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Wildlife, Wild Wife

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Stolen sex with another man's wife.
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I earned this vacation.

It had been over a year since my divorce, and since that time I had turned from being a bitter man to one who was truly enjoying life again. The change in jobs plus the unexpected single life had helped transform me, and so, while tasting a local brew, looking out over the Pacific Ocean, I told myself that I earned every second of this vacation. Another fringe benefit of my new bachelorhood was that I found the time to exercise - and was, at 42, in the best shape I'd ever been in my entire life.

I chose Costa Rica, but not the areas which were the playgrounds of the rich, or lazy. I chose an area at the very end of the road, with very few amenities. 1 restaraunt/bar (Tico's) served the small town, and the only lodgings were tiny houses nestled even farther off the beaten path which were only accessible by foot. One had to leave their car at Tico's and walk a few hundred yards to get to their jungle seaside abodes.

I sat in the open air veranda, surrounded by only a few others like myself, some were locals, others were just looking to decompress. The book in my hands was by no means heavy reading, 'The Wildlife of Costa Rica'. The few 'real' books that I brought along I saved for the plane trips back home. Here, I just wanted to soak in all that I could - incuding the local food, fauna, and drink, the latter of which I was savoring greatly.

A couple came in and sat at the table next to mine. He seemed to be about my age (42), she was definitely younger, perhaps in her early or mid thirties. Rather than sitting facing each other she sat facing to the outside - with him to her right. My back was to their table, but I could hear their conversation well enough. At one point I heard her tell him:

"Stephan, that's the bird we saw before!"

I looked outside to see it, but with it being night I was a bit confused, until I heard her say:

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be reading over your shoulder, but I saw that picture, and recognized that bird."

I looked over to her, and saw her smiling eyes, and smiled back. Her face was framed in hair that had been curled by the humidity, and tousled by the ocean winds. She was about 5'4" tall, and a physique which was both fit, and wonderfully curvy at the same time.

"This is a mecca for all sorts of wildlife." I said. "My name is Liam, did you both just arrive here?"

She told me they had, and that her name was Suzanne, her husband's Stephan. They were only in this part of Costa Rica for a day and a half before moving on to other regions. I turned my chair and joined the two of them at their request. Having been alone for the last 5 days here it was a welcome change from my solitude.

When the waiter came by I ordered a round of drinks for all 3 of us. Suzanne simply exuded life. Her eyes were full of energy and smiles, her body moved as if she were going to break into dance at any moment, and even the whispy sundress she was wearing was full of colors. As she leaned forwards to talk and sip her drink I found myself working hard to not get caught looking at her lithe body.

Stephan, on the other hand, seemed like he would be far more at home at one of those luxury spas up the coast, where everything was groomed and efficient, and the local 'flavor' was sifted out. He only seemed to join the conversation when he was asked direct questions, otherwise he busied himself with his laptop. ('It's hard on him to be away from his work." Suzanne said about him).

But, this was fine with me, as I was so thoroughly enjoying her company. Other than a quick weekend 'fling' with one of my graduate assistants 8 months ago, I had buried myself in my other interests, but seeing Suzanne, made me realize how much was missing from my life. Her interests were as varied as mine, and when she found that I was a professor of 'creative writing' at a small college, she shared her enthusiasm with me even going toe to toe with me debating the merits of certain authors. I found myself grinning broadly at her while she talked with me - so enjoying the reparte with such an attractive woman.

'What's so funny?' she asked, noticing my grin.

"It's such a nice change having discussions like this with a real woman, rather than a college student. My life tends to be twenty-something year olds these days."

"Are you calling me old?" - She was grinning now.

"How about 'older?" I said, playing the game with her.

"Well, it can't be all bad being around those college girls can it?" She said, looking directly into my eyes.

"Been there, done that, - not interested in going back" I smiled, challenging her look.

She raised her eyebrows in amusement, and something else which I couldn't quite figure out.

"Well, to change the subject," she said while still looking directly at me, "I want to take a guided hike tomorrow, and thought that you might be able to tell me who would be a good person to do it?"

I pointed to a tall, very fit man at the bar, complete with dreadlocks, - "He's the guy, I've used him twice this week already, but to warn you, he leaves very early. Are you sure you'll both be up to leaving at 6 in the morning?"

"I'm a morning person, I'm usually up that early. And, it''ll be just me going solo, Stephen will be parking himself either here, or on the beach if the sun isn't too strong." With that she went over to the bar to talk to Toma. Stephan and I sat in silence at the table, as he did not seem the least bit interested in talking with me, nor did he seem to notice any of the sparks that had been flying across the table between his wife and me..

Suzanne returned, with a drink for herself, and another one for me.

"Payback for the tip!" she smiled as she sat down.

"He's got a fairly large group going tomorrow, but I'll join in too"

We continued chatting for another half hour, and I could feel my pulse livening as I sat there with her. I kept repeating to myself that this was silly, she's married, he's sitting right across from me, but I couldn't stop myself from flirting with her, or catching her eye. Finally, I stood and told them that I was heading back to my house, before the moonlight was lost, as I didn't have a flashlight along. Stephan shook my hand, and then Suzanne did the same, grasping it lightly with both hands. A shock ran through my body at her touch, and I hoped she (or her husband) didn't notice. I bid them goodnight - hoping to catch them tomorrow.

The next morning I rose early as I usually did there to catch the awakening of the earth. My trail today was into the forest, then back along the coast, about 5 miles in all. The nice thing about the coast trails were that you could hike in shorts and a tshirt - not having to worry about snakes, or mosquitoes. So, I felt light on my feet and was loving every moment. Sometime around mid morning, I was heading back along the coast, having just climbed one of the many finger points between the secluded beaches. I had my binoculars out and was scanning ahead for anything interesting, but what I saw was a complete shock. On the beach below was one of the twenty-something year old college girls I had seen earlier, with one of the locals from the bar. They had spent the night on the beach, and he was laying on his back. She was touching him, pumping him with her hand. The sight of her white hand, moving on his black body was shocking in it's sexuality. She had her side of the sleeping bag half covering her, with one beautiful breast bared.. His side had the covers pulled back completely - he was thoroughly enjoying what she was doing. The openness with which she touched him, and the ease in which she let herself be naked was erotic. I was mesmerized watching her, when suddenly I heard a voice behind me.

"Well, did you find any good wildlife?"

It was Suzanne. I put my binoculars down, feeling myself blush at what I had been doing. She told me how she had decided to head off on her own, since the group was so large, and noisy. Toma pointed her to the path that led to the ocean, and that was how she ended up with me.

"Come on!" she said, pulling me by my hand - "lets walk together."

I pulled her back playfully saying:

"Well, there's a bit of wildlife down there that I don't think we should disturb"

Her binoculars were in her backpack, where she had also stored her long pants and other clothes from the forest part of the hike. I handed her mine which were still around my neck - and I leaned forward so she could see.

"You dirty old man!" she laughed. "So, that's what you do out here." She then laughed, letting me know she was playing with me. Still looking through the binoculars she said,

"hmm... I would think that sand would get into places one wouldn't want it to."

She handed them back to me, and I looked. The girl was now laying on her back, and he was now laying between her legs...his head down, licking her pussy. Her back was slightly arched upwards, and her neck bent back. Black and White, muscles, and smoothness.

"Well, it certainly looks like she's enjoying herself, and I know he certainly is" I said.

"How do you know he's having fun? I always felt that most men do that simply to get to the next step?" She said.

As usual, I found her frankness disarming, delightful, and in this context thoroughly erotic.

"Well, I can only speak for myself, but they say it is better to give than receive... and I love giving." I said looking at her with a grin.

She stood before me with the wind blowing her hair, a tank top on, and running shorts covering her fit ass. "Warning, Warning" kept passing through my brain. 'She's married'....

To distract myself from her I looked through the binculars again.

"Wow!" I said, chuckling quietly, and I set the binoculars back down.

"What's happening?" she asked.

"He's....uh..." I was searching for the right words to tell her that the man was on top of her... he was inside of her, moving, thrusting.

"He's what?" she asked.

"Uhm, He's..." I still was trying to figure out if I should say that to her...

"Fucking her?" she asked.

I felt myself intake a big breath. To hear Suzanne say those words 'fucking her' - it was so blunt, and sexy. I chuckled at my own inability to be so direct, but then decided to go along with it.

"Yes, he's fucking her...., fucking her , hard...."

Suzanned reached for the binoculars which were still around my neck. She stepped nearer to me, and slipped. She fell, and since the binocular strap was still around my neck she pulled me down with her onto the sandy point. We both lay there prone, side by side like a couple of holiday snipers, laughing at what had just happened. I slid next to her and handed her the binoculars again - and she watched. As she watched them, I watched her. My face was near hers, and I took a deep breath smelling her skin and hair. Her scent was so, well, feminine. I wanted her so bady. I watched her closely, and noticed that she was lightly biting her lower lip. Watching them down below was having an effect on her, I was certain. I had to touch her. I had to see how she would respond. My own body was hard, and uncomfortable. Without her noticing I reached my hand down, and adjusted my hard cock so it lay along my stomach, pointing up the lenght of my body, held in place by the top band of my underwear.

I lay on my side facing her, and placed my hand on the small of her back, and found where her shirt had slid up, so I had the delicious feeling of skin to skin contact. Her only response was a slight upturn of the corners of her lips, an almost imperctible, impish smile. She continued to watch. My hand stroked her back lightly, and my pulse was pounding. She set the binoculars down, and turned on her side towards me. My hand moved to her hip and traced up the side of her body to her face. I held her there for a moment while we both looked at each other and then I moved forward and kissed her.

Everything changed at that moment - when our lips touched, nothing else existed, except for our absolute hunger for each other. We kissed almost like old lovers, knowing what we wanted, and not afraid to show it. Finally she pulled back, looked at me with a big grin, and pushed me onto my back.

"I think I need to challenge you on something you said earlier."

she said with a grin while looking down my body, and stopping at my shorts, where the head of my cock was entirely visible. She reached down, and with just the tips of her fingers stroked the head of my cock.

I was too turned on to care to ask what she meant by what she had said, and watched her hand touch me. Her touch was light, and insistent. I could see that she was enjoying both the feeling for herself, and that she was enjoying the pleasure that she was giving me. Finally she undid my shorts, and moved them and my underwear down. My cock was there in the sunlight, hard, needing her. She moved down between my legs and began to kiss the shaft, her tongue teasing the tip, or making a trail up the sides. I could hear the sounds coming out of me as I watched her suck and tease me. She was framed by the sunlight and the ocean, and her tank top hung down so that I could see her breasts as she moved her tongue along my cock. I reached down, putting my hand inside her top, cupping her breasts as she sucked harder on me. I grasped her almost too hard in my lust for her body, and she moaned, never stopping the motion of her mouth. The heat of her body, and the sensations of sight, touch, and sound were almost overwhelming.

Quickly I was near the point of no return. I pulled my hands out of her shirt, and grasped her hair, pulling her head backwards, off of my cock. I didn't want to cum yet, and I was a bit shocked at myself with the force with with I pulled her off of me. She looked at me, my hands still tangled in her hair, her hands holding my hard, wet cock. With a wonderfully playful grin, laughing lightly she said:

"See!... receiving is just as much fun."

My head was foggy with lust... I laughed, finally understanding what she had meant before, and gently pulled her towards me. She inched forwards on her knees saying. "Well, am I right.... do you want me to keep going?"

My hands were on her thighs helping guide her up my body, and keeping her steady in the sand. Holding her tightly I slid them up her legs and said: "I want this - I want you."

My hands slid under her shorts, and quickly found her - wet, hot... open, and it was I, not her who moaned when I slipped my fingers into her pussy. Knowing that she was as turned on as I, that her wetness was an acknowledgement that we both needed the same thing, pushed my desire to have her even greater heights.. I watched her kneeling above me, head back, my hands up her running shorts, the hairs of her pussy visible. One hand on her ass, keeping her forward where I could slide my fingers farther into her. Squeezing her tight ass, holding her hostage to my hands, teasing more wetness from her. Then, suddently, it was Suzanne who quickly grasped my hands pulling them off of her..

"Stop!"..... she gasped.

"What do you want?" I asked her... breathing hard "Tell me."

Without any words she reached down to my cock... held it upwards... and slowly lowered herself onto it. Her shorts were still on her, but she simply moved them aside... and guided me into her.

I'm not going to lie and say that we made love for hours. We didn't. Though, in some ways we began making love when we first met. Our first kiss was the meeting of our eyes. Our first sexual touch was when she shook my hand saying 'goodnight', and in the privacy of our dreams that night we began making love. So, now, here, with the sun above us, and the waves crashing on the shores below, we were continuing something we had started hours before.

Suzanne moved up and down on me, and my hands grasped skin wherever they could find it. My hands pulled the top of her shirt down, exposing her to the air, and my lips found her breasts. Biting them in restrained desire... teasing them hard. My hands held her ass tight.

"oh fuck," She said gently... "oh fuck," Like a mantra... over and over... .light words... hot words... erotic words. She would lower herself down on my body, then lightly rock her hips forward so that her clitoris would push against my pubic bone. My hands helped her, guided her, and pulled her down harder onto me, and sometimes they controlled her body.

"oh fuck, oh fuck..." her words were coming quicker, more urgently, louder... I could tell she was close to orgasm. She suddenly moved as if she were going to lift herself off of me to keep from cumming, but I pulled her down by her hips, and held her hard against me, my cock buried as deep in her body as it could be. I could feel the involuntary motions of her body, I could hear her breath, her voice all reaching that single point. She fell forward onto her hands. I looked down the length of our bodies, seeing her breasts hanging over me. I could see my cock disappearing into her, I could feel her body quivering in release and desire, and I felt a roar being torn from my body. As I felt myself cumming in her, she reached up with one arm, holding my head against her breast.

We lay like that - feeling the pulses of each other's bodies, listening to the sounds of nature, and living in a place where nothing else existed. After a while of kissing, and holding, we gathered up everything, and walked quietly back to the plaza, where we made plans to 'bump into each other' that evening for dinner.

When Suzanne and Stephen walked into the restaurant that night for dinner, she saw me, and her face looked pained. But, I knew it wasn't the pain of having done something she regretted. It was the same pain that I felt, the pain of having experienced something, that you're not certain you'll ever have again in life. The rest of the evening was much like our first one. She exuded gaiety, life and sensuality. He, was in his own world. How could he not see that bright light that he had married. How I so wanted to reach across the table, grasp her in my hands, and kiss her again now, as I had hours earlier.

In the morning, when they took the bus out of town, I was upstairs on the veranda. Suzanne looked around for me, but didn't see me. While Stephen was off talking to the driver she pinned a piece of paper on the bulletin board. I knew it was for me. I didn't have time to get down to her to say a real goodbye, and it would have been more painful to do it when neither of us could have expressed our emotions. As her bus pulled away, she was sitting at a window. She looked all around searching for me, and then, finally looked up and saw me. Her face changed, and we both simply smiled at each other. There was no pain in her face this time.

We both knew it wasn't over.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago


The story is EROTIC & totally TRUE TO LIFE.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I am copy pasting this comment because I really like it.


ISawYourMommy - over 15 years ago

If she keeps on cheatin' . . .

. . . I'll keep on readin'.

End quote.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A little more attention to spelling would have improved the story: its for it's, for example.

26thNC26thNCalmost 4 years ago

You write a fine cheating whore and asshole story.

ramonbrookramonbrookover 9 years ago
Loved the wildlife

Would really like to read more of this story

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