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Willow Finds Her Devotee

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Devotee want love too....
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Sam had always been fascinated by people with disabilities, probably because his father was paralyzed and the man was the most inspirational person he knew. He grew up watching his father overcome obstacles that would have stumped able bodied men. Sam saw how much his mother loved her husband, and what's more, she didn't care that his dad was in a wheelchair. She just didn't see his father as a disabled person. To her, his dad was her lover, friend, a father and provider. Sam was taught that everyone can face adversity in life. It is how that person deals with it that makes him or her stronger. His father proved to Sam and his other siblings over and over, that life is what a person makes of it, not what others see.

Maybe that's why he had always been attracted to disabled women. Sam did not consider himself a Devotee, a person who is an ardent follower of another with a disability. He just felt that disabled women were, in a lot of cases, stronger, more self-confident and outgoing than able bodied women.

So when Willow had moved in to the apartment next to his, Sam was curious about her. He'd made a point of introducing himself and he'd given her his cell phone number telling her that if she ever needed anything to just call. Willow had taken the information and with a cheeky grin had asked, "Really? Sam, anything?"

Sam had smiled back and said, "Yes, anything."

Willow had replied with a winsome smile, "Well don't be surprised if I call you and ask you out on a date."

Sam had laughed and answered, "Well, don't back out when I say yes then."

That is how their friendship had begun. Sam never attempted to cross the line even though he wanted to. He let Willow determine the terms of their relationship. She would visit him on odd weekends when she wasn't out of town. Willow worked as a consultant for a healthcare information technology company. She traveled four days out of the week, but was always home on the weekends.

Sam worked for a local engineering firm and was at home most evenings as well as weekends. He looked forward to the weekends because he would get a chance to hang out with Willow. She had a great sense of humor and she wasn't unattractive either.

While Willow was in a wheelchair, she wasn't overweight. Willow would joke with Sam telling him that she didn't want a fat person's wheelchair. She worked out, went swimming, and did just about anything she set her mind to. She would tell him, "You have to face your fears, that's what makes us stronger." Sam believed her too, because he had been a first hand witness with his father.

Nothing stopped her. Willow had a beautiful, winsome smile and average body frame. It was evident that she took very good care of herself. She dressed sexily too. Willow loved high shoes because as she said, "They show off my long legs." And they did too! Sam didn't know how tall Willow was but she had very long legs in proportion to her body and they were silky smooth, not a hair on them. He knew this because one day he'd had to help her back into her chair after she'd fallen in her apartment. Sam had taken the opportunity to cop a feel while he was helping her and he'd never forgotten the feeling of those legs. Sometime the memory would haunt him late at night when he couldn't sleep. Sam would fantasize about running his lips along her legs to the junction of her thighs and devouring her pussy.

He wondered what it would be like to make love to a paralyzed woman. Sam wondered if she responded to sex the same way as a normal woman. He didn't know how to approach Willow on this subject because he never saw her with anyone. It wasn't that there weren't men in her life though, she had lots of friends and the majority of them were male but she seemed oblivious to the fact that she was an attractive woman. While Willow was outgoing and vivacious, she seemed shy and introverted about her sexuality.

It wasn't that she didn't talk about sex or was opposed to doing so, she just didn't talk about her own sexuality or sexual appetite. Willow gave great advice on what women like for men to do and on techniques that guys could ask their woman to do for them. So Sam knew that she did like sex and had some sexual knowledge, though she never included herself when she talked about it.

He was very curious about Willow's sexuality. At one point he thought that she was perhaps a lesbian but she'd quickly told him that she loved men. This was one of the reasons that she was so open and forthcoming with her male friends about women and what women wanted sexually from a man, and that's what she'd told Sam.

Sam wanted to know more about her paralysis and how a man could satisfy a woman with her type of disability. The more he got to know her the more he wanted to be with her. It wasn't the fact that she was disabled that appealed, it was the woman that Willow was. She was open, honest, bright, cheerful and confident which were all of the things that he liked in a mate.

Therefore, Sam was surprised when Willow told him that she had to have surgery and needed a nursemaid for a few days while she recovered. The surgery wasn't to be anything major, just the removal of two ovarian warts. It would be outpatient surgery and she would be home the same day. Willow's doctor, however, felt that she should at least have someone to check on her throughout the weekend to handle the lifting, pulling, and stretching of daily chores as she allowed her body to heal properly rather than risk undoing what he'd repaired.

Sam readily agreed to be Willow's makeshift nurse and maid for the weekend. He even volunteered to take her to the hospital for surgery. Willow protested but Sam wasn't hearing it. He told her that he felt that it was an honor and a privilege to drive his Ms. Willow. She'd given in eventually and told him the time she had to be at the outpatient surgery center on the Friday in question.

Sam had been pleased that Willow had trusted him enough to be with her during this process. Willow had said that though she did have family close by they didn't really have that close a relationship. The majority of the time she had to rely on herself or close friends to help in situations like this, so she really appreciated the fact that he was willing to step in and help her out. Sam told her that that's what friends are for and that he knew that if the roles were reversed that she would do the same for him. Ever the mischievous spirit, Willow had said, "Are you telling me that you are a woman in a man's body?"

Sam had laughed and responded, "You know what I mean, Woman."

Sam woke up on that Friday morning excited about the prospect of being Willow's chauffeur, nurse, and one day soon her lover. He showered, dressed and left his apartment to walk the short distance to hers. Even though she had given him a key and he could have let himself in, Sam knocked and waited for Willow to answer and invite him in.

Willow opened the door with a huge smile. She was dressed in a conservative t-shirt dress that had buttons down the front. She had on her signature black high heeled ballerina toe suede pumps. She wore no jewelry or makeup following instructions from the hospital not to. Sam thought that she looked incredibly sexy and all he wanted to do was to lean down and kiss her soft, full pouting lips. Sam wanted Willow to make the first move though and then he would take over from there in their relationship. She motioned to her pastel print travel bag next to the door and said, "Well, Sam, let's get this show on the road."

Sam picked up her bag and stepped behind her as she rolled out of the door towards her car. Willow drove an SUV and not small one either. It was a huge black Cadillac Escalade fully equipped for her. Willow said that she loved her SUV because it allowed her the opportunity to look down on people bearing in mind that she was looking up at people a lot of the time from her chair. She used her remote to unlock the doors. Willow asked, "You still want to drive?"

Sam replied, "Didn't I say that it would be an honor to drive my Ms. Willow?"

Willow responded saying, "Well, you will have to pick me up and put me in the passenger seat then."

Placing his hand over his heart and bending at the waist theatrically he said, "Of course, my lady, the pleasure is all mine."

Willow laughed, tossed him the keys, and headed to the passenger side saying, "Well, come on then big boy, and you'd better not drop me."

Sam laughed, following her, and responded with his best impersonation of Erkel from the television show Family Matters, saying, "Would I do that?"

Willow laughed too, wrapping her arms around his neck as he scooped her up in his and deposited her safely on passenger seat. It was at that moment that Willow leaned into him, pulling him closer and kissed him on the lips. It was feather light, just a light brush of her lips against his. Sam was taken aback for a moment but quickly recovered, rubbing his lips over hers.

Then, slowly sliding his tongue inside her mouth, he heard as well as felt Willow moan. It was the most erotic sound he had heard from a woman in a long time. He felt her arms tighten around his neck as she pulled him closer while opening her mouth as her tongue rubbed and stroked his in a mating dance as old as time itself.

Sam felt Willow's body responding to the kiss. She seemed to come to life. Her hands slowly slid down his body to his waist pulling him closer into her embrace. She made a sound that was a cross between a growl and a purr which to Sam was one of the sexiest sounds he had heard from a woman. It was at that moment that Willow moved her hands around to his chest, pulling away. She broke off the kiss and said, "I'm sorry. I should not have done that but you were being so sweet and sexy that I couldn't help myself. I hope I didn't offend you or overstep the boundaries of our friendship."

Sam gently caressed her face and smiled saying, "No, no, and no again. I'm glad you did it. I've wanted to kiss you and make love to you for a long time but I wanted you to set things in motion." He laughed and continued, "So now that you've shown me how you feel, let's get you to the hospital, through this surgery and healed so that I can have my wicked way with you."

Willow smiled back at him and didn't say a word as he fastened her seat belt, closed the door and walked around to the other side of the SUV. Sam opened the door, got in and looked across at Willow. She was looking at him, then said, "Sam, there are some things about me that you need to know before we take this relationship to the next level."

Sam replied, "Okay."

Willow took a deep breath and let it out and said, "Well, I'm hypersexual, multi-orgasmic, and a squirter."

Again Sam smiled, "Well, if you don't have a problem with any of that then I don't. I want you because of who you are as a person. Plus, you never talk about your sexuality or sexual relationships so I didn't press you. Let's just get you well and we will move on from there okay?"

Willow reached out, grabbed his hand and brought it up to her lips and kissed the back of it as she replied, "Okay, Sam."

Sam started the vehicle, checked the mirrors and drove Willow to the hospital. When they got there he picked her up holding her closer this time, wanting to let her know with his actions that he cherished her.

Willow didn't know how to take Sam. There hadn't been that many men in her life who'd wanted to be with her sexually. Most of the guys around her just saw her as a friend and those that did want to get with her did it because they considered it taboo somehow. So Willow didn't allow her emotions to become involved when a guy approached her or she approached a guy about having sex. Being hyper sexual she was always ready but she controlled her libido, rather than let it control her.

The surgery went well and Sam took Willow home. He was the perfect makeshift nurse and maid for the weekend. Sam was gentle, caring, and attentive to Willow's every need, so much so, that she commented to him, "A girl can get used to this treatment."

Sam responded with, "I am yours to do with whatever you want."

Willow gave him a mischievously wicked grin and replied, "Really?! Shoot, damn that surgery or you would be in BIG trouble."

Sam laughed and said, "Well, let's get you well. Then, you can have your totally wicked way with me."

Willow laughed and just smiled at him shaking her head. She couldn't believe how compassionate Sam was. She didn't like to, and was trying very hard not to let her emotions get involved, but it was very difficult with a guy like him.

Completely well, Willow returned to work four days on and three days off. She deliberately avoided Sam on her off days because she didn't know how she wanted to pursue their relationship. She knew it was different, but how and where was it going?

Sam was different. He wanted to pursue a relationship with Willow and he was getting very frustrated with her avoidance of him. He had done his homework and wanted to get this woman into bed. So, he made up his mind that he would make up an excuse to get her into his apartment the following weekend.

Coming home for the weekend, Willow got home late from the airport after being held up by one delayed flight and one cancelled one, and boy was she glad to see her apartment! She saw the lights on in Sam's apartment and hoped that she could get inside hers before he came out.

She wasn't fast enough though, and Sam walked out of his apartment trash bag in hand. He called out to her, "Hey stranger, hold on a minute I'll get that bag for you." He dropped the trash and ran to the SUV taking the bag from her and sliding her laptop bag onto his shoulder.

Willow smiled and put on a bright face because she was so sure that her lust for him was showing in her eyes. She took a deep breath because Sam always smelled so good and she loved the masculine scent of a man. He had a strong sandalwood essence that aroused Willow's senses completely. This time was no different and she felt her nipples becoming erect and a strong tingling sensation in her nether regions. She knew that she wanted this man so bad that she could taste it.

Sam noticed her nipples against her blouse and felt his cock hitch in response to the sight. He averted his eyes pretending not to notice her body's response and said, "Have you been avoiding me, lady?"

Willow replied, "Yes, I have Sam. I want be with you in a very physical way. It is driving me crazy. I understand if you don't want be with me. I just hope that you will give me some time and space to adjust and allow us to remain friends."

Sam stepped in front of Willow, leaned down looking her directly in her eyes and said, "Woman, I don't know who you dated in the past that lead you to believe that you aren't attractive, sexy and someone a guy would like to fuck. Excuse me for being so graphic, but I really don't care that you are paralyzed. I want you, Willow. I want to make love to you. I want to show you how I feel about you in the most physical way and to hell with us just remaining friends."

She was shocked and excited at the same time, but Willow still wasn't totally convinced that Sam meant the words he said. She wasn't going to let him know that, though. Instead, Willow smiled and replied, "Well, I guess I've been told." Laughing, she continued, "Having said that is it my place or yours tonight? I want you to excuse me for being so graphic, but I want to fuck your brains out or at least turn your mind to mush."

Sam leaned forward and kissed Willow slowly and passionately. She moaned her pleasure totally forgetting that she was in public and that she hated it when people did the same thing she and Sam were doing. This man knew how to kiss though, and his lips rubbed firmly against hers while his tongue did the most erotic dance with hers. She got hornier and hornier with each swirl of his tongue over hers and she had to break their embrace and get him inside.

Sam's cock had reached full mast. He had forgotten that they were in front of their apartments where the whole world could see them, so he allowed Willow to break their embrace as he picked up her bag and turned quickly hoping that she didn't see his concrete hard tool straining against his pants, and headed to her apartment door.

Willow noticed Sam's erection and felt her vagina spasm in response to the knowledge that he was aroused. She licked her lips and watched his butt as he approached the door to her apartment. She handed him the key, letting him open the door and set the bags on the chair next to it.

Sam's erection had lessened but not by much, so when he turned he didn't hide the evidence that he wanted her. He watched as she locked the door, then turned and rolled up to him while looking him directly in the eye. She slid forward in the seat of her chair, grabbed his belt buckle and pulled him between her legs. Willow leaned forward and said, "I've wanted to do this to you for months now."

Willow rubbed her face over his erection as it continued to grow while at the same time she slipped his buckle loose and pulled it out, unfastening his pants and pulling down the zipper clasp between her teeth. Sam went to remove Willows clothes too but she stopped him.

"No wait, let me pleasure you first. It's been so long since I tasted a man's cum. I need to taste your nectar baby."

What man could resist when a woman said that? So Sam let Willow take the lead. Willow resumed her investigation of his trouser trout. Her hands slipped slowly inside his briefs pulling them down slowly as her lips and tongue licked the head of his cock through the material. Sam rested his hands on her shoulders and his head was thrown back enjoying the feeling of being worshipped by this woman, and she was worshipping him. Willow's mouth was hot, moist and a perfect fit for his monster. She moaned, sending small vibrations through the head of his cock and along the length of him.

Willow rubbed his cock across her face, enjoying the feel of the head and the length of him as she licked his thick meat slowly, running her tongue around it. Willow slid her lips slowly over Sam's fat sausage licking around the length, bobbing her head up and down, mouth fucking his cock.

Sam was in heaven. This woman loved cocks and knew how to make love to them with her mouth. He knew that if she kept this up he would cum.

Willow continued to lick and suck on his beautiful tool enjoying every vein and ridge against her hot wet tongue. She had a trick of swallowing him deep into her throat which caused his ball sac to tighten with each spasm of her muscles around his erection.

Sam knew he was about to cum and tried to let her know by grasping her head and trying to ease his meat out of her mouth, but Willow wasn't having any of that. She wanted to feel his juice hit the back of her throat. His cock exploded with cream and she swallowed as his dick slipped down her throat. She waited to let his cock slip out of her throat as another load shot into her mouth. She sucked and milked his tool completely dry, then kissed the deflating flesh, pulling up his briefs and tucking his manhood back inside. Willow kissed his cock and said, "That was delicious, I can't wait to get another serving but let's get you showered and in bed because I have huge plans for you tonight." She laughed, scooted back in the chair and went to go around him towards the bedroom.

When Sam returned to earth he said, "I don't think so young lady there's something you owe me."

After saying that, he got down on his knees and pulled her forward in the chair again while Willow tried to resist him, but it was a half-hearted effort. He raised her legs up on to his shoulders sliding her dress up and pulling down her lacy panties as his lips trailed up the inside of her leg towards her spasming creampie.


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