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Wife's Surprise Reaction

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I surprise my wife to fulfil my fantasy.
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'Hello, is that Mark Large?', I asked with a little trepidation as my hand tightly gripped my mobile.

Yes this is me I heard a deep warm voice reply, 'How can I help you?'

I told him I had read his advert and profile on an internet escort site, that he would be available in Glasgow in only a matter of a few weeks. He confirmed this and asked what services I would be looking for.

Ok, deep breath time. I explained my wife and I had been married over thirty years, and I was the only man she had ever slept with. I told him of my fantasy of watching her make love with another male, preferably black and well endowed. 'Well I sure am black and have a huge cock' he laughed, which strangely put me more at ease as I relaxed and thought of his profile:

Hi I'm Mark




I provide a unhurried professional, absolute discretion is assured, confidential, unrushed escort service to clients of all ages (18+) and we can do what ever you like plus I also start with a massage too with every visit too!

I'm a BLACK (Caribbean descent) warm, friendly, intelligent, charismatic person, i dress well and I am physically fit and very LARGE IN THE RIGHT PLACE!!

I am available in Glasgow in February, so why not give me a call.

'But what of the lady herself', he continued, 'how does she feel about this?'

'She is very much into the idea' I barefaced lied. Although I had often told her of my ultimate fantasy, she was always so dismissive of the idea, and I never thought it would happen, but I was taking the bull (no pun intended) by the horns and hoping I could persuade her.

He asked me if this was the first time doing this, which I admitted it was

'Ok', Mark said, we agreed a date, time, and a two hour fee of £300.

'Can you give me an idea of what she likes or dislikes?' he asked. 'I like to have a starter for ten', he laughed.

I told him she liked soft caressing, her back being rubbed and gentle stimulation of her pussy, but disliked finger penetration, nor her anus being touched. Apart from that, it was pretty much as it went on the night. He told me he always started with a massage to relax and ease away any anxiety. This guy was a pro and no stranger to the pleasuring of women, and my heart was already racing at the thought.

'Are you going to be ok watching me fuck your wife, as I assume that it what you both want?' Mark asked, 'as it wont be the first time a husband has gone a little crazy on the night'. I assured him, I would be fine.


'Cool then, I will see you on the night, I will text you my room number and just come on up' he said before we hung up. My hands were trembling and my cock was rock hard!

I had just under two weeks to persuade my wife to agree. What was I thinking? and how was I ever going to convince to have sex with a huge black cock.

A day or so later, she was showing her usual signs of feeling a little horny, and we found ourselves in bed that night making love. We sometimes use sex toys and she likes dressing up for me, so, in her red and black basque and black fishnet stockings, I decided to get out the black 'realistic feel' dildo we sometimes use. We have a pet name for it and is about nine inches long and 5 inches thick. My wife doesn't like the feel of it inside her but humours me as I rub it against her clit and pussy lips.

After our lovemaking, I took the gamble and brought the conversation round to the sex toy and how it must feel like a real cock, which I knew she would contradict me.

"it doesn't feel real at all' she laughed as I pressed the point. "it's just a big lump of rubber'.

I then told her that, as a treat, the following week, we would be going to Glasgow for the day where we would shop, have a nice meal and then stay overnight at a fancy hotel. I asked her to wear her sexiest underwear and outfit for the evening.

So, the following day, I booked a room and dinner reservation in the same hotel as Mark had, and counted the hours down.

The day duly arrived and my heart was in my mouth. Mark;s promised text told me he was in Room 465 and would be expecting us at 9pm.

My wife and I spent the day in the City where we enjoyed a few glasses of wine at lunchtime with a light snack and then took a bottle of her favourite Rose with us to our hotel, room 202, where we relaxed, showered, had a few more glasses and began to get ready for dinner at 7pm sharp.

'Why such an early time for dinner?' she asked, 'Was it really busy when you booked?'

I then told her I had a surprise for her later and would explain all after we ate.

I watched her dress as she put on a brand new lacy, deep purple bra and thong set, and seamless hold up stockings. 'Is this what you meant?' she impishly stated, already the wine having taken it's effect. 'Oh yes, exactly what I meant' I replied with a huge grin on my face.

My wife is 60 but looks younger, tall, slim, long legs, great breasts and an ass that wouldn't look out of place on a twenty year old, so, looking at her standing there a little tipsy in her underwear, I was the cat that got the cream, and hopefully soon to fulfil my wildest fantasy.

Over her lingerie, she slipped on a tight royal blue sleeveless dress, which came to just above her knees, and showed her curves to the maximum. I zipped her up and she then slipped on a pair of new purple high heels. I watched her apply her make up and then we were good to go.

Over dinner, we shared yet another bottle of wine, and my wife was becoming noticeably more giddy, giggling at the smallest things. When coffee arrived, I checked my watch, 8.40pm.

'What's the big surprise honey?' she asked, 'Am I going to like it?'


'I hope so, I replied, I have arranged a very special massage for you'. '

Oooh!' she giggled. 'What's special about it' she asked in innocence

'Well' I started, 'what's special is who's giving you it'

A slightly puzzled look came over her face and then I continued, ' Just relax and enjoy, don't worry about a thing, now drink up and we'll go get you your treat'

We headed to the foyer where we entered the lift and I pressed for the fourth floor, which I noticed was the top level of the hotel.

It was 9pm exactly, when, with my heart trying to escape out of my chest, I knocked the door of room 465. I looked at my wife's bemused expression.

The door was opened by an extremely good looking black man, aged in his early thirties, albeit not as tall as I had imagined, he was of similar height to myself, dressed in a satin purple coloured shirt, black dress trousers and slip on black leather loafers.

'Please, come on in' he said in a voice I recognised immediately.

I looked at my wife's bemused expression as we both entered the room. It was actually a suite with a spacious lounge area leading into, what appeared to be a large bedroom. There was a beautiful bespoke sofa, an antique looking table and chairs and an ice bucket with champagne on a writing desk.

This was it, the moment of truth, the point of no return.

'Hi, my name is Mark, and I hope you are going to enjoy yourself', said the luxurious deep voice to my wife. He then took a step towards her leaned forward and kissed her on her mouth. To my relief she didn't pull away or say anything.

'You look stunning' he continued, much to her bemusement, but she thanked him and turned to look at me.

'Do you mind if I have a moment with my husband' she said.

'Not at all, I will be in the bedroom, just knock the door when you are ready' Mark replied.

As the bedroom door closed, she turned to me and hissed 'What the hell is going on here?'

'Confession time' I nervously replied, as I explained the whole would be scenario to her, and that Mark was under the impression she knew why she was there, and how I had hoped it would be, well, alright on the night so to speak.

'I should walk out the door right now' she growled. 'I am so angry at you'.

I couldn't blame her, she was rightly mad and I knew there and then it had been so wrong to put her in this situation. I was about to say we should leave when after a few minutes silence, she came up close and said, 'Is this REALLY what you want?' REALLY?


I looked into her eyes and slowly replied, 'More than anything else in the world at this moment in time'

She then turned round, walked over to the bedroom door and knocked it.

Mark came from the bedroom asking if everything was ok, to which my wife said 'Everything is fine Mark', before putting her arms around him and give him a lingering kiss on his lips.

He then asked me if I would like to sit in one of the chairs at the table as he poured two glasses of champagne, and put on some soft soul music from the room sound system, before dimming the lights. This guy was a total pro.

He passed a glass to my wife and they both sipped before Mark took the glass from her hand and led her onto the floor where he pulled her close and they slow danced. I watched as his hands caressed her back and occasionally slipped over her bottom as he nuzzled behind her ears and onto her neck.

My wife was moving her head to the side to allow his lips access and she started moaning gently as her hands wrapped themselves tightly around his back, sliding down to his buttocks.

Mark then stepped away from her, lifted one of her arms up in the air and slowly turned her round to face me, before pulling her back into him. My breathing was becoming shallower and my stomach was churning as I watched her push herself into him as they continued to dance.

He expertly took her dress zipper in one hand and very slowly drew it down before sliding the off her shoulders and let it gently glide down to the floor gathering at her high heels. He held her hand as she dutifully stepped out of it.

Mark then led her to the sofa where he sat her down where they sipped more champagne before he began to gently massage her shoulders, much to her obvious enjoyment.

Mark then said, 'Why don't we take it into the bedroom?' and as he stood up, I couldn't help but notice the bulge in his trousers, that couldn't be all him could it?

'There's a chair in the bedroom if you wish?' he said, catching my stare.

I followed them both into the bedroom where I sat myself down on a bedside chair whilst watching my wife and Mark standing face to face giving each other small intimate kisses.

Mark then told her to take off his shirt and she slowly unbuttoned it and placing a kiss at each one until she was on her knees. Was this the same woman so reserved when it came to sex?

He then unbuckled his belt, undid his trousers and let them fall to the ground and I heard an audible gasp as she was eye to eye with the enormous bulge just restrained within his shorts.

My wife, for the first time in the bedroom, turned to look at me with what could have been fear in her eyes, but I just smiled, hoping to put her at ease.

Mark, then helped her back up on to her feet, sat her on the edge of the bed before taking off her shoes and then laying her on her back.


Her chest was visibly rising and falling sharply as he ran his hands with the gentlest of touch over her body, tracing a line down her inner thighs.

Suddenly, my wife sat up and without hesitation, unclipped her bra and tossed it towards me before lying back down on the bed. Mark's huge hands slowly cupped her breasts gently squeezing it, tracing his thumbs over her erect nipples, as she squirmed at his touch.

'You have beautiful breasts' he whispered, as he closed his lips over a nipple causing her to moan loudly.

I watched as this man, expert in the pleasuring of women, continue to kiss her breasts, slide his hand over her thong, causing her to open her legs slightly, whilst her moaning was getting louder. His large black fingers began tracing patterns gently over the silk material and I watched as she raised herself pressing against him rocking slowly back and forward.

Whilst Mark was doing his thing, I saw my wife place her hands on his smooth toned chest and I swear the bulge in his shorts was getting bigger!

Then, she said to him. 'I want you inside me'.

He looked at me, turned to her and said almost mischievously 'All in good time'.

He then rose from the bed before leaning forward and kissing her deeply on the mouth which she responded eagerly, before he then traced his kisses over her breasts, to her tummy and gently slipped off her thong exposing a very wet looking pussy.

Mark slipped off the bottom of the bed, before opening her legs and began kissing upwards her inner thighs. The moans were more audible now as he reached her pussy, which was enlarged with her arousal, and as he placed his lips on her for the first time, she let out a deep moan, shuddered, and had her first orgasm of the evening. This guy was amazing!

Mark allowed her to relax for a moment whilst gently kissing her pussy as I could hear the wetness he was causing.

'Please put it inside me' she almost cried 'I want you inside me'.

'Soon honey, very soon' he whispered.

I watched as, a few minutes later, she shuddered quite violently as she reached her second orgasm as Mark inserted his exceptionally long tongue inside her whilst nuzzling her clitoris with his nose, what a pro. I would need to remember that one.

After a few minutes, my wife's breathing returned to reasonably normal and Mark retired to the bathroom, before reappearing with a packet of condoms in his hand.

''Safe sex' was all he said, as my wife strangely began to look a bit nervous.

Mark then stood up and helped her sit on the edge of the bed where her eyes were level with his shorts.


'Are you ready for this?' he grinned, as the bulge was now ridiculously straining at the elastic waistband.

Without another word, Mark pulled down his shorts to reveal the biggest cock I had ever seen. My wife whimpered, looked at me and gasped, 'Oh - My - God, its massive'.

I thought back to Mark's advert and he certainly wasn't exaggerating. This thing was easily eleven inches long and so thick it was almost unbelievable.

He took my speechless wife's hand and placed it on the shaft just below the head and helped her massage the skin back and forward up over it.

'It's so smooth' was all she could say.

After a few minutes of this, he then placed his hand under it and with his other hand gently guided her head towards it, brushing the shiny tip against her lips.

Without a word, I watched as my wife's mouth opened and ran her tongue around the head before taking it in her hand and putting it in her mouth. After a moment, there was a soft plop and she said 'I can't get anymore in, I will choke'.

Mark smiled at me and told her it was ok, just to keep the head in and use her hand.

To my amazement, she did exactly that, but used both her hands as it was so big. After a minute or so of her jerking his cock, I saw Mark grimace and tense up. I knew he was coming and without thinking blurted out, 'He's coming!'

She still had the entire head in her mouth but I saw her nod slightly as Mark let out a long groan and put both his hands on the back of her head holding her in place as he jerked slightly. This was beyond my wildest dreams. She had never let me come anywhere near her mouth, now this monster cock was filling her up.

Just then, she pulled away coughing and spluttering and I saw what seemed like a river of creamy white goo spill from her mouth onto her breasts and down her body.

Mark didn't say a word but I noticed his erection hadn't faltered at all as he opened the condoms and slipped one over his still solid cock. It only came halfway down the shaft. He noticed me watching, smiled and said, 'They don't come in my size'

My wife was still getting her breath back when he laid her backwards on the bed, and whilst still standing, he lifted her legs up and manoeuvred himself between her thighs.

He leaned forward over her and they kissed deeply. A slight inhale of breath told me she felt his cock resting against her, and watched as she wrapped her arms tightly around his back.

'It's not going to fit' she suddenly whispered in his ear.

'Just relax honey, and let me do it all' he reassured her.


Mark then resumed his standing position, took his cock in hand and started rubbing it up and down against her pussy lips causing her to start moaning loudly. He did this for a few minutes whilst I saw my wife get visibly wetter.

'Put it in now' she almost cried as her breathing was becoming faster, 'Please'.

He looked at me, smiled, and slowly guided the bulbous tip of his cock against her clitoris, before slowly sliding it down and into the soaking wet folds.

As the huge head disappeared into her, she let out a huge groan, either pleasure or pain, I didn't know but Mark whispered to her, 'Just breathe and let yourself go'.

He withdrew the head before reinserting it, only this time a little further, and did this a few times until about half of the length was inside her. Her breathing was fast and shallow but her moaning was that of satisfaction.

He then began to gently rock back and forward much to her approval, as after a minute or so, her grimaced face and tensing up indicated yet another orgasm.

Mark then withdrew completely before moving up to kneel beside her head and presenting his cock to her face. She didn't hesitate and took it straight into her mouth where she rocked her lips back and forward over the huge head.

She then sat up, rolled over and lifted herself onto he knees leaving Mark in no doubt what she wanted.

He then placed himself in position and slid his cock straight in. At this angle almost all of it disappeared inside her and she let out an almost animal howl. Mark started to thrust vigorously as he cupped her breasts, much to her pleasure if the volume of her groans was anything to go by.

Then it happened 'Fuck Me' she cried 'C'mon, Fuck Me Harder' as the thrusts got deeper and faster. The massive cock was all the way in. Mark's face was incredible, head right back, eyes tight shut and mouth wide open in a huge grimace. A guttural groan indicated the end was soon.

My wife was screaming so loud I thought we were going to get a knock on the door, and Mark was in the final few thrusts. Then all at once, he started to shudder, pulled her hard against him and let out an almighty howl as his body jerked what must have been a dozen times. As he continued jerking, she suddenly started shaking as if taking a fit, and seemed to tighten up every muscle in her body before letting out a long deep growl before going completely limp.

Mark slowly withdrew from her and collapsed on the bed beside her, the condom nowhere in sight.

'Sorry man, I took it off before doing her from the back, she felt so good' was his explanation.

I saw his now softening dick covered in both their juices, and my wife, spent, lying face down on the bed, legs wide open, almost hyperventilating, and saw yet another river of cum seeping from her stretched pussy onto the bed.


What is there to say, I got my wish, my fantasy come true, My beautiful wife got the best fucking of her life (whether she admits it or not) and well Mark, it was just another day at the office for him, although he did say she was amazing and would love to do it all again!

After it was all over, my wife went into the bathroom and dressed, I paid the man, said our goodbyes, a thank you kiss between them, and we returned to our own room never to see Mark again.


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