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Wild Card Gone Wrong

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How to end a marriage.
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My name is Eric Jensen. I'm a journeyman carpenter. I'm 28 years old. I stand 6' 2" and weigh just over 200 pounds. I'm not bragging but I'm very good at my job. I know every aspect of building a house. I can pour cement, frame, roof, finish, pull wire and do the plumbing. Framing is what I do best. I have a couple of tricks I use. I can study a blueprint for a few minutes and remember all the dimensions. It gives me an edge because I don't have to go back and look all the time. I can also drive nails with either hand.

My wife is Sarah. She is 5' 3" tall and weighs 115 pounds. She is half Irish with red hair and green eyes. She has perfect pale skin and is built like a lingerie model. We have been married for 5 years. I met her on a blind date. Yeah, go figure. She was a friend of one of my coworkers wives. We hit it off immediately. We were fucking our brains out on our third date. Nine months later we were married. She works as a real estate agent. We both made good money and wanted for nothing.

I have a brother that lives in Florida. He moved there to be near our Mom. Our dad passed away two years ago. The big C got him. Mom took it hard and Gary transferred to another office near her. She lives in their guest house. Gary is two years older than me. He is married and has two beautiful kids. Mom spoils the crap out of them. His wife, Amy works as a real estate broker for a nation wide company. He is in some kind of sales and is very good at it. He can sell ice to Eskimos.

I was working for a guy in the San Diego area. He was trying to start up a business building tract homes. He was a pretty good carpenter but not a good business man. He folded after just six months. Yep, I was out of a job. I decided to take some time off and do some work around the house that I had been letting go. My wife started looking at me sideways after a few days so I decided it was time. I went job hunting.

I'm driving around in my Dodge three quarter ton Dooley. It has side cabinets on it to carry and lock up all my tools. I find a tract that was about half finished. I ask around for the boss.

"Hi, My name is Eric. Do you need any help?"

"What do you do?"

'All of it."

He looks me over and smiles.

"I need a framer. Are you up to it."

"Can I have a audition?"

He takes me over to a slab that was ready to be framed. He hands me the plans and says, "Show me."

I didn't say a word. I look at he plans for a few minutes, walk to my truck and dig out my tools. I walk back and say, "Bring me a unit of two by fours and some nails."

He glances at my tool belt an sees two hammers. They are thirty two ounce framing hammers. He doesn't say anything. He motions to the forklift driver and tells him to bring me the lumber. I quickly lay out some boards and start to work. I keep my head down and concentrate on what I was doing. I work for about an hour switching hands with my hammer. Yeah, I was showing off but I needed a job. He must have been impressed. He hollers at me.

"Hey, Eric."

I look up and see four other guys standing by him. They are all smiling.

"Tomorrow morning at daylight."

He turns and walks away. I have a job.

I knew Sarah has a short day so I call her.

"Hey, baby. I got a job and I'm headed home."

When I use the phrase 'headed home" she knows she is getting fucked. We play a little game. She would hide somewhere in the house. I would hunt her down, drag her out and fuck her right on the floor. We both love doing it. She was a passionate woman and it was all I could do to keep up with her.

I pull into the driveway and hop out. My cock was half hard already. I open the door and walk in.

"I'm home, Honey. You know what's going to happen when I find you."

I take off all my clothes and start looking in all the usual hiding places. I finally find her in the bedroom closet. She is on the floor with some clothes over her. I see part of her foot sticking out. I grab the closet door and pull. I guess I was a little excited. I rip it off the hinges. She squeals as I grab her by one ankle. I pull her out. She is stark naked and wet. I drop to my knees between her legs. She squeals again as I spread her legs. I lick and suck her to two quick orgasms and move up. I feed her my cock as fast as she can take it. She locks her ankles behind my ass and away we go. She cums two times before I dump my cum in her. We both cry out as we cum together.

We hug and kiss for a while right there on the carpet. I finally let her up.

'You animal. You just walk in her and take what you want, huh?"

"Yep. And you're just what I want. I though we would celebrate me getting a new job."

"Oh yes. I hope you get another new job tomorrow."

"Let's go out to dinner and dancing tonight."

"You're on, big guy and you owe me a new closet door."


I show up the next morning. As I look around I see that John knows his business. He is well organized and has good employees. It looks like a production line. His crews are the right size so as one crew finishes the next one needed is just finishing. I found out later that he gives cash bonuses if the job is ahead of the bid. Sometimes he would show up with a couple of cases of beer at quitting time. He takes good care of his crews and they work their asses off for him.

I work for him through that spring, summer and into the fall. I have a good nest egg built up. I keep the bonus money in a coffee can in the garage. I'm planning on surprising Sarah with a vacation in Hawaii. I have about $3000 saved.

One day we're all on the job, but some thunder storms came through and the whole site was a mud hole. None of the equipment could run in it. We're waiting for John to show up and I'm sitting under a framed and roofed house with some of the other guys. We're drinking coffee and telling lies. My cell phone rings.


"Eric. It's Amy. How are you and Sarah doing."

"Holy crap, Amy. It's been ages. We're good. How's Mom, Gary and the kids."

"We're all good. Guess what?"

"Ummm. You're knocked up again?"

"No, you silly. I'm in town. I'm here for a seminar. Can we meet for lunch?"

"For sure. I'll call Sarah and we'll meet you. Where are you?"

She tells me the hotel and I call Sarah at home. She had mentioned she didn't have any clients today. She doesn't answer and the machine takes the call. I don't leave a message. I try her cell phone and it goes to voice mail. She is probably out shopping and forgot her phone. I'll make plans for us to see Amy for dinner. I'll fill her in when I get home.

An hour later John shows up and sends us all home. I head out to Amy's hotel. As I walk into the restaurant I see Marcie sitting with some girlfriends. I ignore her and look for Amy.

A little about Marcie. I call her "The Nose". She has her fucking nose in every ones business. She is also the biggest gossip on the planet. As you can tell, we don't get along very well. She's friends with my wife for some strange reason. They are as different as chalk and cheese. Marcie is just coming off a tough divorce. He old man got sick and tired of her and left. She is really bitter about it. I'm heard her talking to Sarah about it "How could that asshole leave me. I'm a great wife, blah blah blah." I'm surprised they lasted as long as they did.

Anyway, I find Amy and we hug and she gives me a quick kiss on the lips. It's nothing unusual. She is just a kissie feelie kind of girl and she loves the crap out of Gary. We have a nice lunch and catch up on everything. She is due for a meeting so I walk her to the elevator. As we walk out of the restaurant I notice Marcie is looking at us. She is about to twist her neck off getting good look. I see her out of the corner of my eye and just keep walking. Of course, Amy has a firm grip on my arm. A quick hug and a kiss and Amy goes into the elevator. I go out and get in my truck and drive off. I decide to stop at my favorite watering hole for a couple of beers. I nurse a couple of beers and shoot the breeze with some of the guys know. Three hours later I get up and leave.

I pull into the driveway and park. I go in and the house is empty. I look in the garage and Sarah's car is gone. I go in the bedroom and change into shorts and a t shirt. Back in the den I go to turn on the TV.

I decide to call her cell phone.


"Hi, baby. Where are you?"

"I'm at Mom's she isn't feeling well.

"Nothing serious I hope."

"I don't know. I'm going to stay overnight. I'll call you tomorrow and let you know what's up."

"OK, tell her to get better."

"Goodbye, Eric."

I notice she sounds a little strange. I chalk it up to her Mom being sick. I go to the kitchen and make a snack. I kick back and watch a movie. I wake up later and go to bed.

I wake up the next morning and reach over for Sarah. I need to get rid of my morning wood. Me and my wood are disappointed. I take a shower and make some coffee. The weather is still crappy so I know I have the day off. I kill some time and decide to call Amy.


"Hi, baby. How's Mom?"

"I'm taking her to the doctor."

"Oh crap. Do you need any help?. I'm off today"

"No, I'll handle it."

That tension it there but stronger. Again I think it's just because her Mom is sick.

"OK, call me if you need anything."

"Goodbye, Eric."

I screw around for the rest of the day. Nothing but crap on TV. Not even any good games on. After I eat some dinner I decide to crank up my laptop and cruise through some porn. Before I can open my favorite site I see an email. It's from Sarah and it has a video attached.

I double click on it and a bedroom appears. A big king size bed with a canopy is in the back ground.

"What the fuck is this?"

I see Sarah standing in front of the camera with her hands on her hips. She is completely nude.

"You dirty cheating son of a bitch. How dare you cheat on me. I'll show you, you son of a bitch. Just you fucking watch."

The camera pans over and I see two black guys sitting on a sofa. She walks over to them and turns. I go into shock and click the pause button. This woman has lost her mind. I would never cheat on her. My brain goes on tilt. My stomach knots up and I run to the bathroom and yark up my dinner. I hug the toilet for a few minutes and finally get enough strength to stand up. I wash my face with cold water and go back to see what the fuck is on the video. I click play.

"This is Leon and Tyrone. I'm going to fuck them and you're going to watch, you cheating bastard"

"No, Sarah. Don't do this. Please, no, no."

I sit there in a stupor, watching her take their clothes off. They are both sporting about seven inch cocks. She grabs both and turns to the camera. She smiles and strokes them. They both come up full hard. They must be at least ten inches hard.

I can't form words. All I can think is, "Don't to it. Please. Don't do it."

In total shock I watch as she leads them both to the bed. She sits on the bed and starts sucking on their cocks. She switches back and forth, stroking one and then the other. She looks at the camera.

"Look, Eric. See these big cocks. They're way bigger than yours. I'm going to really enjoy taking them both at once."

"I sit there watching and the tears come. I can hardly see the screen. I click on the stop button. Her viciousness shocks me to the core. I knew she had a temper but nothing like this. This is way past revenge.

I try to regain some kind of control over myself. She thinks I cheated on her. Then it hits me. I was with Amy yesterday and that bitch Marcie saw us. That fucking bitch couldn't wait to call her. The man hater has convinced her I was cheating.

My eyes keep going back to the screen on my laptop. I don't know if I want to see the rest of it or not. I slam the lid shut and get a bottle of whiskey out of the liquor cabinet. I don't bother with a glass. I drink my self into unconsciousness.

I wake the next morning and try to move. Everything hurts. My head feels like someone has driven two nails into my temples and my mouth tastes like the bottom of a bird cage. Well done, asshole. Your troubles are still here and you just added a little more with a beauty of a hangover. I promise God I'll never do it again. I stumble into the bathroom and eat a hand full of aspirin. I fall into the shower and let the hot water run over my aching body. I dry off and stumble to the kitchen. I put some coffee and sit at the table.

"Fuck! Fuck. What a bunch of shit came down my pipeline and it all landed in my lap. I've lost the love of my life and the best fuck on the planet. She fucked two guys and made a video for me. It amazes me that she didn't come to me and ask me about it. I could have explained it and we could have gone to dinner and everything would be great. Instead she listens to the man hater bitch Marcie. A nice pile of shit I'm sitting in. The aspirin kicks in and I feel a little better.



I'm sitting in the hotel restaurant with two of my friends. It's been a month since my divorce was final and I'm still pissed about it. My asshole husband just up and had me served out of the blue. He never told me why. The papers said some irreconcilable bullshit. My friends have been here for me since all of my misery started. I don't know what I would have done without them.

We're sitting here chatting and I see Eric walk by. He is headed into the bar. I wonder what he is doing in a hotel bar in the middle of the day. I know it can't be anything good. He's a carpenter. What reason could he have to be here. I'll keep my eye out.

Forty five minutes later I see him walking out with a beautiful woman on his arm. They are laughing and having a great time. They head around the corner to the elevators. By the time I can get there they are both gone. I watch the floor indicator stop at the third floor. It hits me; that bastard is cheating on my friend. I quickly call Sarah.


"Sarah. What ever you're doing drop it and meet me at my house. I have something terrible to tell you."

"What, Marcie. What happened."

"Not on the phone. This has to be in person."

"I can be there in fifteen minutes."

"OK, bye.

As I pull into my driveway I see Sarah pull up to the curb. We both jump out.

"What's so terrible that we have to meet like this. You sounded like you were in a panic."

"Come inside. Not here on the street."

Sarah sits down at the kitchen table and I pour two glasses of wing.

"I was at the Radisson having lunch with Trixie and Jane. I saw Eric come in and go to the bar. I knew he was up to no good. What possible reason could he have going in a bar in the middle of the day. Later I saw him come out with some blonde floozy on his arm. They were laughing and she was hugging his arm like they were old friends. They turned the corner toward the elevators. Before I could get up to see where they went they both disappeared. I watched the floor indicator go up to the third floor. I knew right then they went up there to fuck.

"That dirty son of a bitch. How could he do that to me. I've been the perfect wife to him for all these years. I'll cut his nuts off, that bastard."

I see her tears running down her cheeks. I run and get a box of tissue.

"What a fucker he is. You have a ton of wild cards to play. The way their were carrying on I'll bet they've been fucking for a long time."

"What's a wild card?"

"He cheated on you, now you can fuck someone to get even. We need to plan some revenge for him. Pay that rat bastard back."

"Great idea. I want him to feel the pain I feel. What can we do."

"I've got an idea. You fuck someone and we'll make a video for him. Then email it to him. Get some guy with a bigger dick than his. Guys always worry if about the size of their dick."

"OK, who do we get? I don't know anyone like that."

"I remember two guys who were at a friends bachelor party. They were both huge. Ten inches at least. I'll call her and get their number. They are both black. That should add a little pain for that asshole. You could do them both."

"Oh my god. I've never done it with a black guy, let alone two guys."

"This will be the payback of the century. Two black guys with huge dicks."

"Let's do it. I want him to burn."

"OK, I'll set it up. I have a high def video camera. I'll shoot it for you. All you have to do it open your legs. They will do the rest. This is gonna be so great. I would like to be a fly on the wall watching when he sees it.'


I'm ready to go to work so I call John.

"How's it looking on the site, John."

"It's still a little wet. We should be good to go the day after tomorrow."

"OK, see you there."

Even with all the shit coming down on me I can't let him down. I need to get my shit all in one pile and show up for work. I spend the rest of the day getting well. I hydrate myself and eat a couple of a square meals. By the end of the day I feel almost normal.

All the while I'm trying to figure out what to do. I'm really hurt that my wife just fucked up a perfect marriage. I'm super pissed at fucking Marcie. I wish I could smash her face but I know she isn't worth going to jail for. I know I'll need a lawyer to look out for my interest. I look through the yellow pages and pick one out. I call and set up an appointment. He had a cancellation and can see me tomorrow. I really don't want to pull a scorched earth on her but I'm going to do something. I'll think of something later. I know the marriage is done and I'll be moving on.

The next day I show up at his office. I give him all my details and show him a copy of the video.

"Damn. She is really pissed at you. I've been doing this a long time and I've never seen anything like this."

Well, she has this friend that is a man hater. I'm sure she put her up to it."

"Wow, some friendship."

"What ever she asks for I just want a fifty fifty split with no alimony. She makes about the same as I do."

"No kids are involved so this should be a real quick one. Everyone signs and we wait ninety days and it's final."


Two days later I'm banging nails. Every nail is Marcie's head. I smash her again and again. I look up and see a guy in a suit looking around. He approaches John and says something. John points at me and he walks over. I know what he is up to.

"Are you Eric Jensen?"


He hands me a manila envelope and says, "You've been served."

He turns and walks away. John walks up.

"What was that all about?"

"I just got my divorce papers. Sarah and I are splitting."

"What? I thought you guys were OK."

"I did too. After all this shit is finished I'll probably leave the area. I'll stay with you till we finish this tract. Then I'm quitting."

"I see. We'll miss you around here. You're one of my best men. I'll give you a letter to take with you. You probably don't need it but I'll do it anyway. You're good enough to get a job anywhere."

"Thanks, John. It's been good working for you. I'll miss it too."

"Where you planning on going?"

"I don't know yet. Maybe up north."

"I know a guy up in Healdsburg. It's north of San Francisco on highway 101. Maybe you could hook up with him. I'll give you his name and number. He's an old friend of mine."

"Thanks. That may be just far enough for me."


We meet with both attorneys. Sarah wants the house and alimony. We counter with a fifty fifty split, sell the house and no alimony. Her attorney advises her to accept it. He tells her if it goes before a judge it will be split that way so there is no sense asking for more. I give it one last try to explain what happened. I don't do it for a possible reconciliation. I just want her to know how she fucked up. She calls me a liar and a home wrecking cheater. I give that idea up and drive home.


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