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Willing Cuckold at the Coast

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Church group runs amok on a trip.
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The waves washed over the small group as they enjoyed their time at the beach. It consisted of two married couples, one woman who had not come down with her husband, and a solo older man who had been the prime instigator of the 'retreat'. He had his hand under the crotch of one of the wives as he tried to wrestle her into the water, while her arm was trying to clamp around his now-slippery head. The second ball that had brought confusion in the game was floating forgotten in the water some way from them. He let his finger graze along Lilly's slit, and felt her attempted head lock tighten. He was not able to establish whether it was only the game, or his fondling of her pussy that had further excited her. This had the added advantage of bringing her nipples within striking distance of his lips. Over the wetness of her one-piece swimsuit he bit one of them lightly. She moaned. He did not see the look that passed, in that moment, between her and her husband, Hosea. The latter quickly returned to the game that was in progress around him.

Lilly felt Joe's finger snaking under the elastic of her suit, and her eyes opened wide. She did not think he had the temerity to finger her in view of the others.

"Stop that, Joe! Someone will see what you are doing."

He blew water from his face. "They are too busy with their games. Nobody has even seen this other ball being carried away by the current." And with that his finger was among her cunt hairs, rubbing across her lips. She was shocked to feel her juices were flowing copiously and now the finger was sliding on them!

Suddenly he crooked the finger and began pushing through her entrance. "Enjoy this," he sort of growled while looking deep into her eyes. In her usually demure face he was now met with raw desire, seeming to burn from her pupils. Pushing further into her depths he felt the softly ridged surface in the upper part of her channel.

She let her arm slide down to his neck and made her hold firmer than it had been. As he rubbed her G-spot she held onto him yet more powerfully, almost strangling him. Faster and faster he went, sending her so high that even when she caught Hosea's eye again she was beyond caring. She did notice, however, a crooked smile playing on his mouth. The sensations coursing through her body were beyond anything she had ever felt despite her years in marriage. Her eyes closed tight.

The orgasm stole upon her, roaring through her depths, and twisting her body ruthlessly. Joe tried to struggle out of the stranglehold she had on him, while his face was crushed into her chest, threatening to asphyxiate him. Just when he thought he was going to die, her body unwound and loosened so suddenly that he found he now had to support her in case she fell into the water and drowned.

The rest of the group stopped their game just long enough to watch the two take a few limping steps out of the water and onto the beach, before returning to their own shenanigans.


A little over a month and a half before this, Joe the older man, had posted pictures of a beach resort in their group forum, reminding them how they used to go for church youth seminars to a similar one in their young days. Of the people who responded, none had actually been on any one trip, though they used to catch the excitement around those trips; at the time they were senior Sunday School children but not yet ready to join the Youth of the church.

Now, quickly a group emerged who wanted to take this trip. Someone suggested that the group should meet locally before the trip, which idea was received enthusiastically. Joe directed them to a garden restaurant in Kikuyu where they could map out this modern-day 'retreat'. Nine people turned up, and another six sent their apologies.

It was the first time in many years some had seen each other, due to the restrictions the government had imposed on movement and gatherings of any kind in an effort to stem the spread of the corona virus. In the years before that, most of them were tied in the business of building their young families, as well as careers. Now, at the garden restaurant, Joe kept them laughing at his anecdotes of those trips so long ago. Despite the excitement of being together again, they managed to pick a chairman and secretary, to guide the meeting. By the time they left, having eaten to their fill, they had a clear roadmap for the trip. Joe was partnered with Hosea, a serious-minded guy, to investigate venues, travel options and excursions in Mombasa. They promised to report back in a week.

Which they did. Somewhere along the way, they had discarded the idea of fixing it all themselves after finding a travel and adventure company who would handle it all from start to finish which, additionally, would get them generous discounts. The whole group were very impressed with the proposal, because they would save quite a bit of money.

The planning went along seemingly on oiled wheels. While they hoped to get twenty-five people on the trip, because many were couples the number grew to be bigger than this. Hosea and Joe floated the idea of a fund to which those who were able could contribute to help along those who may have difficulties, provided they paid up three-quarters or more of the amount required. In the event only three people managed to overcome their pride to dip into this pot.

A Rosa minibus picked them up outside the International Life House in downtown Nairobi to take them to the train station at Syokimau. Unlike the century-old railway whose station was at the edge of the city, bordering the industrial area, this newer railway's station was a ten-kilometre journey to the southeast. Though Kenya Railways had embarked on an aggressive refurbishment program that old railway was still mostly carrying goods. There were plans to revive the passenger services as well. Part of the journey from city to station was along Mombasa Road, the highway which they would have taken had they elected to travel by bus. The van turned off the highway towards the station.

Shelmith was the first to cry out, "Who does this?"

"What?" asked someone.

"The station is designed to look like train carriages!" Everyone turned to look.

"I think they look like loaves of bread stacked upon one another," said the chairman of the working party that had arranged the trip, beginning with the initial meeting in Kikuyu. Wilson was a loud, brash man who was always determined to win his point, sometimes even at the expense of the common good. This time, though, everyone laughed.

The security checks on entering the station were very stringent, although today they seemed to be rather lax. This usually happened when there had not been a terrorist attack recently; the last one had been nine months earlier. One could bet that if an attack happened anywhere in the country the security checks would be tightened to the point of being a nuisance to travelers.

Still, they, along with all the other passengers, were instructed to lay their luggage on a low platform to allow police dogs to sniff them. At a signal, when the two dogs had done their duty, each person had to take their bags to the x-ray machine and it was here that a bag belonging to one of the group set off the alarm. She was taken aside as the rest of them looked on with shock written all over their faces. It turned out to be a bottle of body lotion.

"Madam, you cannot take this on the train."

"Why?" she asked, puzzled.

"Terrorists could hide dangerous materials in such containers, or use the lotion to produce their weapons."

"How?" one of the group wanted to know. But they were shooed along on the excuse that they were blocking the other passengers behind them. So on they went without having good answers to the questions rolling over in their minds. They were led around the many barriers erected in seemingly illogical fashion. At the large doors, one of the employees of the travel company who had already had their tickets printed, a security requirement before entering the station proper, met them. Each had the person's name on it and had to be presented to the guards with an identification document, matching that which appeared on the ticket.

Soon enough they were in the lounge waiting for the time to board. Some took refreshments from the restaurants operating there, while others had takeaways made out. Through the tall glass windows they could see below them the train waiting alongside the platform. It's roof was a deep red, while the body was mostly white. Below the windows ran two bold stripes, one the same red as the roof and the other orange. The gates were thrown open at twenty-five minutes before departure. Again they had to show ticket and ID, this time at the door to the particular coach. The company had made sure that they were in the same coach with seats near each other so that the group could be together. After stowing their luggage in the overhead racks, they each took the seats as printed on the ticket.

Joe was pleasantly surprised that Lilly was in the window seat, while he had the outside one on the two-seater side of the aisle; across it, the seats took three people. Facing Joe and Lilly was the secretary, Margaret, whose husband could not join them, seated with Josephine. Thus Joe was surrounded by three ladies, which suited him very well. He had felt a warmth in Lilly right from the start when Hosea had brought her to their church as his wife.

"How long does the train take to get to Mombasa?" asked Margaret.

From across the aisle, Hosea said, "It says here the journey is 472km long and will take five hours and thirty five minutes." He was looking at a message sent on his WhatsApp by the travel company. Then he added, "That is an average speed, over the distance, of just under 81kph."

"Oh relax! You should allow yourself to leave your exactitude and love of figures behind," his wife Lilly chided him gently.

"Thank you for reminding me. Yet again!" he chuckled softly.

All of a sudden Margaret exclaimed, "Have we started already?"

Nobody had felt the train begin to move, so they were all startled to see the platform moving slowly backwards. "Doesn't the driver hoot before he starts?" someone wondered aloud.

"Maybe he did and none of us heard. On the old railway it was the rule that he would give two hoots just before moving off." another said. Soon they could read the speed of the train on the illuminated panel above the door leading from one coach to the other, along with date, time, temperature and random notices.

"Why do they need to tell us to stay in our assigned coaches?" wondered Josephine.

"Maybe someone thought that since the coaches are so similar, one could get lost and not know how to return to their own."

"Rubbish!" barked Wilson. "The coaches are numbered in order. The number was shown on your ticket which led you to your coach. You could always find it again," he finished with almost derisive authority.

Beside him Joe heard Lilly interrupt her answer to an intriguing comment he had made, to give a soft low laugh as if in scorn at Wilson's manner. Actually Joe had often wondered how his wife Shelmith, who was a high-spirited woman herself, put up with his abrasiveness.

As they went through Athi River station Joe wondered aloud whether the train increased speed inside station limits, quite unlike the old railway where trains always slowed down just before. Again it was Hosea who held an answer.

"My father, who was a locomotive driver, used to tell me that there was a token that the driver received at each station to deliver to the next one. So he had no option but to slow down for this exchange to take place. Nowadays, on both railways, they use an electronic signaling system that does not require a physical token. Without that restriction our driver can zoom through at over 90kph."

Some time later Joe noticed that his coterie of three females had decreased to one. Margaret was nodding with sleep, while Josephine had earphones on, listening to something on her iPad. Lilly, on the other hand, had turned in her seat and was facing him, looking intently at him. His conversation seemed to interest her deeply, which was just how he had wanted it.

A voice over the intercom informed them that they were approaching the halfway point in their journey. They would stop for three minutes to let the Nairobi-bound train pass. They felt the train slowing down, as confirmed by the panel. 70kph, then 50, 35, and finally below 20. By this time they could see, by looking outside the window, how slow it had become. Finally it came to a dead stop. Only minutes later a single high note sounded from the direction they were headed and then the rumble of high speed wheels could be felt. Suddenly the window view was obstructed by a white streaked object that could be barely seen. It seemed to also have orange and red stripes, above which could be seen a grayish steak.

"That driver must be doing over 100kph. And in station precincts, too!" the chairman, Wilson, was heard to muse in an astonished voice.

Just as suddenly the streaks ended, with an accompanying silence. The train had passed. In under a minute the intercom voice came back to tell them that the journey was about to resume. Which it did with the same gentle smoothness, hardly felt by the passengers.

Joe had been masterfully inserting ideas into Lilly's mind throughout their conversation so that she was now not only rapt, but was experiencing an attraction for him, which she found faintly strange. Hosea was not blind to these developments, but was a very forward-looking husband who had listened to his wife describe one or other of their acquaintances affectionately, yet without jealousy. Though they had never broached the subject of her being attracted to another man, it was something that hung in the air between them.

Lilly on her part could not have told you what she really wanted with any of these men. She had even mentioned Joe to her husband, during a sweet, lazy Sunday afternoon fuck and he had at the time seemed distracted. Understandably. She adored her husband's energy at his work as well as his ability, and generosity towards his own family. She had nothing to complain of in her man. Hosea was supremely confident in his union with his wife; he certainly had no fears about his wife's love for him.

Yet whenever she talked about any of his friends with a certain curiosity, a frisson of excitement ran through him. He could not explain it to himself. Neither could he as he watched his wife conversing so companionably with Joe. The same vague excitement crept up his spine. Once or twice he caught her eye, causing that feeling to intensify. Because his marriage was rock solid, he did not pause to examine these emotions. Shelmith, in the three-person seat across, also caught the warmth between her friend and the older man. A faint feeling not unlike envy, started growing in her breast.

Five hours and twenty five minutes since they had started off, the disembodied voice came over the speakers to inform them that they were approaching their final station. Joe could see their speed was still above 80. Outside the window he could see scattered palm trees letting him know that they were indeed not far from arrival.

Some minutes later it must have become obvious to all the passengers including those not as well informed as some members of the group, that the train had reduced speed to a mere crawl. It now seemed to gliding along on a cushion of air, so silent had the wheels become. The first thing they noticed through one window was a long train of bright grey bogies. Then from the other window they saw the beginning of the platform. The voice came on to inform them superfluously, that they had arrived at the Mombasa terminus, only a few feet above sea level. It added, equally superfluously, that they should remain in their seats until the train stopped, to avoid crowding at the doors. Of course Wilson scoffed at that instruction, observing that people would still crowd at the doors, even with the train having stopped.

"What difference does it make whether we crowd while the train is in motion, or when it has stopped? The attendant will not open the door until we have stopped!" He gave a short, contemptuous laugh.

At that moment the train came to a dead and complete halt. The group decided there was no need to be jostled by the other passengers who were probably rushing to catch uncertain public transport. The travel company had promised that one of their minibuses would be at the terminal to take them to their hotel on the North Coast.

Finally the press of the crowd reduced. They fetched their luggage from the racks and followed the streams of fellow passengers (or was it former fellow passengers?) down a ramp through many corners seemingly designed to confuse until without notice they emerged into bright, searing sunlight accompanied by stifling heat.

Lilly was walking by Joe's side, now unwilling to be far from him. "Oh my God! How are we to survive this heat?"

"On the beach there are ocean breezes that will cool us. I would expect the minibus to be air conditioned. Never worry," he replied calmly.


They had arrived at their hotel on the beach and been assigned rooms, married couples mostly in one wing, while the singles got rooms in another wing. Wilson had made it a sort of requirement. There had only been time to check in before it was time for lunch. After that they had team-building games led by a staff member of the company.

The beach games followed this. Joe was delighted that his target Lilly had a bright pink swimsuit, one-piece alright, but as soon as she got into the water her and got wet he could see the dark aureoles around her nipples faintly through the material. The members were involved in various water games in small groups which broke and reformed over and over again. Lilly stuck mostly to Joe, seeing how her suit caused his eyes to rove all over her body.


That evening Lilly and husband Hosea were enjoying a cuddle on the beach shielded from prying eyes by some dark rocks.

"You enjoyed seeing me being fingered by Joe in the water, you pervert!"

"I saw the progression from mere acquaintances to being deeply attracted to him while on the train. Let's just say I was not surprised." He had his hand on her thigh, stroking softly. Lilly could feel her excitement mounting by the second. Bending his head he kissed her on the neck, prompting her to grope until her fingers closed around his erection inside his swimming shorts. The sensation was so strong that he let out a moan.

"I can feel you want to fuck the living shit out of your wanton wife!" Lilly incited her husband.

"Yeah, all the while imagining how hard Joe's cock is getting remembering those games in the water. He must be wanting you hotly right at this moment." This caused her, without being aware of it, to moan. Hosea smiled to think that Joe's presence had spiced up their love life. She, on her part, felt as if she was being touched by both men at the same time. She voiced those thoughts to her husband, who could not take it any longer. He pulled her shorts down and in his impatience, left them hooked around one leg. He roughly pulled his own off, leaving his cock gleaming in the faint light of the beach.

It was at this moment that Wilson pulling his Shelmith behind him, turned the corner to hear low voices coming from behind the rocks. He stopped, cocking his ear into the wind, drawing his wife's attention to the sounds. They crept forward gingerly so as not to make any noise. Their astonishment knew no bounds when they recognized their friends about to start fucking out here in the open.

He suddenly felt his wife take him in a powerful hold around his waist. Before he could register the fact properly, her hands had climbed to his chest and were pinching his nipples lightly. She fell backwards, sitting on one of the large rocks, still holding her husband. He staggered briefly before he was stopped by his wife's body. This had the advantage that they could still see their friends while fondling one another. They saw Hosea getting on top of his wife and they could almost feel it as his cock sank into her flesh. Lilly screamed into the night, believing them to be completely alone. Shelmith, in her fiery excitement, thrust her hand into her husband's shorts, drawing out his rigid, angry cock into the open. It was longish and slender. She wrapped her eager fingers around him, stroking firmly.


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