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Window Seat - Pt. 02


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I realized now that she might have told Dave about their sexually active daughter. I recalled that a few times Mom had wistfully told me that she had always wanted a nice Dad- one like I had. I guess she had 'Daddy issues'- so that made two of us. Maybe she must have known what had been going on in secret between us. Maybe she encouraged it. Maybe they talked about me in bed. Maybe that led to the two of them play-fucking in my room- Eden's wildest story of last night- and the one that made me realize that the mild mannered accountant and the senior care nurse had a wild, naughty and taboo streak a mile wide and anything was possible.

I was awake. I rolled over in bed and Eden was lying opposite, looking at me. She whispered, "Morning."

"Morning. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Are you?"

"Yeah. Kinda hungover. Are you sure you're okay?"

"A little fuzzy... do you hate me, Em?"

"Why would I hate you?"

"I said some mean things. And I said some... some weird things. I didn't mean to call you slutty. And... the other things sort of- just happened."

"Well, maybe the mean things were justified. And maybe the weird things weren't as... weird as you might think." My sister moved and the covers fell away a bit. "Those really are awesome..." She blushed and cupped one gently. "How big are they now?" I moved my covers too, and cupped mine, a nipple between my fingers like she was.


Wow. I was 34B on a good day. She was playing with her breast- a toy that she was just becoming aware of and starting to enjoy.

"I got lucky. I love that I have nipples. There's a girl in the group that has ones as big as me- but her nipples are flat. I'm lucky. Two of the people in the group dropped out- I guess they weren't that much into sex, and that's okay- we're not ordering people to do things they're not comfortable with. But two other geeks on the edges of the group heard rumors and asked to join... The guy has a... a really big one..." She paused, unsure. "Can I ask a question?"


"How many times... have you had sex in that bed?"

I smiled. "Why do you want to know, E.? Do you want to report back to Mom and Dad? Hmmm?"

She closed her eyes and squeezed her breast a bit harder. "Maybe I do."

"Maybe they'd like hearing about it."

"Maybe they would." Her hand disappeared under the covers. So did mine. I don't know about her, but fuck- I was getting turned on again, making little circles.

"Maybe a dozen times. Sometimes it's not fucking. Sometimes it's just fooling around."

"Was... she ever here when you were?" She patted the bed- I knew what she meant. I squeezed my fingers between my thighs, remembering. I nodded. "A couple times."

"Were you ever there... when she had sex?"

I nodded again, biting my lip. "She's had her boyfriend up here a couple times when they're both drunk. I pretended to be asleep but I watched them with one eye open. She sucked him and then they did 69 and then they fucked. And one night I had a guy up here and we were doing it and she made no secret about watching us. She was... she was getting off under the covers."

"I guess if it's natural to... get excited... to want to get off when someone is...you know. I saw you and Merilee once, and I saw you with Brendan, down in the basement- and back then I thought it was... kind of gross. But now, I've seen things- and done things with people watching and I kinda liked it."

"Like leaving your door open."

"Do you think I'm a bad girl?"

"There's nothing wrong with liking sex. There's nothing wrong with loving sex. Nothing wrong with... wanting to explore- as long a both people are... into it. If you leave a door open... or if they leave the door open..."


"I think you're a horny, sweet girl that is taking advantage of the opportunities offered to you."

By now I was, fuck- really turned on. We were both on our backs now, knees up under the covers, masturbating in time with each other. Fuck, I hadn't talked to her about anything sexual like this in forever and here we were casually masturbating in the same room twice in the space of a night's sleep. We were doing it again- with abandon- not caring. "There's... nothing bad about that. I've taken advantage of things happening too..."

She paused for a while then whispered. "I... I haven't told you everything, Em... The night before I left- when they left the door open and I watched them together... I was naked. I couldn't help it, Em. I watched them and they watched me- and I touched myself and I made myself come standing in the doorway. I fingered myself and I watched her- I watched her sucking him. He was looking right at me. He... he has a nice cock, doesn't he?" I moaned. "Have you wanted to..?" I nodded and moaned again. "I was thinking about... both of them."

"I don't blame you."

"I... I think I might be bi, Em. Is that a bad thing?"

"There's nothing at all wrong with liking both... I think I might be, too." Actually I knew I was. I was so close to orgasm thinking about Jen and I in a 69, with Kevin and Sean watching.

"I want to be a Daddy's girl, Em..."

"I liked being a Daddy's girl. I know you'll like it, too." I was so tempted to look over at her- to see how she was doing it.

"They... they looked... so hot together. Mmmm god..."

"I bet they did things before they were married that would shock us. Or maybe not."

"Mmmm, how... how far did you go? With him..."

I told her about all the kisses and stroking him off and making him come and licking it off my fingers and we both came like thunderbolts.

We both lay there, recovering... sighing. The room was redolent with our scent. After a while I thought I had to explain myself, if only to the ceiling. "I mean, it just happens, right? It wasn't anything I didn't want to do. I do wish now that... I would've done more."

"Maybe you will. I know I'm having too much fun to stop."

"It was nice for us both- and in a way I guess maybe Mom must have liked hearing about it, too. Maybe it's all sort of depraved, but if nobody's being hurt... Maybe we're damned."

Eden blew a loud raspberry and we both laughed our heads off.

"Or maybe we just have loving, sexual parents who love us as much as we love and appreciate them. Maybe they're offering us the opportunity... to be included in that part of their lives. We're free to say no- but I don't feel like doing that."

"That... that's pretty fucking deep, E...

She blew another raspberry and we laughed louder.

Finally, she yawned and stretched and asked what the plan was.

I jokingly asked if she wanted to watch each other getting laid. "We could find a couple of guys in the hallway... and..."

"Maybe. Would that be a bad thing?"

"Mmmm nope. But I do have a plan, if you want to hear it." I sat up. She nodded and sat up, her tits swaying. "We're going to shower and dress and go down to breakfast in the cafeteria, and then... I got tickets to the game."

Her eyes lit up. "You did? You're kidding! Cool!!"

"My pleasure... part of your birthday present."

"And what about... you know... the other thing?"

"I'll do what I can about that. I'll shower but I'll be quick. Then it's your turn. Okay?" I walked over to her and kissed her on the cheek. There was a part of me that wanted more, but I didn't know how she'd take that. In the shower I considered how pretty she had become. Maybe she was always pretty and I never noticed, wrapped up in my own life. Her face had always seemed so pinched and serious. Now? She was so different and relaxed. I found myself making plans and changing plans as I washed myself under the hot water. The only thing that mattered was that Eden had a wonderful time and that she'd have more stories to add to her life. I owed her that much. And I really, really wanted to see her getting fucked.

I was hanging up the phone when she came out of the shower. Things were going to work out just fine. I was getting dressed when I noticed what she had pulled out of her suitcase. I watched, shaking my head. "No. No, no, no, Eden. You're not wearing that." She looked over, sort of scared. She was wearing one of her bulky knit sweaters again, with a loose neck that hung shapelessly down. "Take that off, now. The weather is lovely- It's not the middle of winter. The jeans are fine. You have a... a really nice curvy shape."

"I'm fat."

"You're not fat, Eden. So shut up." I went to my wardrobe and opened the door, searching. I finally found the shirt I was looking for. It was actually more of a guy's heavy flannel shirt, but it would work. I pulled a t-shirt that was pretty big for me from the drawer. She stood there in her bra, her arms crossed shyly across her torso. I tossed her the t-shirt and she pulled it on. It was a vee-neck and low cut enough to show a nice amount of cleavage. "Yes, better." I pulled it tight across her chest and pushed her tits together to better show them off. "Much better..."

She closed her eyes and actually leaned into my touch. "How do they feel," she whispered. I told her that they felt nice. "The... the lady that did my last bra fitting... she did that, too- just like you're doing... for a while, too. It was nice- I could tell she liked it. Mom did it once, like she was trying to make sure my dress fit right for my interview last spring. I wonder if she liked it as much as I did."

I didn't let go. I moved closer and I kissed her. I kissed my sister like I had kissed Jen. And Merilee, and Eden kissed me back our arms wrapped about the other. And we might have gone further, but reason prevailed.

I broke the kiss and mumbled something about having a busy day in front of us. Eden held on tight, but closed her eyes almost shivering. She whispered, "You have... with a girl, right? I mean since Merilee?" We were face to face and she opened her eyes to see me nod. I wanted to tell her about Jen... and all the things we had done. "Have you... with more than one person?" I nodded again and she sighed and moaned. Fuck, I wanted to tell her about Sean and Kevin... and Jen. But again, I wasn't sure what my sweet sister would think, but I was pretty certain she might well find out sooner or later. "Carrie and I have talked about... group sex. She says she to want to try it, but she doesn't want another girl- just two guys. She'll probably get what she wants. She says group sex... all depends on the group."

"She's right."

"When we all stood around the bed to watch her... getting fucked... I stood beside a guy and jerked him off... he came all over Carrie and the guy she was with. All over them. It was so hot."

Before I did something- like undressing her- I let go of her and stood back and grabbed my jacket and handed the shirt to her. "We gotta get going. You can tell me more later if you want."

"I want. Its nice to have stories worth telling."

Our purses were slung over our shoulders- the straps perfectly bisecting our breasts- making them stand out nicely. We joined the crowd in the cafeteria and later made our way to the stadium with a loud and rowdy throng. I noticed guys looking at us and I knew she noticed, too and liked it. She kept pestering me for the plan.

I told her about a guy that I had been seeing for a while, Kevin. I said we'd meet him at the game and that his sister Jen was going to be there, too. We're going over to their place for a BBQ after."

I also told her that a really nice guy that I had gone out with before had agreed to be her "date" for the weekend. Although I didn't make any promises, I assured her things should work out well by the time nightfall came around. But it was just for the weekend. Eden seemed happy with the possibilities. She held my arm and smiled and we laughed and bounced along to the stadium. She was fun to be with when she was happy.

The game was a blast. We had a losing record for the past few years and lived in the bottom of the conference, but they pulled out a win for the home crowd. I introduced Kevin and Jen and they seemed to really like her right off the bat. I introduced Eden to her 'date' for the weekend- Sean, and I thought the poor girl was going to float away. In just a few minutes they were holding hands and yakking away to each other. Kevin had brought a wineskin for each of us- vodka and orange for Eden and Jen, Southern Comfort for the rest of us.

I caught a glance from Jen and changed seats to talk to her. I asked her if she was ok with Sean being her 'boyfriend' for the weekend. She said it was a favor between friends and if it made Eden happy, she'd be okay with it. I asked her what she thought about my sister- I wanted everyone to like her. She said that it was no problem- Eden was a sweet girl. She raised an eyebrow and made the 'big tits' sign with her hands at her chest. I also told her my plan for later and she smiled and she was in.

At halftime we abandoned our seats and moved to 'the plaza' area where people stood and hung out when they were more interested in partying than the actual game. Kevin and I were holding hands, as were Eden and Sean, with Jen hanging in as a most understanding fifth wheel. Joints were being passed around and Eden pointed out a girl on her knees sucking off a guy surrounded by an enthusiastic circle- and I could tell she was thinking about how much she was going to love coming here to study and play.

When it was dark, Sean and Eden and I made the short walk around the block to Sean's place. We slipped up the stairs to his apartment. We had been well-fed by Kevin and Jen and the air had been thick with sexual tension and quiet desires. Once upstairs, I excused myself to go to the bathroom and when I got back they were making out standing in the middle of the living room, their hands exploring. I slipped in behind Sean and peeled off his shirt and t-shirt. I slipped around Eden and did the same to her- peeling off the shirt and lifting up her t-shirt- up and off, whispering, "Do it E., take off that bra and show us your tits."

Emboldened by the fact we had all been drinking most of the day, she did so, smiling and demure. Sean was standing there, rubbing the front of his jeans and his hands went to his zipper. He knew what was expected of him. I took her glasses and kissed her shoulder and told her to take off her jeans, following Sean's lead.

"So Sean, are you gonna fuck my little sis..?" He just moaned, nodding. When they were down to their underwear, I led them back to the bedroom. She didn't seem nervous at all. I was close to climbing the walls the first time I went all the way- but she was calm. Excited and aroused, I'm sure- but calm.

His cock was already tenting his briefs and I motioned to Eden to come over- and told her to do what she wanted. Just like the girl in the plaza, she took the few steps and knelt reverently and completely undressed him, releasing Sean's hardening cock. She held his ass and let that cock slide all over her cheeks and face. Moaning and looking up at him, she took him in and sucked him eagerly- holding his cock with one hand, and his ass with the other. It was one of the hottest things I had ever seen. Sean started talking, moaning, telling her what a good little cocksucker she was- and that only made her wilder. I put her glasses on the bedside table and sat on the window seat and rubbed my cunny through my jeans. I was so tempted to get naked with them, but this was all about her.

Still, I wasn't averse to moving things along. "Eden. I want to see him fucking you."

She looked over- it was like she had forgotten I was there. Sean took her hands, guided her up to her feet and backed her up against the bed. He knelt and peeled off her slightly damp panties, then stood up and sat her down gently. She playfully reached for his cock again, but he knelt before her.

I sat there with my hands all over myself and watched Sean kiss and lick her pretty cunt. He hair was so thick and curly on her head, but soft and straight down there. She laid back and spread her thighs, moaning. Her hips were bucking and her cunt was glistening- arching up into his face as he tongue-fucked her. She was squeezing her tits and pulling them up to suck her own nipples one after the other- how I wished I could suck mine! And god- she was talking so dirty. I know she must have come at least once before he manhandled her all the way onto the bed.

He was kneeling over her, his cock hard and ready. "What do you want, Eden. Tell me what you want."

"I... I want you inside me- now- I want you to fuck me..."

"I can do that... but I'll need some help." He crooked his finger at me and I moved to the bed like I was pulled by a rope. "Guide me into her Em," he whispered and I took his hard cock and rubbed it along my sister's slit- drawing him closer and getting him wet. She raised her hips and mmmm god- he slowly slipped into her. He slid in so easily- she was so fucking ready.

In a bare moment he was balls deep inside her with my hand still between them. He was flexing and moving slow- letting her get used to her first fuck. I kissed him and whispered a thank you then I leaned down and kissed her.

"Is this as good as you imagined, Emily?" I nodded and retreated back to the window seat and watched them fuck. He really did a wonderful job- just as I knew he would.

Deep and shallow strokes- fast and slow- wonderfully varied, but building and building. He asked where her she wanted his come and she moaned to come inside her and keep fucking, oh god don't stop fucking. Oh god, he pounded her so hard and so deep and so lovingly. Her eyes opened wide as he filled her with his seed. She quivered and wrapped her legs around his ass- her mouth open in a silent scream. After he had collapsed on her, I kissed them both again and told them I'd see them later. Eden was sweaty and wrung out, but glowing. I made sure the drapes were open and the binoculars were on the window seat as I left them to it.

Sean told us what had happened.

After their first fuck was over and I had left, they kissed and cuddled for a while. She liked hearing about how they had met and about the times they had fucked. He was still deep inside her and he could feel her cunny gripping and releasing. It got him going again and they started fucking again, moving so she was on top. He said he loved squeezing her tits as he pounded her- and she loved everything too.

After they made each other come again, Eden excused herself to go to the bathroom, and when she got back, Sean was kneeling naked, looking out the window with the binoculars like a sniper. She knelt beside him asking what he was looking at. She peered out to the lighted room across the way. She looked harder- squinting until she got her glasses on. She laughed and said, "Hey, that looks like Emily-" and then she stopped...

Sean handed the binoculars to her. She gasped and murmured, "But... they- they're brother and sister...! What the fuck-!!" and she looked at Sean with her eyes as wide as saucers and asked if he knew about this and how long- and she looked back at Kevin and Jen and I fucking to beat the band. She pressed closer to Sean as she got over the initial shock. All she could say was "Fuck... holy fuck..."

Sean asked if she wanted to go over there and she looked at him eagerly, saying "Really? Can we..? Are you sure? Will they mind?" She asked that over and over again, even as they were getting dressed, even as they went through the gate, opened the back door and went inside.

When they got to the second floor bedroom, I got off the bed and gave my sister a hug. She was still sweaty and wrung out and looking like she had no idea what she was walking into, wearing her jeans and an oversized jersey from Sean's closet. Jen gave her a nice hug too, and led her to the bathroom for a shower, saying she'd explain everything and took her in hand.

After a while, we could hear moans from the bathroom. It would have been nice to peek, but we just stayed on the bed. When Jen and Eden came back wet and wrapped with towels, Kevin and I were sucking on Sean- all naked.

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