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Wild Night in Cancun

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From cuckold to bull in a matter of minutes.
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Pam was drunk one night at Senor Frogs. Was out of control. We had travelled to Cancun with her sister, Kay and her husband but they decided to stay at the hotel. Pam wanted to party. It was our first night there and I was pretty tired but she said if I didn't go she was going herself. The hotel was in easy walking distance of Senor Frogs. She had seen it on the cab ride from the AP and had been wanting to go there since then. I hemmed and hawed about being tired, trying to talk her out of it. She got pissed and walked out the door insisting she was going without me then.

I had been lying on the bed in my underwear and when she left, I thought she would come back in a few minutes. After 10 minutes I figured she wasn't coming back and put on some shorts and a shirt and slipped my sandals on and went after her. I knew she was going to Senor Frogs and walked over there. On the way I was accosted by two guys selling time shares and a couple of ladies of the evening. I also noted several groups of guys just hanging around. I watched as one group of guys swooped down on a single woman walking away from Senor Frogs. The woman was drunk and they were not too subtle, blocking her way and groping her ass and tits. She broke away from them and started running. They didn't run after her but laughed raucously at her panic. I was beginning to worry about Pam's safety.

I got to Senor Frogs and looked for Pam. It was a mob scene in there. The band was playing loud and the beat of the early 70s vintage rock and roll was almost primitive. Pam and I had been married for almost six years and she never gave the slightest indication that she liked this kind of music so I figured that she would be out of there after one drink, so I waited at the door for her. After another 10 minutes waiting next to the door, it was obvious that, if she was in there, my wife was not coming out. I pushed my way through the crowd, looking almost frantically for Pam. After what I had seen on the way over, I hoped that she was inside and hadn't tried to go back to the hotel alone.

I milled around in there, first at the bar and she wasn't there. Then I looked at the tables near the bar. She wasn't at any of those. As I moved around, the band was starting up again and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Pam getting out of a booth in the back of the bar with another woman who looked to be about 10 years younger than Pam and heading for the dance floor. They were giggling at each other obviously tipsy and didn't see me. Trailing behind them were two young guys probably in their mid-twenties. One was a blonde guy about 6' 3" who looked like a basketball player. The other one was a black guy, a little shorter and built more like a football player. I figured that they were giggling about how young their table mates were. Maybe feeling a little flattered that two young guys would choose them in a bar that was full of twenty-something girls.

I was going to intercept Pam and take her to the dance floor but at the last moment decided to lurk and see what my wife was up to. I sidled closer to the booth they had left to check it out. Sure enough Pam's purse was sitting there unguarded. A wicked thought went through my mind that I should "steal" it and teach her a lesson. I was about to but thought it out and decided that was too mean. Instead I watched to make sure no one else stole it.

My attention shifted between her purse and her on the dance floor where she was bumping and grinding facing the other woman while the two young studs took turns rubbing their crotches on the two cougars. Pam and her new found friend looked like they were having the time of their lives. They were really eating up the attention they were getting from their young studs. Pam was wearing her short yellow halter-top sundress and every time she raised her arms above her head while she danced her still firm C-cup breasts almost escaped the containment of the halter top and spilled out the sides. One time she spun around to face the blond guy and I swore I saw a glimpse of her pink nipple. If I could see it from 30 feet away, I am sure the blond stud saw it too. Maybe that is why when she spun back to face her woman friend with her hands raised in the air, He put his arms around her and slipped his hands all the way into Pam's halter-top forming a hand bra.

I expected that Pam would immediately turn around and smack the guy because she absolutely hates her sensitive breasts and nipples treated roughly. I was totally numb when instead she leaned back, craned her neck around and kissed him. I had a quick rush of rage, the same rage I had felt 30 years before when my fiancé, Marilyn and I were walking hand in hand leaving a preseason Buffalo Bills game and a drunk staggered into us and grabbed her tits. I was almost arrested for battery because I bloodied the asshole's face. When the police heard what happened they roughly threw the guy into the police car. I found out later that he pled guilty to being drunk and disorderly to avoid being charged with sexual assault. I was hell bent for a split second on a repeat performance but I was frozen in place. For some reason my feet did not move. The rage subsided and a sense of acceptance overwhelmed me. I was getting what I deserved. I was too slow in getting ready to go out that night and this was my punishment. I wondered if she had seen me watching and was purposely rubbing my nose in it.

Then something happened on the dance floor that stunned me even more. Her woman friend had moved in close and had her hand up Pam's sundress. They were very close together and her hand was moving up Pam's thigh. I didn't know what to look at: Pam's halter-top with the blond guy's hands mashing her tits under its fabric, or the skirt of the sundress being pulled up by her girlfriend's hand moving toward her pussy. The black guy had moved in behind Pam's woman and had one of his huge hands cupping a tit and the other around her front and under her skirt all while he dry humped her ass in time to the music.

It was almost too surreal to believe this was all happening on the dance floor of a nightclub. The other thing that amazed me was that it seemed like I was the only one watching the scene. Everyone else was so self-absorbed in the wild party that they paid no attention to that particular foursome. I glanced around and saw that almost everyone else on that dance floor was doing something similar. Hell two of the couples were almost naked and one of couples was openly masturbating each other as they danced. Compared to that, what Pam and her new found friends were doing was not even foreplay.

I was totally unprepared for what I had just seen and when the set ended and they were all on their way back to the booth I went up to the bar and ordered a double Dewars on the rocks and downed it in two minutes. I tried to stay in the background and not be seen. I found a good place to watch what was going on in the booth. I saw three empty Margarita glasses in front of Pam and knew that if she had a fourth she would probably puke her guts out. I waited for that fourth one to be delivered to the table but it never seemed to come. I found out the other woman's name was Sue when some guy shouted Sue and shouted back Max and he walked over and talked for awhile. When more drinks were delivered Pam and Sue seemed to have switched to Coke but the two guys had beer. Then I saw Pam open her purse and charge the drinks to our credit card. It became clear that the two guys were probably playing Pam and Sue for free beer. At least I hoped that was what was happening. At first I was amazed that my 150 IQ wife couldn't see what was happening but then I realized Pam knew exactly what she was doing. She was paying for a good time.

The four of them were in the horseshoe shaped booth that was supposed to have six people in it and sure enough with the place being so crowded they were soon joined by another couple that the two guys seemed to know. The couple sat next to Sue and the black guy and Pam and the blonde guy moved around to the end closest to me. Pam was on the end I could see her legs under the table and most of her left tit flopping out the side of her halter-top. As soon as everyone was settled the blond guy put his left arm around Pam and started to slide his hand into the side of the halter top and proceeded to play with her tit. The new woman smirked and whispered something to her boyfriend.

I realized I was rock hard watching my wife have her tit fondled and was not surprised that she was even letting him pinch her nipples. The only time Pam ever let me pinch her nipples was when she had too much to drink and I knew from the three empty Margarita glasses that she had much too much to drink. I was almost able to predict what she did next. When Pam had that much to drink she gets very horny and when I saw her right hand go under the table I knew she was reaching for her guy's cock. If it weren't for the fact that Sue picked that exact time to go to the Ladies Room, I am sure that she would have had her head in his lap in less than a minute. Before Pam and Sue got out of the booth, their guys looked at each other nodded and whispered something to Pam and Sue. The Ladies giggled and nodded their approval to their respective guys. They then walked or I should say staggered to the Ladies Room. They passed me on the way but Pam was too absorbed in their conversation to notice it was me.

I listened carefully as they passed. "Are you really going to do what they asked?" Sue asked giggling like an eighth grader. As they walked out of my earshot, I heard Pam answer, "Why not?"

All sorts of thoughts entered my head. I kept asking myself, "What are those guys up to? What do they want to do with Pam and Sue? Will they be safe? From Pam's tone, it must be something that Pam has done before and Sue hasn't. What could that be? Oral sex? No! Sue doesn't look like an innocent who has never tasted a cock before. Foursome? No! Pam has told me she never had group sex, only threesomes. Anal sex? Yes that's it! My guess is that Sue's asshole has never been penetrated. That is why she is so nervous."

A few minutes later I heard them approaching from behind me, still giggling. As they passed Sue said, something that sounded like. "I have never done anything like this before."

Pam said, "Trust me it will be fun. Just relax and let it happen."

When I heard that I was sure they were talking about anal sex.

They sat back at the table. This time Sue and Pam were between the two guys with the blond guy in the seat Pam was in so I did not have much of a view of what he was doing but his right arm was around Pam's back so I guess her right tit was getting equal time from his fingers. They talked and laughed for awhile and that playful look came into her eyes and her left hand disappeared under the table. I had a near perfect view of her petting the bulge in his beige shorts. After a few minutes of her finger play, I could even see a faint darkening at the end of the bulge. His precum had started to soak through his underwear. It was about this time that the black guy decided it was time to take a piss. It was weird that the blond guy decided to join him. The third guy decided to take his girl out to the dance floor. They both passed me and I heard them start to laugh when they were almost at the men's room door. I decided I needed to see if I could find out what they were up to.

I went into the Men's room and went into a stall. They were laughing like frat boys. I peeked through the door jamb and watched as the blond guy said, "Mitch, can you believe it? Look at these! As sexy as she looks Pam was wearing white cotton hip-hugger panties." He sniffed the crotch, "But she sure smells ready to fuck. Look at how wet the crotch is!"

"Yeah, Marty! Look at Sue's sexy black thong. It's pretty wet too. Both of them are horny and ready. Too bad we aren't going to fuck them."

"What time are we supposed to pick up Kari and Dahlia from that party, Mitch?"

"In about 20 minutes. We have to leave now or they will be pissed."

"I wish I had enough time for me to fuck Pam. Her pussy smells so good. As it is, we can't even go back and say goodbye."

Then Mitch joked, "What shall we do with their panties? I think I'll keep Sue's sexy thong. Maybe Dahlia will model it for me later."

"I can't ask Kari to model these cotton hip-huggers and besides the crotch is soaking wet. I'm going to toss them in the waste basket. Now let's get out of here. We can go out the back door."

I heard the door slam shut came out of the stall and took a piss in one of the urinals. I washed my hands and when I was about to toss the paper towel I saw Pam's panties on top of the used paper towels in the waste basket and I quickly got them out and put them in my pocket. As I walked back to my spot, I saw Pam and Sue sitting there looking for the Marty and Mitch. That's when Pam saw me. She smiled and waved at me. I came over and asked her if she was having a good time. Her answer was, "I have been missing you! I am sorry I ran off and left you in the hotel room. This is Sue? We have been sitting here listening to the band and drinking Cokes."

I pretended not to notice the six empty Margarita glasses and 12 empty beer bottles in front of them and sat down telling a lie, "Don't be sorry, Pam! I fell asleep and only woke up about a half hour ago and when you weren't back in the room I was a little worried so I came over here to Senor Frogs to find you."

I put my arm around her back and slipped my hand into her halter top. As I expected she pushed it away and said. "You know how I hate that! I think soon it will be time to say goodnight to Sue and go back to our room. Her husband Max will be back in a few minutes."

Max came back as expected and we left Senor Frog's and started back. We were all feeling no pain and when we reached our resort hotel Pam invited them up to our suite, because their condo was a mile and a half further up the beach. They accepted and we staggered through the lobby to the elevator.

When we got up to our suite, both Sue and Pam went into the bathroom together.

They both came out naked. I am sure they did that to cover up the fact that they had "lost their knickers" as the Brits say. I was shocked that Pam would do that but my reaction was a big smile. Max, however freaked out and grabbed Sue and took her into the bedroom and shut the door. Pam and I heard them arguing for a few minutes and then there was silence for a few minutes followed by Max moaning.

I said to Pam, "I can't believe you and Sue are naked!"

Pam answered, "Sue was afraid that Max would find out that we had given our panties to two guys at the bar."

"Weren't you afraid I would find out too?" I feigned ignorance.

"I saw my panties in your pocket at Senor Frog's, so I knew you already knew. How did you get them?" Pam answered matter-of-factly.

I proceeded to tell her all about what I had seen in the bar, and as I finished, the door to the bedroom opened and a still naked Sue walked out. Through the open door we could see Max passed out across one of the queen-sized beds; his shirt still on and his shorts around his ankles. Sue saw us looking and said, "He was really pissed off so I quieted him the only way I know how. I sucked his cock."

We all laughed and she added "Unfortunately for me he is done for the night and I am high and dry!"

Pam went over to her and took her hand sympathetically. What Pam said next practically knocked my socks off. "Maybe high but not dry!" She looked back at me and said, "Hope your not still tired!"

Pam did not wait for an answer and next thing I knew she lead Sue across the room and they both started to undress me. While I had fantasized about this very situation since I was teenager, I was unsure of what to do so I decided to let Pam and Sue decide. I knew Pam had had threesomes before we met because she had told me in great detail about one with Jack, her dom and last boyfriend before we met.

When they had me naked Pam started to lead me to the bedroom but Sue spoke up, "I don't think I can do this in the same room as my husband. Besides that if he wakes up, I don't know what he will do."

Pam let go of my hand and closed the bedroom door. Then all three of us walked over to the sofa. Sue gently pushed me down and stared at my rock hard cock. She complimented me, "Wow I don't think I have ever seen a cockhead that big before!"

I looked over at Pam and for a second I thought I saw a flash of jealousy in her eyes.

Pam said, "I wish I could share that with you but that is mine tonight. I have been yearning to have it inside me all day long. But I am sure that you will love his tongue and lips."

Pam was 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighed about 110 lbs. Sue was about 3 inches taller and about 30 lbs.heavier. While Pam was a 34 C bra, Sue I would say was a little larger with D cup maybe 38 D. Pam had bikini tan lines, Sue had tan lines from a one piece with high cut legs and a plunging neckline. Pam had a brown bikini trimmed bush, Sue a narrow very light brown almost red bush that matched her hair.

They sat on either side of me and Sue asked, Pam, "Can I suck it just a little?"

Pam nodded and the next thing I knew Sue's head was in my lap and my cockhead was at her lips. Pam was kissing me passionately. Normally when we kiss Pam's eyes are closed, but that night they were wide open and looking at the back of Sue's head. As I reached down and started to rub Pam's pussy with my whole palm the way she likes, I looked at her and whispered to her, "Don't worry! I won't cum in her mouth."

Only then did Pam close her eyes and within about a minute she was cumming on my hand.

When she came down from that first orgasm, Pam tapped Sue on the shoulder and said, "I need that inside me now!"

Sue let my cock slip out of her mouth letting her teeth graze it a little as a protest, I think. Pam got up off the sofa and motioned for me to lie on the floor. No sooner was I on my back, when Pam straddled me standing up and squatted down on to my cock. She gestured to Sue to face her and ordered, "Sit on his face!"

As Sue carefully positioned her glistening pussy over my mouth and slowly squatted down, she looked down at me and said, "Oh my god! I hope I don't smother you!"

A few seconds later All I could see was her pale white ass. Her clit was on my lips and my big Italian nose was literally between her labia. I could not see much but Pam was slowly sliding up and down my cock and I heard Sue ask, "Please pinch my nipples!"

Then I heard Sue moan. I don't know if it was Pam pinching her nipples or me starting to lick up and down the already erect clit in my mouth. In my experience each woman's pussy has a different taste and aroma. Sometimes the differences are subtle, but that night Sue's had distinct muskiness. I thought to myself, "She smells like she has been recently fucked. Did she say she sucked Max in the bedroom or fucked him?"

My lips then surrounded her clitoris and I sucked on it hard enough to engorge it with blood. It elongated and its tip was at the tip of my tongue. I began to flick it, slowly at first and then increased the speed.

When Sue started to involuntarily rock her hips and hump my face I would stop flicking. Her hips rocked faster to compensate. I sucked harder and her hips slowed. Pam was rocking gently forward and back. She would stop every few minutes, and when she stopped I would squeeze my penile sphincter. This caused more blood to engorge my cockhead and make it 20% larger. After five or six squeezes she came.

I could sense that my edging Sue had her desperate to cum and started to suck harder on her clit and the flicking turned into hard lashing and within a minute she was begging, "Oh my god! Don't stop again! Please don't stop!"


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