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Women's Fight Club

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By request - various characters face off in a tournament!
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One warehouse, eight women, fifty grand for the one woman who wins it all. Not a single one turned down the invitation, but it wasn't just the prospect of winning fifty grand that attracted them.

Each of them is the kind of person who wants to know just how strong she is, compared to the others -- and each secretly thinks she has what it takes to be the strongest of them all.

They stand now around the big square canvas set up in the middle of this warehouse, with a spotlight positioned at each corner.

The rules are straightforward:

  1. The matches will be conducted tournament-style. Champion gets the grand prize.
  2. Two women, one on one, in panties. Winner strips panties off loser.
  3. Brawling, wrestling, sex-fighting -- all allowed. Matches stopped, however, for debilitating injury.
  4. Only voiced and tapped submissions count, on the mat. Forced orgasms score nothing, but may be indulged in.
  5. No referee -- each woman has been put on her honor.

Basically, the one principle guiding this tournament is the simple, primal creed inscribed on each contestant's heart:

My muscle, skill and will against yours. Let's see who's better.

Suddenly, a disembodied voice booms from the hidden speakers. "The WFC tournament is commencing. First match of seven: Katie versus Megan. Step onto the mat, and... begin!"

Match #1: Katie vs Megan

Katie's heart almost jumps into her mouth. So she's up, as the opening act!

She turns to her sister Jessie who's standing beside her, and they share a quick pre-match hug.

Well, they are sisters and love each other dearly, but if they were to face each other, they'd hold nothing back!

Across the mat, her opponent Megan approaches slowly. She has a great American Midwestern type of build, like a "healthy farmgirl" but with powerlifter muscles. Katie's muscles have been thickened by powerlifting work, too -- she's no slouch herself, she knows.

They pause for a moment to appraise each other.

Megan cannot help being impressed despite herself. The Asian has a smaller frame, but on that frame is packed some pretty dense muscle.

She glances to the side, where her nemesis Olga is standing and watching impassively. They have not exchanged words since they both arrived, but Megan can feel Olga's scorn. She tries to put the shameful memories out of mind -- now it's time to show everyone here how strong she is, how strong she's become since...

With a start, she's jolted out of her reverie: Katie is flexing, double biceps with leg angled out: a full-body pose. She's challenging her, "strong as an ox" Muscle Queen Megan, to a posedown!

Megan thrusts her chest forward. Her breasts quiver and jiggle. Cords of muscle on her chest clench and ripple -- she smiles with grim pride. All her gym work has paid off -- she has some of the best pecs a woman can have, and she knows it. Her thighs, too -- all her lower body work has made her triple-teardrop quads even more impressive, and her huge hamstrings thrum with power as she tenses them. Her waist is thicker -- Katie's abs are hard and defined, but Megan's trunk is larger and looks stronger.

Overall, Megan wins the muscle comparison, and they can all see it. She smiles, her confidence boosted.

Katie breaks the posedown first and half-crouches, ready to wrestle. Megan mirrors her, feeling completely in her element. This is collegiate wrestling -- her sport!

They come together in a wrist and elbow grapple lock. Their arms slip into position quickly and with practiced ease -- Megan feels a bit surprised at how skillful Katie is. Same kind of background, perhaps? She braces herself, and pushes, trying to force Katie's body down and take control.

But Katie resists. The muscles on her back tighten, and everyone can see the thickness and definition of her back. Countless pull-ups and barbell rows with strict form have paid off. Her left hand presses on the back of Megan's neck, and Megan can't budge it; her right hand grips Megan's left wrist tightly, and Megan's arm begin to tremble. Slowly, she's breaking Megan's hold.

Their thighs bulge and quiver, and they push together like buffalo locking horns. Beads of sweat form on their backs and haunches. The smaller, lighter Katie is holding her own.

Grunting with frustration, Megan breaks away and steps back, huffing and panting. Katie does the same, but she's smiling now; she can match Megan in both strength and grappling.

Megan flushes. She won't be made to look bad, in front of all these fellow strongwomen! Bad enough Olga has dominated her so badly twice before. She can't lose to this smaller woman! She steps forward and raises her hands.

Katie's eyes light up as Megan issues the universally understood challenge to a test of womanly strength. She accepts gladly, eagerly lacing fingers with Megan. She's had the measure of Megan now -- bigger, yes, but not stronger. She can take her.

They each put a leg forward and begin, arms high overhead, every muscle tensed. Their arm muscles flex magnificently, but the real effort is centered in each woman's flexed core. Sweaty foreheads press together, and neck muscles engage in the duel too.

The grunts grow louder and more desperate. Soon sweat drips from both groaning, shaking women.

Then it happens -- Megan's knee buckles and she goes down. She throws her head back and gives a choked cry of dismay. Now Katie is dominating, the smaller woman bending the larger one back.

Katie decides to try for a quicker submission. She intends to go all the way in this tournament -- that means reserving strength and going for faster wins. Quickly she converts the test into a side headlock. Her round, hard biceps presses Megan's face against her torso. Her erect brown nipple juts out, right in front of Megan's eyes.

But Megan is far from defeated -- she grips Katie's waist tightly, hoists her up, and with a strangled yell performs a side slam! Katie is winded by the impact, and loses her grip. She tries to scramble to her feet, but Megan is now plastered against her back, showing her wrestling expertise, wrapping her beefy arms around Katie's waist in a rear bearhug.

The tables have turned. Now Katie's on the defensive. She manages to sit upright, rocking back onto her heels. Megan is right behind her, jerking violently on Katie's belly, attempting to force the very air out of Katie's lungs.

Katie gasps and moans with pain, feeling Megan's arms clenching like a vise around her body, just under her sternum. Spittle flies from her mouth as she strains to tense her abs and resist. She has to fight back somehow!

Megan is flexing with all her might, bucking like a wild mare, trying to squeeze Katie into submission with raw power. Desperately she grabs Megan's wrists and manages to get a decent grip. She begins pushing, trying to break Megan's lock with her own arm strength.

Megan's shoulders and triceps are flexed to the max. She is straining her entire upper body to crush Katie. Against this, Katie can only tense her own abs to resist, while her own arms strain against Megan's in an uneven test of strength.

"Give up," Megan growls into Katie's ear.

"No!" Katie grunts weakly.

Long minutes pass. Katie's jaw hangs slack, her face crimson. She's nearing her limit. Her arms are stronger, but this position is disadvantageous to her.

Then Megan sobs, and her trembling arms go limp first -- her muscular endurance has given out. Katie breaks the hold, and keeps Megan's arms held out and down, as she draws breath after shuddering breath, filling her tortured lungs.

Megan tries to keep the pressure on, but her arms feel like rubber. Katie turns around quickly and applies a frontal headlock. Then she falls back and snaps her legs around Megan's waist, trapping her in a guillotine hold.

Megan cannot break out. She punches feebly at Katie's side with her fists, but Katie just grimaces and ignores the blows. Megan withstands Katie's crushing pressure for some long, long minutes, but finally...

"I give," Megan croaks her surrender.

Katie releases Megan, who slumps facedown in a pool of her own sweat, trembling.

Megan's formidable abs have been crushed by Katie's thighs; her neck was trapped by Katie's arm until she almost passed out. She couldn't even beat Katie in a pushing contest. She's been completely outmuscled and outwrestled.

Only one thing left to do: Katie reaches down, and pulls Megan's panties off. Bathed in sweat, she proudly plants a foot atop Megan's heaving back, and raises her aching arms triumphantly, brandishing those panties. On the sidelines, her sister Jessie claps and cheers.

And not too far away, her onetime nemesis Ryoko looks on disdainfully. The two lock gazes.

I hope I get you next, Katie thinks to herself as she flexes her arms in victory.

Megan's tears mix with the sweat on her face. To wash out like this, in the very first match...

Match #2: Donna vs. Ryoko

The tall brunette sporting a military crew cut steps onto the mat, the long whipcord muscles on her legs rippling as she walks.

She and Katie have not spoken since their own encounter, but she's impressed by how strong her rival has gotten. She remembers the sheer grit that allowed Katie to defeat her, even though Donna had, in fact, been the stronger woman.

She catches Katie's eye and they give each other a nod of acknowledgement. Apparently Ryoko made Katie's life miserable in the past. Donna doesn't know the full details, but she feels sure as she looks at her opponent that this is a stone-cold bitch she'll be pleased to beat and humiliate.

Ryoko is half-Japanese, with cruel features. She's thickly muscled, even more so than Katie. Larger and more defined all round. Donna can see how she would've given Katie a hard time.

Still, it seemed Katie had won, in the end.

"I hear you tried to challenge the loser bitch Katie, and lost," Ryoko says, smirking and rolling her eyes.

"The way I hear it, you were the loser bitch, and Katie made you one," Donna replies evenly, folding her arms across her lean, strong chest.

Ryoko's eyes flash. "She beat me, one time -- once! I made her my sex slave for an entire year! And I'll do the same to you, right now."

Donna laughs. "Take your best shot, bitch," she snaps, curling her right arm into a hard flex. Her biceps bulge, and her bifurcated peak emerges. "These are the guns that took Katie's down, just so you know," she says. "Think you can match them?"

Ryoko only smiles coldly in response and flexes her own impressive right arm. "It's not a big deal to outmuscle Katie's arms," she says. "I've done it many times."

Donna isn't intimidated. She's ex-military; she can do obstacle courses, crank out push-ups and pull-ups like a machine. She's taller, her limbs are longer. She can fight, too.

"Come on then," she says, putting up her arms in a boxing stance. She respects Katie, after their own private duel, and part of her wants to give this Ryoko a sound thrashing on Katie's behalf.

They start circling each other. Ryoko hunches over, her hard traps bulging with intimidating power. A punch from that thickly-muscled arm would probably hurt a lot. Donna decides to use her superior reach, so Ryoko can't land a punch.

She darts in close and out again, throwing out quick jabs and fast straights. Ryoko takes them all on her forearms, making a wall of flesh and bone in front of her face. Good defense, Donna thinks, as she tries to keep on the offensive. A few of her jabs get through, clipping Ryoko's face a little.

Ryoko begins to taunt her scathingly. "You punch like a weak little bunny, Donna! And Katie had trouble with you? Come on, is this really all you can do?"

Donna tries to keep her cool, but it's getting to her. No one's ever called her a weak boxer before. She realizes she's doing all the work here, dancing in a circle while Ryoko simply turns to face her.

She's keeping her guard high, Donna thinks. I'm taller after all... but if I go low...

She'll have to take the risk, she decides -- it will open her up a bit, but she has to try something. Ducking and swaying, she suddenly swoops in for a hard right uppercut.

It lands! There's the meaty thud of knuckles on flesh... but Ryoko doesn't budge an inch! Instead, she grins, and stands still, breathing hard.

"Come on," she says. "Again. Take your best shot."

Donna's knuckles throb a little -- those abs are hard! She remembers how she once busted a male sparring partner's pancreas by accident; that guy had been pretty tough. Surely Ryoko couldn't just shrug off her punch...!

She tries again, this time with a body blow. Again, Ryoko doesn't try to counter. Instead, the blow is absorbed again, and Ryoko looks basically unfazed. She smiles and shakes her head, slowly and mockingly... pityingly.

Baring her teeth in a feral snarl, Donna steps in and sends a barrage of punches into Ryoko's midsection, using a combination of body rips and uppercuts, not caring anymore about defense. She will not have Ryoko mocking her.

After what seems like an interminable time, Donna steps back, panting heavily sweat trickling down all over her body. Ryoko's pale skin shows the crimson marks of impact, but the hard, solid muscle of her midriff might as well be impenetrable brick, tougher than any sandbag Donna ever practiced on.

Her arms feel leaden now. She can no longer hold them up properly. Ryoko advances on her steadily. All she can do is stand firm, and tense her abs.

Ryoko sends three quick punches, two lefts and a right, into Donna's prepared belly.

"Ungh..." The air escapes from Donna's mouth. Her eyes widen slightly.

The smaller, stockier Ryoko begins pummeling Donna's abdomen. "Taste some real punches, bitch," Ryoko hisses.

A few hits land just beneath Donna's small breasts. Each strike on her ribs sends jarring pain throughout her body.

"Aargh... aahh... stop..." Donna falls back before Ryoko's onslaught. Her eyes water with pain. She clutches at her throbbing, hurting ribs and abdomen.

Obligingly, Ryoko stops and steps back, smirking. She strikes up a pose, flexing her veined arms. "Check out these guns, soldier bitch. Too big and strong for you to handle, huh?"

Donna tries to regain her composure. She can hardly believe how she's just been humiliated. If this had been a boxing match she'd have lost already. She's seriously underestimated her opponent.

"Hey, I heard Katie beat you in a good old-fashioned test of strength," Ryoko remarks almost nonchalantly. "Come on. Show me what you got."

Another contest which seems to favor Donna... but as they start to lace fingers, Donna realizes she isn't so sure of winning anymore. She'd dominated Katie, she remembers, but still ultimately lost. Ryoko feels... stronger... than Katie ever was.

Then just before they lock hands, Ryoko suddenly drops, dives for her leg and wraps her arms around it. A push on Donna's hips, and her world is upended. She lands hard, flat on her back -- a BJJ single-leg takedown!

Ryoko isn't just thickly muscled -- she's agile, skilled, and flexible as well, and she knows it. She grins to herself as she clambers over Donna's body. She'll make a statement, beat this lanky butch quickly and easily.

Donna's abdominal muscles crunch hard and her legs sweep up swiftly, snapping around Ryoko's torso in a guard position. She lifts her forearms to her face, anticipating punches to her face or head. Her abdominals tighten, to ward off any belly punches.

Ryoko doesn't punch; she grabs Donna's wrists. Her arm muscles bulge as she pulls.

So, Donna thinks, brute strength it is. She flexes her hips experimentally. No good -- too stable, Donna can't topple her. And Ryoko's waist is so strongly muscled that Donna can't squeeze her into submission.

The striations on Donna's shoulders sharpen as she resists Ryoko's attempt to break her guard with muscular power alone, arms against arms.

One minute passes, then two. The strain is growing. Donna feels the burning in her straining shoulders and arms. She grows worried -- Ryoko's strength seems inexhaustible. She can't think of how to reverse this situation. Her guard position isn't helping -- there's nothing to counter.

Then she groans -- her arms are slowly being levered to the sides. She can see the veins bulging on Ryoko's muscles. Her own veins are standing out too -- she's been flexing so long and hard. Now it's as if she's failing on the pec deck, and Ryoko is the machine overpowering her.

Ryoko laughs as she slowly spreads Donna's arms apart and presses her wrists against the mat. "You beat Katie with these muscles? She must be even weaker than I thought! And so are you!"

She yanks Donna's arms up above her head, pinning both in place with just her left hand. Then she raises her right arm and flexes, clenching her fist tightly. It bulges with manifest power.

"No..." Donna whispers, her eyes widening. She's wide open.

She barely tenses her abs in time for the first punch, and it winds her. Ryoko is going for her abs, not her face. Small mercies, but the punch is forceful. So much power generated even in this position!

Ryoko begins hammering Donna's sculpted, ridged but already battered abs with quick powerful strikes. Her muscular arm moves like a piston.

Donna's mouth opens soundlessly. The veins in her neck bulge. Her face turns red.

After a couple dozen punches, Ryoko stops, breathing hard. "Submit?"

Donna blinks the tears from her eyes and takes a shallow breath. "No," she gasps weakly. Her arm muscles strain, two of hers against Ryoko's one. But her body shakes with pain and she can't focus.

Ryoko resumes the battery of punches. Her fist pounds mercilessly into Donna's abdominal wall, wearing it down.

"No... no more..." Donna moans almost too softly to hear. Her eyes have glazed over. Drool trickles out one side of her mouth.

"Say it!"

"I... give up..."

Ryoko's won, with an overwhelmingly dominant display.

She grins evilly as she takes her prize, almost ripping Donna's panties to shreds. Then she stuffs them into Donna's mouth, gagging her.

And then the real post-match humiliation begins -- she mounts Donna, humping her missionary-style, so that she can gaze down at her defeated opponent, savoring the look of shame and submission in the larger woman's eyes as they grind clit against clit, pussy against pussy, until Donna shakes and moans with a forced climax.

Ryoko rises to her feet, standing tall over Donna, the juice of victory gleaming on her inner thighs. She looks up, straight at Katie, and points a finger, as if to say, "You're next!"

Katie crosses her arms and scowls silently.

Match #3: Jessie vs. Alice

Alice gives her friend Ryoko a high-five before stepping onto the mat. Her opponent, fittingly, is Katie's sister Jessie.

They are about the same height, but Alice has a slight weight advantage. Her shoulders are sculpted like a boxer's, and her physique is tight and lean, with low body fat.

Jessie, too, sports a toned, lithe physique. Her arm and leg muscles are hardened by her kickboxing training. This looks to be a fairly even matchup.

They both bring up their arms in fighting stances as they close the distance. Jessie begins confidently, throwing some hard jabs that smack against Alice's guard. Alice replies a few times with some right cross-counters that go wide -- Jessie's lithe waist lets her leans back out of range each time.

Feeling confident about her footwork and distancing, Jessie begins to throw out some kicks. Alice blocks a few side kicks with her shins, grunting as each blow lands. She starts advancing slowly, shuffling forward, keeping her guard up. Jessie finds herself stepping backwards bit by bit. She's not concerned yet -- there's plenty of space on the mat for her to circle around and maintain distance.

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