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Wifey Love Pt. 02 - Tested Again

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Wifey serves up hubby with some juicy revelations.
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You must read the first story (Wifey Love - Tested) to have an understanding of this story, as it begins abruptly where the initial story dissipated.

That evening and into the next day, Kathleen's curiosity began to fade. She asked Mike a few questions about what had been revealed from her mind, but his affirmation of her and reassurances that nothing more than a few clinical questions had been asked and answered uneventfully put her at peace. He gave her absolutely nothing with which to be concerned. She had no idea she had revealed her past suspicions about the flirtatious actions of Liz towards Mike.

This was important to Mike. He had two main objectives now.

1. Continue his research with his sweet wife as his test subject.

2. Further explore her mind for tantalizing morsels from the past.

As he mused upon her simple reflections from their first test session, he quickly began to wonder which objective was of higher priority to him.

The following weekend, after reviewing his notes and formulating the calculations for further testing, Mike decided that a second test might best serve his objectives via administering the test without the subject - sweet Kathleen - aware that she would be entering an altered state of consciousness. The drug would have its effects; providing further evidence of effectiveness and, this time, potential use beyond detection.

Mike had carefully adjusted the dose, putting Kathleen's soon to be altered state of consciousness conservatively at about an hour. He waited until she was in the shower. He dissolved the active agent in her post-shower drink.

As she stepped from the shower and toweled her body dry, Kathleen applied a layer of body lotion to her flesh. She smoothed the perfumed glaze of lubricant over her legs, past her thighs and delicately along her soft folds that were now freshly shaven. Another pump of the lotion bottle, and her hands smoothed another layer up her tone belly to her full, 38d tits. She was careful to avoid smearing lotion over her big, pink nipples. She wanted to make sure those were naturally flavored for Mike's mouth in anticipation of his typical handsy and horny desires on Saturday evening.

As she slipped her robe on over her naked body, she emerged from the bathroom and moved to the couch. As she sat down, with Mike sitting in his customary chair next to the couch, he smiled and asked if she wanted to watch a movie. The tv screen was on pause, obviously set-up and waiting for her.

"Sure. What movie?"

He smiled. "How about we watch one of your movies from Hallmark."

"Really?" Her tone of shock and surprise made him smile.

"Really. I can enjoy those every now and then." And he hit the play button on the remote. The movie started. What Kathleen did not know is that Mike's adventure would begin shortly.

As the opening credits rolled, Kathleen reached for her drink. Mike offered not a clue as to what she was about to experience. She sipped, then took a second drink.

Mike waited.

If his calculations were correct - and he took a risk in the belief that Kathleen would only sip on her drink at first - the dose he applied to her drink would be enough in those first sips to send her under within moments and last for nearly an hour.

Sure enough, no surprise to him, Mike watched Kathleen slink and then slouch and then slide into a passive, unconscious posture. Stage 1. He knew the next stage would commence in a moment. He put the movie on pause. He quickly got up, grabbed her drink, went to the kitchen and poured the contents into a test vile for safe keeping. He then rinsed the cup and refilled it with another, innocuous drink. He returned the cup to the table next to her on the couch.

Stage 2. "How do you feel, sweetheart?" Kathleen muttered something that was more a babbling whisper than discernable response. Mike echoed in her ear, "Kathleen, are you okay?"

She laid there, softly licking her lips as if trying to gain her balance, and then softly muttered, "Yes, I feel... feel fine." She continued to lay on the couch, eyes closed, yet unaware of her altered state of consciousness.

As she gained her cognitive balance, Mike took the opportunity to admire his wife's body. Her red hair, still wet and combed back after her shower, rested on her shoulders. Her robe, powder blue and sheer, was tied at the waist. The part in the middle took a steep dive from her neck to far below the midway point of her cleavage. As she laid on her back, the robe parted between her legs. Just beneath the belt line was a sensual spread of fabric that clearly revealed the slope of her married pussy and how smooth those folds were; fleshy, plump folds that gave birth to a slit that seemed to almost inhale the fabric.

As her breathing settled into a normal cadence, Mike smiled. She was peaceful. She was so beautiful. And - she was now vulnerable. He made note of the time: 7:52 pm.

First, he needed to get business out of the way. "So my dear, how are you feeling?"

"Wonderful," she hummed with a faint smile.

"Good. And tell me sweetheart, do you know where you are at this moment?"

"Um, with you and - it doesn't matter." Her eyes were closed. Her mind was open.

"Yes, sweetie. With me. Safe. And now, just relax."

After making note of her emotional state and sense of complete trust, Mike stroked her hand as he said, "We will return to the movie in a little bit. For now, let's chat a bit about things that you will not remember later. You are safe with me. Remember those two words I offered you before... total immunity."

Kathleen smiled and mused aloud, "Yes, total immunity."

"So, tell me about Liz Berkman."

"Liz Berkman? Oh yes. She is a sweet, saintly woman who is also a hypocrite."

Mike echoed, "A hypocrite?"

Kathleen's tone was almost matter-of-fact as she responded, "Yes - a hypocrite. Remember? While she acted all righteous she was sneaking into your office after hours and sucking your dick."

Mike was stunned. Not only did he just hear his wife just rattle off an act of betrayal as if it were ingredients to a well-known recipe shared amongst friends, but directly to him at that! He did his best to make sure his voice signaled nothing more than the simple rhythm of normal discourse. "And tell me Kathleen, how did you figure that out?"

It was a question that Mike had to ask, although he did not know what she would answer. So when his sweet, trusting wife offered her answer, he was prepared to hear something new; but he was not prepared for the turn Kathleen's comments would take.

"I don't know if you remember the girl from City College who did those hours of observation at our church preschool."


"Yes, Bethany. Such a sweet girl."

Mike nodded at his recollection of Bethany. She indeed was a sweet girl. No doubt about it. But those college curves. Bleach-blonde hair. Slim hips. Jeans that fit like a snug second layer of skin. Breasts that fit top-heavy over her slender frame. "She was a sweet girl."

Mike flipped through the mental images of Bethany, those memories competing with the seductive curves of his sweet wife laying there right in front of him. Mental images of Bethany... direct image of Kathleen laying there... naked beneath her robe.

"One day Bethany went to your office to have you sign off on her hours." Mike nodded. That had happened several times. "She told me that when she went to knock, she heard like moaning coming from your office. She peeked through the blinds. She saw you sitting in your chair with your pants down to your ankles and Liz was on her knees sucking your dick."

Mike sat stunned as his wife laid there on their couch and calmly recounted what he thought had been a tightly held secret just between he and Liz.

Kathleen continued. "Of course, I didn't believe her at first. Then, she showed me her phone. She had pics that she snuck. Clear evidence. Liz sucking your dick."

Mike felt overwhelmed. Here were his wife's secret, hidden thoughts now put on full display... full disclosure. Yet, under the influence of this ground-breaking drug, he was hearing her thoughts without her having any conscious awareness that she was divulging such secrets. His promise of "total immunity" suddenly seem to take on a much larger context of meaning.

He glanced at the clock; 7:57 pm. In a matter of just five minutes, he had discovered this?! Something that had happened almost 4 years ago.. just now being revealed.

"And tell me Kathleen, why did you hold on to this secret for so long?" It was another question Mike did not know the answer to. He really had no idea what he was about to learn; what Kathleen was about to reveal; what conflict he would unexpectedly encounter if he were to honor those two words; total immunity.

"Well, I didn't believe her at first. Then, she showed me the pictures. That made me angry. Her snooping. You cheating. Liz betraying our friendship. I began to cry. I cried on Bethany's shoulder."

Mike felt such a surreal sense of the dual emotions of guilt and security. He was listening to the damning testimony regarding his weak moment of lust and unfaithfulness, while simultaneously taking refuge in the fact that this entire exchange would be completely non-existent in the memory and record of the witness; his wife. But still, Bethany knew! He had to pursue that.

8:01 pm. Plenty of time left.

"So Bethany. She knew. Yet, neither you nor she ever said another word about it to anyone else?"

Kathleen paused. Her hand appeared to smooth her robe down over her body, coming to a stop just beneath the tie in her belt. "Yes. Bethany knew. And I cried on her shoulder. She embraced me. She reassured me. And then... she confessed to me."


Mike leaned forward, waiting for Kathleen to continue. But for some reason, Kathleen's pause lingered... along with the soft, circular pattern her fingertips traced along the impression of her smooth slit showing through the sheer fabric of her robe. Those words, "she confessed to me," still rebounded in Mike's ears as his eyes devoured the sensual vision of Kathleen's fingers delicately dancing along the divide between her smooth folds. The way her robe dipped with precision, silently detailing the contours of her smooth pussy which was becoming more and more desirable to his desires as the revelations continued.

Mike waited. His eyes slithered upward from the view of his wife's pussy baiting his desires to her full breasts which were pushing out between the part in her robe. Those big pink nipples, swollen to the size of firm, fuzzy, tennis balls, began to peek out from under robe. The curtain was drawing open.

Kathleen softly and slowly mused aloud, "Yes, Bethany confessed to me." As Kathleen's hand now more eagerly advanced towards the pleasure to be found between her thighs, Mike reached out to assist her robe to fall open... to allow her breasts to be fully exposed. She was his wife. But he always loved those moments when she allowed him to see her breasts fully bared at moments that were risky or momentarily teases of fun to come later.

"Yes, Bethany confessed to me as she allowed me cry on her shoulder. She told me about her true feelings..."

Mike trembled in that moment, thinking that he was about to learn that this young, college hottie had confessed to also secretly craving him like that sexy, Liz had. He remembered that look in Liz's eyes. How she had caught him at a particularly weak moment. How she somehow eluded his defense boundaries. How she had, in mere moments, gone from a sweet servant and partner in ministry to a threat. How the reaction time between his unexpected arousal and her even more unexpected offer was a split second shorter than the time his morality required, where his hesitancy marked the moment with opportunity for lust to convolute his moral compass.

Liz had been good that afternoon. But now, on the precipice of what sounded like his wife's impending revelation that Bethany, that slender, busty, college hottie, that she too had wanted to kneel in front of him and fit his erection in her warm mouth and worship him until his needs were met; he was feeling a sense of arousal that was almost overpowering.

The blend of those mental images of Liz kneeling before him years ago... of that day years ago he had seen Bethany on her hands and knees playing with the children, her tank top falling low enough to give him a glimpse of what he never should have seen... of his wife in this very moment laying on the couch before him, naked under her robe as her own hands seem to serve as foreplay to his lusts; all of it pushing him further and craving to hear more.

8:09 pm.

Kathleen choked by a tear or two as she grappled with what she was about to say. Mike braced himself, utterly unaware that what he was about to hear was far from what he expected. As he braced himself, in a posture of eager and self-aggrandized excitement, he was ready to hear - with total immunity - that not only had this married woman, Liz, craved his erection, but also that young, busty, college hottie, Bethany.

As he gazed at his wife's fully-bared, 38d, heavy, married breasts tucked open against her robe, he felt his dick hard and throbbing. The vision of her pale flesh framed by her arms diving between her legs and unashamedly probing beneath the sheer fabric of her robe and dipping into the now wet pool of warm wetness between those smooth folds. The mental images stored up of that college hottie; how her breasts wobbled under her top and her firm ass fit in her jeans. Mike was fully engaged. Eager to now hear his own wife's voice offer up Bethany's confession - with total immunity.

As he brushed a teardrop from Kathleen's cheek, he reaffirmed her. "It's okay sweetie. Remember - total immunity."

She nodded. Eyes closed. Mind open. Fingers probing. Her hips softly raising from the couch as she chased the next wave of pleasure.

Mike watched as his sweet wife fingered herself; even as Bethany's confession was about to cross her lips. A confession that he fully expected would bookend the cravings of Liz. A confession that would admit weakness akin to her older, married counterpart. A confession that would express desire for his married dick. A confession about THAT made to the wife of the man of that dick.

8:11 pm.

The confession blindsided Mike. Even as he coaxed it from Kathleen, eager to feel the filthy affirmation he anticipated to come.

" Total immunity, right?" Kathleen's question should have been a bit unnerving to Mike. IF she was indeed fully under the influence of this powerful new drug, she should not have felt the need to double-check on that. But she did. And he missed it.

"Yes, total immunity," he reaffirmed.

"As I cried on Bethany's shoulder, she confessed to me that..." at that moment Kathleen took a deep breath. Mike saw why, as she pushed her middle finger deep inside her warm and wet pussy... so deep that he could only see the palm of her hand pressing against her folds as he tilted his head to admire her self-pleasuring move.

"... confessed to me that she had feelings..." another deep breath. Kathleen pumped her finger in and out. Mike unzipped his pants, unable to keep his erection suppressed any longer. As he anticipated Kathleen's mouth about to complete the thought of Bethany's confession, he could not hold back. He stood next to his wife laying on her back on the couch... dipped his knees... his exposed, erect dick in his hand... delicately slipping the tip against the wet palm and middle finger of his wife... feeling his tip teasing the fleshy mesh of pussy folds now pierced by her finger.

It was 8:14 pm when Kathleen finished off the sentence that defined Bethany's confession.

But it was far from the end of the story. In fact, it was only the beginning. What unfolded was so unexpected to Mike that it was like a stealth tsunami of forbidden pleasures that instantly flooded over him and knocked him completely off balance. He was light-headed and fuzzy-minded as Kathleen's words penetrated his mind. His dick instantly lost control. Her hips were nearly bucking as she chased the heights of orgasmic pleasure at her own doing... his erection instantly moved to releasing such a forceful series of splatters that he stood proudly over her flesh suddenly coated from breast to pussy with rope after rope of his pent up cum.

The time it took him to recover, clean her up, and return the room to normal was completed just in time. By the time he sponged-bathed the cum from her body, returned her robe to modesty, and returned to his pre-aroused position in chair, he prepared to hit play on the movie. The moment she transitioned from her altered state of consciousness to reality - leaving all awareness of those moments behind and thus incurring "total immunity", she would pick up right where they left off.

The opening credits were rolling. Kathleen turned on her side, feeling as if she might have dozed off for a split-second. As the movie started, she felt a sense of warmth and simmering passion; she attributed it to the romantic gesture that her sweet hubby was willing to watch one of her "girly movies" as he called them. She shifted, wondering if she could perhaps discreetly draw his watchful eye if he allowed her robe to daringly fall open enough to offer him a glimpse of her breasts she thought he would certainly make a move on this evening. She felt a greater than usual sense of sensual power; as if her body were floating ahead of her intentions with irresistible attraction.

Mike sat in his chair, his balls emptied, but his mind full of that confession. He saw his wife in a new light. He wanted her like never before. His own filthy, secret lusts had been ignited. She had no idea what she had done. He had to guard her total immunity.

But that confession of Bethany's that Kathleen had just relayed to his ears. It could not end there. It was the beginning of something. He already began to lay the groundwork for what was next.

He smiled. Kathleen noticed. Her robe fell further open as the movie continued. Mike noticed. His hand eventually led to where his mouth would follow. Yet, even as they both indulged in what they found pleasurable and affirming to their marriage relationship, they both also felt something unfamiliar; something secretly even more arousing than what they shared in that moment.

As Mike lowered his mouth to Kathleen's swollen, pink nipple, he suckled with a newfound sense of lust and arousal. Kathleen felt it; and her own inner pleasures seem to be tilted to the upside more than usual.

Mike. Kathleen. Bethany. Liz. The moment was robust - and for the moment, with total immunity.

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26thNC26thNC12 months ago

Lost in chapter one, and never found.

dante22dante22about 2 years ago

...... good storyline as well as good writing but I'm tired of being jerked around. Either tell the story or go home!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Too much repetition. The buildup looks like it will lead to the obvious or be highly contrived. The confession reveal should be in this one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

So many words to say absolutely nothing. Could have been interesting to where this could lead but it leads nowhere.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Nice tease. We wonder where this is going. Stay tuned as our devious hubby and his (apparently) oblivious wife explore the inner workings of . . .

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