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Wife's Night Out

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I give her enough rope to hang herself.
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Wife's Night Out, Giving her enough rope to hang herself

You all know my writing style well enough to know If you like it or not. If not, don't bother to read It. Chilleywilley helped me a bit on it, but he's not much better than I am. So it's rough, but it's the way I wrote It.


It was Friday night and Char was getting out of the tub as I came into the bathroom.

"Damn, you're going all out for tonight," I said.

She replied, "You bet your ass I am. Tonight I might just get lucky."

We laughed like hell. She is the last girl in the world that would do anything. They started to go out last May to get away from us guys and the kids. They went out twice in May and had fun, but knocked it off for the summer.

Now that it was the cold season again, they had gone out five more times, and this was the sixth. They range from 27 to 35 years of age. There were five going tonight. They go to the clubs and let off some steam, so I am told. I had it in my mind that I was going to check on them and see what they were up to.

Detective Lance Johnson told me all the limo drivers were registered with the city and he found out who was driving them that night. Lance gave the guy my cell number and told him to call me after he dropped them at the last place of the night. I talked to him at the curb when he came to pick her up. His name was Jack and he said he would call me.

He picked them up at 7 and they started drinking in the limo. Only two of the women drink much at all. The rest just drink at parties. Well, all that counts is that they have fun, I guess.

Jack called me at 10 and told me where the girls were. He said, "Some guys on the college football team were following them and went to this bar too."

I thanked him and went to change to go check on them. I knew they had good bouncers at this club, so nothing would get out of hand unless they wanted it to. When I got there, it was packed, as it always was on a Friday night. This is good, I was thinking, it would be hard for them to see me. I got a beer from the bar and headed for the upstairs overlooking the dance floor.

There was a table open and it was perfect, you could see the whole dance floor and the tables and some of the booths. I looked down at the booths and there sat Sue and Sara with two guys and there was one guy standing. So I looked out on the floor and Char was dancing with a big ass dude. Then as I looked back at the booth, I saw that they all were big guys. They didn't look very old maybe 22-25 but they sure were built.

Looked like they were all linemen, about 220 to 250 pounds. Char came back to the seat and he followed her right into the booth. He had his arm around her and pulled her closer to him every few minutes. Watching them dance for the next few minutes, they all seemed to be more or less paired off. The guy with Char was trying his best to get some cheap feels from her. I had no way of knowing how many drinks they had, but I could see it was too many.

It was then that I spotted a guy I work with at the bar, so I went down to check on him. When I found him, he was at the end of the bar in a corner. I went over to talk to him and have a second beer. We started to talk sports and next I knew he said, "I have to leave." I looked at my watch and it was one thirty. We said bye, and I headed for my post.

When I got back, Char was on the dance floor with the same guy but this time he had his hands moving on her ass and she had her head on his shoulders. They turned and I think he had a hand in her bra. They came back to the booth and his hand slipped right into her bra and she never stopped him or pulled away.

Then, god damn it, he was playing with her legs. Next he was kissing her. Some of the group left to dance and he pulled her over more with her feet coming up to the seat and his hand went right to her pussy as he kissed her. He played with her pussy through the dress for a good 10 minutes and you could tell she was getting hot.

It was clear as day where this was going. but If I broke it up now, it would just be drunken groping, which in our circle Isn't a crime. Bad taste to do it without me around, but not so serious. I wanted it to be over the line, but short of her fucking him. It would be a crisis our marriage would survive, and as serious crisis that she would not forget or rationalize. Hard as it was, I let her run a while longer.

Next she sat up, and he took her hand and put it on his cock. He was whispering in her ear. She got up and left for rest rooms. He was fooling with his pants. I think he was getting his cock out and trying to hide it under his coat. When she came back she slid in next to him, and kissed and giggled. She opened her purse and he laughed. She pulled her panties and bra out and he put them in his pocket.

They cuddled and kissed and again his hands went for her pussy. She was getting hot from what I could see. Then he pulled her closer and his hand went under her dress to her pussy. She had her eyes closed, and he kissed her. He pulled his hand out and he licked it and gave it to her to lick. She took his hand and sucked on his fingers. He then took her hand and led it to his cock. She giggled and she started to jack it for him. His hand went back to her pussy. I had seen enough, so I headed for the bar.

Damn was I ever pissed off! I went to the bar and got myself I wanted a beer, but I had had enough. I looked at my watch and it was just a few minutes after two. I decided It was time to go and join them. I wanted an audience so I waited for Pam and Sue to come out of the ladies room. I stood by the entrance so they would think I just came in. When I saw them, I was by the coat check room so they thought I had checked my coat. Wow were they feeling good. Sue was all over me, and then Pam joined in.

She said, "Wait here and we will get Char."

I said, "That's all right, we will go have a drink with her." They grabbed me by each arm and took me to their table. Char was in a deep kiss on his lap with his hands under her skirt.

I slid into the seat and said, "So, how is the party going, girls."

She heard me and she broke her kiss and saw it really was me and jumped up hitting the table and spilling drinks. As everyone grabbed for his or her drinks, as she slid off his lap.

She said, "What are you doing here?"

"I got called into work and figured I would stop by for quick beer before going home."

The guy with her reached over and said he was Joe. I told him my name and he started to introduce me to the guys.

He said, "The season is over and we are celebrating the end of it."

I said, "You guys had a good year."

"Thanks Nick." Jack asked Sue to dance and I grabbed Sara to dance with me. As we were dancing, she said,

"We met these college guys and we all sat together."

I said, "They seem like a fun bunch of guys."

She said, "They are, but a little oversexed."

I said, "All guys are."

"I guess you are right," and we laughed.

When we got back, Char grabbed me and gave me a hug. She said,

"Why don't we go home and have some fun."

I said: "I just got here and wanted a few drinks before I go. Work was tough and I want to unwind."

I wanted to fry her a bit. The longer she was here, the less control she had of the situation. She would not know what the others told me, so at a time of my choosing, she would have to tell the truth.

The girls headed for the ladies room, and Joe said,

"I'm sorry; I didn't know she was your wife."

I said:

"No sweat. You should see the parties our group has when we get the girls a little drunk," and we all laughed.

Paul and Ted came back from dancing and asked where the girls went. We told them they when to potty.

"And to remove some clothes," added Jack, as we all laughed some more.

We ordered another round of drinks. As the girls showed, up everyone grabbed someone to dance with. Leaving me alone, so I found a woman at another table to dance with. We all were out on the floor and drifted back a pair at a time. Joe and Char got back first, and moved into the booth. When the others came back they blocked them in and Char was stuck in the middle. Joe started again to try to get up her legs again, but the way she moved, she wouldn't let him.

After a little more dancing, she worked her way out to me. She whispered into my ear,

"Let's go home and has some sex."

I laughed and said, "Damn you're hot tonight."

She said, "Let's go."

"I'm just getting warmed up."

I pulled her back and gave her a drink, and then I kissed her and ran my hand on her tits. Then I took her to the dance floor and was all over her. I pulled her into my hot cock and we dry fucked on the floor just about. I had my hands on her ass and tits. She was breathing hot and heavy. Then Joe cut in. He pulled her real close and started feeling her all over like I did. She didn't like this one bit now what with me there to watch.

She came back and asked again to go. I kissed her and pulled her into the booth. I then was kissing her and feeling her up. As I went for her legs, she didn't do anything then she must have remembered she had didn't have panties on. She stopped me and said she had to go to ladies room. When she came back, she said,

"I don't feel good and want to go home."

I said, "I'm having fun."

She said, "I'll call a cab."

I told her, "The bouncer will call you one."

She walked away pissed. I was surprised her friends didn't go with her, or at least one of them. Maybe they were pissed at her too. She talked to the bouncer and he led her out. I walked out to watch her get in the cab safely. As she saw me, she closed the door in my face. I turned back to the bar and went in.

Half an hour later she called me on my cell phone. She wanted to know if she should wait up for me.

I said: "Yes, that would be nice."

She said, "Ok."

I said,

"Who do you want me to send over first, Joe or Ted?"

She said:

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"If Joe comes over you can get your fucking bra and panties back."

Then I hung up and shut my cell phone off. She knew she was in deep trouble with me.

I went back to the party and danced. Later Sue's cell rang. Sue said,

"Char wants to talk to you."

I said, "What do you want?"

She said, "I want to talk to you. Come home or I'm coming down there."

I said, "Well, I'm leaving. So if you want to continue fucking Joe, come on down and finish. Or you could suck Joe off in the booth while Ted fucks you. Sound like fun?"

Then I hung up and left the bar.

I went to work and sacked out on the couch in my office. In the morning, I got up, cleaned up and went to get something to eat. After I got a few coffees in me, I put my cell phone back on. About 8, it rang.

She said, "Where have you been?"

I said, "It's none of your fucking business."

She said, "I want you home with me."

I said, "Joe leaves, and you are lonely now and need more fucking?"

She said, "I didn't fuck anyone."

I said, "I saw what I saw!"

And hung up and shut the phone off.

I got in my car and drove out to Jack and Jill's camp. They asked me where Char was and I told them part of the story, but not all of it. I didn't want Char to look like too big of a slut.

Jack asked Jill, "Do you guys do this all the time?"

She said, "It never gets out of hand, but you guys won't believe me."

Later that morning Bill, John, Sue and Sara pulled up to the camp. Sara said,

"Char has been calling everyone looking for you. You should call her."

I went fishing with John and we came in about six. They again told me to call her and that they talked to her and she was worried and scared. I ate there with the group, and at nine, I put my cell back on.

She called and I talked to her. She said,

"You shouldn't treat me like this."

I said,

"I'm not sure how you treat a slut. I was never was with one till Friday night. You're my first."

She said, "Don't call me that."

I said, "Is whore better."

"I'm your wife."

I said, "Not after Friday night, you're not. You are a slut,"

And with that, she hung up.

About an hour later she called and said,

"I'm sorry for hanging up on you. When are you coming home?"

I said, "Never."

She said, "What about your things?"

I said, "Burn them all. I don't want any trace of you around." She was sobbing with that remark

"Nick, we have to talk."

I said, "Ok, after work Friday. I have lot of things to do the rest of the week. I might want to see how many panties I can collect."

She hung up on me again. An hour later, my cell rang again.

She said, "I'm sorry for hanging up. I'll see you Friday after work then."

I said, "Well, see you then. Bye." And she said, "Bye."

It was a hell of a week for me. I wasn't able to sleep or work. I knew she was just as bad because she didn't go to work till Wednesday. She called me at work saying she wanted to see if I was ok. I told her,

"I told my mother to call you if anything happened to me. So if you don't get a call from my mom you know I'm ok."

She said, "Did you tell your mom?"

I said, "I will see you Friday, and we will talk then, I'm at work and busy."

She said, "Bye," and hung up.

This was the longest week of my life. After work on Friday, I got something to eat and then I went to meet the guys for a few beers. I knew that if I were late she would call me. At 7, my cell rang and I talked to her.

I said, "Shit, I forgot about the meeting. I am at the bar and will be over in 20 minutes."

When I got there, her eyes were red and you could see she would cry at a drop of a hat. I got a beer, pulled out a chair and sat down.

She looked at me and said,

"I love you and am truly sorry for what happened. I don't know what happened."

I said, "You want me to tell you what happened?"

She cried, "I'm sorry. Please forgive me."

"What's it cost you in a month for new under panties and bras?"

There were more tears, "Please, I don't know what got into me."

I said,

"I know you are sorry and wish you could relive the day, a lot of people think that at one time or another. Now, if that's all, I would like to collect my thing and get the fuck out of here."

"Don't say things like that. I love you and need you. I will never do anything like that again. I'll stay home, I won't go out again. I love you so much. You can't leave me; please I love you so much."

"You didn't love me too much when you were playing with Joe's cock or having him finger fuck you. Or taking your panties off so he could push his cock in when you sat on his lap kissing him. Yes, you sure have a funny way to show it."

"He didn't fuck me; you've got to believe me."

"Guess you didn't have hold of his cock, either."

"Yes I did. I'm sorry."

"Guess he wasn't finger fucking you."

"Yes, but he didn't fuck me."

"Well, I don't have x-ray vision, but just where was his cock then."

"I was sitting on it, but it did not go in me."

"Guess I showed up too early then, and you missed out on a great fuck."

"No, I wouldn't let him fuck me. He outweighs me by a hundred pounds."

"Oh, I see, it was rape? You took off your panties and bra and gave them to him so they wouldn't get damaged in the rape."

"I know it was all wrong, and I do love you and I'm so sorry."

"Yes, you are sorry... that I showed up. I'm getting my things,"

I went up stairs. She followed me up the stairs, crying all the way.

She rambled on and a tried to grab me and hug me. I looked at her and sat down. I said,

"Char, if the roles were reversed, just what would you do."

She sat at my feet and cried.

"I don't know what I would do. But I know I would still love you because I have faith in you. I wouldn't give up all the good times we've had together. All the love we have for each other. I would not let one dumb stupid mistake ruin our love for each other."

"I have lost all the respect I had for you."

"We can rebuild it."

"I don't know if I can ever trust you again."

"We will rebuild it so you will. I won't go out anymore with the girls."

I walked out of the room and went to the kitchen to make coffee. She followed me. She said,

"Let me do that."

I said,

"No, you go get your stuff out of my bedroom and move it to the spare room. I don't want to sleep with you right now."

"You will stay with me then?"

"Yes, but you will get tested by a doctor."

"He didn't put it in."

"I don't trust you, get tested or I'm out of here."

"I'll get tested tonight, they're open until 9."

She went up stairs to clean up, and then she kissed me and went to the doctors.

She came home two hours later and she said, "The doctor said if he even touched me a little I could still get something. I have to go back in two weeks for another test; I was so embarrassed to have to tell the doctor."

I said, "That's what you get for girls night out."

All tests were negative, and we got back together. I let her go out on girl's night out after a year. It's been five years since that night, and we still love each other very much.

The End

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NickTeeNickTeeabout 1 month ago

It looks like British authors view marriage differently from those in the 'colonies' ... I thought it had potential but it didn't really live up to it because it didn't have a satisfying close. Note to author: please drop the I said, she said... It's mostly redundant.

Last thought... It was only some kissing is as bad as fucking. After all how personal is having someone's tongue in your mouth. People don't share toothbrushes for that reason

mdadaminmdadaminabout 2 months ago

What is this bullshit?

The husband's attitude was fairly good until he forgave her and let her go out on a girl's night out after a year!!!

She is a cheater and will betray him many times, but she will try to hide her betrayal in every way

Why did he not expose her friends who were with her that evening and saw her almost having sex with this person and did not prevent her from doing that, or at least tried to talk her out of this?

I am completely surprised by the writer’s logic, as he considers that kissing, finger fucking, and hand job is normal and is not considered cheating??? and that cheating is only when he inserts his penis into her vagina.

This is a ridiculous logic that indicates that the writer believes that the wife has the right to do anything and the husband does not have the right to object

The husband is a wimp, the wife is a whore, and her friends are whores

phill1cphill1c5 months ago

how exactly was her love manifested?

NoBullAlNoBullAl7 months ago

RAAC at its finest!!! Pure BS!!

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