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Witches of Lust Ch. 15

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Taking to the skies on a mission of mercy.
26.3k words

Part 15 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/04/2016
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Succubi absorb the life force of anyone they touch. Fortunately, our succubi were fitted with control collars that rendered them safe for hours of erotic pleasure. The lovely demonesses coaxed me to one orgasm after another, each time they greedily took my shafts deep into their bodies so that they would not miss a drop of my spirit energy. They also teased and pleased Erica with their consummate erotic prowess, using their hands, tongues and even their spade-tipped tails to great effect. Her screams of ecstasy filled my ears, but I was soon too lost in my own senses to really observe what they were doing to my friend.

Before they bit me, I watched them bite her once on her breast, thinking to go easy on her. I think it reacted in some way with her sensitivity in that area, because she was like a firecracker a for several hours after.

They injected me with their venom at least three times, and soon discovered that they could barely keep up with my raging lust. If they tried to tease and edge me, I would grab them and wedge my cocks in their tight holes, claiming carnal knowledge by force. I think I had superhuman strength, but the question is moot because they were wearing control collars. I would fuck one, throw her off and move to the next, and I didn't even care if the one I was fucking was busy with Erica. Thankfully there were four succubi to keep me from moving my rampage out into the rest of the ship. The only way for them to keep me in the bed was to keep offering me holes to fuck.

Each time my cocks erupted, I pumped gallon after gallon of cum into their seemingly bottomless depths. There was a limit to how much they could take, however mysteriously we arrived at it. At around three in the morning, they could no longer absorb any more of my load. Each time I came, their lovely, feminine bodies swelled about the middle and cum leaked and squirted out. They groaned with pleasure as their bellies grew ever more rounded.

They made a game of it, trying to get me to pack each of them with as much jizz as physically possible. Soon the demons had it bubbling and seeping out of their bellybuttons, their nostrils and even their nipples. Their bellies stretched taut I pumped them full, and they screamed in ecstasy as cum inundated and stretched their corporeal manifestations.

Overflowing cum squirted, splashed, and dribbled out all over the place, making a complete mess. Mimi, the blonde, was able to take the most by far, but she and Shay were both a bit dazed by the time the other succubi told me, in tearful reverence, that they could take no more.

All of them looked ready to give birth when I was done with them. Whenever I looked at their swollen bellies, I could not help but fantasize that I had somehow knocked them up with my super sperm. Once again, thoughts of impregnation charged my libido. Rak'hel and Rashiva thanked me and rubbed their cum-stuffed bellies and bountiful breasts, then helped the other two into the portal. They crawled through the glowing purple ring, cum still oozing down their thighs.

"That was amazing, see you again soon!" I said. They just sobbed a little harder, overjoyed to have me as their mistress.

"You held up your part of the deal well. I would thank you, but I think you enjoyed it immensely," Zurknod said. He closed the portal to his pocket dimension where his four cum-stuffed demon girls had gone to relax and recover.

"You still got a ton of spirit energy. You're welcome," I said to him a bit crossly. He turned his tiny pointed nose up at me and vanished. I glanced at Erica, who beamed at me adoringly, gaining my full attention.

"This has been some night! I can't remember feeling so turned on!" she told me, getting on her back and spreading her legs. "Oops! I almost forgot!" She clamped her thighs together tightly.

"You're still turned on after all that?" I asked, my gaze drawn to her large breasts.

"Well, there's no substitute for you," she said, blushing as she looked at my enormous pair of cocks still throbbing and stiff.

I knew I wasn't supposed to fuck her, because of the chance of getting her pregnant. Her eyes twinkled with daring and mischief, her luscious queen bee curves were already glistening with a sheen of cum. Her breasts were capped with long, erect, and ever so enticing nipples, and I struggled not to dive into her arms. It seemed so unfair that after all that sex, I still needed more.

"Now how are we going to clean all this mess up?" she asked. "Are any of the other witches even awake? It's three in the morning."

"Let me check," I said, deftly entering the psychic realm.

Looking out into the ship, I saw that Morgana had been awake all night. I skimmed her surface thoughts to confirm that she also ate a wafer to avoid sleep. Her lover Gaff, however, had not. After having sex with him, she left him to sleep and went to Lucille, who she had enjoyed and pampered with affection. Then she joined Karina, Bellevon, and Eli for a memorable foursome. She was able to leave most of the work of creating warding talismans to Zurknod, but she supervised his work periodically and discussed the designs with him. At the moment, she had all of the talismans laid out on her side of the bed and Gaff was sound asleep on top of the sheets beside her. His youthful, muscular and well-defined figure kept tempting her eye, which would then settle on his thick uncircumcised erection.

Could you help us out? I seem to have doused our bedroom in cum.

She promised to pay us a visit shortly.

"Morgana is awake. She's on her way," I told Erica.

"Oh good," she replied. She stared at my stiff cocks hungrily. My cum was dripping from her luscious body and the temptation to fuck was proving too great for her to resist. The thought entered my head that with all that cum on her body, some might have gotten inside, and would that be enough to get her pregnant? It might be the case, and a part of me was saying that there was no point to fighting nature. My willpower started to crumble as she pressed her breasts together invitingly. At the last moment, I apologized and shrank my futa cocks to nothing, leaving only a peachy and hairless pussy. Undeterred, Erica moved up to kiss me. She laid me down on my back and got between my legs, then began to give me a few tentative licks.

I gasped at the pleasure and grabbed Erica by her blonde locks. As I enjoyed successive flicks of her deft little tongue on my labia and clit, there was a knock at the door.

Morgana opened the sliding door to our room. She caught sight of me getting eaten out by a devoted Erica. There was cum all over us, and the bed. The floor was ankle deep with cum, and it oozed into the hallway and around her high-heeled shoes.

"My goddess that's a lot of cum!" Morgana exclaimed, stepping indulgently into the slimy deluge.

"We've been at it for hours," I shrugged.

"I hope you didn't get Erica pregnant again," she fretted.

"Yeah, that would be totally unfair, she didn't even stick the tip in once," Erica pouted playfully.

"Aww, well that means you're both good girls," Morgana said. "I think this room deserves a bigger cleaning spell than a cantrip. Watch this." She held up both hands, joining her thumb and index fingers while splaying the rest. "Referum Zeferum Vostinus vum, clean out all of Jeanie's cum!"

In a flash, the room and everything in it was immaculate again.

"Wow!" we both said. "Thank you!"

"You're both very welcome," the raven-haired witch replied. I could have sworn I heard Zurknod off in a nook somewhere muttering something about a damn waste.

"I've got something for you, Erica," she said, handing the busty blonde a silver amulet on a chain.

"Wow! For me? Thank you Mistress!"

"Oh don't mention it. We wouldn't want you to get an attack of ethereals. This talisman now has a permanent ward against them, but it's only personal protection, it has no aura. Also, it only works if you wear it, so don't forget to put it on if you go out."

"Do I get one too?" I asked.

"You don't need one, Aura Shannon." I smirked at that, she was calling me an "Aura nymph" in a combination of English and bastardized elven.

"Wow, I like that!" Erica said. "Aura Shannon. It suits you!"

I blushed and smiled. The truth is, I did think it was a cool name.

"Do you want us to give you a new name?" Morgana asked. "Aura Shannon works."

How could I go from Jeanie Carter to a magical celebrity-type of name like Aura Shannon? "I'll think about it," I demurred.

"Thanks for the amulet," Erica said, turning it over and over. It was a pair of intertwined leaves or reeds curling about itself in a spiral that tapered wider at the top. An amber gemstone was set into the front of it. "I've never been given a magical item before. I'm really speechless."

"You'll need it," Morgana replied.

"Why? I'm not even a witch and I'm not getting, um, Jeanie's you-know-what in me," Erica said.

"You're not a witch yet, but I hope you will be soon. That said, even regular folk have enough spirit energy to become a tempting target to ethereals, as long as they spend time in Jeanie's aura. You'll have a lot more spirit energy when you become a seeker."

"Will I ever become a witch?" I asked.

"I tried to ordain you as an initiate earlier. You should have been able to cast cantrips for a while now," Morgana said. "It may be that a spiritmancer just isn't allowed to be a witch."

"Maybe what I did was too lukewarm?"

"Are you kidding? It was a great ploy and a fitting punishment. Irina helped you, but you did it."

"Irina helped a lot," I mused. "I never would have had the guts to go through with it without her."

"You were without her. She wasn't even in the room when you punched him in the balls," Morgana said, chuckling. "That was by design. Irina made sure I could not give her all the credit. I could not have picked a better protégé."

"I thought Lucille was your protégé," I said.

"Irina came first, she was my first apprentice when I started building my coven last year. It's just that she took a very long term approach to her tasks, which was fine by me."

"Whatever did you call that coven, anyway?" I asked.

"The Sisters of Harmony. It's still our coven name, although I don't publicize it or anything. Yet."

"Do you think Irina is going to be a better witch than Lucille?" I asked.

Morgana grinned enigmatically. "Whatever the outcome, I love you all equally."

We huddled together and kissed, pressing our breasts and lips together in a very hot three way kiss that was becoming more and more common in the coven. After the kiss, we tugged on Morgana to coax her into our bed. She joined us on the fresh sheets but she kept her panties on. We talked about what she looked for in a witch. We reviewed what amazing things had taken place over the past few days, and she shared her strategy for making our hospital healing visits.

By breakfast, she had given warding talismans to every other member of the crew. I really didn't know or care what sort of explanation she ever gave to the knights about how she obtained them. What mattered was that we were more ready than ever to go heal people.

Our first stop would be the Veteran's Hospital in Eglin, a smallish military hospital in our home town. Knowing that cell phones would be everywhere, we debated "blipping out" any cameras pointed our way, to keep our identities from getting out into public. Alternatively, Morgana said, we could use magic to disguise ourselves with different faces and even voices if we chose.

"If we wear disguises, how do we tell who is who during a fight?" Karina asked.

"We all wear a different color, I guess," Irina said. "Whoa, wait! Color coded witches, like the Power Rangers! That would be awesome!"

"Okay," Karina sighed. "Should we all pick our own color, now?"

"Your asking us tells me that you have some reservations. Care to share?" Morgana replied.

"Well," Karina began hesitantly, "Using colors would probably only get us confused at first. You remember how hard we trained for prismatic wall take-downs just wearing casual gym clothes. You could tell each other apart from almost anywhere, and that's important. We each have our roles and there's an order to the attack, and we also have subs in case something happens to someone."

"Right, we've practiced really hard, we've all memorized the order backwards and forwards," Lucille said. "We can knock out every layer of the spell in under thirty seconds if there is nothing else going on."

"Yes," Karina nodded. "Now let's say we all wear masks and colored uniforms like the Power Rangers. Jeanie and Karina, I think either of them could be red, or brown, or green. Lucille and Irina are both blonde-haired and blue-eyed so there's blue and yellow confusion. Medina could take one of us out right from the start, and if we don't know who is who, it will really slow us down when seconds count."

"You make a lot of sense," Lucille said. "Alright, but when do we pick our colors?"

"I don't like colors myself, I don't want people to think we're the Powerpuff Girls or something," I said.

"The prismatic defense itself has a color-order which Karina calls out during the takedown," Stu said, having trained with us exhaustively. "Our using colors is going to risk confusion, don't you think?"

"He's right," Irina admitted.

"Let's just wear eye masks and tell each other apart by our outfits. We can use our fashion sense, we're not a bunch of kids," I said.

"Okay," Irina sighed. "Although I really liked the idea of us wearing cute littlematching outfits!"

"I've already decided our outfits will be elegant white. We are going to make a wholesome impression," Morgana said.

"Whatever Mistress says," Lucille quipped airily, and we all agreed to go along with it.

"Sorry if it's not perfect," Karina said. "Not training for disguises was an oversight on my part."

"On the whole you've done a remarkable job," Bellevon said. "You don't even have combat experience, although that might change today."

Eli raised his eyebrows and looked at his woman with new found admiration. The rest of us nodded approvingly.

"Besides, it wouldn't matter if you had not already trained us to be so coordinated!" Irina said, changing gears quickly to praise Karina. "Shields, bam! Gust of wind, whoosh!" she went on, pantomiming magic going this way and that.

"Well, it was the knights and all of you that helped me to focus on the important details, like speed and stuff. Morgana built that big training room we used," Karina said.

"I conjured it, and you told us what to do, how fast and how hard. We improved for three days straight. You took material that was new to you and created a whole lesson plan in no time flat. You aren't just a fitness bunny, you're also a genius."

Karina blushed and smiled at the praise.

"How about code names?" Lucille asked.

"We'll get to those too, but we have a mission to prepare for right now. Karina, I want you to develop further tactics later on, but for today we'll just go with what we've got," Morgana stated with an air of finality. "I've already got most of our costumes ready."

The knights wore suits and trench coats and carried short-barrel Heckler and Koch machine guns under them. Gaff had a small hatchet under his coat as well, and Stu had long daggers under his. Bellevon carried a Kukri knife. They did not wear face masks. Eli did, and it made him look both dashing and a bit sinister with his suit and trench coat.

We women wore white from head to toe with the exception of Morgana's black hood. I wore a white cowl and purple lipstick, plus a broad mask that covered my eyes. The rest kept their hair uncovered, as we all agreed it helped us to tell each other apart from far away.

The Ray of Dawn was already in the bay area, still in stealth mode. It was an exhilarating view, looking at the bay from above. The sun briefly shone through the clouds when it peaked the horizon, and when dazzling yellow washed over the windows of the galley we all went top deck to witness the light of a new day.

We flew the Ray of Dawn closer to the hospital, eventually settling in to hover over one of the parking lots. We headed straight into the waiting area by the pharmacy on the ground floor. There were some active duty waiting there with their heads bent as they looked at their phones, and there were also some old folks.

I reached out with my healing powers to try to identify and cure each person's problems.

People started to notice us, the masked group, and the patients and elderly felt their bodies heal and gasped. Some got up and started to walk around. One old man who lost his hand in Vietnam held up his stump and watched, amazed, as it grew back again.

As I went about mending their bodies and purging disease and arthritic inflammation, people started to point their cameras at me. A few people pointed their phones at the infirm, hoping to capture the miraculous healing on video. With all the video being recorded, Irina approached one of the old women there.

"Here, a gift to you from the Sisters of Harmony," she said, handing a wrapped cookie to a very old lady.

"What's this, young lady?" she asked. "Who are you?"

"Just eat it, go ahead," Irina said. The lady found the cookie irresistible and finished it in two bites. Her face smoothed out and looked much, much younger, and it was all caught on camera.

Morgana and I looked at each other apprehensively. When we agreed to bring cookies, that had not been a cookie we intended to just hand out. I'll admit that I was drawn in to the spectacle of the old woman becoming young again, and I didn't even notice Lucille and Karina going around giving pecks on the cheek to the older vets who had just been cured.

When the woman's age stopped regressing, she looked to be in her twenties or early thirties. I reached out to her middle-aged son with my fleshcrafting powers. He was well into his fifties and had a bit of a weight problem, and I slimmed him down, probably adding a few years to his life. I also gave him a full head of hair again. He felt, then saw the hair tumbling down over his brows and grabbed it, laughing in disbelief. His young mother hugged him and they jumped up and down, both of them shocked and thrilled.

"We can't stay long, so if you want to see more, step aside! Please stand aside!" we told them, repeating ourselves several times. Everyone was just shocked.

"This way to the ER," Lucille said, and we headed to the double doors.

Two stunned nurses who had captured the miracle on their phones chased after us and escorted us to the ER section of the facility. Lucille knew her way around there as well but the escort was a nice touch. Once more we found veterans and active duty waiting for care and looking bored stiff. Most had minor issues but there was a patient with heart disease who was struggling to get a diagnosis for his issues. There was a young family who all had the flu, one with a hyperextended elbow, and one sprain. I set about healing everybody.

The witches kept an eye on their watches. Our goal was to get in and get out. People were coming up to us, asking every question imaginable, and our knights had to talk to them and tell them to wait until the curing was over before interviewing us. By this time, my adrenaline was pumping. I worried about Medina attacking. I think the others were anxious as well.

We finished touring the ER. Sometimes knights gently shoved people aside if they got in our way. I healed all of the patients in less than ten minutes. As we reached the last few patients, Lucille started casting a spell on each of us to let us see the Ray of Dawn, which was invisible from the outside.

Extraction was pretty simple. All of us gathered in close proximity. Morgana cast a spell to turn everyone invisible, Irina cast levitate on non-flyers, and we all flew up to the Ray of Dawn.


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