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Wilderness Resort

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There are always temptations.
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{While there is some sex in this story, I don't think it can be called erotic. Like nearly always in what I write, some portions of this story are based in truth, in this case the old lodge is still there, so is the river, and the day we met the old man happened just like I write it.

My first wife Sharon was a closet exhibitionist, in the 60's it really wasn't that big of a deal. Perhaps though, part of why I am the way I am now.

We should have bought the place, it pops into my head every once in awhile, one of those..."What if's?".)


I have no idea at all why we bought the place. I never had a single thought in my head of running a resort, but my new wife and I came across the place by accident.

It was early Fall, hot as blazes. We came around the corner and I saw the big sign, it read "Cold Beer." Just over nineteen at the time, I figured my gift of gab would maybe get me one. Hell, I spent time in most of the taverns around the town we lived in and nobody every bothered me for ID anyway. I think the mustache I wore at the time helped.

I pulled over into the gravel parking lot, it was bordered by pine logs sitting on short stumps. Everything I could see was built of Pine logs, we were in the middle of what was mostly Eastern Oregon nowhere. I suppose it was build from logs or don't build at all back in those days.

We went inside, it was cooler there. There was no one else in the place except for a crusty old man behind the bar. Everything in there was made of logs also, varnished and shiny. It looked pretty nice, actually.

"Ya look like you could use a cold beer!" He grinned at us.

"OK!" I answered, as he set two frosty brown bottles on the bar. I paid him and Sharon and I sat there and took a few sips.

So what if I was barely nineteen, Sharon barely eighteen, I doubted that he gave a shit.

What the hell, 75 miles from anything, no cops around and not likely to be any. I had been eyeballing the gas gauge on our nearly new 1964 Impala, it was the fancy super sports model. It was dark red, with white bucket seats, had a huge V-8 engine and it drank gasoline like water. I knew we had maybe 30 miles to go before we would need to retrace our steps back, if we didn't find a gas station.

Out here on the edge of the Oregon desert, there was sagebrush and rocks mostly. We had been following the river, if it made a bend the road made one too. That seemed odd to me, they could have gone straight as a string, the only thing they would have had to move was a Jack Rabbit or two.

The crusty old fart kept checking out Sharon which made me grin, I can't say as I blamed him. She was only 4' 9" tall and maybe 95 pounds on a good day, but she was young and snug and had a set of jugs on her that would put most big women to shame.

Sharon was one of those types of women, we all see them from time to time. She liked being looked at, and she loved to show her stuff off.

At that time in her life, Sharon really did have stuff to show off, too!

Plus like I said, it was hot as hell! So all she had on was a tiny little miniskirt and a halter top that left one heck of a lot of Sharon hanging out. She was like that from the day we met, when most women still wore one piece bathing suits to the beach, Sharon wore two piece outfits.

Conservative by the standards of today, but almost scandalous back then.

She also didn't own any underwear, something she got from her Mother who seemed to think panties caused diseases.

I noticed right off that Sharon's mother was the same way, she seemed to delight in sitting across from me in their living room and many times I could see right up her dress. That's how I knew for sure she never wore anything underneath.

Sharon got looked at a lot, I didn't mind one bit.

"So, what are you kids doing way in the hell out here?" The old man asked, plopping down another beer, his eyes glancing over at my pretty young wife again.

"We are on our honeymoon, just seeing the sights. I was looking for a place to maybe catch a fish."

"Oh, honeymoon, huh? That's neat, you make a cute couple. I know you are both underage but I don't care, no cops ever come out here, and they wouldn't care anyway so enjoy yourselves. Fish, huh? Lots of them right over there in the river. Look around all you like. Pond out back, got Brook Trout planted in it, catch some if you want."

We were happy to be inside and out of the heat, so that is just what we did. Sharon was sitting on the high stool and she showed no signs of wanting to budge. She had no interest at all in catching fish, I went out to the pond and in no time I had a half dozen little 10 inch long Brook Trout grab my fly. That was fun, I just turned them loose, then I was getting too hot again so I went back inside the lodge.

Sharon was bellied right up tight to the bar in deep conversation with the old guy, he glanced up at me and grinned and went right back to looking down the front of her top. He sure wasn't making any effort at all to be sneaky about it, either.

I was sure the old coot was getting a few peeks at her big black nipples from time to time, Sharon I knew didn't mind, early on she had discovered that men liked breasts and nipples, so she made extra efforts to show them off.

There was no reason to even be upset or concerned, I had seen both of them before I even knew her name.

The other thing I found out quickly when we started dating was that I could look at her big boobs, touch, play with her but that was it. I could even pet her pussy all I wanted to, and she would see to it that I was content by giving me a hand job that I will never forget. She even kept a fresh napkin in her purse, ready to go.

There was no way in hell she would let me stick my dick inside her though. That was for when she was married.

I new she had dated quite a few other guys, I wondered about the napkin bit but I never asked.

Sharon was a virgin on our wedding night, of that I was completely sure. We made one hell of a mess.

Spectacular is what she was and she knew it is the words.

It sure was obvious as hell that the old guy was enjoying this immensely.

There was a giant pool table so I tugged her loose from the bar and we wandered over and shot a few games. I was getting my jollies watching Sharon hike up on tiptoe to reach some of the far away shots.

I glanced over at the old coot, he was watching intently also. Like I said, I couldn't really blame him, Sharon was fine to look at and the bottom half of her butt cheeks peeked out from time to time. A couple of times she had to stretch to try and make a shot and her hairy snatch would peek right out.

Of course she was completely aware of it because every time she ever did anything like that she would get hot as a pistol and the moment we had any privacy at all she would be after me.

I knew damn good and well there was nothing else on underneath there that day, having investigated that completely just an hour or two before in a deserted campground we had found by a creek. The old man was getting a peek at some of her curly black hairs when she stretched out for a longer shot, I was sitting down waiting between each shot and I could see right up there so I knew he could, too.

I wandered up to the bar and ordered another one.

"Sure, on me!" He grinned and pulled out a couple more ice cold bottles.

"How do you keep the beer so cold?" I knew there were no power lines out here.

"I drive up the mountain and haul snow and ice down in my truck." He grinned at me, pretending to wipe the bar.

"That helps to keep it cooler in here, too." He waved one hand towards a big wooden door that was open about two feet. I could see a big pile of snow in there through the cracked open door.

"Generator out back helps it to last but about 40 degrees is as cold as I can get it in there. At night I shut off the generator and just open the outside doors, it freezes most nights around here."

I looked around, the place was big. It was all made of logs, everything was logs. Even the bar railing was a smaller log, someone had drilled it and made pegs, they seemed to be just driven in.

That fascinated me, I spent quite a long time looking at how it was all put together. I even reached down and felt one of the pegs, it looked like some kind of glue was on them, and the peg was obviously whittled, no machine made that.

"Pitch!" The old guy called out, watching me intently. "Not a nail in the whole place, pegs last longer anyway. I just cover up the pitch with some clay and then clear stain, got me a 5 gallon bucket of it out in the shed."

I nodded, got up and went over to look closely at the walls, each log was flattened on the top and bottom and fitted so close there was no gap at all. No need for insulation, no place to put it anyway. For some reason it really looked neat to me.

"Hey, you kids going to stay? We have six rooms upstairs."

"We have camping gear, we don't have much money." I told him. That was true, I had maybe $60 left in my pants pocket.

"Oh, what the hell, on me. Ain't nobody else here anyway, ain't going to be either, not this time of year."

"Isn't business good?" I asked, just making conversation.

"All Summer it is, then when the weather sets in nobody comes around. This hot weather this late is a surprise, folks all leave by now. Kids in school I guess. It's a kinda quiet life out here, I go hunt for meat for the Winter, the river is full of fish. I get by, been running this place for 35 years now. I got three camping rentals down the road, 15 acres and all of it frontage. Been trying to sell."

"Why sell it?" I asked.

"I am old and want to retire, it's time for some young buck like you to take over and make something of this place."

I laughed.

"I don't have any idea how to run a store and bar."

"I didn't either when I bought this place. Right now I got a deal going on with a big outfit from up North, city people, but I don't want to sell to them really. Probably have to, they will just ruin it out here. Put up signs, keep everyone else out, use it for the bigwigs. I am gonna hate that."

We both looked over at Sharon, she was standing looking out the window. He caught my look, grinned.

"Damn, I wish I was twenty again!" He grinned at me.

I grinned right back, Sharon turned and headed our way, her big breasts rolling slightly as she walked.

"Hey, honey! Want to buy a resort?" I asked her, mostly teasing.

"What?" She looked at me in surprise, like she thought I was serious.

"This place, it's for sale. Campgrounds, fishing, bar, restaurant, rentals, the whole works!"

"How much?" She asked me.

"Fifteen grand for the lodge, the other offer is seventeen but I would rather see some young bucks like you guys take over than that corporation bunch. I need $50 an acre for the rest." The old man stuck that in there, looked at her expectantly.

$50 an acre for desert land? No way in hell, I thought. Nothing out there but dirt and rocks, even the road was just a dirt track.

But then..there was water, that river out front, brush lining it and some Pine trees so maybe...?

Still, we had about $100 in the bank all told, I laughed at that. My mill job paid $1.66 per hour, it would take me 25 years to come up with that much. I knew that desert land was just about worthless.

"I bet we could borrow that much from my Uncle Henry, he owns the rock quarry down at the coast." Sharon flashed me a smile.

"You are kidding." I told her.

"No, I'm not! This is really nice out here, I like it. There isn't any future in that mill." She looked at me like she expected me to just jump at the chance.

I really wasn't doing much jumping at the idea at all.

"Bend is only about 80 miles away." She said, a faraway look in her eyes.

Only? I knew Sharon well enough to know that she was thinking. Like when we bought the Impala, the old Desoto I had before had a bad habit of quitting every two or three days, she said I was spending more on repair parts than the payments on a new car would be, so we bought it.

"We will spend more than that on a house back down there at the coast." She added. I thought about the little eight foot wide by 42 foot trailer we had purchased for just under a grand, making payments. She was right about that, we had looked at a few houses, all in the $13,900 to $17,900 range. That was just way out of being possible at all.

I sat there in surprise, hell, she was suddenly serious. She was actually thinking of us spending $15,000 on a place in the middle of nowhere?

"Besides, you like to fish..and hunt." She turned to the old man who was now grinning ear to ear.

"Come on, honey, I will show you around. You sound like you got a head on your shoulders."

He put his hand on the small of her back and steered her towards the rear. I snorted, figuring he just wanted to look at her some more.

"Help yourself to another beer if you want to!" He grinned at me over his shoulder. I did exactly that. Then I peeked into the kitchen, there was a huge grill in there, lines running out through a hole in the logs to where I had seen a pair of big propane bottles. Plus there was some firewood stacked there, so it obviously ran on either gas or firewood.

They poked around in the cooler, I noticed the old guy kept reaching out and putting his hand on Sharon's bare waist to steer her around. I didn't give a shit and she didn't seem to mind. I was starting to get a little bit of a buzz on from the brew anyway.

The cooler was just a room with a bin in it, the rear had big double doors that opened up and I guess he shoveled snow in there. There were cases of beer stacked in there. I wandered over to look at the stairs, the steps were logs sawed in half and set in flat side up, it was all pretty cool looking.

Just then they came out of the back and went by me up the stairs. I noticed the old man followed her up the steps, he even hesitated so that he was about three steps behind her.

That was funny, I chuckled to myself. Hell, let the old guy have some jollies, there wasn't any harm in that.

By the time they came back down from upstairs where all the rental rooms were, she had made up her mind.

The old guy and Sharon shook hands, there I sat wondering what in the hell had just happened.

She called her Uncle as soon as we got home, he worshiped the ground Sharon walked on. She got us the loan, we were back in the Impala and headed to Eastern Oregon two days later. I was supposed to be at work at the paper mill that morning but I called in sick.

I never went back.

That quickly, we were in business. Well, if that is what it could be called. The first Fall and Winter was terrible, there was even some hungry times. We ate one heck of a lot of fish, then I got lucky and a big buck walked out in front of me one frosty February morning, I dropped him with one shot from my Dad's old .30-30 model 94 Winchester he let me use.

The old man had told me to not drop a Deer close to the lodge because sometimes in the Winter we might need one badly. Hunting close by kept them skittish but we were down to just plain hungry and I was in no mood for a few miles walking in deep snow. We had been eating lots of fish but I lost my last spinner on a big one. The damn water was so clear I had to use very light line or they wouldn't bite at all. The pond with the overly eager Brook Trout was empty now, we ate all of them.

We couldn't just get into the car and go home, or even anywhere, there was 6 feet of snow in the way. Plowing the gravel roads was likely out of the question, either that or the government just didn't care. For months we saw nobody, no one at all.

The old man had left us with provisions, mostly canned goods and beer. That part was a surprise, he counted every can and bottle, and handed me a bill for that. It took the last of our money.

That didn't matter, we had no place to spend any money anyway.

The old man had left us most of a hind quarter of a Deer hanging in a storage cabinet in the kitchen, it had been smoked. I didn't think that was a real good idea to store it like that, so I moved it out to the cooler where the snow was to keep it cold. I left the door ajar, it was much colder outside than inside the cooler.

That night I learned my first lesson, something came in and took the whole thing, knocking over cases of beer and generally making a mess in the process. I looked for tracks and found them, it was a huge Cougar.

I never went outside without the rifle from then on.

That quickly we were out of meat. A few days later I tried my hand at hunting and got nowhere at all with that. By the time it was very cold outside fish became tough to catch.

I even tried to track the big Cat, I would have skinned and ate the thing if I could have gotten a shot at it, but I never saw it.

By Spring I was down to 170 pounds from my normal 200, Sharon dropped to 80 pounds. Then finally the weather broke. The day we rented the first room we were so happy we went onto our own room downstairs and made love from one end of it to the other. It had actually been a few weeks since we had, staying alive took up quite a bit of our time and energy that first hard Winter.

By the end of the week they were all rented. The campground out front filled up, suddenly people were everywhere and there was so much work to do I was up at 4 AM and falling into bed at 11 PM.

The rental houses booked for the Summer, I found myself tending bar. The stores we had were going very fast. Just in time, a truck rolled in from the larger city to the North and unloaded beer and provisions.

It was a surprise to me, but the old man had schedules already set up so they just kept delivering since we hadn't even thought about that part. Green was the word for the two of us, we were in way over our heads at first.

They had me sign the invoice, I looked at it but had no idea how we were going to pay it.

By the end of the second week I had that part figured out, we had lots of money coming in. It was all cash, too. The old man would not take checks and nearly everyone that showed up had been there before.

Sharon was cooking in the kitchen, she got very good at it. One skinny little hippie looking girl came by and we hired her to wait tables. She had a bedroll and just pitched a tent out in the woods.

She really was a hippie type, too, right down to the flowers in her hair that she got down by the river. I saw her several times down there bathing, she went into the ice cold water stark naked and wasn't concerned at all.

The first couple of times were interesting, then I got oddly used to it and paid little attention to her.

Soon I had to hire another helper, to handle cleaning up the campgrounds and haul in firewood. That was easy, a young Mexican man came by on foot and was happy to take me up on my offer. Things got crazy busy that first Summer, for awhile I began to think it was impossible but after awhile I fell into a system and everything got done.

By the end of the second Summer we had Sharon's uncle paid off, and some cash in the bank. We had gone from being poor working people to rich business people in two short Summers.

Well, we were rich by the standards I was used to, anyway.

Winters meant we hunkered down and waited for Spring, we spent a lot of time making love. By then we had a battery powered TV set, if we got the little rabbit ears set just right we could pick up a few snowy stations. I recharged the battery using the generator, it always started right up.

The bad part was I never got to do any fishing in the Spring and Summer, it was work all day, every day, seven days per week. The same for Sharon, she was up at 5 AM and came to bed exhausted at around 10 PM. The bar stayed open serving beer, we had another woman that came in at six and stayed until two.

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