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Will and Marnie Explore . . . Ch.02

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Will pleasures Marnie.
6.9k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/24/2016
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The story so far:

'Vanessa and Marnie In Conversation' introduced Marnie's dilemma. Should she do as her next-door neighbour Vanessa suggests and have sex with Vanessa's husband Will? And if she does, should she tell her own husband Barry?

Chapter 1 of 'Will and Marnie Explore' had Vanessa telling Barry about her discussion with Marnie and showing him the room with a one-way observation panel where she had watched her husband Will having sex with another lady. The implication was clear: Vanessa is suggesting that Barry should watch his wife Marnie having sex with Will.

"I had a long talk with Vanessa yesterday"

Two bottles of red wine shared between Vanessa and me, consumed during a very heavy three-hour conversation, would be expected to leave both of us drowsy, and so it was with me at least. I went home, went to bed, and dropped off to sleep with many troubling thoughts going around in my mind. I was aware of my wife Marnie coming home and climbing into bed with me but I decided to leave any discussion of what Vanessa had told me until tomorrow when I had a clear head. So I bid Marnie a sleepy 'good night' and dozed back off to sleep again.

On Sunday morning, after the usual "How did everything go down at the home yesterday?" and "What was dinner like last night with the other volunteers?" I broached the subject that had been so unexpectedly dumped upon me yesterday and which must have been troubling Marnie for the past week or two. "I had a long talk with Vanessa yesterday evening," I said.

A look of shock flashed across my wife's usually placid face. "It's OK," I said, trying to sound as gentle and unthreatening as I could. "It was a long talk and she even explained some things to me that she hasn't told you about. I told her that you and I would have a talk about it and decide what we want to do."

"Look, I'm really sorry about all this Barry," she replied. "Vanessa came up with the idea of Will and me having sex together and it sort of got to me and sounded exciting and different. We even talked about doing it and not telling you about it. But I can see now that it's a silly idea that won't work and we really should just forget about the whole thing."

"No, we can't just forget about it. The stable door is open and the horse is half-way down the paddock. We have to talk it through and you and I have to decide what we want to do. Vanessa said that what they did was good for her as well as for Will, and she thinks that if you do it with Will it will be good for both of us too. We need to decide if we think that's right or not."

Marnie was regarding me with what can only be described as the gaze of a stunned mullet. "You're actually considering it? Do you seriously think that if I have sex with another man it won't affect our marriage?"

"I didn't say that. Of course it will affect our marriage. Vanessa said it would be a positive effect, but I don't know. And it's not just 'sex with another man', it's sex with Will, not some random bloke you pick up at the pub. Look, there's so much we have to think about before we make any decision and it's not like we have to make it tomorrow. It's our decision, not Vanessa's or anybody else's, so let's just talk about it, hey?"


Sunday finished with a bang

I had never had a Sunday like that one before, and I don't expect I ever again will experience anything like it. We talked for a while and I told Marnie about the viewing room and what I thought Vanessa intended; that Marnie and Will should have sex on the sofa in one room while Vanessa and I watched them through the one-way glass from the other room.

Marnie was completely taken aback by the idea, saying "That's not how she put it to me. What we talked about was just me finding out what it felt like to have sex with a man who wasn't my one-and-only. And that really got to me. I did start wondering what it would feel like. But she didn't say it was going to be a spectator sport."

We laughed at that and we both wandered off to do a few things around the house. Every now and again we stopped what we were doing and talked again about what it would be like if we followed through on Vanessa's ideas. Each time we did, I could sense that Marnie was warming to the idea, and I have to admit that it was getting to me too. I had flashbacks to how I felt in that dark room wondering what it would be like to watch my wife naked on the other side of the glass, being fucked by another man.

By dinner time we had reached a decision. Marnie would invite Will out to dinner at a quiet little restaurant she liked very much and would find out what he thought of the idea without Vanessa being there to influence things. After that, she and I would make our decision. On that Sunday night, we both went to bed excited by what the future might hold.

There were times in our younger days when Marnie wanted sex more than I did. Not many, but back then when she was hot to trot she was hot. On this Sunday night she was hot-hot-HOT, just like when we were young. It probably was my imagination, but I was sure I could smell the hormones. We undressed ready for bed and as I went to put on my pyjamas she said "You don't need those."

She crawled up onto the bed and knelt there, head down and bum up. "It's all yours," she said. "Go for it."

Marnie hasn't particularly enjoyed doggie-position sex since those early days when she was completely new to sex and we were trying just about every position listed in the Kama Sutra. Nowadays she thinks face down and arse up shows that the woman is subservient, and subservient is one thing my wife definitely is not. So this was a statement on her part. I just wished I knew what the statement was. Was she rewarding me for what I had agreed with her, or couldn't she wait until she got fucked by Will?

At that moment I didn't care. I grabbed Marnie by the hips, shoved it in and satisfied my own needs regardless of hers. But it turned out that she was every bit as satisfied as I was. "That was magic." She said. "You were like an animal. I needed that."

I slept like a log on Sunday night.


Marnie takes Will to dinner

What had I done? This was not the woman I had been married to all these years. The woman I married was a quiet and gentle lady who couldn't wait to settle into the role of homemaker and mother. Over the years, sex had remained a reasonably important part of our relationship, but it had become routine rather than exciting. On Sunday night, Marnie was a tigress and it didn't diminish much during the following week.

I was also receiving daily reports on her discussions with Vanessa: She had told Vanessa about our talks together. She had seen the interview room and was excited by it. Will had accepted her dinner invitation for Friday.

Her state of excitement left me wondering what she would be like if she actually did the deed.

It was becoming quite clear to me that Marnie had made her decision. It was going to happen and, while I wasn't prepared to admit it to Marnie or Vanessa, I was looking forward to it too. It was not yet a week since that Saturday evening with Vanessa and my sex life had already been transformed. Would it get even better after 'the event'?

I tried to think about it from Marnie's viewpoint. Maybe after twenty years of being a loving wife and devoted mother she deserved a little taste of wanton self-indulgence? Would it be, as Vanessa claimed, something that would re-invigorate our marriage?

Or would that be the step too far that brought everything to a catastrophic end? It was a risk that I knew I was going to take and I had to put my faith in our ability to work it through if things went pear-shape.

Marnie and Will had planned their dinner for Friday evening. She had told him in no uncertain terms that it was her shout. It was her idea, she had invited him to dinner, she would drive him there and bring him home, and she would pick up the bill - no arguments. She was bubbling with excitement as they departed for their dinner date.

While they were out, I went over to visit Vanessa. "It might have been your idea to start with," I said. "But she's taken over. She's in charge. We're just bit players now."

"Are you unhappy with that?" she replied.

I obviously wasn't unhappy with it or I would have put a stop to it. But I wasn't sure I was happy with it either. However, one thing was certain. The next twenty years of our marriage would be very different from the past twenty years, even if we didn't go through with this. I just didn't know in what ways it would be different. I thought I would try something.

"If this happens, and my wife has sex with your husband, does that mean Will's wife will have sex with Marnie's husband?"

"Decidedly not," she replied. "Will and I talked about this after his first dalliance and we're not into swinging. We did what we did for a specific reason, and I think you understand why now. If I'm not wrong, you have decided in your own mind that the same reason could work for you and Marnie too. She needs it. You don't."

I went home and after an hour or so I decided to turn in. Marnie arrived home soon after. Their dinner date hadn't been a particularly long one. I lay there quietly while she went to the bathroom where I heard her brushing her teeth and freshening up before she came and climbed into bed with me. "What did you decide?" I asked.

"The first time will be tomorrow evening if you are OK with that," she said. "Can we leave talking about it till tomorrow when I can explain the whole plan to you?"

The "first time"? What the hell did she mean by that? And "tomorrow evening"? That's not much time to think it over. And "the whole plan"? How long does this whole plan go on for?

I slept fitfully on Friday night.


The Whole Plan

We drank a lot of coffee with Saturday morning's breakfast. And we talked. And talked.

Will had suggested three 'sessions'. The way Marnie described it, they sounded more like appointments with the doctor than two people having sex. The first one was planned for this evening, and then they were planned for the next two Saturdays as well. Actual cock-in-pussy sex was planned for Session 3 only. This was incredible! How in Hades could a man and woman spend two nights together like they were planning without going all the way each time?

But I was starting to understand what Vanessa had been talking about when she described Will's approach to sex as "experimental". The plan for Session 1 was for Will to pleasure Marnie. Will would do all the work and he would decide what he would do to her. Marnie's job (she actually described it as a 'job') would be to respond - to let Will know if she was enjoying what he was doing and to keep doing it, or to tell him to do something else if he was doing something she didn't like.

It all sounded very clinical, but as Marnie described it to me I realised that it was exactly the sort of thing I should expect of somebody like Will.

Session 2 was planned to reverse the roles with Marnie pleasuring Will, and Session 3 was to be the real thing. This had been planned with military precision. There was even a 'most important groundrule': No Serious Kissing.

"We can suck and kiss all around the place in any way we like, but nothing involving serious lip-locking or tongues tangled together." Marnie laughed as she explained it. "It's just sex. We're not having a love affair."

It was "just sex". It was going to happen. And we both knew it without either of us ever explicitly saying so or actually agreeing to it. By the time Marnie and I walked over to Vanessa and Will's place that Saturday afternoon, all four of us knew that the whole plan would come to pass.


"Just go with it and let it happen"

I sat on the bed and watched as Marnie dressed for her evening of pleasure. Normally, the underwear she wore would be practical rather than sexy - classic cottontails panties and an underwire bra designed for support and comfort, usually with a spencer or a full slip. Tonight was sexy rather than practical - just pale blue bikini panties and matching lace bra.

Then she put on a floaty floral wrap skirt and pulled on a short-sleeved white top. I could just make out the pale blue of the bra underneath the top and she flipped the side of the skirt to show a nicely turned leg.

I imagined Will happily unwrapping his prize within the skirt, but I wondered about the top. "Mightn't a blouse be more fun for Will to take off?"

I know I like removing her blouse. The grand reveal of her boobs as I undo the buttons one by one is always enjoyable.

"I don't have a blouse that would go with this skirt, and I'm sure his hands will brush against the interesting bits as he lifts the top over my head," she replied. "Yours always do." She had me there.

When we arrived at Vanessa and Will's back verandah, there were four glasses, a bottle of red and nibbly bits on the table. I could see Vanessa through the kitchen window and she waved. Marnie gripped my hand and whispered in my ear: "You're sure, aren't you?"

"I'm every bit as sure as you are," I whispered back. "Just go with it and let it happen." I wished I was as sure as my words made me sound, but there was no backing away now.

She leaned across and gave me a peck on the cheek as we sat down. Will and Vanessa appeared from the kitchen and Will poured the wine. "I liked Marnie's choice of restaurants last night," he said. "I hadn't been there before, but I'll certainly be going there quite a bit now I know how good it is."

We sat there talking, drinking and nibbling. We didn't avoid the subject that was on the top of everybody's mind, but we didn't concentrate on it either. "What did you think of the interview room?" Will asked. "When we had it built we had no idea that we might use it for play as well as work."

And so the conversation went on. We had finished one bottle of red and were well into a second as the sun started to fade. Will reached across and took Marnie's hand. "I think we might go and get comfortable together," he said. "You two can stay out here and finish your drinks. I'm sure you'll find something to fill in the time. We'll probably see you again later this evening." He grinned as he led my wife in through the house on her way to her first sexual exploration with a man who wasn't me.

Vanessa took my hand and held it, indicating that we should stay put for a while to let the performers take their places. "We'll give them a few moments to go through and get started," she said. "And there's one thing you might want to think about before it all happens."

"What's that?" I enquired, wondering what could it be this time.

"Will and I are trimmed short," she said. "We don't like getting hairs caught in our teeth, so we use Will's beard trimmer to keep things nice and tidy in the pubic region. He's got the trimmer in there and he would like to trim Marnie as well. Think about it. If you really don't want it to happen, you can press the button and tell them, but it might be fun watching her being done."

"How short? What? Full Brazilian?"

"No, not shaved, just tidy enough to not catch in our teeth. We have the beard trimmer set on the number two comb. You'll see what Will looks like before he does Marnie, so you can decide then. But it does look neat and it certainly makes oral much more enjoyable."

I was starting to get a bit jumpy, wondering how far the pair may have progressed and not wanting to miss seeing what was happening. "Should we go in now?"

"I'd say they should have had time to get started, so let's go watch the action." Vanessa replied. "How are you feeling? Excited? I know I am!"

'Excited' didn't come close to describing how I was feeling.


Watching and Wondering

We went through into the dark room. Vanessa closed the door behind us and went to the switch panel to turn on the cameras and microphones. I looked through the glass panel. The light in the other room was dimmed somewhat, but more than sufficient for me to clearly see Marnie and Will standing beside the sofa. His trousers were gone and he was in the process of removing his shirt, which left him stripped down to his underpants. Marnie was still fully clothed. She was watching him intently.

The sofa had been extended into a double bed and moved to the middle of the room. It was covered with a rich purple satin sheet with matching pillows placed at the head of the bed. The table had been moved into a corner and now had a cloth, with a large vase of flowers in the middle and two small brass incense burners. Will must have lit them when they first entered the room, as wisps of smoke were curling upward from each one.

It was a most effective conversion. A room that had been built for a proper professional purpose was now a place just right for erotic pleasure.

There were two other items on the table. One was a little bottle of what I assumed was some sort of oil, maybe for the incense burners, or could it perhaps be lubricant? The other item I recognised as the beard trimmer. I had already determined in my own mind that it would be fascinating to watch it being used to shear Marnie's furry mound. Would we get to keep the fur as a memento?

Vanessa pointed to the chairs and we sat and put our headphones on. Will"s shirt was gone and he was dropping his underpants, but he was facing away from us as he did so. I watched Marnie as her eyes were drawn inevitably to one part of his anatomy. I don't know how I was expecting her to react, but anyway nothing extraordinary happened. Marnie's expression stayed much as it was - she looked interested, but no more excited (or scared) than she had all evening.

As Will turned to face her, my gaze too was drawn just as inevitably. There will always be that comparison thing I suppose, but it was hard to tell. Will's cock was firm, but certainly not erect. He was uncircumcised the same as me, and all in all it looked like he was similarly equipped. 'That's good,' I thought. 'At least I won't be competing with a man of porn stud proportions.'

His trimmed pubic hair actually looked quite neat. It really was quite short - maybe a couple of millimetres or so. I could think about it myself if Marnie's trim works out OK. We'll have to buy our own trimmer - there's no way I'll be asking Will if I could borrow his.

There were sounds in my headphones. Will was talking to Marnie: "Now I've got my clothes out of the way, comes the fun part," he said. "I have been looking forward to this for weeks, ever since Vanessa said there was a chance you might think about it."

"She was very persuasive."

"Yes she is. So now I get to play and you can't say anything, remember, except 'Mm-hmm' or 'Uh-huh'. I'm going to have fun, and I certainly hope that you will have even more fun than I do. If you don't, I'm not doing my job properly, and then I'll have to answer to Vanessa and Baz."

There it was again. That word 'job'. This man seems determined to convince my wife that sex is work.

He stepped around behind Marnie. He nuzzled his lips against the nape of her neck, reached down to the hem of her white stretch top and slowly lifted it revealing her tummy and ribcage. She raised her arms and he lifted it further. She had predicted well - he brushed against the interesting bits as he removed the garment. He turned it back the right way out, folded it carefully and placed it on one of the chairs over by the wall.

He released the catch on the wraparound skirt and soon Marnie was standing in only bra and panties. She kicked off her sandals as Will folded the skirt and added it to her top neatly placed on the chair. This man has a tidy mind.

Her bra was next. Again he nuzzled in behind her as he released the back and pushed the shoulder straps down and away, setting her breasts free. Once again he teasingly brushed the sides but avoided


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