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Will Sex Lead to Love? Ch. 03

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Dinner with neighbors...dessert for all?
4.8k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/25/2022
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In this chapter, Noah and Shane explore the possibilities of bridging their five decades apart. Chapters one and two hold the keys to their journey. Please read those first if you need continuity. This chapter will be enjoyable as a stand alone...but it will probably leave some formerly written about questions unanswered here.


"Oh, SHANE! Our guests are here!" SOB just rang my bell with the news that he's got nowhere else to live, except with me! His stuff is going to arrive in a few days. As much as I am glad that he's here...this is...I need more time!

"Hi, Shane. We brought some vino to share. Bill knows you only drink socially, so he figures these two bottles should get the four of us nice and loose: and maybe even set us up to homo!" Ryan has the look and swagger of a young Brad Pitt. He's a peach of a guy, a real sweetheart. Bill is one lucky husband.

"Get in here Ryan. Where's Bill?" Bill and Ryan are a perfect match. I have never heard them argue since they moved in about a year ago. Their temperaments seem to be synched up just right. I shoot a glance over to Noah; and wonder if he and I can ever be as tight as my renters are.

"Still getting ready. You know Bill. He has to look his best to meet..." He's holding out his hand to Noah, who has been standing one step behind me.

"Noah. It's nice to meet you, Ryan. Shane only has good things to say about you and Bill."

"What about me?" Bill is all smiles. He is also everything I wish I had been at his age, and younger. He is the quieter of the two, more in his head than Ryan, but still very, very open and loving to all. As he introduces himself to Noah, I watch as the three guys interact. My mind is starting to see parallels between the four of us. Ryan is Noah in so many ways...and Bill and I share a lot of similarities!

"It's nothing, sweetie." Ryan is placing a quick kiss on Bill's lips. I usher the four of us into the living room where we'll have some appetizers and drinks. We all sit for a minute and chat. I nudge Noah in the side.


"I can use a hand setting out the food." He grins; and starts to clap. It's my old Noah all over again...and I love it. Ryan and Bill, half our ages, are laughing like they never heard this one before. One generation teaching another? I bet those two could teach Noah and I a few new things, as well. Noah and I get into the kitchen; and I take his shoulder and spin him to face me, placing a firm and loving kiss to his mouth. His smile is large, and his eyes are sparkling.

"Sir! I hardly know you!" Maybe grabbing his crotch like this will remind him just how good he really does know me. "Oh. Now I remember. You're the one who is letting me move in without paying any rent. Not in money, anyway." He is returning my kiss, with his hand at the back of my head.

"Oops, sorry. Thought I'd help with the glasses."

"Thanks, Bill. Hey Noah, if you'll take in this platter and keep Ryan busy, Bill and I will do the rest." Noah takes the platter and shoots me a curious stare. No. Nothing has ever happened between Bill, Ryan and me...and it will stay that way with Noah around. I swear it will. As we join them, we hear Ryan and Noah in deep intellectual conversation.

"How did you fuck him?" That's Noah. Ryan is using his hands to try and demonstrate to Noah the rather unique position that the husbands are fond of.

"Okay, you two. Knock it off. Here. Everyone take a glass. I have a toast." We're going to have a good night. I can tell.

"I thought you made ham?"

"You're a ham, Noah." I can see that Ryan and Bill are taken with Noah. They are hanging on his every word. He always was a good talker. He could convince me to do anything. He still can. "To all of the friends and lovers we have held dear in our memories, some longer than others (lots of eye rolls), and to all of the new and exciting adventures we can allow and enjoy today. Cheers!"

My couch is a very comfortable one, but its deep pillows tend to make standing up a little difficult sometimes. Noah is having an issue. Ryan is on his feet, and he's extending his hand to help. Those two have bonded already.

"Here you go. You can do it, Dad!" Ryan can be a teaser. But he's all smiles toward my Noah.

"Thanks, Son. Don't get any ideas...I'm with Shane!" Thankfully, it's all in fun; and we are all laughing as we take our seats at the table for dinner.

Table Talk -

"Ryan? you and Noah need to tell us something? Bill keeps the teasing going.

"Not yet, babe. It's still early."

"Guys. We can't eat if we keep cracking up like this. Truce. Though it's great that we all get along so well. Thanks for being here, you two." I'm always inspired by Ryan and Bill; and I see that Noah is, as well. There is something magnetic about their connection that raises one's level of joy to be in their presence.

"It's our pleasure, right, Bill?" Bill nods as he chops on his dinner. He gives the 'thumbs up'. What does Bill look like? A lot like a younger version of me. Maybe that's why I was so quick to rent to him. He and I met first, as Ryan was out of town for that week. We had an instant rapport between us. No Daddy/Son jokes, please. I have always had rather strict boundaries for my personal ethics regarding age compatibility. No shade to others. It's of my many hang-ups.

"Another bottle?" Ryan doesn't wait for an answer; and he is pouring more wine for the four of us. This is starting to feel like a gay cruise dinner party. You know, where you sit with the same 'new' people for every meal. It's funny how eating together breaks down any and all barriers. It is with us!

"May I?" Ryan is standing, and wants to make a toast. I nod. "To our hosts. May God grant Bill and I the good fortune and grace to follow your path; and arrive at a similar beautiful and satisfying place in life." That was beautifully said, with sincerity. That neither Ryan nor Bill knows of the history between me and Noah is besides the point. I do feel that some kind of response is appropriate.

"Thanks, guys. That's really nice." I turn my gaze to Noah, who is looking a bit sheepish. "Noah and I both share your enthusiasm for what the future may hold." He is smiling at me. We all clink glasses; and I am starting to clear the dinner dishes, in preparation for dessert. but we'll space that out a bit; as I have an idea for a game that will be fun. The way the four of us are getting along, a good half hour of "Cards Against Humanity" will be perfect.

Bill is helping me with the dishes, while Ryan and Noah light a fire, and set up the game. "I hope you can fill us in on your history with Noah, Shane. I sense some...tension between you." He is a perceptive one.

"You're right, Bill. The two of us have a somewhat difficult history; and we are just starting to resolve and get past that. I love Noah with all my heart, Bill. It's a good story for a snowy night, when you and I are alone, okay?" He is nodding, knowingly. "I hope everyone likes cheesecake?"

"For sure we do."

"I know that Noah does, too. Let's set the table for later, and we can join them for the game."

The Game -

For all of you who have ever played "Cards Against Humanity", there is no need to explain its ability to keep a fun night going. The four of us have been roaring with belly quaking laughter for at least twenty minutes now. That, coupled with the fireplace, has heated us up quite a bit.

"Anyone mind if I take off my dress shirt? You guys are turning me on so much that I'm starting to perspire." Who do you think said that?

"Noah. We have guests. They can not possibly be as interested with your stunning body as I am." Laughter all around, even Noah.

"I have an undershirt on, Shane."

"Let the man breathe! Come on, Noah...give us a show!" Ryan is up tor this. "I'll join you, if Shane is okay with it. I'm getting hot, as well." I've seen Ryan shirtless before. Hot is putting it mildly. We gay men (I will speak for all of us) may be happy in a monogamous and loving relationship...but we will never, ever not drool at the sight of some other guy's smoking hot body. Hard wired for that!

"Go for it, you two. Just be aware of the effect it will have on Bill and me." Poor choice of words.

"Oh. So you and Bill are an item now? S-h-a-n-e...." Of course. That's my Noah!

"Hey. It's you and Ryan who are acting like twins tonight...not Bill and me." That said, I glance over at Bill, and he is giving me a look that is making me uncomfortable, to say the least.

"Time for dessert!" I hope that broke the spell. I can't correctly read the dynamic here. Are Ryan and Bill trying to get with Noah and me...or is it Noah who is egging them on?" I have zero intention of a foursome! No way, period.

"This is yummy. Thanks, Shane." Bill is leaning in to Ryan with a forkful of his dessert to feed it to his husband. I have to admit, it is a very innocent and very sexy looking thing to do.

"Did you guys get frisky with your wedding cake?" Noah is getting ideas. I know him all too well.

"Don't even think of it, Noah." He has the innocent-devil look on his face.

"What. A guy can't feed...dessert to his bestie?" He's using his fork to scoop up a small piece of cheesecake. I know I am already blushing. Maybe it's all the wine. Maybe it's the great night we're all having together. I suddenly lean in to him, open my mouth and stick out my tongue waiting to be fed. The jerk pulls his hand back as if to rescind his offer. My hand grabs his, and moves the fork into range.

"You can feed me anytime, anywhere, anything!" That did it. As I lap up the cake with my sexiest expression, everyone howls with laughter and applause. We may have to call in the fire department to cool us down.

"Okay. Okay. Give us a minute." Ryan is whispering into Bill's ear. Bill shoots him a stunned stare; then appears to calm down as the whispering continues. The two of them then turn to Noah and me. Ryan speaks.

"If this is out of line, just say so. It comes from a good place. Bill and I love to fuck, to make passionate love together; and, on occasion, to let..." I start to stiffen, in my posture, and in my pants. " let others watch. We've put out a few live 'Only Fans' posts; and have gotten rave reviews, right, honey?" Bill is nodding in agreement.

"It turns us on something fierce to know that others are watching. Noah and I were talking about how Bill and I use some unusual positions to amp up our fuck sessions.

We would love to have you two watch us, tonight, as voyeurs. We have a loveseat couch in our bedroom with a prefect view of the action. We had planned to do a live stream anyway after tonight's dinner. Please, guys, be OUR guests now and gift Bill and I with your presence while we make love, while we entertain you and the subs...while we fuck." Oh, my! I quickly turn towards Noah. He is smiling ear to ear. No need to ask his opinion.

"Are you sure..."

"Yes!" Ryan is sure. Bill is too, as his nodding confirms.

"Give Noah and I a minute, okay?" I am standing; and I am taking Noah's hand and guiding us to the kitchen. This could be wonderful; or it could be a disastrous can of worms for Noah and me. He knows what I am thinking.

"It's your call, Shane. I've put enough stress on you so far, I know. But it can't possibly hurt us. Hey, we might have tuned in at bedtime and watched them go live! So this way we'll have personal up-front viewing seats." He sees my concern. "What?"

"Don't you see the parallels between us all, Noah? It would be like you and me watching ourselves at their age...if we..."

"If we had stayed together, right?" He and I have to stop finishing each other's thoughts. No. That's actually a good sign.

"Right. It's already giving me emotions I don't know if I can handle. What about you?" He is thinking.

"It's not like they asked for a foursome. I'm just in this with you from here on out, Shane, I hope you know that." I nod to give him assurance. "I'll be right with you, holding each other on the couch. If one of us gets uncomfortable, we can just bury our face in the other's chest. But I think we'll both enjoy watching, as you imply, the younger version of 'us' making love!" He has a point there. "Think of it as a video we might have made at their age; not as a missing piece of our history. This is the start of a new history for us, babe. Just think of the nightcap sex you and I will have after the turn-on of watching Ryan and Bill!" I hope he is right.


The Show -

Ryan and Bill are heading upstairs, with Noah and I following. Their bedroom is set up like a porn studio stage! There's lights, folding screens, camera tripods and even one on the ceiling. Ryan sees me eyeing the ceiling cam.

"We'll patch that hole if we ever move out, Shane, promise." I smile at him. He and Bill are starting to get undressed. Noah and I have seated ourselves on their loveseat couch, which is far enough from their bed to offer 'voyeuristic' viewing, yet still be close to the action. Bill has something to say.

"That's a 'shotgun' mic over there, guys. It only picks up what Ryan and I say, or know. Not to worry. You two can speak in a low voice and not be heard online. But we will hear you...and it will turn us on something fierce!" Bill adjusts the equipment. Then, with a few taps to his keyboard, we go 'live'. Ryan gives the


"Hey, there. It's your favorite gay husbands, Rich and Ben..."

"Seems like they use pseudonyms online like I do in my stories." I am leaning in and whispering in Noah's ear, still concerned that we may be heard. He is giving me a kiss.

"We have some special guests with us here tonight, right in the studio, to put some extra oomph in our tanks, and join you as everyone gets off on watching Ben and me get, without further ado..." Ryan is down to his undies. "Remember, guys, besides your subscription dues, we always appreciate some extra 'love' with your tokens...if you feel that we are giving you extra love with our fucking, that is!" He is helping Bill take off his remaining clothes. I'll refer to our neighbors with their real names; and let them use their fake ones just for the online subs.

"Who do you think will bottom, Shane, I know already."

"How do you know?"

"Ryan told me before dinner. It's Bill usually, although they do switch it up a lot. This is hot, huh?" He's right about that. Noah already has his dress shirt off - he took it off downstairs when it had gotten warm by the fire. I have to take mine off now. He helps me with it. Just as the guys remove each other's briefs, and Bill moves into position on his back, Noah whips my shirt over his head like he's a dancer on a stage; and tosses it off to the right of the sofa. Bill sees it, smiles, and winks at us. He is about to get loosened up with a blowjob from Ryan.

"You ready for some cock sucking and finger fucking, Ben?" We can hear their every word.

"Do me, lover. You know what I like!" I have never known Bill to be this verbal and outspoken. As soon as Ryan's mouth engulfs his husband's stiffening cock, the sound of tokens starts to clink to our left. We both look there. There is a good sized monitor showing all the action as the subs see it, and a counter tallying up their 'praise'. But Noah and I have a much better view than the monitor can provide. I don't know about Noah, but I have never watched live sex between others' before.

"Have you ever watched others' going at it, Noah?" Before he can answer me we hear this from Bill:

"Oh, babe! It's like I can hear the subs cheering us on!" More tokens clink through the speaker.

" you really want to know?" I have my answer; and I just place a kiss on Noah's mouth. He gently grabs me behind the neck, and is making out with me. His hands are all over me! This whole thing is very much a turn on for both of us. Besides the ceiling camera, there is also a medium sized monitor hanging there. Why, I wonder? Noah sees me fixated on the ceiling above the bed. "It's a monitor that only the guys can view. That camera over there is on us." I feel a blade of terror slash me in the chest, and pull away. "No. It's fine. Ryan told me it only shows them the couch we are's not recorded, and never goes online. I know how these things work. Trust me, Shane. Do you?" I want to ask how he knows so much about all of this, but that will wait for our pillow talk a bit later. Right now I just want Noah to keep feeling me up.

"Oh, babe, your sweet pink hole is sooo open to me right now. Let's zoom in so the subs can get a real good look." We instinctively glance at the monitor for the best view. Damn. Bill really does have a nice pink hole. It's shaved. It's puckered. It's wet and ready to be taken. Tokens pour in.

"I need you inside of me, lover. Are you hard enough?" Ryan looks down at his package. BTW, Ryan is a hefty seven and a half inches of cut, thick, straight meat that just needs a little help to make it stick straight out from his nicely trimmed pubes. The man is jacked! "Let me help." Bill is raising up and supporting his weight with one arm while his other hand is starting to slowly stroke Ryan's pole. The effect is immediate.

"Fuck, Shane, look how hard he's getting." So am I, Noah, so am I. The guys heard us talking.

"Rich, you're hard as a rock, man. I hope the subs have their stuff out now to play with." Bill moves his head just a tad...enough to give Noah and me a quick knowing glance. I want to give Bill a good view of us on the couch; so I am grabbing Noah's hand and placing it at my zipper. He gets the message.

"Now? Here?'' I nod, and Noah unzips me. I help with my belt buckle; and raise my hips so we can pull down my pants. Noah pulls at the waistband of my briefs, and stretches them underneath my balls, making my whole package jut obscenely upwards for easy viewing...and fondling! Knowing that the guys can see us on their ceiling monitor is making me hotter than hell!

"Our in-house guests are having a ball with us, Rich. Two balls to be exact."

"I can't wait to see them for myself, Ben."

"Then scoot up astride me, and take me from the side, babe. It will be extra fun to watch them, while you and I are fucking!" We hear the clink of those tokens again. We can see Ryan look back at us as he moves into position next to Bill. He gives us the 'thumbs up' before taking Bill's mouth with his own for a deep and passionate kiss. With his hand starting to slowly stroke me, Noah is leaning in for the same kind of kiss with me. My mind is starting to float away from me. I'm entering a state of total ease and willingness to please Noah in every way that I can.

"Here comes the big banana, babe." Noah and I pause to watch Ryan enter Bill's body. The scene is mesmerizing to us. Ryan's bare cock is so very rigid and strong that he just has to guide it toward his target with one finger. The plump head of his cock is gently pressed to Bill's pucker now. There is a pause. "Now I know you generous pervs out there want to please Ben and I enough to see me penetrate his tight little fuck hole right now...right? So what's the magic word? T-O-K-E-N-S! That's right, class...tokens!" This is the loudest barrage of tokens so far tonight. And in goes Ryan's rigid tool! "That was good enough for my helmet, guys. Be generous now, will ya? I figure twenty tokies per inch should sink me in real nice and deep!" And the coins mount up.

"I'm going to suck you off, Shane. You can do me later, okay." I nod. "If we time it right, I can get you off at the same time that Ryan blows his load into Bill."

"That would be awesome, Noah. OH!" His mouth going down on me always used to elicit that same outburst. The guys heard that one, for sure. Noah is busy at my crotch, so I'll have to signal him as I watch Ryan and Bill fuck, as to when I think Ryan will climax. It shouldn't be too difficult for Noah to know, because he can hear the action on the bed, even if he can't see it.


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