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Wife's Wedding Mis-Adventure

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Her adventure was her downfall - ending Irishdragon's story.
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Her Adventure was her downfall - my ending to Irishdragon's Wife's Wedding Adventure

URL: //rosa-blanca.ru/desixxxphoto/s/wifes-wedding-adventure

Irishdragon's story of a wife's first betrayal at a wedding was chancy at best. Her husband was in attendance, her choice of fuck-buddies was a high school junior, not even a senior yet, and she had unprotected sex. Oh yeah, the groom was one of her husband's best friends, and all his school teammates were in attendance. Wait, there's more - her dress was almost indecent, and had the other wives describing her as sluttish. Brave or stupid?

More? Ok, she dances with the kid repeatedly, playing with the kid's butt in public, grinding against him so that he was walking around with an erection, and plied the kid with liquor. Then she joins him in the men's room, where she dances with him, plays with his cock, before letting the kid eat her and fuck her, before sneaking into the stall when others come in to use the restroom. Admittedly, she's not the most careful of adulteresses.

Speaking of Bobby, the 18 year old high school jock who wasn't a senior yet, how smart is this kid? He's going to be 19 before he graduates? Luckily he has that proverbial 10" dick. Sadly, according to the description, that was 6 inches larger than her husband's. Poor guy. At least he made a good living, and had friends.

And why did Annie/Lisa (the name changed after the first few paragraphs) choose to cheat? Simply because she was bored at the wedding. And the kid coming on to her had a big dick. Always the best of reasons.

Sounds like a bad situation to me. But I should warn you, this is not a BTB story. At least not in the usual sense.

There are too damn many intriguing stories that are never completed, or left hanging with disgusting endings. If I find a story that's been abandoned for too long, I'll give you my idea of an ending. Fair warning though, I don't write about total wimps. May not be BTB, all nuclear and shit, but no voluntary cucks, or whiny simpering wimps.

For Information on how I choose which stories to continue, please read my profile.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"Oh Annie... Oh Baby... .Oh... Gooooooooooooooo... dddddddddddddd," Bobby cried as he reached his orgasm with a tremendous ferocity and stream upon stream of his seed launched deep in her womb. She collapsed back on top of him and as they lay together she turned her neck to kiss him and run her fingers through his hair. After about 10 minutes she got up and an audible plop sounded when his cock came out of her pussy. They cleaned themselves up and went back to the reception with plans to meet again soon.

"Hey where have you been" frank asked his wife when he saw her back at the table. "Oh well the bathroom line was too long so Bobby showed me one on the other side of the building," Annie replied like it was the truth. "Ok well we should get going Honey. Bobby thanks for taking care of my wife," Frank said as he shook Bobby's hand. "You're quite welcome Frank. The pleasure was all mine," Bobby said while Annie winked at him.

On the way to the car, away from the party activity, Frank's attention returned to his lovely wife, clinging to his arm for support. She really had looked beautiful, if a bit slutty. A few of his old teammates had even commented on her, telling him he better watch out.

"My Annie? She's just having a little fun. She likes to dance more than I do, so where's the harm?" he had insisted. He trusted her, and why shouldn't he? They were in love, and the last five years had been the best of his life.

When they got to their car, he opened the door for her. Annie was still feeling the delirious excitement from getting fucked by the biggest dick of her life, and the naughty idea that she had done it in the bathroom, with her clueless husband outside the stall where she was doing it! She turned and pulled him into her arms, dragging him in for a big sloppy kiss.

Frank was excited to be able to get his drunk wife home and have his way with her. He knew how she got after these parties, and she'd be raring to go. He opened his mouth to her questing tongue, while she ground against him. He almost pulled away, she tasted so bad.

"What have you been drinking?" he asked.

"Mostly champagne, and whatever those waiters were bringing around." She pouted. "You're not mad that I'm a little tipsy, are you? It's a wedding reception, honey. We're supposed to celebrate. I hope they're as happy and as in love as us, five years from now."

Tipsy? She was drunk. He wasn't about to go about telling her what her mouth tasted like. He wasn't going to spoil the mood.

He held the door for her as she climbed in the front seat, her dress creeping up her thighs. He had to look twice. "Annie, where's your panties?"

Annie panicked for a moment. She remembered using them to gag both Bobby and herself, so she wouldn't scream out while the kid was fucking her with her husband outside the stall a few feet away. "I . . . uh, well, I kind of peed myself a little, before I could get to the bathroom. I cleaned up the best I could, and tossed them away. I think I had a little too much to drink, and the line was so long that by the time I got to the other bathroom, it was too late."

"Damn, I'm sorry babe. If you had to go that bad, you should have said something. I would have taken you into the men's room, and stood guard."

Annie smiled, remembering that's what Bobby had said he'd do. He hadn't mentioned that the one he really needed to guard her against was him. "No harm, lover. This will make it that much easier for us when we get home."

Frank liked the sound of that. He closed her door, and they headed home. A few minutes into the drive, he had a new concern, and he didn't like the way they were coming one on the heels of the other. "Do you smell anything, Annie?"

Annie was lost in her thoughts, staring out the window, reliving the feeling of the boy's massive cock filling her.


She finally heard her name, and turned back to her wonderful husband, smiling. "Yes, lover?"

"I asked, do you smell anything weird? I just had the car detailed. Something reeks."

She closed her legs tightly, feeling just a twinge of concern. "Nothing. Sorry, it must be outside."

Outside, right. Frank turned up the fan. He looked over at his wife, noticing details he'd missed before. Her smudged lipstick, her tousled hair. How wrinkled her dress was. He knew that smell, and didn't like what he was thinking. He liked even less what it probably meant.

"Did you have a good time tonight, honey?" he asked.

"Wonderful," she said dreamily. "And I think it's only going to get better. You?"

"It's alway nice to see the guys," he said. He didn't mention that what he felt had been a good night was suddenly going bad. Very bad indeed. She stunk of sex. She looked a mess. She'd 'lost' her panties. He shuddered to think what her mouth tasted like when he kissed her. It all added up to bad news. Very bad news.

It wasn't hard to figure out who she'd been with. That kid, Darren's little brother, who'd been dancing with her, rubbing all over her when his friends told him to watch out for her. Frank had defended her, of course. Now he felt like an idiot. The way they had laughed as the kid followed after her like a lovestruck child, his dick tenting his pants as they left the dance floor. It had been funny. He knew the kid was lusting after his wife, understandably. She was hot. But she was also loving and trustworthy, and he knew she'd shoot the kid down if he tried anything. He trusted her, completely. He was a fool.

That kid, Bobby, showed her another bathroom on the other side of the building, did he? She was gone for what must have been half an hour, longer, probably. It wasn't hard to figure out what they'd been up to.

As they pulled into the garage, he noticed his wife was asleep, leaning against the door. Worn out, I guess. From having a 'wonderful' time. Bitch.

He got out and opened her door, careful to catch her if she should fall out. She woke with a start, then smiled up at him. "My husband," she said sleepily. "The best man in the world."

His heart softened for a minute as he helped her up, letting her cling to his arm as they made their way in the house. Best man, but not good enough to keep her from cheating with some high-school kid. Right in my face.

She woke up a little once they were in the house, and she realized she should clean up before they went to bed. A small part of her thrilled at the idea of making love to her husband while Bobby's cum was still in her. But she didn't want to push her luck. Even as drunk as she was, she realized what a big chance they'd taken, having sex in the men's room in the middle of a wedding reception, with her husband only a a couple of yards away.

"I'm going to take a shower," she said, giving him a quick peck. "I'm all sticky and sweaty, and I want to be fresh for my man."

Frank tried to hold onto her. "We can shower afterwards. I need you, Annie."

She slithered out of his arms, giggling. "You'll just have to wait a few minutes. I won't be long. Then you can show me how much you really need me."

Frank was torn. He wanted to see if his suspicions were correct. She was way too eager to get in the shower, something she never did after a party. But he didn't feel like he could force her to strip for him. His anger was building again.

He undressed, put on some shorts, and climbed in the bed. Any excitement he'd been feeling earlier had died. He wasn't about to take sloppy seconds off of his wife. How the hell could she do that to him? Why?

He wanted to confront her, but she was too drunk. He had his suspicions, but no proof. Then again, how much proof did he need? When she finally came out of the bathroom, naked, he looked up. She looked the same, not like a cheating slut. Except for that bruise on her left tit. Bitch!

She smiled, and walked toward him. "Ready for me lover?"

He hadn't planned on it, but the words burst forth before he could even think about it. "For sloppy seconds? No thanks. But I do appreciate you washing his stink off of you before getting in my bed."

She stopped dead in her tracks, the guilt and fear readily apparent on her face. Caught.

"I . . . I don't know what you mean, Frank. What stink? I was only dancing."

"So you didn't fuck that kid? Give him your panties? That wasn't cum on your breath, and the stink of sex in the car?" he said, his voice low and menacing.

"What? Are you . . . you think I cheated on you?" She struggled to make her voice sound indignant, when all she wanted to do was run away and hide.

"I know you did. Why, Annie?"

She turned and ran into the bathroom. He could hear her crying in there for a long time. When she finally did appear, she was wearing her robe.

"I don't have to take this from you. I did nothing wrong tonight. I don't know where you got your stupid ideas. I'm going to go sleep in the guest bedroom. I'll expect your apology tomorrow." She tried to bluff her way through it. She was afraid that if he knew the truth, her life was over. The magnitude of her error finally had struck home. She had cheated on her husband, and he knew. He knew! All she could do was keep up the lies, and maintain her innocence until the whole thing blew over. Whatever happened, she realized she couldn't let him have sex with her. He was bound to notice how stretched out she was after that massive dick.

Frank had a hard time getting to sleep that night, and while he tossed and turned, he made plans for the following day.

~ * ~ * ~

Annie woke slowly from a series of unsettling nightmares. Her head was pounding, and she realized she was sore. Down there. Her mind eventually came to focus, and she recalled not only what she'd done, but the confrontation with her husband the night before.

"Damn. Damn, damn, damn," she muttered to herself, sitting up. She was naked in the bed, and she looked down at the body that had betrayed her. She stared at the bruise on her tits in horror. How stupid could she have been? She'd fucked that kid at the reception, in the men's room! Sucked his cock, swallowed his cum, and kissed her husband with that same adulteress mouth not fifteen minutes later. She'd even let him mark her!

She got up slowly, the hammering in her head not getting any softer. She put on her robe, pulling it tightly around her, and peeked out of the bedroom door. The coast was clear, and she carefully walked over to the master bedroom door. It was open and she looked inside. The bed was made, and the room appeared empty. Thank God. She was in no shape to face her husband that morning.

Annie hurried into the bathroom, swallowed four aspirin, and washed them down with two cups of water from the tap. Then she took a long hot shower, trying to wash away her sin, scrubbing herself ruthlessly, holding the shower head between her legs. She'd done it for fun in the past, but now she was trying to clean herself of any traces of her drunken infidelity.

"Deny. Deny everything. It never happened. There's no proof. He can't know. He can never know. Deny, deny, deny," she told herself, repeating her only plan, hoping that if she denied it often and vehemently enough, then maybe it would be true.

Every once in a while, memories of the fucking would return. The excitement, the incredible orgasms. She'd tremble, and fight off the thoughts. "It never happened," she told herself. "Never happened. I'm not like that. I'm a good wife."

She was almost in tears as she repeated her new mantra. "It never happened," she said fiercely, "and if he calls it'll never happen again."

~ * ~ * ~

Frank woke early, and headed out before eight. Many of the guests at the wedding were from out of town, and they were all staying at the Holiday Inn by the country club, where the wedding guests received a substantial discount. He'd overheard them making plans for breakfast the following day. He was determined to be there, and see if he could find out anything more.

He would really have liked to talk to Darren, the groom, and older brother to the little asshole that had fucked his wife. But Darren was on his honeymoon, and as messed up as Frank's life was, he wasn't about to interfere with his buddy's first day of marriage.

Before breakfast, he was determined to talk to Tim, one of his oldest and best friends. Tim would be straight with him. He called his friend from the cell as he left his garage.

"Frank, do you have any idea what time it is?" Tim answered sleepily.

"Eight fifteen. I need to talk, Tim. It's important, and it can't wait."

His buddy was slow to answer. "Shit. Now?"

"If possible. Please." Frank didn't like to beg, but it was his life he was talking about.

"This is about Annie last night, isn't it?"

Damn. He was right. He wasn't imagining things. "Yeah."

"Give me ten minutes, and bring coffee."

It was fifteen minutes, and Frank arriving bringing two large coffees, and a dozen donuts. Sheila, Tim's wife answered the door, and let him in. He could see the look of pity on her face, before she turned back into the house.

Tim was sitting at the kitchen table, and thanked Frank for the hot brew. He grabbed one of the chocolate frosted donuts, and took a bite. Frank sipped his coffee, with no appetite.

"What do you want to talk about?" Tim asked.

"You know. You were there when I left. Was there any scuttlebutt? Any talk about my wife?"

Sheila's voice responded from behind him. "She was drunk, Frank. I'm sure it's not as bad as it looked."

Frank turned toward Sheila who was grabbing a mug from the cabinet. She picked up her husband's coffee and poured half of it into her cup.

"How bad did it look?"

Sheila was slow to answer. She sat down at the table, and blew into her coffee before sipping it. "You should talk to her, Frank."

"I did. She denies anything happened. I know she's lying. What are people saying, Sheila?"

"How do you know she's lying?" Sheila asked.

Frank looked over at Tim, irritated he was letting his wife run the show. "We've been married five years, for a start. She's a horrible liar. She reeked of sex when we got in the car. She'd 'lost' her panties. You saw how she looked, lipstick smudged, hair a mess, the way her dress was. When I confronted her she ran into the bathroom and cried for twenty minutes. Only then did she come out and deny everything. That's how I know."

Sheila grabbed one of the cake donuts, and nibbled on it. "She was drunk, Frank. Maybe she did something stupid, but I don't believe for a minute she would have cheated on you. Don't do anything out of anger, alright? Have you thought about just letting it go? Whatever she did, I'm sure she's feeling guilty as shit right now. I bet she'll do her damnedest to make it up to you."

Frank turned away from Sheila. "How about you Tim? I know you'll be straight with me. Obviously your wife is taking the cheating slut's side. Covering for her. How about you, you going to be honest, or are you on her side as well?"

"Damn it, Frank!" Sheila snapped.

"Stop, Sheila," Tim said, his voice low and controlled. "Frank and I need to talk. Alone."

"But Tim—"

"Now. I'm starting to wonder why you'd take her side so readily. You have anything you want to confess?"

"Screw you, Tim! You have no right to be accusing me. I'm not the one screwing around . . ." As soon as she finished saying it, she turned bright red, and returned to sipping her coffee.

"No, you're just covering for her. Like it's alright. Like fidelity in a marriage doesn't matter," Tim said.

"No, that's not what I was saying. I'm just, well, when people have too much to drink, sometimes they do stupid things, that's all. I'm not condoning her behavior."

Tim was glaring at her, and slowly nodded. "Why don't you let us talk now?"

She stood up, then leaned over kissed Frank on the cheek. "Remember she loves you. You know she does. We all know. She was drunk. Please take that into consideration and don't do anything rash."

One she'd left the room, Tim sighed. "Sorry about that. There's not a lot to say. There was a lot of gossip going around. She made a spectacle of herself on the dance floor with that kid. Rumor had it she was seen going into the men's room with him."

"The men's room?"

"Yeah, just down the hall from the room we were in. The ladies room had a long line, and I guess a couple of the wives noticed them walking past them. There's nothing down that hall except the men's room and a couple of closed conference rooms. It started a lot of rumors."

Franks anger was on a slow simmer. The men's room. The same men's room he'd gone to. Had she been in there? Right under his nose?

"Anything else?"

Tim had a hard time looking his friend in the eye. "It's only a rumor, you understand? Nothing I know for sure."

"What would that rumor be, Tim?"

"That kid, Bobby, Darren's brother. He and his two school friends had a bet on who could get laid at the reception. Bobby had proof."

"What kind of proof?"



Tim hated being the bearer of bad news, but he wanted to be honest. He hoped that he could expect the same from his childhood friend. "I'm sorry. If it did happen, I'm sure it's a one-off. Sheila is right, you know. That girl loves you. She was drunk, and may have done something really stupid. But I don't think she's a cheater, or having an affair. I doubt she ever did anything like that before."

Frank nodded. "If the tables were turned, and it was Sheila cheating on you, openly, in front of your friends, with some damned high-school kid, would that matter?"

Tim sank back in his chair before answering. "I don't know. Probably not."

Frank stood, and extended his hand. "Thanks for being honest. I know it wasn't easy. I knew I could count on you."

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