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Faithful wife agrees to conditions of lost bet in Miami!
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My husband, and I, recently rented a rooftop condo for a week's vacation in Miami. We shared an outdoor patio with the neighbor with just a short fence between us. During the week I had been out on the patio several times when our neighbor was also out. He was a 30-ish black guy who obviously worked out a lot and was very easy on the eyes! However, it was also obvious that he knew that he was good-looking, and the few times I spoke to him it was clear that he was not only undressing me with his eyes, but was actually coming on to me! I found him attractive, but quite arrogant! In addition, whenever my husband would come out, on the patio, this guy would disappear, which bothered me! I mentioned to my husband about how he was coming on to me and he just laughed and said he wasn't surprised.

We also noticed that, during the week, that he often seemed to be entertaining different young white blondes! Some evenings when we were out on the patio, we could actually hear his date screaming out in obvious ecstasy! He closed all the window blinds but he always left open a small window that allowed the sounds to escape! My husband wanted us to go out, on the patio, almost every night when we returned from dinner, claiming that it was for the air, but I could tell that he got very excited whenever we heard these women! For my part, I will admit that it was erotic listening and I was impressed that he was always able to get them to be so vocal, but I was still bothered by his arrogance.

Towards the end of the week and our vacation, we decided to get dressed up and hit the town. I dressed in a red halter top without a bra and a short black skirt with a red thong. At my husband's insistence, I also wore a black garter belt and nylons. I was reluctant because the skirt was so short that, with little movement, the tops of the nylons and the garter belt clasps were visible! I thought it looked somewhat slutty, but we were on vacation, and my husband begged! To complete the look, I wore high heels that accented my long legs. I'm 5'9" tall so I have long legs that I have been told look great in heels!

As we walked to the restaurant, I quickly realized that a lot of women in Miami dress provocatively, so it allowed me to calm down and enjoy myself. We had a great dinner and then then went to a neat club for a few drinks. I could tell that a lot of guys were checking me out all evening, and even some women, which, together with the drinks, gave me a sense of pride! My husband often complains that when I go braless, I will generally hunch my shoulders in an effort to hide my nipples from protruding! Of course, he is right. I am not an exhibitionist by nature, so I'm not comfortable strutting my stuff! However, with the drinks, the Miami atmosphere and feeling proud of my looks I was consciously keeping my shoulders back and as a result my nipples were often poking out! It was out of the ordinary for me and yet fun!

While we were at the club, a few guys came up and asked me to dance. My husband told me to go ahead so I danced several times with different guys. Each time, after dancing and returning to our table, I could see that my husband was excited and would always ask if the guy had tried anything, or if I felt a hard cock! In fact, there was one black guy, I danced with, who did put his hand on my ass and pulled me right into him as we danced! I didn't say anything or stop him and, I have to admit, that it gave me a thrill feeling his good-sized hard cock between us! When I told my husband this, he got very excited and said "Okay, let's head back to our room."

As we entered our condo, my husband pushed me up against the closed door and started kissing me passionately, but then suddenly pulled away from me and went over to the patio doors and looked out. I assumed he wanted to see if our neighbor was 'entertaining' another young blonde tonight, so I went over and looked out over his shoulder. We saw that our neighbor didn't seem to have anyone over that night as the lights, on the patio, were low and everything outside was quiet.

I was horny from all the drinking and dancing and started to drag my husband to the bedroom, but he had other ideas! He got us both a glass of wine and as we toasted to good times in Miami, he reminded me of a recent bet we had made, that he had won. At the time, I had foolishly agreed to bet him that I could name more of the 50 States and their capitals than he could. I was sure that I would beat him so I agreed to his wager that the winner could have the other person do anything at all, as long as it was legal. I remember looking forward to having him to make all our meals for a week. In fact, I was even thinking of having him serve me some meals in bed. However, unbelievably, he won the bet! I'm sure that I was set up, but I did agree to the bet so there wasn't much I could say. I asked him what he wanted me to do, but he told me that he wanted to think about it and would let me know in due course. Until he reminded me in the condo, that evening, I had completely forgotten about it.

He then told me that he now wanted to collect on the bet and asked if I was ready to accept his conditions. I pride myself on standing up for my word so I cautiously agreed, thinking that he would not make me do something I was uncomfortable with. He did assure me that his conditions would not be illegal or dangerous.

He then laid out the conditions "The over-reaching condition is that you are not allowed to say 'no' or deny any request made of you or command given to you. Now, you will head out on to the patio, with your wine glass and dressed as you are. You will stay out there for 20 minutes. If our neighbor comes over to talk to you, you have to add 10 minutes to that time. If he touches you, in any way, during that time then you have to add another 15 minutes. If he kisses you, even if it's a little brush of the lips, on your lips, then add another 15 minutes. If he touches either of your tits with his hands, over your clothes or on bare skin, then add 20 minutes. Finally, if he gets his hands on to your bare thonged ass... then he gets to fuck you, and you have to make sure he enjoys it! That's it."

I was stunned! I looked at him and I was getting pissed! How could he think this was a good idea! He knew that I thought the guy was hot, but he also knew that I thought he was an arrogant jerk! I asked him "That's it? Are you serious? Isn't this a little dangerous?" He looked at me, with a slight smile and replied "Yes, I am totally serious"!

So, being completely pissed off, a bit drunk and yet defiant, I walked over to the counter, filled my wine glass and walked out on to the patio muttering 'Watch out for what you wish for!" Being a strong-willed woman, I was determined not to back out of this! Plus, I didn't think our neighbor was home and, even if he did come out, I was confident that I could handle things for 20 minutes.

Once outside, I looked back towards our room and since the lights were mostly off inside, I could only see my reflection in the glass patio doors! I could not see anything inside. I presumed that my husband was now watching me closely so I just turned, walked over to the railing and leaned over as I drank my wine, while watching the activities on the street below. I checked my watch so I would know when the 20 minutes were up and, being pissed off, I vowed that he was not getting anything, from me, when I got back inside!

About 5 minutes into my time on the patio, I heard a noise coming from our neighbor's patio! I turned and saw that our neighbor had been sitting out there in the dark the whole time! When he saw me look back, he got up and walked over to the railing, on his side, saying "Hi pretty neighbor. I'm Will."

I replied "Hi, I'm Sarah." I had not realized that I had already finished my glass of wine, in the short time I was out there, but he noticed and said "Wait!" and moved back to where he was sitting before returning with a bottle of wine. This time though, he stepped over the short barrier between our patios and came up to me. He reached over and held my hand, the one with the wine glass, in his as he filled my glass! "You do like Chardonnay, right?" I nodded and said "Yes, thank you."

As I stood there beside him, two thoughts raced through my mind... 'he is much bigger than I had realized, he had to be at least 6'3" and muscular', and secondly, 'not only had he talked to me, but he also just touched my hand! That meant that I now had to add 25 minutes to my time out there which left me with about 40 minutes to go!' I started worrying about where this was going, but then relaxed as I thought, 'Well I just have to make sure he doesn't kiss me, touch my tits or my ass during that time and I'm okay. That shouldn't be too hard.'

He then held up his glass and said "A toast to a very sexy lady", we clinked glasses and I said "Thank you, sir." We then settled into a surprisingly interesting discussion! Whereas, I had previously taken him for an arrogant jerk, I found that I was actually enjoying the conversation... he was intelligent and witty and made me laugh! Sure, he still said or did little things that showed his arrogance or confidence, but overall, I was having fun!

He was also quite a touchy guy... He told me how he liked my blonde hair and, several times, ran his fingers through it! He would make a joke and then run his hand over my forearm, as I laughed. I did have the thought that this serves my husband right... let him sit in there and watch me having fun with this good-looking black guy. Remember, I had had quite a bit to drink throughout the evening, so I probably was thinking straight!

At one point in our conversation, Will suddenly stepped back and said "Girl, you are looking so damn hot in that outfit tonight... you are smoking!" Then he said "Twirl around so I can get the full 360-degree look!" I was about to say 'No way!', but I remembered that I wasn't allowed to say 'No'! Thinking about what it might look like twirling around for him I thought of my husband standing in our room, so I took a quick nervous look back towards our patio doors and then saw that Will noticed me looking that way! He then said "Come one girl... twirl for me", so I stepped away from the railing and did a little twirl!

He then said "That was hot! As I said, you are smoking! Please twirl again, but this time stop when you have your back to me." It actually gave me a thrill that he liked what he saw! So, without a another thought I did as he asked and twirled so that my back was to him, and stopped. I stood like that for a few seconds when he said "Now lean forward and hold on to the railing". I did as he asked, but being about 2 feet away from the railing, when I leaned forward, I had to push my ass out for balance, which in turn caused my short skirt to rise! I wondered if he could now see the tops of my nylons and the garter clasps!

While I was in that position, I heard him muttering to himself "Nice, very nice!" Then he asked "Where is the hubby?" I don't know why, but I replied "Oh he wasn't feeling well tonight, so he took a sleeping pill and, unfortunately, is out until morning." He laughed out loud and said "His loss, my gain!" He then moved closer to me, gave my ass a playful slap and repeated what I had heard him say earlier "Nice, very nice!"

He leaned on the railing and start talking to me again but now he started running his hand up and down my back in a very seductive way, and I didn't say or do anything to discourage him! I knew that I wouldn't be honoring my side of the bet if I told him to stop and, since I was sure my husband was watching, I let it go on. I rationalized in my mind that I was going to tease my husband and he deserved it, but truthfully, I was also enjoying the attention from Will and I was actually getting excited! It didn't help that in my mind, I started having various thoughts... 'What it would be like to be with this big black guy? I'm married I shouldn't be doing this... Why isn't my husband coming out to stop things? Will had already lightly slapped my ass, what if he just put his hand up under my skirt and felt my thonged ass? Would that mean that I would let him fuck me? Was I considering letting him?'

These thoughts weren't helping things, as I was getting increasingly aroused!

After a few more minutes of small talk, Will looked down at me and said "Look, your hubby is out of the picture, so come over to my side of the patio, and party with me!"

I looked at him and realized that I was in a bit of a bind... I was a bit drunk, and not thinking clearly; I was getting aroused; I knew that I still had quite a bit of time left to stay out there; and I wasn't allowed to say 'No'!" So, I replied "Will, are you asking me to go over, or are you telling me to go over?" He smiled as he thought about my question and then eventually came back with a question of his own "If I was 'asking' you to go over, would you go?" I replied "Probably not", I figured this was a safe answer since technically I wasn't saying 'No'. However, an odd smile came over his face when I said that and he looked at me and said "Ok girl, then get that cute ass of yours over to my patio now!" Damn, he had somehow either figured out that I had to do what he said, or that I was submissive woman and would do what he said! Either way he had me!

I could have called it all off at this point, but that would have meant that I had reneged on my side of the bet and, given that I was still pissed at my husband, I rationalized that I had no choice... so, I turned and started walking towards his side of the patio, but he grabbed my arm and stepped in front of me. He leaned down so that his face was close to mine and said "Kiss me!" His aggressiveness startled me and I reacted by moving my lips up to meet his. It was just a little soft kiss and I quickly pulled away, but he had other ideas. He pulled my head in for another kiss and this time he made sure it was a passionate kiss. I could feel his big lips swallowing mine, his big tongue forcing its way into my mouth and exploring! It was a completely different feeling kissing him than say kissing my husband. His kiss was demanding and dominant, and yet exciting and arousing!

My next surprise, as he kissed me, was his hand as it moved up underneath my halter top and quickly on to my bare tits... first one, then the other! He played with my nipples and quickly had them as hard as pencils erasers! Everything was moving so quickly as his hands explored my upper body! I remember thinking that his rough touch actually felt good and my body was reacting to it I really didn't want to stop him! It then occurred to me that my husband was probably watching intently, only a few feet away, on the other side of that glass window! Once again, Will saw me glance towards our patio doors!

He leaned down and kissed me again and then pulled away and said rather forcefully "Lose the top girl... now!" I hesitated, as I looked up at him, and he said, in a commanding tone, "Now!" So, I slowly grabbed the bottom of the halter top and started pulling it over my head. When I had the top in my hands above my head, he used one hand to hold my hands together, in that position, and then turned me to face the patio doors of our room, with him standing behind me! I knew that my husband was on the other side of that glass watching this, but all I could see was the reflection of me topless, with my hands above my head being held by Will's big black hand, my halter top hanging down, and his other big hand on my bare stomach. I couldn't help but think that the look was very erotic! I wondered what my husband was thinking! Was he excited? Did he have his cock out? Was he rubbing it as he watched this guy manipulate his wife? Did he regret sending me out with those crazy conditions? Would he come out and stop everything? However, the door never opened! He didn't stop it!

I felt Will's hand move from my stomach up to my tits and start to tweak my nipples, alternating between the two of them. I love having my tits and my nipples played with, so this, together with watching his big black hand on my tits in the reflection was driving me wild. The whole thing was just so taboo that I could feel myself getting wet! He then leaned in close and said "Your husband is watching, isn't he?" I didn't know what to say, so I said nothing. He repeated it again, and I still didn't reply, so he started applying more pressure on the nipple tweaking to the point that it actually hurt! I have never been good with pain, so I pleaded, "Please don't hurt me! Yes... yes, I'm sure he's watching. He was the one that sent me out here!" He laughed and spun me around "Girl, I knew it! Oh, we are going to have some fun with this... come on." He looked right at the patio door window as though he was looking at my husband and gave a broad smile! He then grabbed one of my arms and pulled me along with him, throwing my halter top to the ground.

However, just before we crossed over to his side of the patio, he stopped me again and said "Wait... now girl, lose the skirt"! This time, I didn't hesitate, I unzipped my skirt and bent over letting it fall to the ground. I felt his hand run across my bare ass cheeks as I bent down to pick up the skirt. He took the skirt and threw it at the patio door window, and again looking at the window, said loudly "You won't be needing these clothes tonight. Let's go, I am going to tap this ass tonight!" slapping my ass, hard enough that it stung!

I couldn't believe that here I was, mostly naked, in my garter belt, nylons, thong and heels being led over to this guy's condo to no doubt get fucked, while my husband stood at the window of our room watching! I was resigned to my fate now that he had met all of my husband's conditions, and that my husband had not objected or tried to stop things! I was torn because I definitely afraid of what lay before me, and yet I was excited and incredibly horny!

When we got inside his place I was struck by how neat and well-appointed the place was! The layout was the same as the unit we had rented, but his place had style. It was clearly masculine and yet comfortable! I was impressed. He pressed a few buttons and the blinds on all the windows went down blocking out any view from outside. He said "I know that hubby will definitely be out there trying to see what's going on in here, but he's not going to see anything! However, I'll leave this small window open so he can hear us." I thought about the other women and how vocal they were! He continued, "You see this is going to be a win-win-win situation. If things work out, then hubby will have some fun too. I'll explain things later, but we have more important things to deal with now..." He led me through the living room and into his bedroom, and left me standing beside his king-sized bed.

He unbuttoned his shirt until it hung open with his muscular chest and abs visible. This guy was really ripped! He leaned in to me and, using his hand at the back of my head, pulled me in for another aggressive passionate kiss. I liked how he kissed... I was almost immediately lost in the passion of it and how his tongue invaded my mouth, winning all duels! At the same time, he used his big hands on my ass cheeks pulling me against his body making me quickly realize that his cock was a lot bigger than my husband's, and I didn't think that it was fully hard yet!

As our lips parted, he planted little kisses down my neck and chest as his lips moved towards my tits. As I said earlier, I love having my tits and nipples played with and he didn't disappoint! He spent quite a bit of time getting me worked up before pushing down on my shoulders. I knew what he wanted so I let him push me down to my knees. I don't often suck on my husband's cock and when I do it's generally not for long, but for some reason I wanted to suck on Will's big cock and I wanted him to really like what I was doing!

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