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My colleague friend asks me to keep company to his wife.
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Nice kids on this picture Steve?... I take it they are your grand-children?

- Yes indeed. This is Mark and Kathy with their grandmother.

I was actually a lot more interested in the grandmother than in the kids. This picture had been taken during a warm day; the grand mother had a loose shirt with short sleeves and I was admiring the expense of her chest and arms. You could guess that she had large flabby arms, with some hanging fat noticeable underneath her left arm if you looked very closely.

- Is it a recent picture?

- Yes it was taken two months ago.

- Nice kids!

I could not really say "sexy voluptuous Lady..."

I was at a colleague's home. I was currently working on a project in Steve's town as a software consultant. And Steve, who was local, and I, were spending a lot of time together. I enjoyed working with him, we understood each other, bouncing off ideas and being very efficient as a team. As I was living in a hotel, I was never in a rush to leave work and Steve would often end up leaving around 7:00pm himself. But today he told me that his car was at the shop, his wife would come and get him and as a result he would leave earlier, around 5:30pm.

Around 4:00pm he received a call.


- Yes Honey?


- Yes I can be ready at the door in 15 minutes.


- No, no don't worry. It's fine.

And he hung up.

- My wife won't be able to come later. She is coming to pick me up in 15 minutes. Sorry that I have to leave you.

- It's perfectly OK to leave me... but I have an idea. Why don't I bring you back home?

- That sounds tempting but I don't want to disturb you.

- You don't disturb me at all. Nobody is going to miss me at the hotel and I enjoy "cruising" the town in the evening.

Well that's very nice of you. Thank you. Let me call my wife.

- Honey Mr. "Durand" has proposed to bring me back home. You don't need to come and get me.


- No he assures me that it is not a bother.


- Yes I'll thank him for you.

He hung up...

- She said she "owes you"!

We left the plant sooner than usual, around 6:00pm and when we got to his house, 25 minutes away, he asked me in for a beer. I accepted with pleasure, trusting that the invite was genuine. And that's how I found myself in Steve's home looking at his wife's picture in between their grand-kids.

His house was a decent size house in a nice area; half the first floor taken by an open space with the kitchen at living room at angles with each other. Steve told me to make myself comfortable while he was preparing the beverages, and I did my favorite activity when in a new house, looking at pictures and posts on the fridge.

- Yes and this is my wife Janet in between them, the lady who "owes you".

He was kidding. Still I was tempted to say "well I know what she could do to pay me back, show me more of this ample chest". So I kept looking for more pictures of her. I couldn't find too many and in every one it seemed like she had made sure nothing of her size showed. Given the size that I could guess in the kids picture, she had probably vetoed most of her own pictures. Too bad! But I could still see that she had a nice lovely face, with a double chin all around it.

Steve was himself a hefty guy and he certainly didn't mind showing it. At some point he went downstairs to find the great beer he wanted me to taste, and while looking closer I found on the side of the fridge a picture of him bare top, with a really nice round beer belly which he seemed proud of stroking, like something very precious.

We had a good time, and he asked me if I wanted to have dinner with him.

- It will be very easy for me to do, just a frozen dinner.

I was a little bit afraid of "something very easy". I was enjoying my traveling expenses with nice dinners every night and I didn't really want to eat a frozen dinner. He sensed my reluctance and he explained.

- This is not a retail store frozen dinner. My wife prepares them and she's a very good cook.

I was not sure whether I could accept the "very good cook" at face value but home made was certainly better than what I was thought at first. And I didn't want to offend Steve so I accepted.

It was actually very good, so much for being such a suspecting fellow! Nice stew with mashed potatoes and beans, perfectly cooked and tasting great after 5 minutes in the microwave.

When we were done and after I helped him clean the dishes, I got ready to leave. He said

- Don't you want to stay a little bit longer? I know my wife would love to meet you.

I would also have loved to meet his wife right then. But at 50, I was starting to go to bed early to keep myself in good spirits during the day.

- I will meet your wife another time. Tell her thank you very much for this great dinner, and that I'd love to meet her also.

- OK see you tomorrow.

The day after, Steve told me that his wife Janet was thanking me again and she hoped that I could come to have dinner at their house one day.

- Certainly, it will be my pleasure.

A week passed; we were very busy and didn't have time to make any plans.

One day we were working at Steve's desk and he stepped out for a short while. One minute later his phone rang and I picked up by mistake...

- Hello...

A nice sweet alto said...

- Hi honey do you have two minutes.


- Honey?

- I'm sorry this is Mitch "Durand", I'm at Steve's desk and I picked up the phone by mistake. You may have heard about me?

- I certainly did. I have heard about you a great deal. Steve really enjoys working with you, you know; he says you are very smart, and a fine and friendly gentleman on top of it.

- You're making me blush, good thing you're not here to see!

- Oh I'm sorry if I embarrassed you. It it certainly not meant this way. But I'm hoping you will come and have dinner with us one day...

- It will be my pleasure, I'll definitely come... but here is Steve.

I handed the phone to Steve and I decided to leave them some privacy.

- I'll be back in five...

When I was back Steve said.

- My wife really wants to have you for dinner. When can we do it? She would actually be ready if you could be available tonight.

- I guess we could wrap things up early.

- So it's a yes?

- It is a yes.

He called his wife back to finalize the plans.

She was very ample indeed, probably around my age, 50 or so... 5.7 or 5.8, 320lbs wild guess! She had indeed a nice round face with a double chin, actually we should probably say a double face as this added fat was extending from ear to ear. Her hair was dark and straight, cut around her face and adding to the impression of roundness.

She seemed to be very strong, thick. She had a dark skirt going down to half her leg and a loose purple shirt with an wide circle opening around her neck. I could only guess the volume of her chest but it seems reasonable, reasonable meaning wide enough. Her sleeves were coming down to her elbows, covering her arms but I could see once in a while, these flabby arms which had attracted me on the picture. I could also get glimpses of her black bra underneath the shirt.

I spent the dinner trying not to look at her too much in a physical way but paying attention to her person instead. She was very friendly with a little bit of reluctance. I hope I don't sound too vain but I was still OK looking at 50, lean and what is usually thought of as in good shape. I often find that overweight women tend to be intimidated by me at first. They may think that not only do I not find them attractive but even find them repulsive. That's the message they get from society and I can certainly understand. Even without any thoughts of sex, for friendship's sake I had to show Janet that not only did I not find anything repulsive about her, but that she was an attractive human being in all sorts of ways.

We had a very good time and I was asked to come back. After that I became a permanent fixture at their house and I was there at least once a week, sometimes twice or even more. And Janet quickly managed to warm up to me and feel comfortable around me.

I managed to see more of Janet's body even though I was trying not to. Steve and I were indeed getting along great at work, and we were starting to become good friends. And if I didn't want to covet my neighbors' wife too much in general, I certainly didn't want to covet my friend's wife! But I couldn't help it, and I was getting a more and more vivid picture in my head of what Janet looked like under her clothes. Sometimes at nights she would appear in my solitary dreams and I had to push her big breasts away... gently though!

One Monday as I was arriving at the firm from the airport, Steve told me.

- Mitch I want to ask you for a big favor. I hope you will say no if you don't want to do it.

- Go ahead.

- Mitch, I'm leaving town next week for the company; they asked me on short notice. When I go anywhere, Janet usually goes to the kids houses but both kids are gone on vacation this week. Janet really dislikes being alone at home and she is embarrassed about it so she hesitates to ask her friends to go and sleep at their home, or have a friend come and keep her company.

- I think I see where you're leading and I don't think it could be a problem.

- Yes? You think you could stay with her for a week? My absence should correspond exactly to your presence here.

- Most definitely, it will be fun to be in a house instead of a hotel one week, and I'm sure Janet and I will get along great. Actually I can't talk for her but I certainly won't mind spending the week with her. One thing though... are you sure you want us alone in a house for a week?

- What do you mean?

- Well Steve you realize that Janet and I are both attractive adults, as least Janet is; and you know what happens sometimes when you put two people of different sex in close promiscuity.

He laughed....

- No... thank you for saying that Janet is attractive but she is not exactly a seductress, so I don't see any problem.

- OK as long as you are fine with it, I'm fine with it too.

This was my hypocrite way of being able to blame him should anything happens.

- Well wonderful, I'll let her know. She didn't want me to ask but I know she's going to be very glad to know your answer.

This week I went to have dinner with them once. Janet was almost tearful when she thanked me for staying with her during a week.

- You are very welcome. It's going to change from the hotel, like coming back home every night. I will enjoy your meals. And we'll get to know each other better without Steve around.

- Still I can't tell you how much I appreciate.

Monday afternoon I gave her a call as soon as I was at the plant to confirm that I would be there after I was done working.

- Do you know when you will be there?

- Probably some time after 7:00pm.

- Would you mind coming earlier, more like around 6:00pm, before dark.

- Yes I'll make sure to be there before 6:00pm.

I got to her home at 5:45pm and she seems relieved. We were not on a hug basis yet but she took my hand in her fat one, and kept it for a while with her other hand on my arm, and her nice green eyes locked on mine.

- Thank you so much for doing that Mitch.

- The pleasure is all mine Janet.

- Do you want a drink?

- A beer would be great.

- Why don't you make yourself comfortable and I'll bring it to you.

I sat on the couch, while keeping her in my sight, and she prepared our drinks while doing small talk with me. She came to sit close to me on the couch. It seemed like she was craving physical presence more than anything else. I was happy to give her physical presence but it could turn dangerous, so I had to watch out.

- Do you want me to show you your room before dinner?

- With pleasure...

- During the climb upstairs I was happy to follow her and get a better look at her big square behind.

- Here it is... Do you think you will be comfortable? I hope you won't hesitate to come and ask me if you need anything. Here is our room, it's right in front of yours. There is only one bathroom upstairs in the master bedroom. If you have to go don't hesitate to come and use it instead of going back all the way down.

We went back down to have supper.

- Do you want a coffee or tea now?

- Would you have an herb tea?

- Yes I do.

She prepared the herb tea for both of us. At this point she seemed more and more nervous, constantly trying to say something, to do something. Finally she came to sit by me, this time even closer. Her big flatten ass was touching my thigh, and she was punctuating the conversation with her hand on my lap. I could have taken this as her coming on to me, but as I knew of her ailment it really seemed more what it was, night anxiety. I returned her touches while trying to remain calm which was difficult.

I put my left arm over her shoulder, and she welcomed it, getting even closer. At this point I could feel her heavy breast against my side.

- Are you OK Janet?

- I'm a little bit nervous, I take it that it shows?

- Yes it does. Can I do anything else for you?

- Holding me in your arms certainly helps a lot.

I took her right hand and kissed it. As I was holding her hand with my right one, I pushed my way further supporting her lower arm first and then moving to her arm underneath her shirt. I took a-hold of the fat underneath the shirt. Everything that I was doing seemed to sooth her so I kept massaging those fat arms gently. My eyes were often wondering to the start of her big breasts but now was not the time to grab them.

I finally asked her...

- Shall we go to bed now?

She sighed

- Yes, let's go to bed.

We went upstairs in our rooms. After 15 minutes, she knocked on the door as I was already in bed. She only wore a sleeveless gown coming down to mid thigh.

- Are you all set, do you need anything.

I teased.

- I just need a good night kiss.

- I'll gladly do that.

- She bent over me, and gave me a big kiss on the cheeks. Her boobs now free of any bras were hanging down dangerously close to getting out of the gown before coming to rest on my chest. She remained there for a while, letting the weight of her boobs on me. Finally she must have felt that it was becoming strange and she said.

- Good night Mitch.

- Good night Janet. Hope you have sweet dreams.

During the night, I heard her standing up and going to the bathroom but I slept very well.

In the morning she didn't look very good.

- How are you?

- Just OK

- Did you sleep well?

- No, not very well, and you?

- I slept great but it's too bad you didn't sleep well. I have to rush but let's talk about it when I come back.

I made sure to be there at 6:00pm.

- Good evening Janet.

- Good evening Mitch.

She was trying to avoid looking at me. But I managed to see and said.

- Have you been crying?

- No... and actually yes.

- Can I help you in any way?

- I'm not sure.

- Do you want to talk about it?

- I'd love to but I'm afraid you're going to find me ridiculous.

- I don't think so. Come, sit down and tell me.

We sat on the couch close to each other. I took a-hold of her hand and said.

- Talk when you're ready.

- Well I really don't like to be alone at night, and it is wonderful to have you in the house but even that is not enough. I'm not comfortable alone in bed and I couldn't really sleep.

- That's what created the tears?

- Yes, as you came in I was thinking I had to face another night this way, and I couldn't really tell you.

And she started crying again.

I took her face in my hands.

- Why don't we sleep together tonight? I certainly will like it. Do you think Steve will mind? Do you have any problems with that?

- That would be wonderful. And I know Steve won't mind.

And a rainbow came through her tears.

- Let me wipe those last tears.

- And I licked her soft face gently.

She seemed embarrassed but didn't seem to mind.

She was very cheerful the rest of the evening and then seemed eager to go to bed.

- Do you want a last drink?

- Only if you're having one.

- No I don't think I need one tonight.

- So let's go to bed then.

- I'll go get ready in my room and then will come. How long should I leave you.

- Come any time, I'll get ready in the bathroom.

So after 5 minutes I went in the room and got into the big bed. When she came out, she had the same sleeveless gown she had the night before.

- Am I on the correct side of the bed?

- Yes indeed.

- She came in the bed after doing her last preparations.

- Do you want to read?

- No I'm ready to sleep.

- Me too.

And we turned off the light.

The curtains were fairly light and we could see the shapes. After getting used to it, I looked at her and saw that she was on her side facing me and looking at me with her eyes opened

- Are you OK?

- Yes very much.

- Do you want to lie on my arm?

- I'd love it but I don't want to take advantage of you.

- No you're certainly not taking advantage of me; if anything I am.

We both laughed. The atmosphere was getting flirtatious. We both got closer to each other. When she was comfortable, I stroked her thick shoulder and then went down to her arms. I was really having a fixation with those, loving to feel the fat close to the elbow in my hand. She was getting relaxed, letting her head fully rest on my arm. I could feel her breath on my face, her chest on mine, and could sense her crotch not very far. But soon she stood up and said...

- Sorry to disturb you, I forgot something.

She came back two minutes later and said.

- Do you mind if I rest opposite you and you can hold me this way.

- Not at all.

She did. She put her head on my arm again and moved her back and ass close to me.

- That's it, I'm comfortable; now if you hugged me I'll be as happy as can be.

I started by holding her arms again; she took my right hand. At this point I was fully hugging her. Our left arms were straight and mine was on top of hers. Her right arm was bent on top of her breasts; now with my own arm embracing her arm, it was also on top of of her breasts, or at least the big tip of her breasts. I could feel them lying down on top of each other with the side of my hand and arm. With the fabric on top I was not exactly sure what I was touching but it certainly was feeling great.

I also realized that with her moves in the bed, her gown had gone up and her ass was now naked against my briefs. My dick was now up and hard against her ass. She had to be aware of it. I didn't think it was cool to make a move but I was thoroughly enjoying those sensations while at the same time trying to remain calm.

And then she started to snore. I hesitated about pushing my cock inside her but resisted the temptation. As my head was touching hers, I just kissed her hair and her ear gently. She moaned slightly in her sleep. It was tough but I finally managed to fall asleep.

We woke up around the same time as the sky was starting to lighten. We were still in the same position and we started to move around slowly, both of us or at least me pretending to sleep. She pushed her ass against me, and I kissed her shoulder. I don't know where it would have gone if the alarm clock hadn't rang. I had a meeting early and I had to go. I got ready and left her. She came to say good bye at the door and thanked me for this wonderful restful night.

- The pleasure was all mine.

And she gave me a quick kiss on the mouth.

Back to her house around 6:00pm we ate and went upstairs as soon as the sun went out, around 7:30pm. I went to get myself ready and do some work that I needed to get down.

When I got into her room 30 minutes later with my boxers and undershirt on, she was sitting in the middle of the bed with her legs spread in front of her underneath the blankets and nothing but a black bra on top.


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