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Wimp, A Haunting Word

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No body calls me a wimp.
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Sorry for a long story please don't get bored. Deliberately left out description of the women and men's bodies. You know what I mean. Most stories are packing with it I try not to do it. Will you Please excuse punctuation bad English and grammar?

This is a story that you are going to be the Judge and Jury. Removed sections to make it shorter. I failed they had to go back in. This story is full of love and sadness. Includes lies deceit greed and revenge and more.

It was found out by pure accident. It tells of my actions. There more think about. Whist reading this you will pick up on my feelings and what's not said. Read between the lines use your own feelings.

I do hope you enjoy the long read.

Wimp. A haunting word.

By loveofmyLife75.

Let me give you a bit of information. My parents were in love from the first day they met. Both professional people who wanted to live a life of long-lasting love with each other. They both agreed not to have children but to enjoy each other. Travel the world and see places that one could only dream off.

My parents were in there early forty's. That was when I happened to come along. Mum was going to forty-four closes to my birth. They never told me how it happened. Mum may had forgotten to take the pill or dads condom burst. Well, it did not matter to me. I entered the big, wide world. By the way my name is John Bates.

Mum took to motherhood, but dad was not too sure about it. He had lost his freedom and had to look after Mum and me. As time passed, I was sent to the right schools and the three of us on family holidays. The world sights were slipped away for my parents. That was not my fault. I often wondered if I was that one big mistake in their life. Mum and dad did go away to the far side of the world and my Aunt looked after me while they were away.

I grew close to my Auntie because she had three kids of her own. Mum and Dad always took me away on family holidays. But I could tell dad was not happy. Mum was always there for me. Yes, you could say I was brought up in a half unhappy home. Mum made sure I was happy all the time.

Time passed now at the ripe old age of twenty-one. Mum and dad now in their sixty-fifth year. Dad sat me down and was doing is best in trying to explain to me why it seemed he did not love me. I knew all the time what he was trying to say. But the words he was using. Well, he was having a hard with it.

Mum looked at me she knew my father inside out. He could not say to me (son I love you so very much it was hard for him). Mum stepped in kissing me on the forehead with her special smile she always had for me.


I applied for jobs that I wanted to do. Project manager. I was an engineer what I did was visit sites and make out efficient routes for production. I wanted to be at the top of my job by the time I was twenty-five.

In the next four years, I went from company to company with promotion every time. Mum and dad backed me all the way. I wanted to give them a happy retirement and to be as successful as both of them. In those four years when I was away, I slept around but I must say I was not very good. I was looking for a girl that had all the same qualities my mother. Looks and brains.

At twenty-five. I returned to the first company I worked for. As head of planning, installation, maintenance and new projects.

One night the three of us were drinking a couple of bottles. Mum and Dad said to me "John, are you thinking of getting married soon?"

I cough and spluttered saying, "Why do you what to get rid of me."

"John, we are going on a cruise and you will be in the house on your own and don't burn it down on us," Mum said laughing.

That was the queue for me to leave home. I was in no hurry. I had money and was going out on the town at weekends.

Mum and Dad left for the cruise and I had a freeze full of food and the fridge stocked. Down in Dads cellar it was packed with beer and white and red wines.

It was a Tuesday at work, and one of my team leaders asked me to a party this coming Friday night. I accepted and asked 'what type of drink shall I bring with me.'

'None just bring you and be there for Eight.'

Friday night I was knocking at the door. It sounded like the party was in full swing. I walked round and rooms and introduced myself. I grabbed a glass and walked around I asked my team leader is everyone hear. I was told a few more to come just mingle the food is over there and you know where the drink is.

The single men looked me up and down that did not bother me one bit. The girls, Well the girls they wanted to talk but stayed like wall flowers. The best of it I was one of them.

I was now nine at night I had a dance or two. But none of the girls took my eye. The front door opened and two couples came in. One girl caught my eye in a flash. And she looked at me with a smile of my mums. The best of it was the boy who she came with was pouring the booze down his throat.

I looked at him thinking what a prick. I made my way to this creature and asked her for a dance. That was it for the rest of the night. Her name was Chris Summers. And most of all she was single. The boy who she came with was her elder brother. It was one in the morning, so I asked Chris, "may I escort you home.

That was the beginning of our love affair. Chris after a fortnight of dating asked me to meet her parents. So, I was there on the Sunday afternoon for lunch and dinner. Chris's parents were each so nice especially her mother. There was her brother the drunk. His name was David. Then in walked a younger girl about two years younger than Chris. She was wearing shabby clothes. Her name was Pat. Chris's mother and Pat looked like triples.

As the day went, I talked with Chris's father and David. Her father had a lot in common with myself so we got on well. As for David he had little to say. But when he did speak, he was a clever Dick and knew about everything. He was even an expert on my job.

Over the next two weeks, when I was in the house, there was word said. Chris's father would stand up and did whatever Chris's mother had said. The same thing was happening with David. As the months past I got use to her father standing up and David going the same. I thought they were henpecked.

Mum and dad returned from their cruise they had to meet Chris. The four of us went to a restaurant. Mum was over the moon with Chris. Dad although he did show it, he also was. But dad had a good opinion of people.

When Chris's parents visited my parent's house, they came in they looked round the house. Taking in mental notes that my parents were well off. When my parents visited Chris's parent's home as far, I could make out they were not impressed one bit. But they like Chris and she always close to me.

One night when I was at Chris's house and popped the age-old question. Will you marry me?

"Yes," was the answer.

Chris and I found a house a four bedroom one. My parents paid for it with cash for me. That was great as the kids would come along in time. And it had what you would call a study. That was to become my home office. And of that was a room for a pool table.

In less than a year, we were married with all Chris's family from far and wide. My family you could count on both hands and all were creaking gates. My family stood out by a mile. The way they dressed. I did not care I was in love with Chris, and that was enough for me.

The wedding night was the first time for me to cast my eyes over Chris's shapely body. The only male body Chris had looked at was her small cousin when she helped to give them have a bath. I wanted our first night of love making to last forever. I undressed Chris and she undressed me. She was standing there in a white bra and panties. As for myself my briefs were being stretched a little. I was as hard as iron.

Chris looked down at my briefs. She wanted to see the size of my cock. She held the sides of my briefs and pulled them down my legs. Looking at my manhood. Thank God mum, and dad had given me a weapon of only seven inches in length. But I was proud off it.

"John, I won't be able to get big thing in me it will hurt me," she said holding my throbbing shaft.

"Chris don't worry we have the rest of the night and all the following day. I promise you I won't hurt you," I said.

Chris had no idea about the size of cocks that were out there. Mine was average. Chris held my cock. I had her bra off, and she let go of my cock, while I pulled down her panties. There at last I was looking at a mass of hair. Hiding beneath it a pussy I wanted. Chris lay down on the bed I crawled between her legs and her legs spread. She held my cock and moved it towards her pussy. I pushed a little, and a moan came from Chris. I pushed a little more and a louder moan came from Chris then her hand came from my cock. I went deeper and deeper and pounded my Chris. From that first night our love grew. Our love making was always the same Chris on her back putting in my cock. But Chris always had to hold my cock until I was inside her.

We moved in the four-bedroom house, and I set up a bit of my home office to be. On the walls I put all my qualifications I was proud of them.

Over the next twelve months, we visited both parent's houses. Then I started to take note when we were at Chris's parent's house. Her mother spoke to her father the word 'wimp' came out. And he did what every she told him to do. From time to time she used the same word, and he did the same thing. Chris's mother was the boss in the family there was no drought about that.

After about six months. Chris asked me one night would I mind if she took her sister Pat out to find her a husband. She was playing cupid for her sister. I told her I didn't mind but take her home first. Well, they went out twice a week from then on. Chris was always home for the time she had said. Then Chris started to come home later than when she first started to take Pat out.

During this time, I was away a week at a time. When I was at home, I noticed my qualifications had been moved. I put it down to Chris doing house work. I also in the left-hand drawer's household papers they had been moved and on top was my bank account. Showing how much our saving were. That was to be in the bottom drawer. I assumed Chris had been looking for something and put them back in the wrong drawer.


Mum and dad now in their sixty-ninth year and still wanted to see the world. Chris and I went to my parent's house for a Sunday roast. Mum was in the kitchen slaving away so Chris and went and helped her.

Dad called out "Mother Jim and his dog are going for a walk I need to speak to him and John is coming with me. How long before lunch is ready."

Dad eyes squinted and his forehead frowned and nodded to the side. That was something I had never seen him do before.

Mum called back "forty-five minutes be back before then."

With that we left the house I was looking for Jim and his dog. There was no sign of Jim or his dog.

"Son. I want to tell you a few things without your mother knowing."

"What, is it dad you have never kept a secret from mum before?" I said.

"I know that but I must tell you. Please listen to me and please don't but in."

This is a few things he told me. 'We eat and drink the same things and sleep in the same bed but we are felling our age now. I am not well, and your mother is not well but she hides it. To be blunt, we are going downhill there is something wrong with us. All our affairs are in order, and the information is in the wall safe with your name on it."

"Son that's not what I want to talk to you about. Please listen and think long and hard of what I am going to tell you."

For the next thirty minutes, Dad told me all sorts of things. Needless to say, I was a bit shocked at what he told me. That was the first-time dad had spoken to me as a man. We walked back home and mum was a bit grumpy that was a bit of a shock. I was glad that dad had told me mum was not feeling herself.

I went to the rescue, and Chris helped me with lunch. I told mum to go and sit down I will do the rest. I put the Sunday lunch on the table, but mum had her head down. She was tired. We had lunch and mum picked at her food.

"Mum what's up you are not eating."

"I am not hungry it's not the same when you have cooked it. Never mind me...eat up you three," she said.

We finished our lunch, and I made mum sit next to dad. Chris and I did the clearing up. There was no way I was going to leave them. I had a lot of things going on in my mind. Dad was looking at me I could see him out of the corner of my eye. I was looking at my mother.

"Mum are you ok?

"John I am a bit tired."

"Mum doctors tomorrow I will pick you and dad up at nine."

I picked up my parents, and we went to the doctors. All the time we were there I was dreading one thing. The big "C."

Mum and dad was with the doctor for about twenty minutes. The doctor came outside to me and told me to take them to the hospital. He would phone ahead and tell them we are on our way. We arrived at the hospital and I help mum walk in A and E. In seconds mum was on a trolly she was falling down. I went and got dad, and he was on a trolly he was the same.

Both wheeled in for blood samples. Water samples then down to X-ray. Mum and dad where now in hospital but for how long was the big question.

I went back to work that Monday and told my director about my mother and father. And I asked if I could work from home so I could get to the hospital quickly If I was needed. I also would call in the office three days a week to take care of the clients.

Of to home and went in what was my make shift office. The study. With the room next for where my pool table was going to be. In the hour I had it set up. The desk had three drawers on either side. Works PC, photo printer, recording phone and voice activated recorder for my letters. I rang my director and told him I could work from home I was all set up.

Chris came home from her six-hour job. She heard me and came looking for me. I told her about my parents, and I would be working from home for a while. I went on to tell her all our information i.e., Salary, bills, bank account savings are in the left-hand side drawers. In the right-hand drawer was work papers and what might be on the desk is work.

Chris made dinner and then we went to the hospital. Mum was the first call but mum was asleep. Chris stayed with mum. So, I went to see dad. He was drugged up waking up and dropping off to sleep. So, I went back to mum. Chris told me mum woke up and fell asleep. I swapped and changed between mum and dad. Then we were told to go home. It was like that for long days. Mum and dad had test after test.

When Chris came home from her six-hour job, I went to the hospital to see my parents. During those days David, her brother visited every day, and Chris's mother phoned all the time.

When I got home from the hospital after two hours, I went to my home office and did my work. Made my notes and used the voice activated recorder my letters. So, they could be typed up on company headed paper. The following day out came in the tape from the recorder. And inserted a new tape. I gave the recorded tape it to my PA to be typed up.

When Chris and I had finished dinner, we went back to the hospital. This was the routine from then on. They were in hospital for three long weeks. They had picked up some bug from all the years of travelling aboard and something had awakened it.

Towards the middle of the second week, my parents were in hospital getting well I was able to relax. The following week Chris came home from her six-hour job It was a Monday. I went to the hospital. As I was leaving David turned up. I went to see my parents. And dropped off my recorded tape at work. When I got to the hospital mum and dad was back on oxygen and in intensive care.

Things looked bad for my parents. I sat with them for an hour or so. And I was told to go home. My mind was going round and round. What's the hell wrong with them!

When I went back home, I had work to do until dinner would be ready, I was worried about my parents. I sat down and looked at my notes. It was time to use the voice activated the recorder for my letters. I spoke to the recorder. It was fitted with a device that when the tape was full it ejected. 'Funny I thought to myself it was a new tape no way it is full.'

I looked for spare tape my other two were at work. So, I rewound the tape to the beginning.

This is what I sat and started to listen too.

"David, you got no more than two hours before he is back getting a move on," I heard Chris say to him.

I stopped the tape and locked the door. The restarted the tape. I heard the drawers opening and closing.

"Found them at last," David calls out. "Got the details of his back account and his pin number and his passwords for his PC at last. Going to use the photo printer, I want a copy. God, do you know how much is parents are worth. Our family are going to be rich."

Chris had walked into the room. "My God, we can look after mum and dad at last they won't have to worry about money every again," Chris said it in a loud and clear voice.

I heard the photo printer switched on, and they printed of each of use to them.

"David when should we set him up with a prostitute? So, I can get a divorce from the WIMP we need a recording and pictures to make sure with his face in full view? Chris said to her brother.

I heard her call me a WIMP. Nobody calls me a WIMP.

"David, we will have to wait until the WIMP'S parents are dead then we can move on it," Chris said it in a loud and clear voice.

"Chris, how are things with your lover and does John suspect anything yet, David said to Chris.

"All I am going to tell you is I work with him and he is fantastic in bed. I wish I had met Tom before John. God I am wet just thing about him," Chris told her brother.

"Be patient one day you too will be together for ever," David said to Chris.

I let the tape run and all I heard was the door closing and distant voices of the both of them.

I rewound the tape and listen to it three more times. WIMP, she called me a fucking WIMP.

The pair of them were going to set me up with some prostitute so she could get a divorce and get half of my money. And the worst of it was my parent had plenty of money and one day it would all belong to me. And they wanted my parents dead. My head was spinning. What will I do? I had to think. I sat there staring at my notes. Then Chris came to the door.

"John, John are you ok the door is locked let me in John, John," Chris called out.

I came out of my blank state of mind and open the door.

"John, are you ok my love?" Chris said to me.

"Sorry I had a lot on my mind is dinner ready my love," I said to Chris.

"Yes. Come on before it gets cold," Chris said to me.

I washed up and sat down my head was spinning. I made small talk and told Chris my parents were in intensive care. And right after dinner I was going to the hospital.

"Do, you want to come with me? I said.

"No," she said I have got to catch up on things to do in the house. I was heading for the front door and into my car, and Chris was about to wave me off. I heard the telephone ringing. God it's her mother again I said to myself. So, I drove off to the hospital.

I went straight to intensive care. They were not where I had last seen the pair of them. I asked where was my parents and which ward are they on. The nurse sent for the doctor and I was moved to a side room. The doctor was there in a second.

"Mr Bates please sit down," he said.

"Which, ward are my parents in?" I said.

"Mr Bates both your parents have both died. One hour ago, they passed away in their sleep...We tried to tell you on the phone...But you had left home... Mr Bates they both passed away in minutes of each other. I was as there was a pack between them, they wanted to go together," The doctor said.

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