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Woman in White and Daddy Glenn Ch. 05

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Daughter of Darkness, the Devil delivers Jimmy's woman.
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Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 03/21/2013
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Daughter of darkness, the Devil delivers Jimmy the woman he wished to have.

"What are you doing?" Joe looked from the bag of stale bread to look at Michael, Lance, and Bill before looking back to Jimmy.

"What am I doing?" Defensive after being caught, Jimmy gave his four friends an embarrassed look. "What do you think I'm doing?"

"Do you really think that lightning will strike twice Jimmy?" Michael looked at his friend and laughed.

"Is it your plan to sit on the bench and feed the ducks while praying to God for a woman who looks like Susan?" Lance smiled his disbelief at Jimmy and waved a hand of nonsense at him. "You're crazy."

"I don't believe that sitting on a bench while feeding some dumb birds is man's porthole to finding love, sex, and companionship," said Bill. "Maybe you should do what the rest of us do. Join a dating site or sit next to some of the horny, old women and settle for some cheap feels of their tits and ass while putting their hands on your cock after they turn off the lights at movie night. Trust me," said Bill giving Jimmy a wink. "Forcing the hand of a woman on your cock, even a wrinkled, old hand while feeling her up makes you feel like you're a horny teenager all over again."

"You guys can have your feels of the old women. I'd rather take my chances praying to God for my own version of Susan. If something like this can happen to Glenn while feeding pigeons and by praying to God for a young, beautiful, blonde, busty, blue-eyed girlfriend, I'm hoping to do the same by praying to God while feeding the ducks," said Jimmy.

"Good luck with that," said Joe. "There's a lot to say about positive thinking. If that's what you want, I hope that works for you."

"I'm praying that what happened to Glenn will happen to me too. That's my plan. If I have to feed the ducks for the rest of my miserable life, I'm going to feed the ducks while praying for God to send me a young, beautiful woman in the way he sent one to Glenn," said Jimmy with jealous anger and raising his voice in frustration.

Even though he didn't believe it would happen, every day, instead of playing cards and checkers, Jimmy headed down to the duck pond to feed the ducks while sitting on the bench and talking to God. At first he felt ridiculous but had he not seen what happened to Glenn with Susan, he wouldn't have believed it. Obviously, with him not able to take Susan's photo, she's a ghost or an Angel delivered to Glenn for praying to God. Nonetheless her being a ghost or an Angel, as real as any human, they all saw her with their own eyes and talked to her as if she was human and one of them. He wouldn't mind having a ghost or an Angel giving him sex for the rest of her life. He could only imagine how ethereal and Heavenly to have sex with a ghost or an Angel would feel. A cheap date, he wondered what ghosts and Angels ate and drank, if anything at all.

Jimmy sat on the bench tossing out crumbs of bread. As soon as the crumbs hit the grass, the ducks left the water for the sake of some free food. There was a half circle of three dozen or so birds quacking, flapping their wings, and fighting over the crumbs. Suddenly, he was enjoying the experience of feeding dumb birds. Feeding them was calming. Having a dog all of his life, until Buster died before coming to the nursing home, feeding birds was like having pets but without all of the responsibility, the cleanup, and the care. Just as in the way that Glenn had named some of the pigeons, Jimmy even started naming some of the ducks. With each one looking a little different from the other, they were easy to name.

"Here you go Donald, Daisy, Daffy, Birdie, and Aflac," said Jimmy passing out the bread so that each duck received and equal share.

He sat like that staring at the ducks while thinking of Glenn with Susan. If something like her can happen to someone like him, why couldn't he have someone to love too. After the disaster of his first two marriages, he swore off women. Yet, he was lonely, horny, and angry. He needed a good woman to make him sane again. Maybe if he hooked up with a ghost or an Angel she wouldn't be a bitch. Suddenly, he thought about Donald Trump and Hugh Hefner. Maybe their women were all ghosts and/or Angels too. Maybe they learned the secret of praying to God for women long ago.

"Dear God in Heaven," said Jimmy looking up to the sky. "I know I haven't been the best man but if you can hear me, I'd like to experience a beautiful, young, sexy woman before I die. I don't care so much about a woman's age, she doesn't have to be half my age in the way that Susan is to Glenn. She can be in her early sixties for all I care. Really, I don't mind her age so much as her attitude and so long as she still looks young and acts young enough to keep me interested in her sexually, if you know what I mean God."

After a few weeks of sitting on the bench at the duck pond, feeding the ducks, and faithfully praying to God every day, Jimmy felt his prayers were going unanswered. He didn't hear God talk to him in the way that others have said they talk to God and hear God talking to them. Other than a duck shitting on his head, he didn't receive a sign from God that he was even listening to him. He didn't know what else to do other than to continue praying to God and feeding the ducks while naming more of them.

Afraid that this wasn't working in the way that praying to God had worked for Glenn, he feared that because Glenn was a better person, perhaps he had God's ear when he didn't. With no alternative left and a big step for him to take, but wanting to have someone in his life in the way that Glenn had Susan, he turned to the only one he thought could help him. He turned to the Devil. Being that when he died, he was going to Hell anyway for being such a mean and miserable bastard all of his life, he asked Satan for help.

"Dear Devil, being that I never prayed to the Devil before, I don't know how to address you," he said looking down at the ground instead of up at the sky. "Should I call you Devil, the Dark Angel, Satan, or Beezlebub? Well, whatever you're called, I need your help. I need a woman Devil but not just any woman. I need someone who will love me for the rest of my days on Earth in the way that Susan loves Glenn," he said looking around to make sure there was no one there listening to him praying to the Devil.

Desperate to have someone in his life, he felt just as ridiculous praying to the Devil as he did praying to God. Only, with praying to the Devil, literally and figuratively, he was playing with fire. Damming himself and condemning himself to Hell for all of eternity by denying the existence of God and the Holy Spirit for the sake of the Devil's help, he was giving his eternal soul to the Devil in exchange for having a woman for however long he had to live. Was it a fair exchange? Was it worth giving his eternal soul to the Devil for the sake of having a young, beautiful, sexy woman for a few years? Being that he was so lonely, so horny, and so envious of Glenn, and being that he was going to Hell anyway, he thought it was worth trading his soul for a woman.

"I want the rest of my life filled with sex. After all the misery I've had to endure in my life and after all the misery I gave to others to endure, I need someone who will make my last days happy ones. Now, she doesn't have be as young as Susan, Satan. So long as she's wicked pretty and has big tits, I'd be happy with her whatever is her age, that is, so long as she's not older than me and so long as she looks younger than me. I want to make my friends, Joe, Lance, Michael, and Bill jealous in the way that Glenn made me jealous with Susan. Oh, and, in case you don't know how old I am Satan, I'm seventy-five-years-old," said Jimmy.

That day, Jimmy returned to the nursing home feeling bad about himself that he wasn't receiving any help from God and that he was desperate enough to ask the Devil for help. Afraid he'd burn in Hell for all of eternity not so much for the bad life he's lived but more because he asked Satan for his help in finding his dream woman. Wanting to stay in bed than to go down to the duck pond and sit on the bench to feed ducks while praying to Satan, the next day was foggy, damp, and cold.

Dragging himself from bed, just as he did every day for weeks before, he sat on his bench with a bag of stale bread ready to feed the ducks. Only, there were no ducks. Obviously, new to all of this praying stuff, sadly, Jimmy didn't know that it takes longer for God to do good than it takes for the Devil to do bad. Perhaps had he known that God was listening, he would have persevered and continued to pray to God. Too late now, he already had the Devil's attention.

With a colorless and cloudless sky above, everything was surreally and depressingly quiet. Accustomed to hearing crows cawing, birds singing, ducks quacking, and squirrels looking for food, there were no birds or animals about. With everything so calm and with not even a wind to make him feel alive, the lull before the storm, as if there was a big storm brewing and coming, everything was so totally quiet, too quiet, and unnervingly quiet. The fog, the calm, and the quiet unnerved him enough to make him feel that he wasn't sitting there alone.

Looking over his shoulder and all around him, he felt there was someone there watching him through the fog. Feeling as if he was playing with fire because of having asked Satan for help, he wonder if the Devil had anything to do with the fog and with the ducks not being around. With feeding birds a key ingredient to finding love and sex, how will he ever find his hot girlfriend if there's no ducks to feed? He felt ridiculous sitting on the bench in the fog with a bag of stale bread. Thinking that his prayers, even to the Devil, were going unanswered again, maybe his request for a hot woman doesn't work with ducks. Maybe he needed pigeons but in the way that the city was loaded with pigeons, there were no pigeons around here in the country in the way that ducks were plentiful.

He was about to abandon his bench for the warmth of the nursing home when in the distance there was a dark shadow appearing through the fog. As if materializing from out of nowhere and from out of the mist, the more the fog dissipated the more she emerged and the more he could see her until there was a woman dressed all in black as if she had just come from a funeral. From what he could make out of her, she was shapely and, as she walked closer, he realized that she was beautiful too. Yet, unlike Susan, not having the blonde hair and the blue eyes, she looked more sultry and forbidden than an all American, Texas, beauty queen. She had that blue black hair with dark, mysterious eyes of a raven.

In the way that Susan looked good, this woman looked evil. Being that he was evil too and bored out of his mind living in this nursing home, he could live with a little evil in his life. He pegged her to be in her late fifties or early sixties. The closer she walked the more the fog dissipated until she walked right up to him and sat on the bench beside him. Not leaving him much room, her warm thigh touched his.

"Hi," she said turning to look at him. "I'm De-bor-ah."

As if her name was three different names instead of one, she pronounced each syllable of her name, De-bor-ah.

"Jimmy," he said with a nervous smile. "How do you do De-bor-ah?"

Her eyes were so dark that he was unable to discern her pupils. Her eyes drew him in to stare at her in the way that he stared at Susan's blue eyes. Only, instead of having the feeling of walking through a field of flowers and butterflies in the sunshine with Susan while holding hands and only stopping to kiss and feel her big tits, he had the sensation of walking down a dark, danger filled alley when staring at Deborah.

Dressed all in black, a black half-unbuttoned blouse and a short, black skirt, she had a shapely, sexy figure in the way of Morticia Addams of the Addams family fame. Her dark, shiny, lush hair against her nearly translucent porcelain skin made him wonder if she was an exotic European from a country that he never knew existed. In the erotic way she looked, he wouldn't be surprised if she told him that she was from Hungary, Romania, or Transylvania.

Jimmy loved women with big tits and this broad, if judging her by all the cleavage she was showing, had big ones. Staring more at her deep of valley line of cleavage and at the mountainous impressions that her big boobs made in her black blouse, distracted by her big tits, he had trouble maintaining solid eye contact with her. If her tits looked this big shrouded in baggy black, he could only imagine how big they'd look with her wearing a tight, white blouse. Funny that he'd think that but she reminded him of a dark haired Zsa Zsa Gabor or of Jane Russell of old. Perhaps more appropriately, being that she had such beautiful dark hair and was so stunningly gorgeous and sexually exciting, she reminded him of an older version of Catherine Zeta Jones.

"I'm well thank you," she said giving him a long, lascivious look as if she knew him and knew what he expected of her.

"Are you a resident here?"

Without doubt, if she was a resident, he would have noticed her long before this. For sure, she was one sexy broad that he'd love to sit next to in the dark on movie night while feeling her big tits and putting her hand on his erect cock.

"No, I was just visiting someone but," she said pausing, "I was saddened to learn that he died."

Being that he had been praying to the Devil and being that this was a nursing home, a home of death that was only a short ambulance ride away from the morgue and on the way to the cemetery, and being that she was all dressed in black, he wondered if she was the Angel of death. Her wouldn't mind her taking his life for one night of sexual pleasure with her. Without doubt, he'd die happy and with a smile on his face. What a way to go dying while having sex with De-bor-ah?

"Oh. I'm sorry for your loss."

She looked at him without speaking. As if he was hollow, her dead, dark eyes burned a hole right through him. Vulnerably open to her stare, he felt as if she could see right through him. There was no hiding from or deceiving this one that's for sure. He felt as she already knew all that he was and was still sitting there ready to embrace him.

'Wow,' he thought to himself 'What a woman? Where have you been all of my life?'

"You remind me of him," she said looking at him as if he was that man.


"My late, ex-husband. I've had several of them through the ages," she said with a soft, sexy smile. "I come whenever and wherever I'm beckoned."

Ages? Who says ages instead of years? How the Hell old is this broad, he wondered? A non-believer in reincarnation, if she told him that she's lived many times before, she'd make him a believer.

"I was married twice before. It didn't work out," he said not wanting to get into the spousal abuse, the restraining orders, and the jail time he served for beating his wives when drunk and disorderly.

"What's with the bread?" She looked down at his bag of stale bread.

"I feed the ducks," he said not wanting to say anything about talking to God and/or to the Devil for the delivery of her. "Matter of fact, I've built quite a relationship with the ducks. I know it may sound odd but I've even named some of them," he said with an embarrassed smile. "If they were all here now, Donald, Daisy, Daffy, Birdie, and Aflac, I'd point out which is which but I don't know where they all are. They're always here every day, about forty of them, male and female with their babies."

"You're funny," she said. "May I?"

She took the bag of stale bread from his hand, reached her hand in the bag, pulled out a fistful of bread, and scattered the crumbs on the ground. As if from out of nowhere and as if she were a magician and they emerged from her hand, immediately a flock of birds landed to eat the bread.

"What kind of birds are those? I've never seen birds that look like that. Are they crows? If they are, they're the biggest crows I've seen."

"They're not crows," she said with a little laugh. "They're Devil birds, the birds of the Devil that he uses to deliver his messages. Edgar Allen Poe's nemesis of danger, doom, disaster, and destruction, they're ravens," she said with a sinister smile. "As big as hawks, ravens are my favorite birds."

He wondered if this was the woman he asked God and the Devil to give him. She had to be. Why else would she be here? If she was the woman he prayed for, even though she was a bit scary in the way that he'd fear a witch, he was pleased with the looks of her. She was beautiful in an exotic way. Looking a little middle eastern, she could be Iraqi, Iranian, or Israeli for all he knew or some mixture of Hungarian and Romanian with a middle eastern influence mixed in with her scary, albeit necessary, Transylvanian heritage.

The two of them sat on the bench not talking while feeding the ravens instead of feeding the ducks. Just as he was one not to divulge his personal information to a stranger, glad for the silence, he never liked a too talkative woman. In the fetching way that she looked, always thinking that he preferred busty, beautiful, blue-eyed blondes, he could be happy with De-bor-ah in his life and for the rest of his days. She gave him a long look before speaking.

"I came because you summoned me," she said.

"I did?"

"You've been asking for a beautiful woman, one not too young, one who will love you, and one with big tits," she said looking down at her big breasts before looking up at him and resting her hand on his thigh. "I'm her," she said reaching her hand forward to feel his emerging bulge with her fingertips before leaning into him to French kiss him in the way that he watched Susan French kissed Glenn.

As soon as she parted his lips with her tongue, he was lost in her kiss in the way that he imagined Glenn being lost in Susan's kiss. In the way that Glenn did with Susan, he so wanted to reach his hand down her top and bra to feel her big tits while fingering her nipples but, biding his time, he didn't want her to think him crude, lewd, and lascivious. He wanted her to think him more the gentleman that he's not than the pervert that he is.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" As if she could read his mind, she looked down at her cleavage before looking up at him.


"I know you want to feel them. I know you can't wait to touch them. I know you've been dying to fondle them to see if my big tits are real. Am I right?"

"Yes," he said removing his focus from her dark eyes to fill his brain with her deep valley of cleavage and mountainous breasts.

Her breasts were so big that he wondered if he put his mouth to her unbuttoned blouse and yelled, if they'd be an echo.

"Well go ahead. Don't be afraid to touch me and to feel me. I like having my breasts touched and felt as much as you enjoy touching and feeling a woman's breasts. We're both too old to waste the little time we have on Earth playing silly pre-teen games. With both of us consenting adults, we're not children. Just because we just met doesn't mean that we must stand on ceremony where you don't kiss and feel me until you bought me dinner after our second or third date. Just as you are obviously horny for me, I'm already horny for you. Feel my tits," she said with an inviting smile while pushing her shoulders back and pushing out her chest.

"Oh my God," he said.

"Don't say that," she said leaning away from him as if he was wearing a necklace of garlic.

"Don't say what?"

"That word," she said pointing her finger as if the word was hanging there before her in mid air and in the way of a big, poisonous bug ready to bite her.

"God? Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ?"


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