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Working at a Hucow Farm Ch. 04

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The daughter of a hucow finds her place in the world.
12k words

Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 05/02/2024
Created 08/01/2020
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I pulled my cardigan tighter around me as I walked down the road in the newly constructed housing estate. The sun hung low in the sky as the evening chill rose up. The wind cut into me, unimpeded by the frames of houses.

Only a few were being worked on. The builders of others had already headed home for the day. Up ahead I could hear voices calling to each other.

A small radio blared music across the worksite as the builders carried planks of timber around. Their muscles bulged along their backs as they carried such heavy amounts. My eyes lingered on them for longer than I wanted to admit. I was here for something else.


A sandy haired guy sitting on a pile of bricks spun around at my voice. He wasn't wearing his shirt either despite how cool the afternoon was getting.

I put my hands on my hips. "Do some work, you lazy bum."

He gave me a big, dumb grin.

"These guys have it covered."

A whistle came from the rafter frame of the house. Another muscly guy peered down at me.

"Hi Amber!"

I gave him a small wave before pulling my cardigan around me again and folding my arms over my breasts.

"Hi, Steve."

"Aw, don't hide them like that. They need to breath."

I rolled my eyes, hiding a smile, and turned my attention back to my brother.

"So were you free tonight for... you know, the trip?"

He chuckled at my awkwardness.

"You don't have to keep it a secret, Amber. I already told them we were going to find mum."

I felt myself shrink in my shoes. I avoided looking at the other guys. Surely they already knew, but without confirmation it was always something I could ignore and pretend wasn't true.

Barney seemed to notice my awkwardness.

"Dude, most of the guys here are cow children."

One of the muscular builders walked back past us to grab more timber.

"Yep. We're built for this kind of thing. Most of the industry is made up of guys who came from hucows. Only Jeremy over there isn't."

He hefted the plank of wood onto his broad shoulder and headed into the house. All of the guys were tall and built like rugby players. Some passed down genes from their bull fathers.

I looked down at the large mounds in my cardigan. Obviously everyone would know just by looking at me. I relaxed my arms and let my cardigan spill open to reveal my e-cup tits straining against my shirt. Passed down genes. My mother was a hucow.

I had gotten them early too. Around grade seven I was already a c-cup. Just a few years later I was already an E. The other girls mocked me for having such large tits and the guys always hit on me. All throughout school I felt like I never fit in. With the normal kids, I was some big-titted cow, but if I hung out with my younger brother's friends, they would hit on me like hyper-sexed morons.

They say that cow children have lower intelligence than the rest of society. The stuff they give people to turn them into hucows and bulls is pretty strong. Strong enough to alter their genes and give their kids big tits and masculine bodies. It seemed likely that they passed on some of their low intelligence too.

I was never sure if it just affected the guys more, or if I was just on the smarter end. I never felt like I was some idiot. I had struggled in school a bit, but I also had crappy teachers who never explained things well enough. I could count the times I had a good teacher on one hand, and that was just my sex ed teacher. That class was easy. But next to Barney, I was a genius. I had spent many nights at the orphanage helping him with his homework.

I had dropped out of school and began working when I was seventeen. First at a fast food place, where the manager insisted on putting me on the register. Then as a receptionist that didn't last very long.

Barney wasn't far behind me. He dropped out of school a year later and got a job at this construction company. It always brought a smile to my face to see how much he loved it here. I just had to find my place in the world.

Barney stood up from the pile of bricks and dusted his pants down.

"Don't think we'll be finished in time tonight. How about tomorrow."

"I can wait around if you want."

"Nah. You'll just distract the guys and we've got a lot left."

He gave my curly hair a tussle with his big hands.

"Fine. I'll message you tomorrow."

"I'll make sure we're done early. Promise."

He picked up a plank of timber before shooting me a wink. As I left he shouted one last thing.

"Oh yeah, you coming to Steve's party this weekend?"



He hefted the timber inside as a drill rang out across the lot.

I covered my ears and headed back up the street to the bus stop.


I stared out the bus window as it drove through the city. The sun had dipped low enough below the mountains to paint the sky in purples and oranges. The street lights twinkled beneath as they came on.

I adjusted the bra strap over my shoulder. I couldn't wait to get home and take this thing off. It was digging in.

The bus came to a stop and I got up to exit.

The cold night air greeted me as I stepped onto the sidewalk. I pulled my cardigan closed once more. My breasts still made large mounds in the fabric even through this many layers.

I climbed the steps to the library and entered the warmth within. The din of the city muffled behind me as I closed the door, replaced instead with the musky quiet of the library. I gave the librarian at the desk a wave and headed through the shelves. I grabbed a couple of books and threw my things down at one of the study tables.

I flipped the first one open to where I last left off and began reading over it. I opened a notebook beside me and began to take notes if something seemed important. The minutes crept by as I worked in silence. I brought up a mock exam on my phone and used it as a reference of what to read up on.

I had given up on high school, but now I wanted to try again. If I could pass the entrance exam, then I could get into university and begin working toward a job that I loved.

I chewed on the end of my pen, looking between the few notes that I had made and the mock exam on my phone. I would have to try harder than this. There was a long road ahead of me, but I was determined to succeed.

The hours crept by. My mock exam score still hadn't improved enough. But that was fine. I'd come back tomorrow and keep studying. Then I'd do the same the day after. And the day after.

I stretched and packed up my things before heading back out into the chilly night.

Half an hour later, I was home. I dropped my bag onto the floor of my apartment and headed straight for the shower. I was starving, but that could wait. I felt dirty from the work site and the bus.

It was a relief to get my bra off. My clothes piled up on the bathroom floor before my large bra joined them. I looked at myself in the mirror. The bra had left an indentation on my breasts where it dug in. My breasts hung in a tear drop shape with big areolas. I had never been an incredibly slender girl, but outside of a little belly chub, I still had a defined waist. Although my big hips were probably the main reason for that.

I tied my long, curly hair into a bun before stepping into the shower. The hot water was wonderful when it finally hit my skin. I could feel it prick up as the water washed over me like I was getting the best massage imaginable. My nipples hardened as the hot water sprayed over my breasts; cascading down their curve. My nipples were pretty big when they got hard. Maybe another passed down gene. I knew how big hucow's teats were.

We had gone on a school excursion to a hucow farm once. It was the first time that I had seen them up close. It was kind of surreal to think that I had come from a place like that. I didn't even know if the hucow that birthed me was there or at some other farm. Well, I didn't know at the time, but now I knew that she was at another farm just out of the city. I had tracked her down. Though at the time I had looked at some of the pregnant hucows, being milked on their hands and knees, and wondered if they were pregnant with another one of my siblings.

I had no idea how many siblings I might have. The hucow who birthed me was definitely breeding stock. However, I only had any contact with a few of them, Barney being one. There were a few younger brothers and sisters of mine at the orphanage, but Barney and I were closer, having been the oldest. The rest of my siblings must have gone to other orphanages as I had never met them but I knew they were out there. All cow children are part of a long string of siblings as their hucow mother is bred again and again.

I rotated around under the shower, letting the hot water hit every part of me. My fingers traced over my hard nipples before following the warm feeling down to my pussy lips. I was in the mood for some fun after such a long night.

There was one thing about cow children that was spot on. We were all apparently nymphomaniacs. I loved having sex. Maybe it was the same amount as everyone else, but it felt like more. If I could skip my exam and just fuck my way into university, I would, but that unfortunately wasn't an option.

I let my fingers sink into my pussy before reluctantly stopping. I turned the shower off and wrapped the towel around myself. If I was going to masturbate, then I wanted my vibrator.

I stepped out of the shower and snuck back into my room, still dripping.


I sat on the bus the afternoon of the next day. Barney sat next to me as I stared out the window.

"Check her out."

He elbowed me and pointed to a buxom girl getting off. Her tits were huge and her outfit demanded you not ignore that fact. She had to be an F or H cup. Bigger than me at least. Definitely a cow child. I couldn't imagine having tits even bigger than mine.

Barney's eyes followed her out of the bus. "Damn, she's hot. I'd like to take her home."

I went back to looking out the window at the people flying by. While I felt like I kept my cow child sex drive private, Barney was far more forward in his desires. There had been countless times that he had snuck a big-titted daughter of a hucow into the orphanage and gone at it with her. The amount of times that I had walked in and seen some girl's bare tits or other sights that I'd rather forget were countless. Worse still, it made me more self-conscious about my large areolas. So many of the bimbos he brought back to fuck had nice tiny ones.

The bus drove through the city past block after block until the buildings began to thin. I must have dozed off at some point as I woke to Barney shaking my shoulder.

"We're here. C'mon, let's get off."

I hurriedly patted my curly hair down and jumped to my feet. The men around me stared as my breasts bounced beneath my shirt. We both climbed off the bus into the carpark of a large building. A big sign reading 'Sunnydale Hucow Farms' adorned the side. My face flushed at everyone on the bus seeing us get off here. I adjusted my bag strap.

"Ready for this?"

Barney took my hand in response and led me inside.

It was nice and warm in here. A cheery receptionist greeted us.

"Hiya! Are ya here for business or to sign up?"

She eyed my bust as she said the final part. I crossed my arms over my chest and hid behind Barney. He stepped up to the desk.

"We're here to see our mum."

"Oh! Do ya know her number?"

Barney stared at her with a confused look before turning to me.

"Yes, I have it. Hang on."

I dug around in my bag before producing a piece of paper with a number scrawled on it.

"Uh... 1375."

The receptionist typed into her computer.

"Okay, she's down in pen 40. Would ya like me to have someone take ya down there?"

"No thanks. We'll be fine."

She gave us a smile.

"Okay! It's always so wonderful to see the offspring of our hucows all grown up. I hope the two of ya have a fun visit."

We both headed through the doorway toward the pens. Her words had brought back some of the surreal feelings from the school excursion. Barney didn't seem as disturbed.


We stepped out of the hallway onto a balcony overlooking a large room full of countless pens that stretched out before us. It was even warmer in here. Barney leaned over the rail to peer down at the hucows below. Some were being milked, some were laying in their hay. Others were being much more intimate with themselves. Each one had breasts that put even the girl on the bus to shame. They spilled out over the hay around them like small beanbags attached to their chests.

"Come on, this way."

I practically dragged Barney over to the stairs that led down. We walked along the aisles of pens, looking at the numbers. It stunk of sex and milk down here. Though as much as I didn't want to admit it, the aroma was having an effect on me. Especially when we walked past a pen that clearly had the sound of a bull and hucow mating inside.

We found the right aisle and searched down it until we found number 40.

"Here she is."

I stood frozen in my spot. This was it. I didn't know what to expect, but even after coming all this way, I wasn't sure if I wanted to see it through. My brain was telling me to leave and not look back.

Barney took the initiative and stepped up onto the bench beside the pen's wall to peer over.

"Ha! You kind of look like her."


The trepidation from before faded into curiosity and I jumped up onto the bench to peer over on my tip-toes.

Below us in the pen lay a heavily pregnant hucow in her 40s. A tag hung from her ear with her number on it. Like all the other hucows, her tits were massive, but to my surprise she had the same curly brown hair as I did.


I just stared down at her, feeling a connection that I had never experienced before. Even her areolas looked the same as mine.

She woke from her dozing and stretched. She bumped her pregnant belly and explored it with her hand. Suddenly, the moment I was having was shattered as I realised that she was pregnant with another one of our siblings. I shuddered to think that she had been bred months ago by a bull I'd never know. After she gave birth she'd be bred again with another sibling for me.

It was such a shamelessly primal life. She was used as nothing more than a breeding hole and milking livestock. As I watched her, her hand slipped between her legs and rubbed her puffy pussy. I couldn't help but notice how loose it looked after two decades of breeding. A shiver ran up me.

I turned away and crossed my arms over my breasts, only to be reminded of how much her breasts looked like mine. Just a lot bigger.

"Come on, let's go. We saw her."

"But shouldn't we go inside and see her? We came all this way. She's our mum."

"She's barely even our mum. She's just some dumb hucow who got bred and gave birth to us. She doesn't care."

It had always hated that I came from a breeding hucow. Other children came from loving families and parents who wanted them. I was the product of a horny bull let loose on a fertile hucow who just needed to be bred for the year for her owners. It was the same for the baby in her belly right now. Her breeding was scheduled into the farm's rotation. Her cunt was on the list for the day.

He hopped down from the bench.


I led the way back out. The rows of hucow pens seemed more of an annoyance as I left. I had a constant loop of 'shut up' in my mind at every moan or slapping of hips.

As we headed back to the entrance, the receptionist called out to us again.

"Thank you for your visit. Here, take one of these with ya."

I curiously looked at it, only to be repulsed. It was a pamphlet targeted at cow children, encouraging them to become hucows and bulls like their parentage.

"No thanks."

"Many cow children find a purpose in becoming hucows like their breeding mothers."

Barney however, took it and began flipping through.

"Dude! Titty porn!"

The receptionist gave a laugh and waved us goodbye.

Once we were outside, I turned to Barney.

"Why did you take that? Throw it away."

"But look at some of these hucows. They're fucking hot!"

"What are you thinking of signing up or something?"

"Nah. Just going to beat my meat to some of these girls when I get home."


We waited at the bus stop for the ride back into the city. As it appeared over the hill, Barney thrust the pamphlet at me.

"Here. Can you put this in your bag?"

I was about to object, but then realised I'd have to sit next to him with a hucow pamphlet. Me and my big cow tits.


I stuffed it into my bag and we both got on the bus.

Half an hour later we were back in the city and I was waving to Barney as he got off the bus, checking out a girl in front of him. Several minutes later, I was at my own apartment. I closed the door and pulled my bra off from under my top. Relieved to let my girls hang free, I sat down and unpacked my bag.


Barney's damn pamphlet was still in here. I had forgotten to give it back to him. I flicked to the first page. There was a before and after shot of a woman with hucow parentage. Before she was wearing a bikini with D cup tits, then in the after shot she was on her hands and knees naked with massive, pooling tits beneath her. Directly below it was a picture of another hucow also with huge tits, though a little smaller. They didn't pool on the ground beneath her like the other one. The caption described how cow children developed bigger breasts from the hucow serum and could therefore produce more milk.

I rolled my eyes and tossed the pamphlet into the bin. Imagine that being a selling point that convinced you to become a hucow.


I sat in the library once more, tapping my pen against my book. Rather than studying I was staring off into space.

A woman shot me a dirty look and I jumped, realising how much noise I was making. I mouthed a sorry to her, but I don't think she saw. I instead buried my red face back into my book.

I hadn't felt right since our trip to the hucow farm. A lot had come back to me of my school excursion to a hucow farm. The smells and sounds of so many women being milked and bred. At the time I had found it so hot and had masturbated that night beneath the bedsheets in the orphanage to the thought of it.

I had refused to let myself masturbate after our recent trip. I denied myself the whole night, despite how horny I got. The moment I woke up the next morning I used my vibrator to bring myself to a powerful orgasm. If anything, I did more harm than good by denying myself.

Now thoughts of all those hucows being bred filled my head. And more specifically the image of mum, pregnant with big hucow tits. Her hair and areolas were so much like mine, it was hard not to imagine myself looking like that. I was her daughter. The daughter of a hucow. They had that pamphlet for a reason. I knew of a few cow children from school who ended up becoming hucows like their mothers. That's what the receptionist said. My nymphomaniac genes told me to fuck all the time. It told all those big-titted sluts who went through Barney's bed to fuck too. Was it the destiny of every daughter of a hucow to become one herself eventually?

I shook my head to clear it.

I tried to study once more, but I was too distracted. Nothing stuck.

I closed the book and put it back on the shelf. As I left the aisle, I noticed a section of hucow books to my right. I groaned and turned away from them, picking up my bag and leaving the library. Why were reminders everywhere?


With nowhere else in mind to go, I headed back out to the housing estate being constructed.

There were more builders around at this time of day. Rex, Barney's friend on the worksite, had been right. Most of the builders were wide and muscular, likely cow children. For a brief moment, a thought popped into my head. If I was a hucow and had a son, he'd look as handsome as most of these guys. As quickly as the thought formed, it was gone, leaving me with a confusing feeling.

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