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Wifes Becomes An Escort For A Night

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With no money, wife goes on a date with a weathly older man.
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"I'm going to be a wreck and he's going to just laugh at me," my wife Hayley (22) said as she checked her make up and adjusted her beanie in the passenger seat mirror.

"You're not a wreck persay," I laughed, "Yes, I mean, you definitely have a dorky quality about you, but it's charming. If he doesn't see that then it's a sign we don't do this," I uttered back.

My names Colin (23) and the reason my wifes nervous is she is about to meet a guy named, Glenn, for a coffee date. That's correct, the woman who I shared vows with is getting ready to go out on a coffee date with another man - and I'm the one dropping her off.

I'll make the explanation short. Money - we have none. I just graduated and work an 8-5p and even work a catering gig while Hayley teaches part time palates and is trying to still make it as a ballet dancer, so not the most income. Between rent, utilities, student loans, and eating we are barely making it and none the less saving anything.

It wasn't until last week when Hayley noticed one of the other ballerinas, Chelsea, who is younger, 18 year old, in college, and doesn't have a job kept coming in with new gear. Turns out she had a sugar daddy and did escort services. After talking with Chelsea she informed us some don't want any sex only the company of females. Hence the predicament we decided to put ourselves in now.

Back to the present. Hayley put on a fake pair of reading glasses. "What's with the glasses?" I asked as she has never worn glasses.

"I don't want anyone to recognise me with another man," she responded back.

"That's ridiculous, and not going to work. You're not Clark Kent," I quipped back.

"Your old halloween costume is exactly where I found these actually," she shot back. "Love you," she said quickly before shutting the door.

Hayley walked into the coffee shop while I went around to park. Our plan is for me to be present in case anything goes ari. Few moments later walking in I immediately saw Hayley sitting alone looking so cute with her beanie, and glasses like a hipster who belonged in a coffee shop. We acknowledged each other and I sat at a table adjacent.

A few moments had gone by and nothing. She looked so good I actually felt bad she may get stood up. I did a subtle look around the room where Hayley and I made eye contact and funny shrugs to each other. I actually felt relieved no one may show. Then as if on cue a man walked into the shop and I knew it was him. He was older, 45ish, Gray hair and in great shape for his age. He looked down at his phone then scanned the room finding Hayley. A big wave before flashing a charming smile.

"Hayley, I presume?" Glenn said.

"Yes, Yes," Hayley fumbled standing up to shake his hand.

"Pardon my lateness, I kind of contemplated going through with this myself. Have you done this before?"

"Yes many times, many times " Hayley lied almost as if trying to convince herself more then Glenn, "We will just get to know each other a little then go on a casual date later."

"Oh I thought I asked for a newbie like me. Would make this seem easier if I knew it was our first time or something," Glenn responded.

"Okay. you got me," Hayley broke, which I thought to myself chuckling, "really one line and you break this persona you just created after line being called out" Hayley continued, "I just thought it sounded better and confident if I said I had done this before."

"Oh no, the opposite. I like this way better. See my palms are all sweaty from thinking I had an expert," Glen said back.

"Me too," Hayley laughed back, "And just to reiterate, our mutail friend of a mutual friend who set this up said you don't want sex, right?"

"Yeah, that's right. I just have this company banquet tonight and thought it would look good for me to arrive with someone. You look stunning how you are now. I can't wait to see what you look like later. All ballerinas are stunning but you are extra stunning. The reason I even had a hookup with finding you and your friend is I own a percentage of a ballet company in my hometown. Kinda hope you can keep this discrete. "

"Totally," Hayley replied.

They really hit it off after that. They talked about ballet, art, and words and phrases I couldn't even follow. Suddenly my phone buzzed. Hayley texted me.

Hayley: You can leave if you want. I think he is okay.

Me: You sure?

Hayley: Yeah I'm fine.

Me: Okay, I was wondering how long I can sit alone here before it became suspect haha

Hayley: LoL. I'll uber home.

I sat on the couch watching tv waiting for Hayley to get home. It had been well above an hour since I had left Hayley and Glen at the coffee shop. I couldn't concentrate or distract myself with what was on TV, or in my social media feeds. I found myself with one hand down my pants, normal couch behavior anyway, but I was surprised and taken back by having thoughts of Hayley with this older man. I pulled my erecting cock out as I got more comfortable on the couch. I thought how an older man like Glen would never be able to get a girl like Hayley without money and how excited he would be to get in my wifes young tight pussy. The idea made me actually explode into a nearby napkin. I was still shooting cum when the sound of the door became unlocked.

Thinking quickly I buried the cum filled napkin into the couch cushions - I didn't want to have to admit anything to Hayley.

"Hey honey!" I yelled, "How'd it go?"

"Hey!," my wife smiled back, holding a green dress in her arms, "It went really well. Best case scenario I imagine. He's nice, charming, and doesn't look half bad for his age, and he bought me this dress for tonight."

"Nice! Yeah I think this should actually go well. Did you find out where this date is?" I asked.

"It's some event at his hotel. At the Hilton i think,"

"Really?" I said a tad hesitant.

"Yeah, why?" Hayley responded curiously.

"That's probably the event I'm catering for tonight..." I said back.

"Oh... will that be weird?" she asked.

"No... No...nah," I convinced myself, "If anything I'll be able to keep an eye on you some more."

"True true yeah totally!" Hayley responded, though from her tone I'm not sure she liked the idea of being followed tonight.

Later that night I put on my dorky looking catering event vest attire while Hayley stood in front of the mirror doing her makeup in a black bra and thong set. She looked gorgeously stunning. Her fit thin smooth legs leading to her tiny bubble butt always gets me going.

BZZT! Her phone buzzed on the bathroom counter top.

"Glenn I presume?" I said in a mockery voice.

"Yeah, he just wants to know if I was getting ready," she yelled back from the bathroom. After a long pause she yelled out to me, "Collin! Come here!"

"Is everything okay?" I asked as I walked into the restroom.

"Read Glenn's text," she said, handing me her phone.

Glenn: Glad to hear you are getting ready! The mere thought of you in the dress we picked out really gets me flustered with excitement. I know we had agreed upon no sex, but I was curious what the boundries or pricing would be on some nude selfies? Thinking $125 for three photos?

"Wow, his texting is just as politely douche as how he talks," I let out before Hayley elbowed me in the stomach.

"That's not exactly what I was hoping to get your opinion on," Hayley frustratedly let out.

Scratching the back of my hair, "I don't know what you think?"

Hayley's attention went back to her phone and began typing.

Hayley: These would be for a private collection I'm sure?

The bubble of Glenn typing back was suspenseful.

Glenn: Oh yes, just for me. I don't care to share these types of things. If you could include your face as well so I know it's really you. Plus it's your best feature if I say.

Hayley: Can venmo me the money first.

"So you're going to do it?" I asked.

"You stood there all dumb and gave no input, $125, I guess this is what we are doing this for...right? Well... the funds just came in...," Hayley said.

"But I thought we said no sex?" I said back.

"This isn't sex," she took a deep breathe and removed her bra and slid her thong down her legs before puttkng her phone up to the mirror with the other hand pushing her hair up and making kissy faces. Snap I heard the camera take a shot of her bare breast before making another pose and face, then to make her 3 photo quota turning around to get an ass to mirror photo.

"You know he's going to use these for his spank bank," I said

"Gross," she said back, "I'm also pretending to be his girlfriend tonight. Might as well go all in to get the green tonight. Plus I kind of hid my face with my hand gestures."

"Can you also send those to me?" I asked under my breath.

"Are you going to pay me for them as well?" she playfully joked back.

Later that night, Since we were going to the same event we drove together. Parking the car I couldn't take my eyes off Hayley, she looked as beautiful as the day we got married.

"Babe, you truly do look amazing, you get to keep that dress right?" I whispered as I leaned in for a kiss, but Hayley backed away like a girl denying a first kiss attempt.

"Thanks honey, but I don't want my lipstick to smear. Plus what would your boss think showing up with my red lipstick smeared on you. Not very professional," she joked as she exited the car.

I watched her enter the lobby of the hotel as I made my way to the back to check in where I needed to be.

All night I was completely distracted and straight terrible at my job. I kept looking at my phone during the night and nothing from Hayley. I kept looking for her in the crowd, but could not find her nor Glenn. One of my bosses handed me a tray to serve to guests. Going through the motions of asking guests if they wanted food I stopped in my tracks - through the crowd was Hayley in her stunning green dress with her arms around Glenn, and his hand laid against her lower back practically if not on her ass. She was doing her job to a tee as a trophy girlfriend to show off for the night.

I immediately made a b-line for them. Interrupting the laughter between my wife and Glenn.

"May I offer some horderves?" I said with a smirk and the most enthusiasm I've had all night.

"Would you like anything sweetie?" Glenn offered. Hearing my wife being called a pet name astoundingly hit me in the gut.

"Oh gosh, I'm starving," Hayley replied until our eyes locked which startled her to see it was me.

"You two having a good night?" I asked.

"With a woman like this at my side and champagne in my hand who can complain," Glenn inserted, squeezing Hayley close to him and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

I wanted to talk more but another couple interrupted to get what I was serving and just like that they disappeared into the crowd.

A few moments later Hayley found me.

"Hey how's it going?" I curiously whispered.

"It's actually going really well. He's in the restroom now. Older yes, but he's taught me about a lot of things and he's actually pretty open and intuitive with his emotions from what I can tell. Oh there he is, gotta go."

I was able to find her yet again at the close of the event as attendees started to clear out. Hayley locked eyes with me with hesitation in her eyes. Nodding her head down to her phone signaling me to pull my phone out of my pocket - I had a message from Hayley.

Hayley: He wants me to go up to his penthouse.

Me: Do you feel safe? Just to hang out?

Hayley: No one offers to take a girl to their penthouse to just "hang out". Think he wants to play checkers? lol.

Me: But we agreed upon no sex, so it's probably fine?

Hayley: He's said how good I look and "he didn't think he would do this," but he said he "would be remiss if he didn't ask how much to go further?"

Me: The events done. We have the money for rent, let's be done and meet at the car in the parking garage.

I pause before sending another text.

Me : What's he offering LOL just out of curiosity.

Hayley: Uh let me ask... Would it even matter?

Across the room I could see Hayley lean over and whisper into Glenn's ear. He chuckled moving his hand from her lower back to giving her a pat on the ass then ushered her to the elevator. As the elevator door closed Hayley shot me a look of indecision.

I immediately texted.

Me: What was that? What you say? What he say?

Hayley: I just asked what he was thinking. He said $200 to get me to his room to see where it goes. WYT?

WYT standing for what you think.

Me: I mean, $200 for you to deny him aint bad.

My shift was over, so I waited across the street in my car in the car park. 20 minutes went by. Then 35. It felt like centuries. My phone lit up. Incoming call "Wifey".

"Hello! hello?, Where are you," I spurted out.

"Hey, I'm in his bathroom," Hayley whispered back.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"We have just been talking and drinking wine. It's been nice... but...he wants to go further? He offered a blowjob for $300. I'm not saying yes, I just wanted to keep you updated."

"Wait, are you serious? I'm not saying yes, if anything I would say handjob only," I replied.

"I tried that, he said, 'he's not in his highschool years anymore," Hayley laughed.

"$300?" I asked, hearing a "mhmm," back before continuing, "Do you want to do it?" It went quiet. I could tell by her voice she didn't want to admit anything. I mean why wouldn't she, she just had a more glamorous date than anything I could provide with a successful "intriguing" man. I continued, "I think you should either get out now or this is the last thing and we never do this again. The only reason I say that is that it's a great amount towards next month's rent and I don't know the idea of you doing that turns me on."

"Really?" She questioned before continuing, "I feel like if I do this I'm now in the prostitute camp more then a glamorous escort"

"I don't know, I didn't think it would but my dick is starting to harden to think about it, so that's saying something. Do you like him" I egged on.

"Okay... that was a lot. I mean, I barely barely know him but yeah he's sweet. Gah he just asked how I was doing, I gotta go, I'll keep you posted promise," she said lovingly back.

"Are you going to do it?" I pressed again.

Quiet again before a whispering sound, "I think so."

"Leave the phone on," I requested.

"What?" Hayley said shocked.

"Mute me, but leave the call on so I can hear. Ya know only if he turns on you I can come help? What room are you in?" I think I managed to convince her.

"I feel more pressure knowing you are listening but that makes sense okay, i'm on the fifth floor, Suite 501," she said back.

With that I heard the door open. I could hear everything.

"Sorry that took so long," I could hear Hayley say.

"Were you talking? Thought I heard voices?" Glenn asked.

"Ya know, gotta call the worried girlfriend and let her know I was safe and everything was going well," Hayley replied.

"Oh, it's going well?" Glenn quipped.

"Perhaps," Hayley quickly quipped back.

"Good cause I find you beautiful, cunning, intellectual and very.. very... desirable," Glenn said with his charm turned up to a hundred.

I found my leg shaking my toes uncontrollably moving, and rubbing my cock through my pants sitting in the car listening. Hearing them begin to make out I looked around the car park to see no one around before the erotsism took control taking out my cock to stroke. Placing the phone on the dashboard on the speaker.

The unmistakable sound of kissing and clothes stripping. and unzipping followed by moans clearing coming from Glenn.

"Oh man, that sprung up higher than expected," I heard Hayley say.

"I may not be no spring chicken anymore, but I like to think I still got it," Glenn said back.

It had started... My wife now had another man's cock in her mouth. It was erotic, gutwrenching, exciting all rolled up.

"Mhm, yeah, mhm..,yeah how far down can you go," Glenn moaned.

Then the most erotic and unreal sound of my wife slurping on his cock. My mind raced on all spectrums to how I let this happen. To how I didn't think to have her video call on. I'm not sure if imagination was better or worse in this case.

"Not sure I can go very far down on this thing, but your chest is also so sexy" I heard my wife say before the sounds of her mouth diving back onto his cock.

I think imagination may be worse, 'not sure how far down' that phrase is so open to interpretation. How big is he? Bigger than me?

Regardless, cum began spurting out of my cock. The feeling of warm cum on my hand made the erotic fog clear. I had soon realized my beautiful wife had another man's cock in her cute petite mouth. I felt disgusted. Cleaning up the cum with a shirt I found in the car. Feeling the warmth of my cum I imagined how this man's seed would be ejactulating down my wifes throat.

Coming from the phone a scream clearly from Hayley snapped my attention.

"We didn't discuss this," Hayley said in a laughter making me think she was okay, "That... feels... good though. Damn..."

"This pussy looked too smooth and clean not to partake," I heard Glenn say.

In the years we had been together Hayley only on occasion let me go down after begging. Used to say to me she "felt self conscious about it too much to ever enjoy it." From what I could hear unless she was faking it sounded like she was very much enjoying herself.

As almost on cue from my train of thought I heard from her, "Oh shit," followed by the sound of what I can only describe as her pulsating like she was riding a motorcycle or something while holding her breathe before gasping for air and continuing, "I'm cumming, don't stop," followed by the sound of her exhaling.

"This pussy is soaked, mind if I just play with the tip of my cock on your pussy. Just the tip maybe?" Glenn asked.

Just the tip, the oldest play in the men's playbook I thought. It went quiet after that. I imagine he was playing with the tip on her pussy now.

"Just fucking put it in," Hayley shouted sounding exhausted. I couldn't believe what I thought I heard. I put the phone against my ear to make sure not to miss anything and to hopefully get some clarifying phrases next.

I began to hear moans. I again found myself confused as I found this erotic but also know the general idea of my wife being fucked by another man is not looked upon as normal. I hung up and jumped out of the car running down the garage stairs to the street level towards the hotel. I was going to claim my wife back.

The 2 minute elevator ride again felt like centuries long. Heart rate racing - until I stood in front of the suit room - 501 - that's when I felt cold. Do I knock? Did I run here to only go with my tail between my legs? I was the one who encouraged this. However, I decided to knock.. I heard shuffling in the room. The door swung open to see Glenn standing there naked with a towel around his waist. He was as fit as I suspected, gray hairs covered his chiseled chest. Looking at him I didn't feel like a man in this situation, but a boy in trouble as if looking at his father.

Glenn spoke first, "Hey, from the event downstairs, right?" Which made sense as I was still in my catering outfit.

"Yeah, Yeah that's right," I stumbled without really having a game plan.

"What's going on?" Glenn asked.

I made something up, "we had a noise complaint and wanted to make sure everything was okay?"

Glenn stepped towards me with a sigh and smile whispering, "Sorry, got a girl in here you know how it goes. We will try and keep it down. No promises though she's wild."

At that moment Hayley appeared with a thin blanket wrapped around her breast down to the floor. We made eye contact for a few seconds.

Glenn jumped in, "Hey babe, just a little misunderstanding. Let me grab my wallet real quick." Glenn walked away leaving the door open as he disappeared around a corner into the room.


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