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Wife Gets Blacked For Husband

Story Info
Wife does what she has to, to save husband in prison.
11.3k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 05/01/2023
Created 09/09/2022
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Wife Gets Blacked For Husband

Everyone in this story is over the age of 18!

This story involves non-consent and use of the N word. If this bothers you I would recommend not reading any further!

The Big House

It was June 21st 2022 when my husband had his first day in jail. He was arrested for fraud which I had no idea about. We have been married for 5 years and to be 25 years old with a husband in prison I was very depressed.

I just couldn't believe this was happening. I still loved my husband with all my heart, I just couldn't believe that he would break the law this way and that we were going to have to spend a year apart whilst he was in prison.

On his last night we had an all night sex session as we both knew it would be a long time until we could do it again.

I let him have sex with me in any position he wanted that night, he chose missionary which was my favourite anyway. When we were finally done, we lay next to each other panting when he turned to me and said.

"Charlotte, are you going to wait for me to get out?"

I stared at him, shocked he would even suggest such a thing. I took his face in my hand and replied.

"Of course I will. I love you! It's only 1 year and you will be home."

We held each other and cried throughout that night, and in the morning he was gone.

I sat at home on my own for a few days, crying and thinking how was I going to continue without him.

My family tried to keep me busy, although a lot of them have turned against George since his conviction, they all still loved me.

My sister Janet actually suggested I start dating again, which we had a huge falling out over! I couldn't believe that she would suggest such a thing! I was married and had I knew I could easily wait a year for him to get out.

It wasn't until 2 weeks later that I was allowed to go and visit him. Sitting opposite each other with a glass wall between us, he looked better than I expected. I assumed he was putting on a happy front for my benefit, but I am glad he didn't look too bad.

"How have they been treating you?" I asked.

"It's not bad you know, I have spoken to a few guys in here and they all seem okay. Maybe this year won't be so bad." He told me which made me very happy.

"That's amazing," I told him and then my face dropped, "I miss you."

"I miss you too. I wish I could touch you and hug you." He told me.

I would love nothing more than to feel his body against mine or have his hand in mine.

"What's the food like?" I asked trying to keep the conversation light.

"Better than my cooking anyway!" He said with a laugh.

It was strange, I wanted to cry, but I laughed with him. Wanting to seem okay myself.

"How often can I see you?" I asked him.

"I think once a week but I'm not sure." He told me.

I made a mental note to find that out, wanting to see him as much as possible.

"How are you doing? Have you managed to find a job?" George asked me.

When George was working, he made enough money for me to not have to work. That has since changed, I have been looking for work but I haven't found anything. Being out of work for 4 years, it's hard to find anyone that wants me.

"Not yet, but I will soon." I told him, not wanting him to worry.

"Just be careful with the savings, you need to make them last." He told me, knowing that once they are done then I have no more money.

"I will, I promise." I told him.

We chatted as usual for the next thirty minutes until we were told it's time to go.

"I will see you as soon as possible!" I told him.

"I hope so, I love you so much!" He said.

"I love you too." I replied with a single tear running down my cheek.

Walking out of the prison, I was wiping away the tears until I got into my car and couldn't hold them in any longer. It took me twenty minutes to control myself and finally drive home.

When I finally got back, my best friend Sarah was outside my house waiting for me.

"Hey, I wanted to check in with you." She said.

Without saying anything, I pulled her in for a hug and started to cry onto her shoulder.

"Why don't we go inside and have a cup of tea?" She suggested which I just nodded in reply.

Once inside, I sat down and Sarah brought me a cup of tea.

"How was he?" She asked.

"He seemed well, sounds like he's made some friends." I told her with a smile.

"That sounds like George, he can talk to anyone." Sarah said. "And how are you?" She asked.

"I'm, okay." I replied, not sure how to answer, "It's all very weird. Being here on my own."

"I bet it is." She replied putting a hand on my thigh to comfort me.

"I miss him so much." I told her and started to cry again.

"Aww hunny I know you do. It'll be okay." She said giving me a hug, "Do you remember our holiday last June to Spain?" She asked.

"Yes," I said blowing my nose, "When you got so drunk we had to carry you to bed?" I said with a laugh.

"That's the one!" She replied laughing with me, "That feels like it was only yesterday, but that was a year ago." She told me.

She was right, a year will fly by and George will be back where he belongs with me.

Sarah stayed with me for a few hours until she had to go back to her family. Being on my own in my house just made everything worse, it was so quiet and lonely.

Getting into bed, I had no tears left to cry and eventually I managed to drift off to sleep thinking of George.

The Fight

"Best way to distract yourself, get some sex!" My friend Kelly said.

"Kelly!" Sarah shouted at her.

They had both come round for dinner to keep me company when Kelly suddenly blurted that out.

"What? I am sure George would understand! You need to get your mind off it!" She argued.

"She doesn't need to hear that right now!" Sarah moaned back to her.

I hated that everyone now saw me as the sad victim. Don't get me wrong, I felt like one, but I didn't want others to see me like that.

So, I put on a smile and tried to joke back to act okay.

"I wouldn't do that to George, besides I have only ever seen his bits, I do not need to see another one!" I laughed.

"Wait?!" Kelly shouted putting her drink down, "You have only ever been with George?!"

"Well, we met when we were 16 remember!" I told her.

"That is crazy!" Kelly argued, "I have slept with more men than I can count!" She told me.

"Oh we know!" Sarah joked sipping her wine.

"Hey sex is great! But only one guy! I don't know how you do it!" Kelly laughed.

"Well, I know I like George's, so why would I need any more?" I said.

"Because they are all different, you don't know what you're missing out on!" She said.

"Not everyone is as slutty as you." Sarah mocked.

"I am slutty, but own it!" Kelly said happily.

"Well I couldn't even think of being with another man, I only want George." I said with a smile, I have always been perfectly happy with George and I know I never needed another man.

"Exactly." Sarah defended me.

"Well, if you ever need some more, let me know. I have loads of guy friends that would love to have a go on you!" Kelly said.

"Kelly!!" Sarah shouted.

"What?" Kelly shouted back, "Charlotte is hot, good tits, curvy arse, skinny! What guy wouldn't want her?"

"I am flattered," I said laughing and shaking my head, "But it's a no."

"Your loss." Kelly said.

It was lovely having the girls round, I almost forgot about my own sadness for a few hours. That was until they left and again, I was alone.

I decided that I needed to distract myself somehow, so I got out the present George got for me before he went to prison.

Opening my draw, I pulled out the rabbit vibrator. Loading up my phone I clicked on a porn video. Nothing major, just a normal guy and girl having sex.

I slowly slid the vibrator inside of me, it was bigger than George so I felt like I was stretching around it but when the vibrating on my clit started I saw stars!

My moaning got louder and louder, my chest was heaving and as I was watching this blond woman having sex I felt my orgasm was building quicker and quicker.

"Yeeessss." I whispered as my orgasm shook through my body.

Cleaning the toy, I managed to fall asleep quiet easily after that.

The next day.

I was visiting George again, signing in I sat down on my side of the glass and waited for him to show up.

My heart felt like it was sinking when he appeared in front of me.

"George?! What the hell happened?!" I asked in shock, he had a giant black eye and a cut on his cheek and lip.

"It's nothing." He replied, not his usual happy self, he seemed deflated.

"No it's not! Tell me now?!" I forced.

"I just had some trouble with a few guys in here." He whispered.

"That is not good enough, I'm telling one of the guards." I said.

This made him panic, his eyes shot wide and he almost shouted down the phone.

"No! That'll just make it worse!" He said.

"I can't just leave this George, if you are getting bullied you have to tell someone." I told him.

"No Charlotte, I can deal with it myself." He told me.

I then saw my husband massively flinch when another inmate walked behind him, looking up I saw a big, black man walking past and grazed his hand against George's back. He looked back at me and he smiled.

He looked big and scary, he was well over 6 foot, his clothes barely held in his muscles and he had a tattoo on his face.

When he was gone, I whispered.

"Was that the man who did this?"

"Yes." He whispered.

"George, you can't just let him do that to you." I said.

"I know, it's just..." He said and then stopped.

"Just what?" I asked.

"Nothing, it's nothing." He replied.

"I can't help you if you don't let me!" I said back to him.

"Just leave it Charlotte. I'm sorry." He said and then stood up abruptly.

"Where are you going?" I shouted down the phone.

"I have to leave, I will speak to you soon. I'm sorry." He replied and walked off.

I couldn't believe it, I have been waiting all week to see him and he just walks off like that after a few minutes! He was getting beaten up in there and I wasn't going to sit back and let it happen.

Standing up, I marched over to a guard and said.

"I want to speak to whoever runs this place."

Looking at me, he said.

"I'm sorry ma'am, he is busy."

"No. I want to see him now!" I shouted back at him.

After a minute of looking at me, the guard sighed and said.

"Follow me."

I walked down the corridor of the prison behind the guard until he led me into an office.

"Can I help you?" The man sat behind the desk asked.

"Do you run this place?" I asked marching into the room.

"Yes." He said.

"Good, my husband George is a new inmate, I just saw him then and he is covered in cuts bruises!" I shouted.

"Did he tell you what happened?" The man asked.

"No, he was too afraid! But a big black man with cornrows and a tattoo on his face walked past and my husband said that he did it!" I told him.

"Hmm, I think I know who you mean." He said leaning back on his chair.

"So, are you going to fix it?" I asked, furious with his none caring attitude.

"I will get right on it, don't you worry." He said.

Although I wasn't happy with his not bothered attitude, I stormed out of the office and headed home.

If I was bad before, I was worse now! What if they kept beating George up, what if they killed him!! I broke down in tears once again and curled into a ball on my bed. Just when I thought this year could go fast, this has to happen!

The Proposed Deal

The last week I was a mess, I was constantly panicking about George. I called the prison a dozen of times to find out what has been done but I was always given a useless answer.

When it finally came to the day I could see him again I was a nervous wreck. Which was made ten times worse when I saw George limping towards his seat and covered in even more bruises.

"George? What's happened?" I asked in shock and sadness.

"Did you tell the Marshall that Tyrone beat me up?" He asked, not even looking at me. Although through his giant black eye it would probably be hard for him to see me anyway.

"I told him that black man with the cornrows did it!" I argued.

"You shouldn't have done that! Now they all think I am a rat, I'm a target now!" He shouted at me.

"I was trying to help!" I argued back.

"I told you to leave it." He whispered angrily back to me.

I thought it would help, I never thought it would make it worse. After a minute, my guilt overpowered me and I had to ask.

"What did they do to you?"

"You.. you don't want to know." He told me.

I was torn, I felt like I needed to know what happened, but it could also make me worse.

"Will they stop now?" I asked.

"No." He replied, as soon as I heard the words my eyes started pouring with tears. Until he spoke again, "They said they would only stop for something in return."

"What is it? Do whatever they want!" I pleaded with him.

"Actually, they want something from you." He whispered to me.

"What do you mean? Like smuggle something in?" I asked, not having any desire to smuggle anything into the prison, but if it would save my husband then I wouldn't even think twice about it. I would do anything to help him.

"No, not that." He stuttered. I could tell he was trying to speak, but the words weren't coming.

"Then what?" I asked him.

"They want you to, do something." He said.

Losing my patience I shouted, "George just tell me!!"

George looked at me for a minute, I could see a tear falling from his one good eye as he whispered.

"He has a friend, Izaak, they want you to.... To..."

"To what?!" I urged him.

"They want you to let him use you." He suddenly blurted out.

I shot back in my chair, not quiet believing what he just said and taking a moment to process the information.

"What do you mean?" I asked, although I could guess what he meant, I prayed it wasn't that.

"Tyrone, the guy with the cornrows. He said if you give Izaak a blowjob, he will stop beating on me." George whispered out, sniffing his nose as a few tears came down his face.

I didn't believe what I just heard.

"George, I... I..." I couldn't find the words.

"I don't want you to do it Charlotte. I will find another way." He suddenly said to me.

"What if you can't?" I asked, as much as the thought made me feel sick, I would do anything to help my husband.

"I will Charlotte, don't worry." He said pressing his hand against the glass.

Moving mine to meet his I whispered.

"How can I not worry."

We barely spoke for a few minutes after that and before I knew it, it was time for me to go. We both said I love you and then I left.

In my car, I sat in shock. I can't believe they have told that to George. That they want me to give someone a blowjob in return to not hurting him! I felt like I was in on sick film, like this wasn't really happening to me.

Driving home, I couldn't help but think about it. If things got worse, I knew I would do this for George, I just pray to god that it didn't get worse.

When I got home, I searched the internet for help or for people that have experience things like this but it was no use. I couldn't find anything, most of what I said told me to report it to the marshal, but when I did that it just made things worse.

I didn't sleep a wink that night, the whole time my mind was racing with what was going to happen.

The next few days were the same, my friends and family tried to call me but I just ignored them. I know that they would try and distract me, but nothing could distract me from this. No one could help me and there was no way I could tell anyone about this. I stopped looking for jobs altogether, I couldn't possibly go for an interview in this state.

It was three days after seeing George when my phone rang. Answering it, there was a robot voice telling me it was a call from prison and I confirmed I wanted receive it.

"George?" I asked quickly.

"Charlotte." I heard George's voice, but he sounded rough and hors.

"What's happened?" I questioned.

"It's got worse." He said down the phone, I could almost hear the sadness in his voice.

"Oh." Is all I could say back to him.

"I am so sorry Charlotte." He said.

"Don't apologise George, it's not your fault." I replied as my stomach felt sick.

"I told them that you would do it." He suddenly said which took me back. I knew if I had to then I would, but George giving me to them without asking me, I almost couldn't believe it.

"Charlotte?" He asked when I didn't reply.

"I'm still here." I bluntly replied, in shock of the situation before me.

"I can't take it any longer, I'm sorry." He replied.

A lump formed in my throat, trying to stay strong for my husband I gathered myself and said back.

"It's okay, when?"

"Tomorrow, he has given me an address for you to go to." George said, I grabbed a pen and wrote down the address.

"Charlotte, I love you." He said to me.

"I love you too." I said and suddenly the phone cut out.

I looked at the address in my hand, it was about twenty minutes' drive away. Sitting down I poured myself a glass of wine.

I know I was going to do it, I had to. It wasn't a choice, I would do what I have to in order to protect my husband.

Meeting Izaak

I was just out of the shower, looking at myself in the mirror with just a towel around me.

"This is it, be brave." I said to myself.

Getting dressed, I put on a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt. Ready to do what I had to, ready to see only the second cock in my life.

Getting into my car, I put the address onto Google Maps and headed off. It took me just over twenty minutes until I pulled up to the house. It was a bit of a rough area and I was panicking about leaving my BMW out on the street, but right now I had more important things to worry about.

Walking down the path, I knocked on the door, when no one answered for a minute I was happy, thinking that no one was home. That was until the door unlocked and opened.

"You must be George's girl." He said.

I looked at him, he was a very tall, very muscly black man. His white teeth shined from his smile and he had deep, brown eyes. With his very short, black hair he could be considered a model, if I didn't know he was a member of some sort of gang.

"My... My name is Charlotte." I nervously said, looking up at this man who was twice my size.

"Get in here." He said opening the door.

I followed him in, the inside looked as bad as the outside. It had a ripped sofa, battered tables and a few glasses hanging around. I felt his big hand on my back ushering me further and I nearly jumped out of my skin in panic.

"Calm down little girl, we both know why you are here." He said, his voice was deep and manly.

I wasn't racist in the slightest, but I just never have had much contact with black people in my life, I definitely have never thought about them in a sexual way. Although I had to admit, if it wasn't for these circumstances, I would probably find Izaak attractive.

I stayed perfectly still in the middle of his living room as Izaak walked over and sat down on his sofa with his legs spread. He was wearing green shorts and a black t-shirt. Smiling at me, he said.

"You know what you are here for don't you?"

"Yes." I whispered keeping my eyes on the floor.

"And what is that?" He asked.

"To give you a blowjob." I told him.

"That's right, and in return. Tyrone will leave your husband alone." He said. When I looked up at him, he was grinning at me. "Well, get on your knees." He ordered.

I knew that I had to do it, so why fight it. I did as he said and lowered myself onto his soft carpet.

"Good, crawl to me." He said.

Silently, I crawled on my hands and knees until I was between his legs.


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