said that although she never wanted to be a cum dump she began to understand what women who were had experienced as they waited for their body to begin to be used by man after man.

Paul went around behind Ann and started to lube up her ass. You could hear Ann grunt as he forced first one, then two and finally three of his fingers into her little puckered hole. "Three fingers are small compared to what is soon going to be in your ass," Paul said as he withdrew his fingers from Ann's ass.

Ann was definitely no stranger to anal sex but she had only had one or two really big cocks in her ass and now she was strapped down with a room full of very well hung guys lining up to fuck her ass.

The first guy, who was still hard from Ann sucking him earlier, stepped up behind Ann, lined his cock up with her ass and drove it in to the hilt in one strong push. "Arrrrrgh," Ann yelled and begged him to start slowly. Her pleas were ignored as the guy started to fuck her ass hard right from the start. Hard thrust after hard thrust plowed into Ann's upturned ass and she could do nothing but take it and verbally express her discomfort and displeasure. But she did not do that for long because a few moments after her first ass fuck started another guy got in front of her and fed his cock into her mouth.

Like the fellow in her ass the guy in Ann's mouth did not waste time and started to fuck Ann's mouth and throat hard. She was now getting it from both ends and could not even use her safe words if she wanted to because her mouth was too full of cock for her to say anything intelligible.

The cocks continued to saw in and out of Ann's mouth and ass for several minutes and Ann continued to make mewling noises and other unintelligible sounds. After a couple of very hard thrusts the guy fucking her ass said, "Here it comes baby," and fired his load deep in Ann's bowels. He pulled out. The guy in Ann's mouth did the same and took his place in her ass. Ann thought that she would get at least a small break in between ass fucks but her ass was empty for just seconds before a second large cock was forcing its way into her. Like the first guy this guy immediately fucked her hard and to the hilt.

"Oh, oh, oh," Ann said with each stroke but her words were soon cut short as another cock was pushed into her mouth. After a few minutes the second guy dumped his load into Ann's ass as did the third a few minutes after that.

Ann told me later that for the first three guys all she could do was to try to hang on as it felt like they were ripping her ass open and she had to just get through the pain. Somewhere towards the end of the third ass fuck she said that her ass must have gotten used to the size because she started to feel a tingle in her pussy. She said that she was also able to press her pelvis against the bench a little and this increased the pressure and sensation on her clit.

Half way through the fourth ass fuck Ann had her first orgasm. We could hear her moans even around the cock in her mouth and saw her body and legs tense up as she came. That opened the floodgates because Ann told me that she came at least once with each of the next three guys that fucked her ass.

Ann now had eight loads of cum in her ass and needed only to take one more guy before she would win our bet. The ninth guy would not be easy however.

The ninth guy had the biggest cock of the crew, he later told us it measured nine and a quarter inches and it was thick, not coke can thick but thicker than any cock anyone had seen other than in porn flicks. Even Ron Jeremy only beat this guy by a half of an inch.

He stepped up behind Ann, took aim and thrust his way into her ass. Ann's mouth was not occupied and she shrieked in pain. "Take it out, it's too big," she cried but he continued to push in to the hilt. He then started to pull out and Ann gnashed her teeth and said that she thought he was pulling her guts out. He pushed in again, faster this time and Ann yelled, "Yellow, yellow."

The guy stopped but did not pull out and gave Ann the thirty second break she was entitled to. He started to again fuck Ann's ass and she continued to beg him to take it easy but he was picking up the pace.

"Yellow, yellow," Ann yelled again.

The guy stopped and gave her another break and Paul came over and reminded Ann that she had used up her slow words.

Ann was panting trying to get used to the fullness in her ass and I tried to imagine what it would have been like if she had not already had eight guys to loosen up her ass before this monster pushed its way into her.

The time for the break was over and the guy said, "Hang on honey, the next time I stop is after I come in your little white ass."

The guy really started to let Ann have it and she continued to yelp and beg. One of the other guys got in front of Ann and was going to put his cock in her mouth to quiet her but the guy fucking her as waved him off saying, "Don't give her anything to take her mind off of what is happening to her ass."

With her mouth empty Ann continued to be vocal and the huge cock continued to fuck her ass hard. Somewhere along the way the pressure in Ann's ass must have gotten through to her clit because her cries started to turn to moans of pleasure. Even strapped down as she was we could see her valiantly try to raise her ass up to get more of the monster cock into her nether passage.

She continued to pant and moan and then on one particularly hard thrust Ann yelled, "Oh, God, I'm cumming," and exploded into an impressive orgasm. She was silent for a few seconds as the guy continued to piston his cock in and out of her ass and then yelled, "Shit, I'm cumming again."

The guy wrested three more orgasms from her before he finally blew his load into her ass.

Ann had made it, she had taken nine guys in her ass to win our bet but Paul and one other guy had not yet used her ass and the deal was that she would take the whole crew. By this point Ann was exhausted and did little more than moan softly as Paul and the last guy took their turn at her ass.

After the last guy had dumped his load Paul came over and gently ran his hand through Ann's hair. He said, "We are going to give you a little break to get cleaned up but remember we have you until 1AM."

Ann looked at the clock behind the bar and saw that it was just ten thirty. She had been getting her ass fucked for nearly two and a half hours. She also knew that she had a couple of hours more to go.

Paul and another guy undid the straps holding Ann to the bench and helped her to her feet. Her ass still gaped open and when she stood up a large dollop of cum came out and rolled down the inside of her right thigh. Paul held her up as she got her bearings and when she had steadied herself Ann walked through the club and into the changing room the club had off of the lobby. The changing room had a shower and a toilet and Ann said the first thing she did was to sit down on the toilet and let the cum flow out of her ass. She said that she could not believe how much cum came out of her.

Ann then took a shower and bushed her hair and otherwise made herself as presentable as possible. She put her heels back on and walked back out to where we were all waiting. The clock said ten fifty and after glancing at it for a few seconds Ann walked over to the bench and positioned herself to be strapped down again. You gotta give that woman credit, she is certainly game.

Two of the other guys did the honors and Ann was again soon immobilized. The fucking started again and Ann took on the crew a second time but this time they mostly came in her mouth and pussy. A couple of them had a third go at her.

Six of the guys fucked her ass a second time despite her pleas to, "Please use my pussy," making a total of seventeen ass fucks on the night.

At a minute to one in the morning Ann took two more loads, one in her pussy and the other in her mouth. We let her remain tethered to the bench for a while as the sperm oozed out of her ass and pussy and ran down her legs. There were also globs of cum on her face and in her hair.

The straps were unfastened once again and Ann went to clean up for a second time.

About 20 minutes later Ann came back in to the main room and asked for a drink. One of the guys prepared it for her and we all toasted to a fun evening.

A few of the guys had gotten dressed and left but many of those who remained were still naked as was Ann but as she had no clothes to put on she really did not have any choice. Eventually Ann wound up talking with the guy with the huge cock who was the ninth to fuck her ass. I could see her casting furtive glances at his tool which hung limply between his legs. Even soft it was an impressive specimen.

They continued to chat for a while and eventually Ann reached down and started to stroke his cock. It started to spring to life and the guy, whose name was Jayson, said, "Don't start what you won't finish."

Ann continued to stroke his cock and got down on her knees and took the head in her mouth. She took another inch or two but that was it. The cock was just too wide to fit into her throat.

After a few minutes of licking and stroking his cock Ann had it fully erect. She stood up and said, "I must be crazy for doing this but I never came as hard from a cock in my ass as I did when you fucked me the first time with it. My ass is sore from all of the fucking I did earlier tonight but I just have to feel that cock in my ass once more."

Ann then took Jayson by the hand and led him over to the bench. She draped herself over it and when two of the other guys started to put the straps on her she said, "I won't need those."

The guy who was about to fuck her ass said, "Yes, you will. Remember the first time when you used your slow word twice and screamed and begged and pleaded before you got used to it. I told you if you started you would finish and the way to make sure is to strap you down."

Ann said, "OK, if that's what you think."

"It ain't what I think, it's what I know. I have only found one lady in my whole life that has been able to take me in her ass without a lot of hollering and screaming at least at the beginning. People think having a huge cock would be great but it's a mixed bag because even though I can make women come hard with it there are a fair number of women who just cannot take it in either their ass or pussy or who see it and freak out without even trying."

Jayson nodded to the two guys who had started to put the straps on Ann and they got back to work. They secured her legs to the side of the bench, locked her hands in the cuffs and put the straps across her waist and shoulders. They stepped away when they were done.

Jayson picked up the tube of lube and forced a dollop into Ann's ass. He used first one then finally three fingers as he stretched the tight ring of her ass. Her ass yielded easily to his invasion because Ann was still a bit loose from the night's earlier activities but she was not loose enough to take something as big as his cock easily.

"OK, baby, here we go," Jayson said and started to push his cock into Ann's ass.

"Aieeeeeeeeeeeeee," Ann shrieked as it popped through her anal ring.

Jayson pushed forward and in to the hilt and Ann kept shrieking in pain. "I changed my mind," she sputtered, "Take it out."

"Sorry sweetheart, I told you if we started that we would finish and that's what we're going to do."

"Noooooooo," Ann yelled, "It feels even bigger than it did the first time."

"That's cuz the first time the eight other guys had loosened up your ass and it's just closed up some since then but I will take care of that," Jayson said as he gave Ann a couple of strokes.

Jayson again pushed in to the hilt and Ann raised her head a bit and said, "Oh, it feels like it is going to come out of my throat."

Jayson started to pull out and Ann kept blustering and protesting and yelling. Jayson stopped and said, "Your getting exactly what you asked for so shut up and take it," and he slapped Ann's butt hard with his right hand.

"Eeeeowwww," Ann yelled. In just seconds you could see the handprint on her butt from where he had spanked her.

Jayson brought his hard down even harder on Ann's butt twice more and said, "Either way you are getting your ass fucked. It can be with a spanking or without one. I am going to keep spanking you as long as you keep yelling."

"But it hurts," Ann wailed and Jayson gave her two more hard spanks. You could now see several fiery red hand prints on her pale white butt.

Jayson had his hand up ready to give Ann another spank when Ann said, "Enough, I'll be quiet."

Ann was true to her word and although she continued to sob softly you could see her biting her lower lip obviously trying to muffle the sounds.

Jayson started to piston his huge member in and out of Ann's ass and although she continued to grunt and moan it was clear that she had decided that whatever the pain of her ass fucking she was going to do what she could stay quiet enough to keep him from further blistering her butt.

He continued to fuck her ass hard for a few more minutes and then said, "That's it baby, now you're getting into it," and we could see Ann almost imperceptibly moving her butt back a little to meet his thrusts. With the straps she could not move that much anyway but she was moving as much as the straps allowed.

Just like the first time, we could also hear that her moans of pain were becoming moans of pleasure.

Jayson continued to fuck her ass and Ann did what she could to help the process. Because Jayson had already cum twice this evening he had very good stamina and Ann's ass took a real pounding.

Stroke after stroke went in to the hilt and we could see a sheen of perspiration forming on Ann's body as she got close and closer to orgasm. As one particularly hard stroke hit its mark Ann screamed, "I'm coming you fucker."

Jayson stopped thrusting for a moment and let Ann just cum on his cock that was buried fully in her ass. A few strokes later Ann yelled, "Fuck, I'm coming again."

Ann came twice more before Jayson finally reached the end of his stamina. His last couple of strokes were so hard that the bench actually moved forward an inch or two on each. "Here it comes baby," he moaned as he dumped his load into Ann's ass.

He stayed planted in her ass for a couple of moments and then pulled out with a loud pop. Jayson walked around to the front of the bench and put his cock in front of Ann's mouth. "Clean me up," he said.

I thought Ann was going to freak out as she had never done ATM before but she just opened her mouth and started to suck and lick him clean. She later told me that she was still on such a high from how hard and often she had come that she would have done anything he had told her to do.

Watching Jayson ass fuck Ann had gotten three of the guys who were left hard and they approached the bench. When Ann saw the hard cocks jutting from their bodies she said, "Oh God, just please do not fuck my ass."

Ann could do little more than mewl softly as they took turns fucking her pussy. She later told me that she felt like she was floating in and out as they fucked her cunt and although she did not come she said it was pleasurable.

Seeing no more hard dicks in the room Paul walked over to the bench and said, "Congratulations, you have fucked out everyone in the room," and he loosened the straps and helped Ann to her feet.

She went to clean up for a third time and while she was doing that the rest of the crew left leaving only Paul and I waiting for her.

When she came out she was carrying a T-shirt that she had found in a box in the changing room. It was new and had the name of the sex club on it along with some other promo type stuff.

Can I wear this?" Ann asked.

"Sure," Paul said and Ann slipped it over her head.

She almost looked sexier with it on than she did naked because it fit her fairly tightly which caused her still hard nipples to clearly jut out in the front. It was only long enough to reach part way down her butt and her pussy peeked out invitingly.

"I will drive you home," Paul said, "We can get your car back to you tomorrow from my place."

Ann and I were no sooner in our front door when she took me in her arms and said, "There is just one more cock I want in my ass tonight."

We were naked in what seemed like only seconds and I bent her over the back of one of the chairs in our living room. I did not need lube as her ass was still slick from before.

We fucked hard for a few minutes before we both came just about simultaneously. I held Ann for a few minutes as my cock softened.

Ann led the way upstairs and I could not help but marvel at how sexy her ass looked as she walked up the steps in front of me or how sexy it had looked getting fucked by Paul's crew.

When we got to the top of the steps Ann turned around and greeted me with a kiss and said, "I hope my new car has soft seats because my ass is going to need them for a while."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Sometimes seems to be much exaggerated.

Looking forward for more realistic stories

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Wrong category, idiot. And certainly not worth the storage space, just more black thug racist trash and yes, I know, those are redundant terms....

PCseniorPCseniorover 1 year ago

This story was very well put together and enjoyed the use of words thru the episodes.

Will read again when I want to get hard again

Well done

Ashno1Ashno1over 2 years ago

I think by and large these are great stories and would love to read more

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Ok, so how about the part where she has to star in a BDSM at Paul's club? I seem to remember reading that she would have to participate as the star of one of his bondage shows, and that would have made a good next page. There would of course be spanking, and paddling, and weights on nipples tied to strings that are then put over her shoulders lifting them up absurdly high. Navigating a knotted rope between her legs stretched between to poles that keeps her on her tip toes while receiving spanks on her ass from the crowd. Then there's the studded board. The damage isn't permanent, but the pain is intense, as she could be swatted with a studded board that leaves her backside bloody and on fire. Finally, 45 cm is almost 18 inches and tied to the Fuck Table, Ann could receive a flexible dildo in her ass after she allows 8 balls to be entered into her backside. The two together equal 26 inches and go well into her colon. The dildo has to disappear in her ass so to make sure that happens, another 12 inch dildo is used to poke it in. Just when she thinks it's over, a box of smooth candles appears, and they slide beside the new dildo stretching out her Anal ring. I say 'they" because she gets more than 1, and then more than 2, as the pressure around her anal entry is multiplied and the candles run races around the 12 inch dildo that's now pushing the 18 inch dildo even deeper in her ass. 8 stainless steel balls almost an inch in diameter are being bumped by an 18 inch dildo that's being bumped by a 12 inch dildo that's now almost 6 inches up her ass, (it's over 30 inches up her ass now) and is accompanied by some candles that are racing around the outside of the dildo adding girth and pressure to the tortured ass. Ann is asked if she can take another candle which would make 5 and she says "NO" , but everybody laughs ...."As if it's up to you." Her BDSM butt fucking could be epic along with the reddening, purpling , then spiking of her delicious tushy. EPIC

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