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Woman in White and Daddy Glenn Ch. 01

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A younger woman with an older man-every man's sexual fantasy.
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Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 03/21/2013
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Is a much younger women with an older man, every man's sexual fantasy?

Just as women dream of striking it rich by marrying a wealthy, older man, older men dream of having sex with beautiful, sexy women half their age. Cougars versus sugar daddies, does age really matter? Once the hot sex is over or the money exchanges hands, even those in this sort of relationship state that age does matter. Yet, a man's world filled with double standards, what's right for him is not necessarily right for her. Indeed it's more acceptable for an older man to be in a relationship with a younger woman than it is for an older woman to be in a relationship with a younger man. A younger woman having sex with an older man is deemed a slut or a gold digger while the older man is deemed virile and lucky. A younger man in a financially beneficial relationship with a woman may be deemed a player or a gigolo while the older woman is deemed a slut or crazy.

So, let's explore relationships between a younger woman with an older man. Why would a young woman want to be with a man who was old enough to be her father or much older brother? Is it as simple as she's in it for the money? For every rich, old man, there's a young, beautiful woman willing to do everything to please him and anything to sexually satisfy him, so long as he buys her furs, jewels, and cars. While there are woman attracted to older men not so much for their money but because they need the maturity and emotional stability of a role model, others contend that older men are more giving, more indulgent, more generous, and more experienced not just sexually but in the ways of the world than their younger counterparts. Having a much younger woman on your arm and in your bed is much like having a loving daughter who listens to you instead of ignores you and who really loves you instead of hates you.

When first being seen in public, most people would think that the young woman with the older man is his daughter. If they show any type of intimacy or affection, some may believe she's a hired prostitute. Whether they are jealous and wishing it was them in a similar sexual situation, few would believe that a younger woman with an older man are a committed couple in a real relationship. No doubt, nearly all would believe that he was in it for the sex and she was in it for the money. Few would believe that they were in love.

Yet, perhaps after being used, abused, and fucked over by men more her own age, in the way of a student with her favorite teacher, the younger woman may feel comfortably safe with a man old enough to be her father. An older man appreciating the sexual attention of a much younger woman, no doubt, will treat her with respect and kindness than would a younger man who has his pick from the bar downtown to take home for the night. Without doubt, an older man has the experience to sexually pleasure a younger woman and the wealth to treat her to things that younger men simple can't afford. An older gentleman may have a lot more to offer a young, beautiful, albeit impressionable woman than a hot headed, testosterone filled, young man with a roving eye.

Moreover, even if the relationship was all about money and sex, what's wrong with that? So long as the two people involved are consenting adults and both are getting what they want from the other, God bless them in their happiness. Yet, what if we take money out of the equation and concentrate more on the dynamics of the two people involved in the relationship? If a younger woman with an older man is all about money, can an intimate, sexual relationship of an older man with a younger women work if the man doesn't have any money?

Seriously, other than money and sex, when thinking about all that's happened in a span of twenty or thirty years, when the man is fifty or sixty and the woman is thirty or forty, what could a much older man with a much younger woman have in common? Once the fantasy of having sex with a woman nearly half his age and after he's bought her everything worth buying, what could he possibly have to talk about that she'd be willing to listen to without being bored with the conversation? Will he find her just as superficial as she finds him tiresome? Any relationship where the only thing they have in common is sex and money will, no doubt, abruptly end when one or the other finds someone more appealing and more their age.

There are plenty of quality woman available in the same age range as the older man who are not only attractive but sexually fulfilling. So other than sex, what would an older man want with a woman so young? Just as are most older man, perhaps older woman are too set in their ways and too opinionated for them to be desired sexually by a man, who'd want to have sex with a woman young enough to be his daughter. Perhaps older men want a woman who'd have his child.

It would be hard for some detractors to believe that an older man has found love with younger woman just as it would be difficult for some detractors to believe that a younger woman has found love with an older men. Yet, who is to know what goes on behind closed, bedroom doors? Look at Ice-T and Coco. With him 55-years-old and she 33-years-old, married for twelve years, they seem happy enough to have bridged their 22-year age gap.

Yet, when removing the sex for the man and the money for the woman from the equation of a May-December relationship what is the reason for an older man to be so very attracted to a younger woman and a younger woman to be so very attracted to an older man? Surely and as evidence that such a May-December relationship will seldom work, one seldom if ever sees a relationship of a younger, wealthy woman with a destitute older man. Perhaps, rather than money and sex, maturity is the issue here. Maybe women are born inherently more mature than men. Maybe it's just simply that most older women would never want a younger man in the way that many older men want younger women. Maybe it's just something else and something more complicated than women inherently being more mature than men.

Wanting to feel young and virile again, what if the man is searching for his fountain of youth by latching onto the energetic spirit that a younger woman brings to the relationship? Is the man who searches for his own personal, private version of the fountain of youth foolish to believe that he's found an extended lease on life by the joy he has in dating such a younger woman? Or is he just happy to have his eye candy hanging off his arm and doting on his every sexual whim for all of his jealous friends to see? Perhaps a little of both is true. Maybe there's more to a relationship of an older man with a younger woman than just sex and more to a relationship of a younger woman with an older man than just money.

Is the woman kidding herself to think that her hold on her sugar daddy will last much longer than when he receives his charge card and bank statements in the mail and he realizes how much dating a younger woman has cost him? Maybe able to afford the luxury of having a younger woman in his life, he won't care. Maybe he's rich enough not to care how much he spends on his beautiful, young woman. Maybe, in the joy she brings him, she's worth every penny he's spent on her.

What about her? How could she have sex with an old man? How could she kiss him, touch him, suck him, and make love to him without thinking of her Daddy? Doesn't it sicken her to go to be with someone who's so much older than she is? Does it offend her for an old man to touch and feel her where only someone her age should have that pleasure?

Skirting the question of age and justifying their answer with the qualities they'd want in a man, when asked, younger women admit they that enjoy the maturity and the stability that older men possess and bring to the relationship. Then there are those younger women who will freely admit that, taking all they can, their relationship with an older man is just about the money. Conversely, there are those women who confess that even if their older boyfriend was poor, they'd still be with him. Yet, can such a union of an older man with a younger woman be a match made in Heaven or a charade destined to falter and fail?

What about Angelina Jolie marrying Billy Bob Thornton? She was 25-years-old and he was 45-years-old. With both of them earning plenty of money, it wasn't about the money. Was she looking for Daddy or was it about the sex? Surely, her father, Jon Voight, was still in the picture, even though he was never home, they didn't get along, and hadn't spoken in years. Maybe she was looking for Daddy in Billy Bob. Maybe Billy Bob gave Angelina a long leash to sexually play with men and women. Maybe, the right time at the right place, their marriage was more about booze, drugs, and sex than it ever was about money.

Putting age and stamina aside, when compared to a much younger man, older men have many qualities that younger men don't have. Yet, there is no doubt that some younger women seek out older men because they need and want a father figure. Undoubtedly, those woman who came from broken homes and/or who lost their fathers at a young age, are looking for Daddy. Then there are those women who enjoy being emotionally pampered, sexually satisfied, and financially supported, something that younger men are unable and/or not yet ready or willing to do. Perhaps there are those women who want the pressure of a constant and one-sided sexual relationship lifted from their shoulders and find that a more loving relationship filled with companionship, eating out, and traveling better suits them than having sweaty one-sided sex in bed that begins and ends with a blowjob.

As there are just as many advantages of having a May-December romance, there are just as many disadvantages of having a love affair between couple that have such a huge difference in age too. Aside from the shocked looks, there is the judgmental stares when seeing an older man with a woman young enough to be his daughter, especially when such a couple is being intimate in public by kissing and feeling one another to make it obvious that they're lovers. Along with the huge age gap comes misunderstandings that occur when trying to bridge such a hug generational span with simple communication. Careful in saying what they feel and doing what they may think is right, the relationship of a younger woman with an older man may have conversations filled with misconstrued meanings and one being offended by the other's intentions. Whatever their age, for a relationship to work, it's best that, in addition to pillow talk, that the couple have an honest and open dialogue about all the advantages and disadvantages they may ultimately confront when out in public or spending time alone at home.

Seemingly a recipe for trouble on the surface, is a May-December romance worth all of the unsolicited, dirty stares, impromptu judgments, misunderstandings, and arguments that may develop that may make one or the other feel guilty and/or uncomfortable being in such a relationship? Then, there are the pressure from the man's children and/or the man's ex-wife. With Daddy having sex with a woman the same age or younger than his son and/or daughter, will his children think less of their father? Especially if he's rich and with the possibility that he may marry this young woman, will the other woman put a wedge in the relationship that his children have and hope to still have with their father? Then, as usually happens, what if he had a child with her. Further complicating and diluting their inheritance, the older children from the first marriage may not be happy with the children from this May-December marriage.

For those women who may be looking for hot sex in bed with an older man, they may be disappointed by his lack of stamina but not by his lack of willingness to please, his sexual experience, and generous sexual indulgence to give her orgasms. Just because an older man may no longer be able to cut the mustard, he can certainly still lick the jar. Nonetheless, with a younger woman not sexually satisfied with an older man, she may look for what's missing in her sexual relationship elsewhere. An older man, tired of trying to play catch up with someone so young and physically fit may seek someone more his age to talk to after expending too much time and energy trying to explain his meanings and his dated references to someone too young to understand who Howdy Doody, Frank Sinatra, Marilyn Monroe, and Elvis Presley was.

Although, in nearly all cases, the fate of a lasting romantic relationship between an older man with a younger woman is too often punctuated by an "I told you so," statement from a friend or a relative looking in from outside. With Hugh Hefner marrying centerfolds and Donald Trump engaged to every young, busty, beautiful woman, at 50-years-old, Tom Cruise's marriage to 34-year-old Katie Holmes didn't last. Yet, the romantic May-December sexual hero of many men is 68-year-old Michael Douglas married to 43-year-old Catherine Zeta Jones. Their 25-year age difference has defied all odds with their 13-year marriage.

Michael Douglas has already shown a preference for younger women early in his career when he married Diandra. He was 32-years-old when he married this 19-year-old beauty. A 13-year age difference may not seem like much but it's much bigger at that early age in life than it is at a later age in life. Yet defying the odds and lasting 18 years, their marriage lasted longer than most Hollywood marriages.

Still, what do any of us know about love? It's just a feeling and something that really can't be measured, proven, or explained. A relationship that may fail for so many works for one. A gamble to begin a romantic and sexual relationship between someone so old and someone so young, is it a risk worth taking on the slim chance of finding true happiness and everlasting love? With some relationships proven to last, despite having to endure the scrutiny of public inspection and conjecture, most relationships with this large of an age difference don't last more than just a few months.

Yet, no matter what the ages are of people in a relationship, as in any relationship, it takes a committed effort from both the man and the woman to make their relationship work. Those people who succeed in beating the chronological odds are those who try to resolve difficulties, overcome obstacles, and keep a positive outlook while not allowing the jealous detractors to ruin their good time. With love overcoming all obstacles, those who play more of an active role, take the necessary initiative, and work hard in their tireless effort, often find out that age really doesn't matter. A one in a million long shot and against all odds, Glenn and Susan were such an odd couple and this is their story of love, sex, and passion.

* * * * *

"I'll tell you right now," said Jimmy, "That man is certifiably nuts. Susan only exists in his mind," he said bumping the temple of his white, haired head with his index finger. "She's nothing more than a figment of his creative imagination. May-December relationship my ass. I don't believe him. Everything he says is a lie," he said motioning and measuring his words with his arm and as if erasing all that Glenn has said with a wave of his hand. "Bullshit. It's all bullshit."

"I really don't care what you think about Glenn, Jimmy. I believe all that he's said," said Joe, a retired farmer. "Every man's sexual fantasy, you're just jealous that it's him and not you in such a committed, loving, and sexual relationship."

"Yeah, well, truth be known, I miss how things were before he happened along with his young, beautiful, blonde, busty girlfriend, blah, blah, sexually exciting everyone," he said forming an hour glass shape with his hands. "If you ask me it's all a crock of shit. The only woman he has, if he has any woman at all, is a 77-year-old woman his age."

"You just don't like Glenn, Jimmy," said Joe.

"All I'm saying is having fun playing cards and checkers every day, we were better off before he got here," he said looking at his four friends. "Let me ask you this. When's the last time we played cards?" He looked from one of his friends to the other. "When's the last time we played checkers? I'll tell you. The last time we played cards or checkers is the day he arrived."

"I believe Glenn. Glenn wouldn't lie," said Joe getting upset and raising his voice. "He's a good man and Susan is real. I just know she is. She sounds like a swell woman. No one could make up such an incredible, sexual story, not even a fiction writer of erotica."

"I dunno," said Michael a retired school administrator. He ran a slow hand over his nearly bald head. "He paints such a realistic picture of her that I don't even have to imagine her to wonder what she looks like. I can just see her as if she's standing here in his room and, judging him by his description of her, I think she's real," said Michael looking off in the horizon as if he was seeing her now.

"Me too," said Lance. "I think Susan exists too."

"Holding his hand, and talking to him from his bed, he's a lucky man to have found such a loving, young, beautiful woman," continued Michael. "No doubt, the imagined image of her and of having someone who looks like her in my life helps me get through my day, even if she's not my girlfriend but his. Whether imagined or real, he's such a lucky bastard to have such a woman like her in his life. Man, I wish, just once in my life, that I had a girlfriend who looked like her. I don't know what I'd do first, hug her, hold her, kiss her, or make love to her."

"I'd like to think she's real and I hope she is real," said Bill a retired aeronautical engineer. "Discovering that Glenn is lying, which I don't think he is, is sort of like finding out there's no Santa Claus after all those wonderful stories that Glenn told us about her, especially the sexy ones. Giving me more to believe in than only Michael Douglas with Catherine Zeta Jones and Ice-T with Coco, I'd like to think that one of us old codgers is getting laid by a woman nearly half his age and a woman who really loves him." He looked from one man to the other. "How hot is that? Yeah, that's my sexual fantasy, a young, beautiful, busty, blonde woman interested enough in me to fall in love with me and to give me sex. How hot is that?"

"I don't care if she's imagined or real," said Lance putting his big hands on his knees and leaning forward, "what does it matter? Just what Joe said, you're just jealous Jimmy." After shooting Jimmy a stern stare, he looked from one man to the next. "As far as I'm concerned, believing Glenn that Susan exists is better than imagining short, fat nurse Kathy naked, which I've done many more times than I care to admit before Glenn arrived with his sexy and surreal stories of Susan.

"You tell him Lance," said Joe while giving Jimmy a hard look.

"I haven't had such good nights sleep, if you know what I mean," said Lance moving his hand back and forth in the motion of giving himself a hand job, "since Glenn was admitted to Happy Valley Nursing Home and told us all about Susan." He looked from Jimmy to Michael to Joe and to Bill before finishing his thought. "Even if she's not real, he tells a damn good story, a damn good story. I'd much rather listen to Glenn talking about Susan than playing checkers and cards with you Jimmy."

The five, old men sat huddled together and whispered as if they were talking about naked photos in Playboy magazine when they were teenagers. With a cup of steaming hot coffee in hand, Glenn pushed the big handicap button to swing open the door and emerged outside to the bright sunshine. Careful not to trip on the flagstone, he gingerly walked out to the patio to take his seat with his friends.

"Ah," he said looking up to the sun. "Another day of sunshine at Happy Valley. It's days like this that I don't miss living in Boston with all of the cold wind coming off Boston Harbor, all of that knee deep snow, and all of that gridlock traffic downtown."


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