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Women's Studies Ch. 01


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"Such nice hair!" Luis said running his hands through my mane and moving it around looking at it from different angles. "What would you like for having today?" He said messing up a few words.

"An asymmetrical haircut. Keep the long side on her left three inches below her chin and have the right curl her jaw. Use daring angles. Layer the black underneath the blonde." Audrey stepped in taking charge. I wasn't sure what any of that meant but I was a little scared.

"Ooh, I like the sound of that!" He said excited.

"She is a rocker-girl at heart," Audrey said, looking at me in what I can only call affection. Then with a wicked grin, "Don't let her see it until it's finished. I want it to be a surprise."

Luis immediately got to work getting my hair wet and then he proceeded to cut it away in swaths. Watching my poor hair fall around me I prayed that my sister was right about this style. Having short hair would make my job even harder.

Eventually he slowed down only making the occasional trim between brushing it and I was getting nervous again. He finally brought out the blow dryer to get all the loose hair and grabbed some mousse to style it. When he finished, he turned me around and I didn't even recognize the girl in the mirror. My sister stared back at me from over my shoulder and I could tell she loved the expression on my face.

"This is amazing!" I said gushing. "It looks so cool and...and...Hot! I'm going to have so much fun with this hair cut!" I grinned feeling the itch for a little mischief.

"I am so glad you like!" Luis said helping me up. "I'll meet you in front un momento por favor."

I started walking to the front, but realizing Audrey wasn't with me I stopped and looked back. She was chatting with Luis and waved me on ahead. Giving her a moment, I got to the cashier and paid for my cut, leaving a nice tip for Luis for making me look beautiful. Just as I was done paying, and ready to leave, Audrey made her way to me with a big grin. As we left, she clung goofily to my arm saying, "I've got a secret!" over and over again.

We finally made it to the car before she would spill. After we got in, she immediately flipped on the AC and waited for it to cool off.

"That guy Luis, he couldn't even tell," Audrey beamed at me. "When I told him, he was floored with how amazing you look," she said.

"You told him what exactly?" I asked, scared now.

"That you were a girl that...had a lot to offer," Audrey said.

"You told him? What happened to not blowing my cover?" I said truly frightened now. "What if he tells people? What am I going to do?" I cried.

"Chill girl!" she said looking into my eyes. "He's gay. It's considered really bad form to out someone in the gay community. To him you're in the closet and you can stay there until you're ready to come out," she explained. "Oh, here. He told me to give you his number." She smiled with a knowing look in her eyes. "He said just in case you needed help with your, a friend to talk to...but what I really think he wants is to break him off a piece of that Lexi-Bar you keep hidden!" she said bursting out laughing.

I giggled a little nervously, not sure what I thought about that. "He really couldn't tell?"

"No, and he's the kind of guy who knows what to look for too. You know, thank God you have like zero Adam's apple." Putting the car in gear she pulled out of the parking lot. "All he really said was he thought you were my shy younger sister, and he thought it seemed like I was trying to give you a makeover to help you open up more."

I tried to think about all of this. From the way my sister acted, this was huge. I admit it felt good knowing that I had genuinely fooled someone who spent an hour right next to me talking to me and looking at me from every angle. Maybe I really could pull this off. With that thought I got a little boost to my confidence and started seeing how fun this could be.

"Let's go shopping!" I said with a huge smile for my sister.

"Woohoo! That's my girl!" Audrey exclaimed.


The mall we found had a fairly decent amount of traffic for a Thursday afternoon. We lucked out with finding a parking spot only ten spaces from the door. The dress had a very nice cooling effect on me, but by the time we reached the doors we were still glistening with sweat. At least I wouldn't need to actively work on my tan here. Once inside we instantly hit a wall of cool air that felt refreshing. Passing through the food court we hit the main concourse and picked a direction at random. We weren't really in a rush, having no other plans until dancing tonight.

"Where do you want to go first?" I asked, feeling a little giddy. I had just noticed after about fifteen minutes of casually walking the concourse that all of these guys weren't just staring at Audrey. I could feel their eyes on me as well. It wasn't just the guys either. There were girls watching us too with looks of appraisal or jealousy. It was an addictive high. Feeding off of this newfound positive attention, I started to loosen up more, letting my hips sway even more while I walked along in my cute heels.

"Victoria's Secret! You need more undies and some things to wear when you're sleeping or spending the night in," Audrey replied.

Strolling into the store, we were greeted and asked if we needed help, but Audrey insisted that she knew what we were looking for. We started off with the casual wear and after five pairs of sweat pants that excellently showed off my ass, along with sports bras to match a number of combinations, we slipped back over to the lingerie where Audrey passed me more pairs of underwear, in almost every different type. Everything but thongs and the bras that didn't fully cover my breasts. When the cashier rang it up, I almost had a heart attack. I didn't know underwear could cost so much. I grabbed Audrey's arm, but she didn't even hesitate to hand over her credit card.

"You can't spend this much money on me!" I pleaded. She had already bought so much for me as it was.

While we were leaving, she lowered her voice. "I told you that if I could afford to help pay for your schooling I would. I meant that. This is me helping to pay for your education," she said flatly. "You've been so brave stepping up like this. I know this can't be easy for you, but I'm proud of you!" she said tears welling up in her eyes. "Now let's have some more fun before I ruin my makeup," she said, dabbing at her eyes.

"I don't know about you, but I'm hungry," I said, feeling my stomach growl. "Let's grab some food. My treat," I offered.

We ate slowly, chit-chatting, and watching the people as they walked by. Several men eyed us with interest as they passed, but I was only half paying attention to them. There were a lot of beautiful women here as well. I felt kind of sad realizing how hard it would be to date while pretending to be a girl. Audrey noticed my gloomier expression and dutifully began to pry.

"What's wrong?" she asked. "You seem sad all of a sudden."

"How am I supposed to date like this?" I whispered. "I can't let anyone know about me or my secret could get out. I guess it still would have been some work, trying to find a date with someone as a guy, but this will be impossible," I said resigned. "I was kind of hoping know..."

"Have sex?" my sister offered.

"Well yeah."

"I'm not going to lie, actually having intercourse is going to be a little tough, but you can still have some fun," she winked

"As a girl I won't even be able to get other girls to look at me like that," I shot back a little snappy.

"You would be surprised," she mused. "You are a beautiful woman and some girls find that intimidating. With the right moves you can sweep them off their feet before they even realize that they're not gay."

"I don't know. I just can't see that happening," I said

Audrey just shrugged and said. "Trust me. Just sit back and reap the benefits of my sexual wisdom."

The rest of the afternoon, Audrey took me from shop to shop making me feel like Cinderella. There were so many dresses and skirts to try on, it was amazing. She had insisted on no pants because it would be harder to hide my junk in them while I was just starting off. Skirts and dresses just had more room to conceal an accidental bulge if one happened by. We found several tops to go with my skirts and she was teaching me what would go with what, giving me options for dressing myself.

Next, we raided the shoe department, where Audrey showed me how to find great looking non-designer shoes. And because no girl would ever have just one pair of shoes, we ended up with six pairs, and had to ditch the boxes just to be able to carry all of them. Let's not forget the accessories! Oh my, the accessories! Belts, necklaces and bracelets! So many different styles of each. She even took me to get my ears pierced as a surprise. Two on the lobe of my left ear, two on the right and the last high up on the cartilage, finally completing my look. It was painful, but after seeing it for myself, I had to agree that it was worth it.

After my ears, we spent some time just walking around, killing time before we could go dancing. We had made a trip out to the car to stow our numerous bags, so with only our purses we walked around talking and laughing, my sister helping me become comfortable with being out and about in my new Lexi-self. We were window shopping more shoes when my sister leaned in and grabbed my arm gently.

"Don't turn around, but you have an audience," she said keeping her voice down.

"What?" I asked surprised.

"Look at the reflection in the mirror, the girl in the yellow dress with the great body and long dark hair."

I looked into the windows reflection and saw the girl. She was really very pretty, and I felt a tingle run through my body.

"You should go talk to her!" my sister said a little excited for me.

"I don't know. She's way out of my league," I said.

"No..." Audrey replied, "She is out of Alex's league. Lexi on the other hand, is out of her league."

"I don't even know what to say to her," I said.

"Start with girl talk. Say that you like her dress and compliment her. She's a girl, she will help carry the conversation, and after a minute or so you pounce."

"Pounce?" I asked, not sure if I understood what she meant.

"Yeah, pounce." She got back her wicked grin. "Stay quiet for a couple seconds and look into her eyes, then touch her face and tell her she is beautiful. And slowly just lean in. If you do it right, she'll do the rest."

I wasn't sure about this, but I was still floating on my shopping high, so I thought what the hell.

"Go get her, tiger," she said, bumping my shoulder with hers.

I turned around to look behind me and casually spotted her and started to walk over with my hips swaying a little more than necessary. My heart was pounding so hard I was afraid this beautiful girl would be able to hear it. She looked behind her casually, then looked back at me as I approached her. Her beautiful face held an odd expression of confusion mixed with delight.

"That is a beautiful dress!" I said looking her over with approval. "It looks good on you. Where did you get it?"

"Oh, thank you! I got it at Zappos online. I saw it and just had to have it. You know how that is," she said, blushing slightly. "I'm Janice."

"I'm Lexi," I replied, hiding my relief that she didn't just dismiss me out of hand. "I definitely know what you mean about seeing something you have to have. I just moved to town and spent the last six hours replacing almost my entire wardrobe."

"Awe, what happened," she said, sounding genuinely interested.

"Problems with the movers I hired," I made up.

There was a silence building and I knew this was the moment Audrey told me about. My heart was racing. I was looking into her eyes trying to feel the moment. I stepped forward carefully and raised my hand slowly trying not to spook her, almost like a deer. Once my hand touched her cheek, I softly caressed her skin.

"You really are beautiful," I whispered softly, holding her eyes with my own, making sure I didn't break the spell. I slid my thumb to her jaw line and slowly tilted her head up as I leaned forward a bit. I held myself an inch from her face staring into her eyes, breathing her in. My desire barely being held back. My skin felt electric. I had never had anything near this effect with women. Not only did she let me talk to her, a stranger, but here I stood an inch from her mouth, watching her eyes slip from confused to hungry. She leaned in, closing her eyes, and pressed her lips to mine.

Janice's lips were plump and soft, molding themselves perfectly with mine. Together, our soft kiss lingered, and after a moment I slid the very tip of my tongue forward, brushing it across her lips, pleading her to open them for me. My hand still on her cheek, I caressed her skin, sliding my hand around to hold the back of her head and neck. Once my fingers tangled into her long dark curls, she parted her lips, sending her tongue out to meet mine. It was divine. I finally moved my other hand to her waist and our kiss grew more passionate as I slid it up to just below her breast. We were both breathing heavily into each other's mouths, and I was getting lightheaded from the lack of oxygen.

One moment I was lost in bliss, and the next I could feel my cock straining against the tape and fabric of my panties. Realizing I was in a bad spot, risking my erection hitting her leg and all, I pulled away from the kiss. Her eyes still closed, she leaned forward trying to keep my lips on hers. She opened her eyes, her face completely flushed.

"Woah. That," she said, trying to catch her breath.

"And amazing," I grinned, biting my lower lip. I looked into her eyes gathering my thoughts. "Like I said, I'm new in town. Maybe you could give me your number and we could get a drink sometime. Maybe you could show me the sights," I said, casually looking down to her body that I was still holding on to.

Her blush deepened, but so did her bashful smile. "I would like that."

After putting her number into my phone, I gave her one more kiss, barely a brush on the lips to tease her. "I should be getting back to my sister. It was very nice meeting you Janice," I said softly, caressing her name with my mouth.

"It was nice meeting you too...Lexi" she said, blushing again.

As I turned to go, I noticed we had attracted a little bit of a crowd. There were several men and a couple of women staring. The men had well-hidden but noticeable bulges in their pants. I couldn't help but smile at that.

"That was unbelievably hot!" Audrey said when I got back to her. "I'm so jealous!" she added grabbing my arm and pulling me away down the concourse.

"How long were we kissing?" I asked, not really being able to recall.

"I don't know. Once your lips touched I kinda spaced out watching it. Jeez Lexi, my panties are soaked just from watching that. I wonder how that poor girl is doing," she mused, smiling at me.

I was blushing hard again, "So I did good?"

"Better than I ever did," she said proudly. "That poor girl, you've ruined her you know. There she was, this completely hetero beauty, and now...Now all she's going to want to do is eat pussy like it's her last meal." We laughed together over that.

"I need to stop at the bathroom before we leave," I said once the giggles died down.

"You need to pee?"

"That, and I popped the tape when I was kissing her," I admitted.

"So that's why you pulled away," she realized. "I thought you were teasing her. You know, always leave them wanting more?"

"It really was that good, huh?" I asked

"Put it this way. I'm borrowing a pair of your panties that we just bought. Mine are soaked."

When we were reaching the bathrooms, something hit me. "Um, Dreya? What bathroom do I use?" I had never even thought about how to use a bathroom in public. I was technically a guy, but if I went through with this, which was looking more and more likely, I was going to be a girl for a few years.

"Lexi, sweetie, you're a girl. You use the girls' room," she said sweetly.

"Are you sure? It kind of feels wrong."

"I'm sure. Just don't perv on the girls. Do your business and leave," she advised. "Oh, here! Use the family restroom. Take care of business and let me know when you're done so I can come in and help tape you back up," she offered.

The tape had most definitely come loose when I was kissing Janice. I was in the roomy bathroom with my black ruffled panties down around my knees and my red dress pulled up. It was such a relief letting myself hang free again. I looked a little funny in the mirror, in my dress and standing up while peeing. I would have to remember to do it sitting down from now on. When I was shaking the last drops free, my phone buzzed in my clutch. It was a text from my sister.

~We are going dancing after this. Make sure to take care of yourself, or you'll never stay in those panties with all the rubbing on the dance floor~

Our sibling relationship sure had changed in the last week. It felt only a little weird receiving a reminder to masturbate from my sister, but only a little. I dutifully obeyed. There would be some rubbing going on while we were dancing, and I definitely didn't want to make a scene by coming loose. Thinking back to my erotic kiss with Janice minutes ago was enough to get me going again and I made quick work of my erection into some tissue.

Casually tucking my now shrinking cock into my panties, I let my dress down and unlocked the door for my sister. She must have heard the lock, because before I could open the door for her she was hurrying inside, closing and locking the door behind her.

Alone with me in the bathroom, Audrey was blushing, but only slightly. Focusing on the job at hand, she knelt down in front of me and we got to work pushing my testicles into my pelvis and tucking my flaccid penis between my legs before taping it all in place. Having just came moments ago, it was easy to stay soft while we worked, despite conjured images of my sister blowing me flashing through my head. The work-like way we went about our task helped too.

With my member now well hidden, and my panties and dress in place, we both touched up our makeup in the mirror. It felt kind of nice. We looked just like two girls, two sisters, sharing a bathroom and doing our makeup. She did hers flawlessly and then turned to help me perfect mine again, giving me more tips as she worked.

Things got a little weird again while I was putting my makeup back into my clutch. Audrey reached under her white dress and slipped off her white thong. Instantly the room smelled like sex and I felt a little blood flow move to my cock. I had to turn away and concentrate on keeping myself from reverting back to a rock-like state. I wasn't sure if I could recover this fast from just having cum, but after all of our hard work I didn't want to risk it.

"I told you I was soaked," she giggled. I could hear her using some tissue to clean herself. It only took a few moments for her to finish up. "All done. Let's go dancing!" she said. Turning around, I saw her tucking her thong into her purse.

Both of us now situated, we left the bathroom together. We received a weird look from an elderly lady about that, but we didn't even really notice, or care.

Evening was falling as we were walking to my car. Once settled inside, Audrey searched through the Victoria's Secret bags until she found a pair of underwear, and in no time, she was sliding the pink silk affair up her legs and into place. "I told you I was borrowing some," she smiled. "There is no way I'm going dancing without any underwear. The last time that happened my thighs were a wet mess," she chuckled, remembering the experience.

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